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Seduced by the Mogul

Page 20

by Pamela Yaye

  Looking back, Dante realized his stubborn, know-it-all attitude had been a problem in their relationship from the beginning. He had all the answers—or so he’d foolishly thought—and had never considered her words of wisdom. They played in his mind now, piercing his heart, and wounding him afresh. I see myself in Lourdes... Everyone deserves a second chance... Help her to be a better mom. In that moment, Dante loved Jordana more than he’d ever loved anyone and declared in his heart to win her back. He had to talk to her. Now. Before it was too late and he lost her forever. He had to do something. Had to act. Couldn’t sit around twiddling his thumbs anymore, but was out of ideas.

  “I need to apologize to Jordana for not being a good father, and beg for her forgiveness.”

  “That makes two of us, Mr. Batista.”

  “Call me Fernán. I like you, son, and I think you’re good for my daughter.”

  “No,” he corrected. “It’s the other way around. Your daughter’s good for me. She’s given me a whole new outlook on life, and made me a better man and father, and for that I’m eternally grateful.”

  “Do you have any idea where my daughter could be? We’ve called her friends, and even her old boss at LA Marketing, but no one’s seen her, and she isn’t answering her cell phone.”

  Hearing laughter coming from the kitchen, Dante glanced over his shoulder. Ms. Sharpe was feeding Matteo chocolate chips, gazing lovingly at him, as if he was the only child in the world who mattered. His son had charmed Jordana’s mother, no doubt showered her with hugs and kisses and smiles, and now Helene was eating out of the palm of his hand.

  Dante bolted upright in his seat. That’s it! Matteo was the answer to his problems. Mad at himself for not thinking of it sooner, he formulated a winning plan in his mind, guaranteed to work. It was time to get back on his A game, and not a moment too soon. Excitement must have shown on his face because Fernán clapped him on the shoulder, and asked, “What is it?”

  “I know what to do to bring Jordana home.”

  “You do? Then what are we waiting for?”

  “Sir, I’ll have to lie to pull this off. What I’m about to do is sneaky and underhanded and could backfire in my face, so I understand if you don’t want any part of it.”

  “Do whatever it takes to bring my daughter home.”

  The men shook hands, but the gesture did nothing to assuage Dante’s guilt. He hoped Jordana would find it in her heart to forgive him for what he was about to do. Unfortunately, he had no choice. No other options. He had to bring his baby home, and the sooner the better. He’d never understood the power of true love until he’d met Jordana, and he’d move heaven and earth to win her back. He didn’t have any doubts. Not one. She was his soul mate, the woman of his dreams, and he was proud to call her his wife.

  Blowing out a deep breath, Dante rose to his feet, snatched the cordless phone off the cradle and strode into the kitchen to coach his son.

  Chapter 19

  Jordana was flying down the interstate, driving twenty miles over the posted speed limit, but it felt as if her Bentley was moving at a snail’s pace. Sweat drenched her skin, and her pulse clapped in her ears like thunder. “God, please, let him be okay,” she prayed, fighting back tears. “Please don’t let anything happen to Matteo.”

  Punching the gas pedal with her snakeskin pumps, she willed the Bentley to go faster, and weaved expertly through midday traffic. Thoughts of Matteo, the darling little boy she loved more than life itself, bombarded her mind, and a suffocating knot burned inside her chest. “Hang on, li’l man. I’m on my way.”

  Jordana relived the past thirty minutes, replayed every detail in her mind. She was on the set of Renegade’s music video saying goodbye to the hardworking cast and crew when Dante’s home number appeared on her cell phone.

  Exiting the studio loft, only miles from Venice Beach, she’d pressed Talk, put the phone to her ear and, despite the butterflies in her stomach, spoke in a carefree tone, as if she was on top of the world. Disappointment and happiness had flooded her heart in equal measures, but before Jordana could ask Matteo how he was doing he’d burst into tears.

  Her cell phone chimed from the center console, cueing Jordana she had a new text message, but she paid it no mind. Her mom and Waverly had been blowing up her phone all day, but she’d let their calls go straight to voice mail. Every time she thought about Dante her heart ached, and she didn’t want her friends and family to know she was shaken up over the loss of her one true love.

  Her thoughts returned to last Wednesday. The morning after their argument she’d dropped Matteo off at school, checked into The Westin and crawled into bed, wishing she could go back in time and undo the mess she’d made of her relationship. She’d been at the hotel ever since, but had been searching the classifieds daily for affordable housing. Returning to Dante’s estate was out of the question, but she wouldn’t abandon Matteo. She’d take care of him until Lourdes returned from rehab, then relinquish the caregiver role to his bickering parents.

  Jordana turned left on Bel Air Road. The estate came into sight, and memories of brighter days warmed her heart. To her relief, the security gate was wide open. She sped through it, up the driveway, and parked in front of the fountain. Desperate to reach Matteo, she unbuckled her seat belt, jumped out of the car and raced inside.

  “Matteo, baby, I’m here. Where are you?” she called, marching through the main floor.

  Jordana listened for a moment, heard nothing and headed upstairs. She opened Matteo’s bedroom door, and stopped dead in her tracks. Dante. He was standing beside the window, and a broad smile was on his lips. She stared right at him, noted he looked just as handsome in sportswear as he did in designer threads. His tousled locks and the dark stubble along his jawline increased his sex appeal. But she was at the estate to check up on Matteo, not jump his bones, so she searched the spacious sun-filled room for the precocious preschooler. “Where’s Matteo? Is he okay?”

  “Of course. He’s fine.”

  “He said he fell down the staircase and broke his leg.”

  “That’s not true...”

  Jordana folded her arms. She sensed he was lying to her, saying what he thought she wanted to hear, but she wasn’t leaving until she saw Matteo for herself and checked him out from head to toe. Jordana looked in the closet, under the bed and in the laundry basket, but Matteo wasn’t in any of his favorite hiding spots. What the hell? He’d called her thirty minutes earlier, crying hysterically, begging her to come home, and now he was nowhere to be found.

  Ignoring Dante, she stepped past him, and glanced out the window. A gasp fell from her mouth. Her parents were in the backyard with Matteo, and it was quite the sight. Matteo doing fancy footwork with the soccer ball, her dad hopping around in front of the net trying to prevent the goal, her mom waving pink pom-poms wildly in the air.

  “M-my parents are here,” she stammered.

  “I’m glad you invited them.”

  “I didn’t. My mom invited herself.”

  Dante laughed, but Jordana didn’t find anything funny about her parents being in LA.

  “What are they doing here? My mom wanted to come visit at the end of the month, but I convinced her to come for Christmas and she never once mentioned bringing Fernán.”

  “Your mom told your dad we eloped, and he jumped on the first flight to LA.”

  Jordana widened her eyes. “I can’t believe it. Matteo tricked me, and I fell for it hook, line and sinker.”

  “I asked him to call you.”


  “Because we need to talk, and I knew you’d come home if you thought Matteo was hurt.”

  “Forget it. I’m tired, and I’m not in the mood for another lecture about spending your money, following the rules in your house and staying away from your son.” Jordana realized she was yelling and
lowered her voice. “The things you said on Wednesday deeply hurt me.”

  “Jordana, I’m sorry. I was upset, and I said a lot of things I didn’t mean. You’ve been my rock the last few months, and if not for you I never would have won custody of Matteo, or resigned from the Brokerage Group. Now we can spend more time together as a family.”

  Jordana was shocked by his confession, and secretly pleased, but she didn’t share her thoughts.

  He took her hand in his, and her heart melted. Jordana wanted to pull away, to tell him they were over for good, but her mouth couldn’t form the words. His touch was welcome, wanted, and when he sat on the bed and took her into his arms, she felt loved.

  “I was angry, and I took my frustrations out on you...”

  Jordana listened, didn’t interrupt, but his confession made her feel worse, not better. What happened the next time he got mad at her? Would he insult her, and kick her out of the house again?

  “You’re nothing like Lourdes, and—”

  “Dante, you’re wrong. I was her. I partied hard when I was in college, and it cost me everything.” His eyes were filled with concern, and his tender caress along her shoulders gave Jordana the strength to finally open up to him about her past. Her voice wobbled, shook with emotion, but she conquered her nerves, and bared her soul. She told Dante about her childhood, the pain of watching her mother struggle with substance abuse and her stressful years at Drake University. “I didn’t realize I had a drinking problem until I crashed my car into the Student Union building one night after a wild frat party.”

  “You could have been injured.”

  “Something worse happened. I was expelled, and ordered to pay the damages. I hit rock bottom that night, and promised myself I’d never touch alcohol again. I’m proud to say I haven’t, and whenever I crave alcohol I keep myself busy by doing something fun like surfing, fishing or hiking. You wanted to know why I love the great outdoors, and now you know why.”

  “We’ve been friends for two years, but you never said anything. Why not?”

  “Because I was embarrassed, and I was scared if I told you the truth you’d want nothing to do with me,” she confessed. “It’s happened before, and I didn’t want to take the chance.”

  “Jordana, quit beating yourself up. Everyone’s done things they regret. Even me.”

  “Then why are you so hard on people? Why do you demand perfection when it’s impossible to achieve?”

  “Because that’s the Morretti way. My father raised me and my brothers to be the best, no matter the cost. It’s a philosophy I’ve always lived by, and it governs everything I do.”

  “But it’s stressful trying to live up to other people’s expectations.”

  “You don’t have to. The only person who matters is me!”

  His boyish smile made her laugh, and lightened the tense mood.

  “I wish you had told me about your past sooner.”

  “Would it have mattered?”

  “Absolutely. If I’d known I wouldn’t have been such an ass on Wednesday night.”

  “Luckily I was able to get myself together without going to rehab, but not everyone with a drinking problem is strong enough to quit cold turkey,” she explained, recalling a conversation she’d had with her mom’s sober coach years earlier. “Lourdes wants to get better, and I feel compelled to help her, so please don’t fight me on this anymore.”

  A dark shadow passed across his face, caused his body to tense, and she could tell he was angry, struggling to control his temper. She wondered for the umpteenth time what his ex-wife had done to irretrievably damage their relationship. “Did Lourdes cheat on you while you were married? Is that why you’re holding a grudge against her? Because she broke your heart?”

  “Jordana, I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “So we can talk about my past, but we can’t talk about yours? How is that fair?”

  “I don’t want to argue.”

  “Then open up to me. Tell me why you’re so angry at Lourdes—”

  “Because she set me up. That’s why. She went to the club that night with the sole purpose of sleeping with me and getting pregnant, and I fell right into her deceitful trap.”

  “Are you sure? How do you know this? It could be nothing but malicious gossip.”

  “It’s not. The words came straight from her mouth.” He turned away from her, lowered his head and rubbed at his eyes. “I found out Lourdes was having an affair with my business rival Zachary Montenegro shortly before we separated. The day she filed for divorce, I tracked her down to the douche bag’s Malibu mansion. I begged her to give me my son, and she laughed in my face. I know it was years ago, but every time I look at her I remember that fateful night. I despise her for what she did, and I want to hurt her the same way she hurt me.”

  “Dante, for Matteo’s sake you have to put the past behind you, and move on. You have to stop punishing Lourdes for her mistakes.”

  Silence fell between them, and after a long moment Dante spoke.

  “I want to, but I don’t know if I can.”

  “Of course you can,” Jordana insisted, tenderly stroking his face. “You’re a Morretti, and Morrettis can do anything they put their minds to, remember?”

  “I’ll try.”

  Faking a scowl, she playfully punched his shoulder. “You better, or that’s your ass!”

  Dante erupted in laughter, and the sound of his hearty chuckle warmed her all over.

  “Let’s make a deal,” he proposed. “I’ll visit Lourdes tomorrow in rehab to discuss a visitation schedule for Matteo if you promise to spend some one-on-one time with your dad tonight. He’s anxious to speak to you, and I promised I’d put in a good word for him.”

  Jordana gave his suggestion some thought. She hadn’t spoken to her father since they argued at her brother’s wedding, but she was ready to make amends. “I’ll do it.”

  “How did the video shoot go?”

  “I’m surprised you remembered.

  “Are you kidding me? It’s all I could think about. Last night I had a nightmare that you eloped with Renegade, and had a bunch of gold chain–wearing babies!”

  Jordana laughed. “We wrapped up the shoot this afternoon, and the video for ‘On Fleek’ is sexy, sultry and hot!” she said, fanning her face with her hands to emphasize her point. “I’m proud of the work we did, and I’m confident it’s going to be a hit.”

  “Is there a kissing scene?”

  “Yes, but I’m not in it. His fiancée is!”

  “I have something for you.”

  Dante reached into his pocket, took out her wedding ring and slipped it back on her finger. Jordana beamed. A week ago, she’d taken it off and put it back in the Cartier box, but she was thrilled to be wearing the gorgeous diamond again and loved seeing it on her left hand.

  “I meant what I said on our wedding day, Jordana.”

  “Seriously? Even though it was all for show? You actually meant your vows?”

  “With all my heart. You’re the only woman for me, and nothing would make me happier than spending the rest of my life with you. I love you, Jordana, and so does Matteo. You’re my life, my everything, and there’s no place I’d rather be than right here with you.”

  Overcome with joy, Jordana felt as if her heart would burst with happiness. An overwhelming sense of peace showered over her, and she knew deep inside there’d never be another man for her. He was her one true love, the man she’d been waiting for her entire life. “I love you, too, Dante, more than words can express, and I’m proud to be your wife.”

  Mischief gleamed in his eyes. “Don’t tell me. Show me.”

  And she did. Cupping his face in her hands, she pressed her lips to the tip of his nose, each cheek and finally his mouth. Her kiss was slow, thoughtful, full of warm
th and tenderness. Their relationship was explosive and intense, but Jordana wouldn’t have it any other way. They were destined to be together, and no one else would ever do.

  “I love you so much it scares me sometimes,” he said, pausing to stare deep into her eyes.

  “Baby, you have nothing to worry about. I’m not going anywhere. I’m yours for life.”

  Caressing his smooth, soft skin with her fingertips, she playfully nibbled at the corners of his lips. He played in her hair, twirled curls around his fingers, all the while whispering words of love and admiration in her ears. For as long as Jordana lived, she’d never forget this moment, would never forget how cherished Dante made her feel. And when he scooped her up in his arms and set off for the master bedroom, Jordana melted against him, deeply grateful that she finally had the life she’d always dreamed of.

  * * * * *

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