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Double Deutsch

Page 2

by Shayla Kersten

  Reality was every bit as good as fantasy. She’d already lost count of her orgasms, but she was greedy and wanted more. Her one night to do anything would eventually end. Until then, she would experience as much as these two men could handle.

  The fingers on her clit slipped away and found their way back to her ass. Kneading pressure parted her cheeks. Slick with her own juices, one finger teased her anus.

  “You like that?” Ritter’s voice was hoarse whisper.

  With Gunter’s cock filling her mouth she could only moan her approval.

  “Maybe you’d like more?” The tight ring gave way under pressure adding to the arousal flooding her body.

  Cat’s body went into overdrive. Ritter’s suggestion, his fingers, two cocks… all combined sent her into sexual orbit. Nothing her ex had ever done made her feel this good. She rode another crest of ecstasy as his finger matched the rhythm of his cock.

  “Gunter, gibst Du mir mal das Gleitmittel.” Ritter’s growled spate of German didn’t register until Gunter handed him the lube from the nightstand.

  Cat’s body convulsed on a wave of anticipation. Her curious nature made her wonder about anal sex, but until tonight, she’d never voiced her desire to try it. The cold lube shocked her system. Ritter’s fingers warmed the gel as they pushed into her, twisting and stretching the tight ring of muscle. The intense pleasure overrode the burn of penetration.

  “You want more?”

  The thought sent Cat into a fervor. Nodding, she sucked the hard flesh filling her mouth. The salty flavor of Gunter’s pre-come added to the desire to experience everything possible.

  “You want me to fuck your ass?” Ritter didn’t wait for her response. The heat of his flesh abandoned her pussy.

  Her rapid heartbeat and the rush of blood through her body almost obscured the squishing noise of Ritter coating his length in lube. Gunter’s cock slipped from her lips. “Oh, God…”

  The pressure was intense, the burn incredible, but the erotic sensation of penetration sent tremors through her body. Her vaginal walls clenched at emptiness as the thick hot flesh slid into her ass. Gasping for air, she pushed back against Ritter’s shaft.

  Ritter’s hands clutched her hips, slowing her motion. His slow short strokes pushed deeper with each move.

  Cat’s hands crumpled the coverlet into tight balls of materials. Her face pressed into the soft mattress muffled her moans. A second set of hands rubbed her back in soft, soothing motions. Cat relaxed, unclenching her hands. The taut press of flesh into her body eased. Ritter’s invasion came to its conclusion as his hips met her buttocks.

  “Mein Gott! So tight…” Ritter groaned. His hands slid under her, caressing her stomach then pulling her up on his dick.

  Gunter’s arms untangled from Ritter’s, and his hands found her aching breasts. Fingers tugged her taut nipples, sending cords of electricity shooting through her abdomen and down to her wet pussy. Gunter leaned forward and captured her lips. Sandwiched between two hard bodies, Cat gasped into Gunter’s mouth.

  Her head lolled back against Ritter’s shoulder as Gunter kissed a wet line from her mouth, across her collarbone and down her chest. His lips latched onto her breast and suckled hard. His hungry mouth sent jolts of excitement through her already rigid nipples careening down to her wet core.

  Ritter’s fingers splayed against her belly then slid lower. The palm of his hand cupped her mons as his fingers pushed inside her. Slow, aching strokes of his cock filled her from behind.

  Gunter’s greedy mouth kept her nipples in a constant state of arousal.

  Cat’s skin was on fire with a constant current of sexual awareness. Never had she felt so aroused or alive.

  Ritter’s other hand tugged at her chin. Turning her head toward his, she found her lips covered in a rough kiss. A soft moan escaped her mouth into his.

  “You like this?” he mumbled between kisses.

  “Yes—” His tongue stifled anything else she might have said.

  Gunter moved away from her breast. Nipping kisses cut a path down her stomach. Gunter’s mouth took the place of Ritter’s fingers. A hot tongue flicked against her swollen clit.

  A shiver swept through her body, starting with her pussy and radiating through her pelvis to the thick shaft stroking her ass. Tremors crept up her spine and spread through her breasts. Hot lips caressed her neck as she moaned her pleasure.

  Just as Cat wasn’t sure her body could take any more ecstasy, Gunter’s fingers plunged into her wet core. His strokes matched Ritter’s.

  “Oh, God…” Cat’s body convulsed on a wave of orgasmic heat. Ripples of pleasure spread through her like fire in dry brush. Lightheaded with the rush of blood flowing through her, Cat leaned back against Ritter’s hard body. His fingers tweaked her nipples adding to the exquisite ache of satiation. She gasped as Gunter’s fingers slid out of her. The loss of his mouth made her cry out.

  Gunter leaned toward the nightstand and snagged a condom. With practiced hands, he ripped open the package and sheathed his length in thin latex.

  Her body shook with anticipation. Two men filling her, fucking her.

  He moved closer as Ritter leaned back, pulling Cat with him. Gunter’s cock pressed into her, filling the emptiness.

  Cat’s knees rose from the mattress as Ritter and Gunter held her between them. Out of sync with each other, one man filled her as the other pulled almost free. Slow, long strokes kept her coming. She buried her face in Gunter’s neck and gasped for air.

  The sensuous slide of flesh slowly synchronized. Filling both her holes at the same time, she could feel the thick flesh meeting against the thin membrane separating her passages.

  With a guttural growl, Gunter lost the matched rhythm. His hips jerked against her clit and she rode another crest of pleasure as he moaned through his orgasm.

  Ritter’s fingers dug into the flesh of her arms as he plunged deep in her ass. His body slowed, undulating against her with a gentle rocking motion while Gunter’s hips calmed.

  Gunter’s mouth covered Cat’s mouth, kissing her hard. “Sehr gut, Fräulein, very good,” he whispered. Pulling away from her, his flagging cock slid free of her soaked pussy. He rolled off the bed, stripping off the condom.

  In a daze of sexual euphoria, Cat watched him walk toward the bathroom. His muscles rippled as he bent to grab his clothes.

  Soft kisses trailed along her neck. Ritter’s hands swept up her stomach then caressed her breasts. His still hard length slid from her anus. The emptiness almost overwhelmed her.

  Falling forward on weak arms, Cat lowered herself to the mattress and closed her eyes. As fantastic as the sex was, there was still something missing. What possessed her to do this?

  Soft footsteps padded away. Murmuring voices, too quiet to catch actual words, teased her hearing. Rustle of clothes, the gentle growl of a zipper…clues that she’s soon be left alone.

  The snick of the doorknob was followed by the click of the door closing. Tears stung the inside of her eyelids.

  “Don’t go to sleep on me yet,” Ritter’s voice startled her eyes open.

  “You’re still here.” Stupid stating the obvious.

  Standing near the bed with his hard cock, sans condom, jutting toward the ceiling, Ritter laughed. “I’m not finished with you yet.”


  “He always rushes things. I’m not quite so…how do you say…quick on the draw?” His sexy smile only enhanced the attractive cadence of his German accented English. “Come here…” He held out a hand.

  Cat crawled off the bed. Her nakedness made her more self-conscious now than earlier in the heat of passion. Warm arms wrapped around her, hands sliding down her back to her ass. Soft lips brushed hers.

  “You don’t normally do this, do you?” he whispered. “Sell your…services…”

  Cat closed her eyes as a flush crept up her chest and face. “No.” She exhaled slowly. “How could you tell?”

  A soft chuckle made her op
en her eyes. “You were too…tight?” A hint of red tinted his neck and spread toward his face. “And you seemed…inexperienced.”

  Heat flushed her face. She couldn’t find words to reply.

  His lips nuzzled hers. “Why? For the money?” The concern in his eyes seemed real.

  Her laugh erupted before she could pull back. “No. My real job pays quite well.”

  “Then why?”

  She opened her eyes to questioning twin pools of blue. “I have my reasons. Not very good ones…”

  “Do you want to stop?”

  Shaking her head, she wrapped her arms around his hard body. “No. I always finish what I start.”

  Ritter leaned forward. His lips brushed hers then a moist tongue teased her mouth open. His hands kneaded her buttocks, sending her a stinging reminder of his recent penetration.

  His body pressed her toward the bed. The edge caught the back of her knees. Only his hold on her kept her from toppling over. He lowered her to the mattress. His tight muscles and softer than expected skin covered her body.

  His hands curled under her shoulders while his mouth sought hers. One arm slid farther up until his fingers caressed the nap of her neck.

  Cat’s hand mirrored his. The fine hair on the back of his neck teased her palm. Pulling him tighter, she fell into his kisses. Tongues tangled and explored. The heat of their earlier coupling didn’t compare to the passion of his mouth, the intimacy of his body against her.

  Whispered moans escaped as she wrapped her legs around his hips. His hard cock rubbed through the furrow of her vagina, sliding against her sensitive clit. “Yes…” she whispered.

  Ritter pulled one arm free from under her. His hand patted the nearby nightstand until he returned with a fresh condom. He tore the package open with his teeth.

  Cat’s fingers snagged the slippery latex from the wrapper. Reaching between their bodies, she caught his thick flesh with one hand. With nimble fingers, she unrolled the thin sheath over his cock.

  His body shivered as she stroked his length. He leaned down. His mouth captured her lips. Gentle teeth tugged at her lower lip. As his tongue teased hers, his hot length taunted her clit with short rubbing strokes.

  Heat and anticipation swept through her body. Her pussy clenched with aching need. Ritter refused to cooperate as she arched her hips in an effort to fill the tense void deep in her core. His thick flesh continued to plow the slick furrow of her nether lips, avoiding dipping into her tender channel.

  “Please…” So close to begging, Cat sighed with relief when his thick flesh finally slid into her aching depths. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him deeper.

  The erotic play earlier of two men didn’t match the heat of Ritter’s kiss or the passion of his embrace. The long slow ride of his length into her body sent her to the edge of reason.

  Her legs flexed around his strong body, urging him faster. So close to release, so close… She needed just a little more, but he refused to give it.

  His pace stayed slow. The strength of her legs was no match for his muscled body. Long, teasing strokes with his pelvis met her swollen clit in gentle glances.

  Urgent tension built in the pit of her stomach, pulsing into her center with each beat of her racing heart. His kisses drown out her moaned pleas for relief. His arms, curled under her back, held her tight. Fingers dug into her shoulders.

  After keeping her on the edge of ecstasy for what seemed an eternity, his pace increased almost imperceptibly. But it was enough.

  Cat gasped as the wave of orgasm hit her. Her body clenched through spasms of pleasure. Her arms and legs tightened around the hard body pumping against her.

  His lips kissed a line down her neck. Burying his face in her shoulder, his teeth grazed her skin. Excited groans accompanied his final jerking motions.

  “So good…” he mumbled between kisses. “You feel so good.”

  Cat just nodded as his mouth covered hers. He did feel good.

  Tears stung Cat’s eyes. She squeezed them tight as realization hit her. She didn’t want erotic adventures. She didn’t need sex for sex sake. The intimate embrace of one man, one who cared for her and her only, was all she ever needed.

  “I want to see you again.”

  She refused to open her eyes. Besides the tears she feared he’d see, she was more afraid she’d agree. But it was impossible. The exploration of her sexuality was over.

  Shaking her head, she pushed at his chest. “Can’t…” As soon as his body moved off her, she rolled the opposite direction and ran for the bathroom.

  Closing the door, she sank to the floor with her back against the cool wood and listened to the sound of Ritter gathering his clothes. When the door to the tiny apartment closed, she let the tears flow.

  As much as her body enjoyed the sex, this wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted a relationship, someone to talk to, spend time with. She wanted love.


  Cat flipped open her laptop and tried not to think about last night. She’d left Geli’s place as soon as she was sure Ritter was gone. In such a hurry to put her night behind her, she waited to shower until she got to her apartment.

  She didn’t sleep much. When she did, her dreams were filled with piercing blue eyes and the feel of hard muscles against her skin.

  She glanced at the clock in the bottom corner of her computer screen. Almost nine, she expected her first appointment any minute. The new president of one of the firm’s largest clients wanted to know why he shouldn’t take his business elsewhere.

  She’s never even talked to him on the phone. All his communication had been through his secretary or tersely worded emails. Cat hoped Tristan Ziegler’s personality wasn’t as arrogant as some of his emails.

  Pulling up the file on T.R. Athletics, she perused through the facts and figures pertaining to their advertising campaigns as well as their sales numbers.

  Her phone buzzed at exactly five minutes until the hour.

  “Well, at least he’s prompt.” She stood up and started around her desk when the door opened.

  “Mr. Ziegler…” Her voice trailed off as Ritter walked into the room. The blood rushed from her face. Lightheaded at the idea of anyone finding out what she’d done last night, she gasped. “What are you doing here?”

  A slight flush crept up his tanned face. “I have an appointment with Catherine Lakeland.”

  Cat regained her composure long enough to wave to her secretary. “That’s all, Adele. Thank you.”

  Ritter watched the door close then turned back to Cat. “I’m Tristan Ziegler.”

  “Oh, my God.” Cat’s knees threatened to fail her. She grabbed the edge of her desk, but strong arms caught her. “I’ve never done that before. I just wanted…”

  “Cat…Catherine…” He pulled her around to face him. “I know.” His hand cupped her cheek. “When I asked to see you again, I didn’t mean like last night.”

  “You didn’t…” Hope welled up with his smile.

  “No, I meant dinner. Talking. Get to know each other.” His smile broadened to a grin. “And maybe a little like last night…but without Gunter.”

  Cat nodded. “Definitely without Gunter.”

  He pressed her against the desk but not tight enough that she couldn’t escape. Not that she thought about running. A soft kiss sent shivers through her body.

  “Ritter…Tristan… What do I call you?”

  His laugh was rich and warming. “I don’t usually do things like last night either. So I used my middle name.” He backed away from her. “How about we start over?” He held his hand out. “Hello, my name is Tristan Ziegler.”

  Cat grinned and took his hand. “I’m Catherine Lackland. It’s very nice to meet you.”

  Maybe there was hope for more after all.




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