Book Read Free

Mastered By The Boss

Page 3

by Opal Carew

  “No, I’m fine.”

  He frowned. “You’re sure? Because you can head home if you’re sick.”

  She shook her head. “I’m good. Thank you for asking.”

  She turned and hurried to the door.

  * * *

  The whole day and even the next, Ryan noticed how edgy Kali seemed to be around him. She avoided his gaze and fidgeted when he was in the same room with her. And her cheeks would flush.

  Was it him? Was she picking up on his intensified desire for her? He’d always been attracted to her, but since having sex with her surrogate, he couldn’t stop thinking about being with her. Living out the fantasy had had the opposite effect to what he’d hoped for.

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out the earring he’d found in his room after his mystery woman had suddenly departed. It must have come off during their sexual encounter.

  He stared at the small piece of jewelry with two deep red, heart-shaped garnets at an angle and a small clear stone nestled between them. Probably a white sapphire.

  Maybe if he found her, they could start seeing each other. Although she’d wanted to hide behind the mask on Friday, now that they’d shared such an intimate and satisfying sexual encounter…hell, who was he kidding? It was pure sexual nirvana. Maybe after that she’d be interested in exploring what they had together.

  A smile spread across his lips. And surely she’d want her earring back. In fact, in her eyes he’d probably be quite the hero to return it to her. She might be very… thankful.

  The mere thought of the possibilities sent blood rushing to his groin. Would she sink down in front of him and unzip his pants, then…?

  Fuck. He gritted his teeth at the discomfort of his swollen cock confined in his suit pants.

  He shifted and tucked the delicate earring into his pocket again. Having the tiny reminder of his mystery woman made him feel a connection to her somehow. In fact, it also made him feel a greater connection to Kali. In his mind, it was like his mystery woman was a wicked version of Kali who’d slipped into his life so they could enjoy each other without interfering with their business relationship.

  She was the perfect version of Kali.

  And he intended to find her.

  He picked up the phone and dialed Spencer Jameson’s extension.

  “Mr. Blair?”

  He glanced up at Kali’s voice. The phone had rung once on the other end.

  “Yes, Kali?”

  “You have a meeting in fifteen minutes.”

  Damn, he’d forgotten about that. Which wasn’t like him. A testament to how rattled this whole attraction to Kali had left him.

  He hung up the phone and Kali turned to leave.

  “Kali, wait.”

  She turned back, gazing at him nervously.

  “Yes, sir?” She clung to the doorframe as if she wanted to flee.

  God, every time she called him “sir” it fueled the fire of his need to dominate her. He wanted to order her onto his knees in front of him and…

  Damn it.

  “I just wanted to say that if I’ve done anything to make you uncomfortable, I’m sorry.”

  “No, sir. You haven’t done anything.”

  “You’re sure. Because you’ve been acting very nervous around me this week.”

  “I’m sorry, sir.”

  Clearly, asking her about it was only making things worse. She seemed more agitated now.

  “It’s okay. I just want to ensure you’ll let me know if there’s a problem so we can work it out.”

  She nodded.

  Hell, did she think he was hitting on her with that ‘we can work it out’ line?

  She started to turn away again, then stopped and gazed at him. “Thank you, Mr. Blair. I appreciate that.” Then her lips turned up in a tremulous smile.

  God, he could just sweep her into his arms and hold her, then consume that pretty little mouth of hers.

  She turned and hurried away.

  * * *

  As Kali left Mr. Blair’s office, his phone rang.

  “Oh, yes, Spencer,” she heard him say. “I wanted to ask you about the woman you were with at the party.”

  She froze, only a few steps from his door.

  “No, I’m not interested in her. I am interested in finding out about the woman she arrived with.”

  Oh, God.


  At the sound of Mr. Blair calling her name, she turned back to his doorway.

  “Yes, Mr. Blair?”

  “Is there something wrong?” he asked, his hand covering the receiver. “You were just standing there.”

  “Oh, no, I just… forgot something.”

  “Okay, well, please close my door.” He smiled. “And don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about the meeting.”

  “Yes, sir.” She closed the door to his office, blocking the rest of the conversation.

  Damn, why was he looking for her? Or rather, the woman he thought she was from the party. Was he trying to find her so they could… date? Probably nothing that serious. Maybe he was interested in prolonging the fling.

  Still, the thought that he’d been as affected as she was by the fantastic sexual experience they’d shared, filled her with delight.

  He wanted to find her. She felt like Cinderella!

  She mentally shook herself. Was she crazy? This was a disaster. She could not allow him to find out that was her.

  She sat at her desk and picked up the phone, then dialed. After two rings, she heard Serena’s voice on the other end.

  “We have a problem,” Kali said.

  * * *

  Ryan sat at the bar in Stokes, a place just around the corner from the office where a lot of the executives would stop for drinks after work. Spencer sat on the stool next to him.

  “Sorry, Ryan. She won’t tell me who the woman is.”

  Ryan swirled his drink in his glass. “Why not?”

  Spencer shrugged. “Who knows? You know how women can be.” He sipped his drink. “Maybe she thinks I’m interested in her. She was a pretty hot number in that leather get-up.”

  Jealousy surged through Ryan at the fact Spencer had noticed Cindy. Had ogled her delightful body in that very revealing sub costume.

  “So why do you want to find her?” Spencer asked.

  Fuck. Ryan didn’t want it to get around the office. What he did was his business.

  “I found her earring. I saw her drop it and wanted to ensure she got it back.”

  “Well, you could just give it to me and I’ll give it to Serena.”

  “Serena?” Ryan stared at Spencer in surprise. “Your secretary? That’s who you’re sleeping with.”

  “Yeah, well…” Spencer looked appropriately contrite. “I didn’t mean to let that slip.”

  But Ryan doubted that. Serena was a beautiful woman. Tall with strawberry blonde hair that cascaded past her shoulders. She had a stunning figure. That would be enough to capture the attention of most men, but Serena also had that indefinable quality…and ability to put someone in their place with just a glance. It occurred to him that a Dominatrix costume fit her to a T. She probably loved to be in control in the bedroom.

  Yes, most of the men in the office drooled over her and Spencer would love others to know he was fucking her.

  “So why don’t you give me the earring?” Spencer suggested, holding out his hand.

  “I don’t have it with me,” Ryan lied. Somehow he felt it would lead him to her and he was unwilling to give it up.

  “Maybe give it to me in the office then.”

  “Sure,” Ryan said. “But why don’t you try again with Serena?”

  Spencer smiled. “I don’t think this is about an earring. You fucked this woman at the party and now you’re looking for more of the same. Am I right?”

  “Just ask her, okay?” Ryan gestured for the bartender and handed him his credit card.

  The bartender nodded and walked toward the cash. When he returned seconds later, Ryan
signed the bill and stood up. As he pushed his wallet back into his pocket, he glanced at the other man.

  “I have to ask,” Ryan said. “How do you do it?”

  Spencer’s eyebrows arched. “Do what?”

  “Have sex with someone you work so closely with? Aren’t you worried it will affect your working relationship?”

  Spencer shrugged. “Why should it? It’s just sex. And if things get awkward at work—especially after we end it—I can just have her transferred somewhere else.”

  Ryan wasn’t sure he liked Spencer’s cavalier attitude. Ryan wouldn’t want anything to ruin the working relationship he had with Kali.

  * * *

  Ryan stared at the earring, the sunlight shining in the big window behind his desk glittering on the stones. Distractedly, he twirled the tiny gold post between his fingers.

  Someone walked into the office and he glanced up to see Mary Ann from accounting approaching his desk.

  “Mr. Blair, I have those monthly reports you asked for.” She placed a binder on his desk, then her gaze caught on the earring he was holding.

  “Oh, you found Kali’s earring.”

  His gaze ricocheted from the garnets to her face.

  “You think this is Kali’s?”

  “It looks like it. May I see?” She held out her hand and he placed the earring in her palm. She examined it and nodded.

  “Yeah, she wears them all the time. When I noticed she didn’t have them on a couple of days ago I asked her about it and she said she’d lost one.” Mary Ann handed the earring back. “Her sister gave them to her and they mean a lot to her. She’ll be happy you found it.”

  Disbelief surged through him as he stared at the tiny earring. The woman he’d been with… that he’d fantasized was Kali the whole time he’d been fucking her… had actually been Kali?

  God, he’d actually fucked Kali!

  His cock lurched, wanting to do it again so badly he could barely see straight.

  “Mary Ann, don’t mention this to Kali. I want to see her face when I tell her I found it.”

  She smiled. “Sure thing.”

  As soon as she left, he dropped the earring in his palm and clamped his hand around it.

  God damn! He’d suffered for months keeping a tight rein on his building desire for her and she just casually fucked him at a party.

  Anger surged through him. He should fire her and her sexy little ass.

  * * *

  Kali wrapped her hand around the coffee mug. “I’m worried that he’s going to figure out it was me.”

  “I already told you, you have nothing to worry about,” Serena said.

  “But you told me when he and Mr. Jameson went out for drinks last evening, that Mr. Blair pushed him to ask you again about me.”

  “And he did and I told him it was none of his business. Or Mr. Blair’s. He even tried to push me, saying that only company personnel should have been at the party and if I’d brought someone outside that I could be in trouble and he didn’t want that. That if I told him who you were, he could ensure everything would be okay.”

  “What did you say?”

  “I told him to go ahead and fire me.”

  “Really? That was taking a big chance.”

  “Not really. I just stuffed a ball gag in his mouth and told him that the only one who would be in trouble was him and then I used a paddle on his ass.”

  “Oh, God. Too much information.” But a smile turned up her lips at Serena’s incorrigible attitude.

  They walked back to the office and she sat at her desk. Everything would be fine. She didn’t need to worry about Mr. Blair figuring out it was her. And she’d eventually get over her nervousness around him and things would get back to normal. She just had to give it time.

  She was fine. Everything would be fine.


  She started at the sound of Mr. Blair’s sharp tone behind her. She hadn’t even checked if he was in his office, since she assumed he’d still be out at lunch.

  She turned her chair to face him. “Yes, Mr. Blair?”

  He strode toward her and dipped his hand in his pocket, then dropped something on her desk. Something tiny.

  An earring. The familiar shape sent a wave of relief through her. It was the earring her sister had given her on Kali’s eighteenth birthday.

  “My earring.” She smiled and picked it up. “That’s great! Where did you…”

  Then it hit her. Her gaze jerked to his.

  “So that is yours.”

  She froze. She couldn’t deny it. Not now. But…did that mean…?

  His gleaming granite gaze was locked on her face, his expression sour.

  “My office. Now!”

  She stood up and scurried in front of him into his office. He followed and closed the door behind them.

  “It was you at the party,” he accused.

  Her cheeks flamed, and she shook her head in a daze.

  “Don’t even try to deny it.”

  She stared at him, her stomach fluttering. She’d never seem him this angry.

  “Are you…”—she swallowed, her throat gone tight—“going to fire me?”

  His sharp gaze bored through her, giving nothing away.

  Her chest constricted. Oh, God. Of course he was going to fire her.

  “Why the hell did you let it happen?” he demanded.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You knew it was me.”

  She bit her lip and nodded.

  “I didn’t know it was you. That meant it was up to you to stop it. Why didn’t you?”

  Anxiety coiled through her gut. How could she tell him it was because she had a major crush on him and had been yearning to be in his arms ever since she’d started working for him? That night had been a dream come true.

  “Did you not care that this could cause a serious problem with our working relationship?” he demanded.

  “But you didn’t know, so I didn’t think it would hurt.”

  His jaw twitched. “But why take the chance?”

  Her cheeks flamed. “I…” but she couldn’t think of anything to say except that she’d been longing for him to take her, and that would only make matters worse.

  She couldn’t drag her gaze from his glittering eyes. He was angry at her and she didn’t know how to fix this.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Blair. I have no excuse. I’ll go pack up my desk.

  But when she turned to go, his hand clamped around her arm.

  “Did I say you could go yet?”

  She froze. “Uh… no, sir.”

  He stepped closer, sending her heart-rate into overdrive.

  “You wanted it to happen,” he said.

  She shook her head, not wanting it to be true. Or rather, not wanting him to know it.

  He grasped her shoulders, sending sharp pangs of desire through her.

  He took another step forward and she stepped back.

  “You wanted me to take control and to dominate you. To fuck you.”

  Her cheeks burned hotter.

  He stepper closer and this time when she stepped back she found herself against the closed door.

  He shook his head and something in his expression had changed. She couldn’t tell if it was anger flaring in his dark eyes or… something else.

  “You don’t know how long I’ve struggled to…” His jaw twitched and she could feel the heat of his mood. “How hard I’ve tried not to…”

  Shock skittered through her as his arm slid around her and he tugged her close. His other hand stroked over her hip, then cupped her ass and pulled her tight to his body. Her eyes widened at the hard bulge pressing against her belly.

  “Ah, fuck, Kali.” Then his lips claimed hers.

  Her heart pounded as his tongue pushed into her mouth. She melted against him, need humming through her. Longing for him to take her. Right here. Right now. His hard cock driving into her, slamming her against the door of his office. As she’d always dreamed.
br />   He tore his mouth from her. “Fuck, I shouldn’t be doing this.”

  But she cupped his face and pulled it back to hers, then kissed him, pushing her tongue between his lips.

  “But I want you to.”

  She could see a battle waging across his face, his jaw twitching and his eyes sparking with need.

  “Ah, fuck.” Then he claimed her lips again, his mouth hard and demanding.

  She could feel his erection even firmer and thicker now and her body grew slick at the thought of it driving inside her.

  “Oh, please, Mr. Blair.” Her hand glided over his stomach, then dragged the length of his hard cock. “I want you so badly.”

  Then she nipped his earlobe.

  “Please, sir,” she murmured against his ear. “I want you to fuck me right here in your office.”

  She heard a deep rumbling growl in his throat, then he shoved her hard against the door.

  He tugged at her skirt, working it upward. Then his hand glided over her inner thigh and…

  She moaned at the feel of his fingers stroking over her folds, only the thin fabric of her panties a barrier from him thrusting inside.

  She was sopping wet. He had to feel it.

  He tugged aside the crotch and his fingers glided along her naked folds. She whimpered at the exquisite delight of his touch.

  He fumbled with his zipper and she felt his thick cock brush her thigh. Then…

  “Ohhh,” she moaned as his hard shaft drove deep into her.

  She curled her fingers around his shoulders.

  He stayed like that, crushing her to the door, his whole body taut. All she could hear was their labored breathing.

  Her intimate muscles twitched, squeezing him inside her. He groaned, then drew back and drove deep again.

  A knock sounded on the door and her heart leapt. God, someone was inches away from them, while Mr. Blair’s big cock was buried deep inside her.

  “Who is it?” Mr. Blair demanded.

  She tried to shift away, but he tightened his hold on her, his heated gaze locking her to the spot.

  “Mary Ann from accounting. I have the rest of those reports for you. You said you wanted to discuss them as soon as possible.”

  “Just leave them on Kali’s desk. I’ll arrange a meeting later.”

  His cock twitched inside her and Kali gritted her teeth. Oh, God, she had to stop from groaning in delight.


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