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A Family Worth Fighting For (The Worthy Series Book 3)

Page 17

by S. M. Smith

  “I want to thank all of you for being here. Five months ago, Jessie and I made a drastic decision to veer away from a very grueling and heart-wrenching routine of fertility treatments that just seemed to bring us down. We needed a change and when we decided to take this seemingly random mission trip to Haiti, we had no clue the things God had in store for us.

  “But each and every one of you have supported us, regardless of how crazy the sacrifices, the consequences, or outcome have seemed to be. The fact that you are all here tonight, open hearts and minds, means so much to us. We couldn’t be blessed with a better support system. You all are like family to us and know that our sweet Elsie is loved beyond measure. Thank you for being here for us throughout everything, and for being here now.”

  I hold up my glass and toast our group. Elsie finds this moment to demonstrate her fine motor skills and starts clapping and flashing the only smile that rivals Jessie’s, sending the whole room into a frenzy over her little trick. She holds a proud smile as she keeps clapping while everyone ooh’s and ahh’s over her. Eventually, a big yawn causes her to stop, effectively signaling the masses it’s time for them to hit the road. Elsie fights sleep while everyone says their slow goodbyes, but as she starts getting fussier and fussier, the last stragglers pick up the pace. It’s not long before it’s just us and our parents left.

  “I’m going to go put her jammies on her. Would you make her a bottle?” Jessie asks me.

  “I’ll get the bottle,” Mom speaks up. I’m glad she does because I’m not yet ready to let Elsie out of my sight. I think Jessie senses that when I follow her into the nursery.

  “You know, you’re going to have to leave her alone sometime.” Jessie lays Elsie down on the changing table and pulls a fresh diaper off the stack beside her. I pick out a pair of pink footed pajamas with a cupcake on the chest and grab the bottle of lotion.

  Jessie’s strapping the clean diaper onto a naked baby when I return to her side. Elsie reaches her tiny arms above her head and sticks her chunky legs out, stretching herself out to her full length while yawning. Everything this little miracle does holds me captive and I suddenly wonder how I’m ever going to get anything done now. I watch as Jessie effortlessly moisturizes and dresses the pudgy little lady. When she’s all done, Jessie hands Elsie to me so she can put all the bedtime supplies away.

  We walk back out to find our parents patiently, but exhaustedly awaiting us on the couch. Mom hands Elsie her bottle and she leans back against my chest, going to town on her bedtime snack. She and I settle into my favorite spot on the loveseat.

  “You guys don’t have to stick around any longer tonight.” I feel bad we don’t have the room to host our parents here tonight, but they don’t seem to mind. They’ve booked a couple of rooms not far from here and will no doubt be here first thing in the morning. “Go get some rest. We can handle it from here.”

  “Are you sure I can’t make you anything to eat?” Mom asks, starting to get up.

  “No, Janine. You’ve done so much for us already. Thank you, though,” Jessie tells her from the kitchen.

  “It’s been my pleasure.” Mom looks affectionately to Elsie. “She’s just…”

  “There aren’t words,” Dad finishes her sentence, a goofy grin plastered over his face. Jack is rocking a similar look and I’m again overwhelmed by the love of our family.

  All three parents stand together and start with their own goodbyes. Kisses are placed on each of my, Jessie’s and Elsie’s foreheads, and promises to return in the morning are made. Before I know it, it’s just the three of us left together for the first time in our home.

  “Baby, come sit. It’s been a long day,” I call to a bustling Jessie. I can’t see what she’s doing, but I hear the fridge open and close a couple of times and the rustling of a trash bag. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m so tired that I’m afraid that if I sit, I’ll fall asleep.”

  “We can go to bed in a minute. Come sit with me.”

  She comes back into the living room and curls up next to me, pulling her legs underneath her, laying her head on my chest and placing a hand on our snoozing baby girl. She sighs and smiles at the sleeping baby opposite her. Less than a minute later, Jessie’s breathing slows and when I finally pull my eyes away from Elsie, I see that Jessie wasn’t wrong. She’s sleeping peacefully on my chest, arm pulled around my waist with her hand on Elsie’s leg.

  God, I don’t know that I’ve ever been worthy of the many blessings you’ve given me, but what can I say but…thank you.



  “Elsie. Elsie, honey, wake up.”

  I pull my blankie up over my eyes. I just want to spend two more minutes with Tinker Bell. In my dream, she came to my birthday party and gave us all Pixie dust so that we could fly. Nana Janine didn’t like us flying, but Papa Mark said it was so very fun.

  Aunt Daphne is shaking me again. Why is Aunt Daphne waking me up? Why isn’t my mommy here?

  “Elsie. Honey, it’s time to get up. I have a surprise for you.”

  A surprise?? “What is it?” I rub the sleepy out of my eyes because Aunt Daphne looks all fuzzy.

  “There is someone you have been waiting a really long time to meet. He’s now waiting for you.”

  “HE’S HERE?!?!” I open my eyes wide and Aunt Daphne doesn’t look so funny anymore. OH! OH! OH! He’s finally here!!!

  “He sure is. Will you get up now, sleepyhead?” Aunt Daphne puts her hands on her hips and I know she’s being very serious.

  “Yay!!! HE’S HERE!!!” I jump out of bed and run over to the shirt that Mommy set out for me the other day. I take my jammies off super fast and put on my very special shirt without Aunt Daphne telling me to. She giggles at me. She thinks I’m adorable. She tells me that like every day.

  She braids my hair into piggy tails and puts the sparkly headband with my special bow that matches my special shirt in my hair to keep my loosies out of my eyes. Aunt Daphne wants to race me down the stairs, and I win by jumping off the last two steps. And I didn’t even fall on my hands. That makes me smile.

  “Gotta eat your breakfast. You need to keep growin’ big and strong.” Aunt Daphne hands me my Go-Gurt. I looooove Go-Gurt. It’s so yummy. When I’m done, I run back upstairs to brush my teeth. I want him to think my smile is so pretty.

  “Hey, pretty lady, are you ready yet?” Aunt Daphne yells up the stairs. I run back to my room super fast. I don’t want to forget the present I made for him. I hope he likes it.

  “Are my teeth shiny?” I ask, showing her because I want to make sure he thinks my teeth are shiny.

  “Ooo. Very shiny. Now remember, we are going to the hospital,” Aunt Daphne says as she opens the door to the car. I climb in and she buckles me into my car seat.

  “I know. Mommy told me the other day. She promised that I wouldn’t need to get poked when we go. Did he need to get poked?” The doctor has to check my blood every once in a while. He says that I can get very sick if he doesn’t, so I try to be a big girl. But those needles are really scary and kind of hurt.

  “I don’t know, honey. We can ask when we get there.”

  “Mommy said I didn’t have to do that til my next birthday. Aunt Daphne, do you think Tinker Bell will come to my birthday party?”

  She laughs at me because I don’t think she thinks Tinker Bell is real, but I know she is.

  “You just had a birthday party, silly girl.”

  “I know, but in my dream, Tinker Bell came and gave us all Pixie dust and we all got to fly. Nana Janine didn’t like us flying though.”

  Aunt Daphne snorts like a piggy. It’s really funny. “Yeah, I don’t think your Nana Janine would like to fly either. But I think that Tinker Bell would love to come to your birthday party.”

  I smile real big. Aunt Daphne looks just like Rosseta, I think, and kinda sounds like her too. “Aunt Daphne, do you think he’ll like Tinker Bell too?”

  She smiles and looks at me in th
e tiny mirror. “Who doesn’t like Tinker Bell? She’s the funnest and so much prettier than all the princesses. Plus she can fly!”

  She turns her car into the hospital and I feel a little funny and my heart starts to beat a little faster. Aunt Daphne helps me out of my seat after she finds a spot close to the door to park the car. Daddy would say this is a good spot. I think so too.

  “It’s okay, honey. The hospital isn’t always scary. Today, it’s gonna be fun.” She lets me hold her hand. I have his present in the other hand as we walk in the front door. I see Papa Jack and run to hug him.

  “Papa Jack! He’s here!!”

  “I know, Buttercup. Are you ready to meet him?” He picks me up and we walk to the elevator.

  “Yes, please. We have to wait for Aunt Daphne though.” We wait for her and she gives my Papa Jack a hug.

  “Can I push the button, please?” I ask. I’m ready to see him.

  “Those are very nice manners. Yes, you can push the button.” He lets me push the button with the triangle that points up.

  “Which one?” I ask when we get inside. There are a lot of buttons, so I don’t know which button to push next.

  “He’s on the fifth floor. Do you know which one that is?” Papa Jack shows me five fingers. That is what I will be on my next birthday and is the number that looks kinda like an “S”. I push the one I think it is and look at Aunt Daphne to make sure I picked the right one. She nods her head and smiles. She always tells me I’m so smart. When the elevator dings, I start to bounce. Mommy says I can’t stay still when I get excited. She’s right.

  “Uncle Grady!!” I yell to him so that he sees me. He’s talking on the phone.

  “Elsie, honey. We have to be quiet here. People are trying to take naps and get better,” Aunt Daphne tells me. Oops.

  Uncle Grady waves at me and points to the door beside him. We get to the room and Papa Jack knocks on the door. I am bouncing very much and shaking right now. Daddy would say I’m very, VERY excited right now. He would be right.

  “We have a very eager visitor. Are you ready for her?” Papa Jack asks the door.

  “Yes,” I hear Mommy say. “Please come in.”

  I walk in the door and see Nana Janine and Papa Mark. I smile at them both and give them a fast hug, but I’m looking for him. Mommy is in bed with her messy ponytail. I climb into the bed and give her a big hug.

  “Mommy, is he here?”

  There is another knock on the door and Daddy pops his head in the room.

  “Is my princess here yet? There is someone here who would like to meet her.” He pulls a cart in the room with him and I stand up on my knees to try to see what’s in the cart. Mommy pulls me down onto my bottom, and tells me to sit criss-cross applesauce. I’m so excited I could bounce right off the bed. Mommy puts her arms around my tummy and helps me calm down. Daddy brings him wrapped up in a blue blankie and lays him in my arms.

  He has tiny lips and a big nose. He’s wearing a blue hat that is kinda big for him. But he’s really cute.

  “Elsie, meet baby Abel,” Mommy says quietly. I don’t think she wants to wake him.

  “Hi, baby Abel,” I whisper. I don’t want to wake him up either. “My name is Elsie and I’m your big sister.”

  Want a little more Stephen and Jessie?

  Join them, Grady, and Beau in telling Daphne’s story in

  Forgiving the Past

  The In Heels Series

  coming early Summer 2015.

  Also by S. M. Smith

  A Girl Worth Fighting For

  A Boy Worth Choosing


  As always, I have to begin by giving my Savior all the honor and glory. Thank you for bringing such a heartwarming story to fruition. I know this story wouldn’t have been possible without my His hand in our struggles in building our own family, but His timing is always perfect and His blessings are always better than we could ever imagine.

  Next, Ian, my love…I know that there were many times that you probably felt as helpless as Stephen, but you have always been the stronger one in our family. Thank you for being the rock through our story. You’ve always believed in me and for that I can’t begin to thank you enough.

  Sarah, Janelle, Erica, Sam and Felicia…I don’t know what I’d do without you girls half the time. Thank you for answering all my 9 million questions, for helping me with the details I had no clue I’d even need, for being with me throughout Jessie’s entire story, and for putting up with my obnoxious excitement. You ladies are the PERFECT street team, fo’ sho’!

  Christa from Paper and Sage Designs, I don’t know if I’ve told you, but you are AMAZING!!! Your suggestions and creative eye did such an incredible job in bringing a beautiful visualization to this story. Thank you doesn’t even begin to express my appreciation for your fantastic work.

  My long list of brothers and sisters: where do I even begin? There have always been so many obstacles or excuses that could have kept us from having the relationships we have today and I’m so thankful I can call each of you family. Thank you all for being excellent examples of the type of spouse and mother I need to be. You’re all truly amazing people that I love and appreciate more than words can say.

  To my incredible parents, it goes without saying how much I appreciate all that you do for me, Ian and Kinley, but I’m going to say it anyway. The support that you’ve all given us is overwhelming, but the thing I’m most thankful for is showing not just Ian and I, but all of us kids, that a true family doesn’t have borders. It doesn’t just end and begin with the blood in our veins, but rather with the love in our hearts. I love you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  Lastly, to my readers, you guys are an awesome group of people who have a contagious enthusiasm for Jessie’s story and it’s for you all that I’m so excited to keep writing. So thank you for loving these stories as much as I do.


  Sarah M. Smith lives in Missouri with her very lucky husband and beautiful baby girl. When she's not reading, writing, or taking too many pictures of her daughter, she can be found in her overly messy craft room finishing one of her many projects (usually involving ribbon), baking something she most definitely shouldn’t be eating, impatiently awaiting football season, or traveling the world with her hubby.

  Sarah accepted Jesus into her heart just after high school, but has always known God has had His hands in her life. Sarah doesn’t claim to be the perfect Christian and hopes that her characters aren’t expected to be either. She just wants more people to know the love, grace and mercy that God shows her each and every day. She writes strictly under His direction and gives Him all the honor and glory.

  To learn more about Sarah check out her blog at or on Facebook as S. M. Smith-Author.




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