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Thug Passion

Page 4

by Mz. Lady P

"Bitch, did you really think I wasn't coming for that ass! You must forget I will whoop a bitch’s ass quick!" She wouldn't even fight me back. She just let me get my row out on her. That shit was no fun, so I stopped beating her ass. I stood up over her and just stared at her for a minute before I spoke up.

  "How could you do this to me?" I asked as I tried to catch my breath. Khia stood up to her feet and sat on the couch.

  "I don't know why I did it? It just happened. I ended up falling in love and I had no control over my feelings. I’m so sorry. I really hate that I hurt you. I understand if you don’t believe me.” She was trying her best to make tears fall from her eyes.

  "Cut the bullshit, Khia! I trusted you with everything and you used it to get my man. I am so fucked up behind this. I can get over Nico's betrayal, but not yours. We have been friends since Kindergarten. I have always been there for you. I fought all your battles for you. You were always fucking other bitch’s men. I don’t know why I thought you wouldn't do me dirty. It's cool, though, you trifling bitch. You think you want Nico. Trust and believe me you will regret the day you slept in the bed with that Devil."

  "I understand you’re upset, but we're getting married soon. I’m about to be the mother of his child. I know he loves me. What we have is real." She held her hand out and flashed the biggest rock I had ever seen. That shit really didn't even faze me, though.

  "Why are you telling me this? What are you looking for? A congratulations? Fuck you and Nico. Good riddings you lying, conniving hoe. If you see me on the street bitch I advise you to cross to the other side of the street. I might get the urge to whoop your ass again."

  I walked out of her apartment and out of the building. I was hurt hearing that they were getting married and building a family together. Those are all of the things I wanted from him. Obviously, I was the last person he wanted to share those special things with. Despite feeling so hurt, a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I could now move on with my life. I had no other choice.

  Dwelling on the fact that my best friend snaked me would not get me anywhere. I had to suck that shit up and let it go. If I didn't, it would have power over me. Fuck both of them bitches. They were not about to live rent free in my head, especially, since I was broke as fuck. I was glad Nico hadn't returned when I made it downstairs. If he would have pulled some bullshit today, he was either going to Cook County jail or the Cook County Morgue. No bullshit.

  Once I made it back to my granny's apartment, I was mad the damn elevators were out. As I walked up the stairs, a single gunshot was let off. I took off running at the sound of it. That shit sounded so fucking close. I was flying up the stairs two at a damn time.

  "Aaagh! I screamed as I tripped over a dead body. The nigga had half off his head blown off. The sight of the corpse made me sick to my stomach. I looked up and saw Thug standing at the top of the stairs next to a guy who looked exactly like him. Our eyes met and I knew then he had killed the nigga that was laying there headless. Fuck my life; I thought as I stood up to my feet.

  Chapter 6- Thug

  My Brother’s Keeper

  That morning after I found the letter Tahari had left, I got my day started. I made my daily rounds to my trap houses making sure everything was on point and all my workers were doing their jobs. They had started to slack off lately. That was a no-no on my watch. I played many games, but I didn’t play about my money. Fucking with my money would get a nigga bodied quick.

  My stomach started to rumble when I realized I hadn't had anything to eat all day. I decided to pay my mother Peaches a visit. With all of the money we made, she refused to move. She still lived in the same apartment building, but in a different apartment. Peaches had enough money to buy five damn houses. She loved the hood life, though. Entering her house, I saw her utensils out and she was cooking, but it wasn't any damn food.

  "Damn, Ma’. You didn't cook any food? I'm hungry as fuck." I kissed her on the cheek and rummaged through her empty refrigerator.

  "First off, watch your motherfucking mouth. Second, do I look like Betty Crocker to you? You need to get a woman. That bitch can cook for your greedy ass."

  "I'm sorry for cursing, Ma’. Have you heard from Malik today?" I sat down at the kitchen table and watched as she cooked.

  "He just walked out of here. I don't know how you two missed each other. I’m cooking this batch up for him. Malik has more money than he knows what to do with. He kills me playing the cheap role. He thinks that because he’s my son he doesn’t have to pay me for my services. He has me fucked all the way up. I told his ass if he doesn’t have my two stacks when he gets back. I’m going to rob one of his worker's and take my money." I couldn’t help but laugh at my mother because I knew she was serious.

  "What am I going to do with you?”

  "Money talks and bullshit runs a marathon. I’m not about to play no games with Malik. He can't pay me, but he around here spending all his money on Barbie. I don't know why her mother would name her some shit like that. She cool and all, but she's not no damn Barbie, either. If you get my drift?" She turned back around towards the stove and shook the glass beaker as she cooked the crack. I couldn't do nothing but laugh at her.

  "Ma’, I’m about to go grab me something eat, do you want anything while I’m out?”

  "Yes. Could you bring me some swishers? I got some good ass Kush in the back." All I could do was laugh and shake my head at her.

  Once I left my mother's house, I was headed down the stairs. As soon as I made it to the third floor, I heard someone getting jacked.

  "Give that shit up nigga before I blow your fucking head off!"

  “I gave you every fucking thing I had!"

  What luck, the nigga getting robbed was my brother, Malik. It was his lucky day. I had my gun in my waistband. The robber had his back towards me and he held a sawed off shotgun pressed into Malik's back. Malik’s hands were in the air. I eased in back of the robber and aimed my gun at the back of his head. I pulled the trigger without hesitation.

  The bullet entered the back of his head causing his shit to explode like a busted watermelon. Blood and brain matter flew all over Malik and on the wall in front of him. Malik quickly turned around and saw that it was me.

  "What the fuck, Thug? This is a damn Versace shirt," Malik said, looking down at his clothes. He was a real vain ass nigga.

  "Nigga, you was about to be dead like Versace. Fuck is you worried about a shirt for? Let's get out of here before them people come"

  As soon as the words left my mouth, we heard the sound of sirens. We proceeded to run up the stairs, but at the same time I heard a scream and turned around and I realized it was Tahari.

  "Damn. Where did you come from, Ta?" She looked so damn scared.

  "My grandma lives right here in apartment three-ten."

  "Here take this gun and go inside now. I'll come and get it later."

  The sounds of the police getting closer made me push Tahari ass inside her grandma’s crib and hauled ass up the stairs. I prayed Peaches was done cooking that shit. The police were definitely about to do a walk thru. We might have to stay at my OG’s crib tonight. It took the Coroner a long ass time to come and pick up dead bodies and I knew that this was about to be a long night. As soon as we made it inside her crib, we started hiding shit in the secret doors and compartments we had built. No one knew about them but us.

  "What the fuck is going on now?" Peaches yelled as she saw us run through the door and slam it behind us.

  "I went downstairs and Malik was getting robbed. I had to peel that nigga’s shit back." I took black pepper out of the cabinet and poured some in front of the door, so, that if they bring the dogs out. It would throw off their sense of smell.

  "I know damn well your ass is not in my kitchen with some nigga blood on you, Malik."

  "I'm sorry, Ma’. I'm trying to get this blood out of my shirt."

  "Fuck that shirt, Malik! Get your ass in the back and get cleaned up! Here go a plastic bag to
put those clothes in. Thug, you take off your clothes, as well. We have to get rid of it. You have clothes in the back that you can put on.” I took a quick glance out of the window to survey the scene and the police had the building on lock down. No one could come in and no one could get out. I just prayed that they didn’t knock on the door.

  Chapter 7- Tahari

  Thug Luv

  Not only was I in a state of shock when I stumbled over a dead body, but I was also speechless. Thug shoving the gun in my hand was confirmation he was the damn suspect. Here it was for the third time we were bumping into one another. Only this time, I was helping him out. I was starting to believe that fate shit he kept talking to me about. Once he pushed me into the apartment, I hurriedly ran towards my room in the back. I rushed right past my grandma. I had to hide it before she seen it in my hand.

  "They done killed somebody again, huh?" she yelled loud enough, so that I could hear her.

  I didn't even answer her. I was too busy trying to find a good hiding place. My granny was one of the nosiest people I know. She would snoop all through your shit. When I walked in the door this morning, she kept asking me question after question. I forgot her ass was nosier than Pearl of off the TV show 227.


  It was about six hours later once the police cleared the premises. It was eleven o'clock at night when I heard someone knocking on the door. I prayed it was Ka'Jaire. I could barely relax thinking about him. He was a nice person, so I hoped that he was okay. I rose up from the bed and walked to the front door. I looked through the peephole and it was a female, who I didn’t know.

  "Hey, can I help you?"

  "I’m Ta'Jay. My brother Ka'Jaire wanted me to come down here and get you." I finally opened the door for her. She had a long twenty-inch weave in her head with a Chinese bang. Her skin color was the same as Thug’s. The shape of her eyes made her look like she was half Chinese. Her body was on point. She was really pretty.

  "Where is he at?" I was skeptical. I really didn't know who this chick was. For all I knew, she was one of Nico's bitches setting me up.

  "He's at our mother's house upstairs. Oh yeah, grab that banger, so I can get rid of that shit."

  "Okay. Let me go throw some clothes on real quick."

  I closed the door and went back to the room. I put on some clothes and grabbed the gun. I put on the same clothes I got from Thug’s house. I left my granny a note in case she woke up worrying about me. I hurried up and left out the door with Ta'Jay." I handed her the gun and she threw it down the incinerator.

  "Girl, I got the same exact outfit down to the gym shoes,” she said as she walked to the elevator and I followed her.

  "Actually, these are your belongings. Ka'Jaire let me wear some things when I was at his house. I'm going through some shit right now. I promise as soon as I get on my feet. I'll replace it."

  "It's cool, girl. Don't trip. I need to get rid of some of my clothes. So, you fucking my brother, huh?

  I couldn't help but laugh at her comment. “No, we are just friends. He has really been looking out for me."

  "Well, don't tell my brother I told you this. It's not often he plays Captain Save-A-Hoe. So, I know for a fact he likes you. I have never even seen him with chicks for more than one night."

  Her last statement made me blush. Once we made it upstairs to their mother's apartment, Ta'Jay opened the door and let me walk in first. Ka'Jaire was sitting in the kitchen without a shirt on. Now, I could really see the tattoos. This nigga was so fucking sexy. The tingling in my pussy reminded me of how long it had been since I had some real dick. This nigga had the nerve to have a tattoo that read "Pussy Monster" across his chest. He was too much for me and I love that about him.

  "Don't stand there. Come over here and sit down." He waved his hand over gesturing for me to sit down next to him. I was so damn nervous around him.

  "Sorry about that earlier. I don't usually give beautiful women guns to hold for me," he said as fired up a blunt.

  "It's cool. I owe you big time, Thug."

  "Stop saying that. You don't owe me anything. Everything I have done for you was what a real man is supposed to do. You have been fucking with that lame ass nigga for too long. You want to hit the blunt?"

  "It's been a long time since I hit a blunt. I really need a drink." I took the blunt from his hand and took a long drag off of it. I inhaled the smoke and let it marinate inside of me before I exhaled. Thug got up and went over to the bar in the living room. It was filled with all types of liquor. He decided on some Patron. He handed me the whole bottle and a shot glass.

  "Here knock yourself out."

  I grabbed the bottle and poured myself a shot. I downed it without hesitation. I immediately poured myself another shot and downed that one, too. That shit felt so good. I was really loosening up. I became more relaxed around him.

  "Damn, Lil Momma, you're a rider. Knocking them shots back like that."

  I pushed him in a playful way. "Shut up! I told you I needed a drink." After a couple of minutes of silence, Thug spoke up.

  "I’m not trying to be in your business Tahari, but why you let that nigga hit you like that?"

  His question came as a surprise to me. I wasn't prepared to talk to him about Nico whooping my ass, but he had helped me out a great deal, so he deserved an explanation or something.

  "It's not that I let him beat me. It just happened and I never had the courage to leave. I had been with him since I was sixteen. He is all I have known. I dropped out of school in the tenth grade. I became so caught up in his lifestyle that I got too comfortable. I am paying for it now. The day you saw me and my head was bleeding, I had caught him having sex with my best friend, so, I destroyed his truck.

  I went to our condo and I took every single dime he had. But, after I took it, I realized I got no satisfaction from taking it. Plus, I knew he would be at my head. I didn't want to walk around looking over my shoulder every day. So, I called him up to give it back. He told me how sorry he was and lured me back to our house. That night he beat the shit out of me with an extension cord and that’s when you saw me walking down the street. I feel so stupid for giving him his money back, knowing I didn't have shit to fall back on." I tried not to let the tears fall, but they were falling so rapidly that I didn't have time to catch them.

  "Fuck that nigga and his money. You did the right thing by giving it back. It shows you have a heart and a conscious. Even for a coward ass nigga who likes to put his hands on you. Don't worry about nothing, I got you. You can stay with me until you get on your feet. I'll have Ta'Jay take you to the mall tomorrow. You can get everything you need. Make sure you get some workout clothes, so you can work out with me in the mornings. It's been a minute since I had someone to work out with. "

  I was getting ready to respond, but someone started beating on the door like they ass was crazy. I jumped it was so loud.

  Thug put his finger up to his mouth gesturing for me not to say anything. He grabbed his gun off the table and moved towards the door slowly. So, that he wouldn't make any noise. He looked thru the peep hole and shook his head. He unlocked the door and swung it open. A redbone chick with a long, blonde weave and piercings in her dimples walked in. She had on a real pretty, hot pink Nike jogging suit with all white Air Force One's.

  "Where the fuck is Malik at?" she yelled loud enough to wake up the whole damn building.

  "Would you lower your voice before you wake Peaches up?"

  "It's too damn late for all of this noise. Why the fuck are you so loud, Barbie?"

  "I’m sorry Ms. Peaches, but Malik is not answering his phone for me. I saw his car downstairs, so I know he’s here."

  "He’s in the back sleep. The next time you knock on my door like that, we’re going to have a problem with your rude ass.”

  The lady standing in front of me looked great. She didn’t even look like she could have grown kids. Thug was the splitting image of his mother. She was nicely shaped and didn't look a day over thirty
five. She was rocking a short hair due and her nails were extremely long and draped in rhinestones. I could tell she didn't take no shit either. She came and sat at the table with us and fired up a Newport.

  "Y’all need to go home and take your women with you. Hold on, I know that ain’t my damn Patron y’all drinking?"

  "I’ll buy you another one, Ma’. This is Tahari, Tahari this is my lovely mother, Peaches. "The way she was looking at me made me nervous as hell.

  "Hello, Ma'am. It’s nice to meet you." I extended my hand and she shook it.

  "Hey sweetie nice to meet you, as well. My son must really like you. It's been a minute since he brought a lady home to meet me.” I noticed her staring at my face. I hurried up and put my head down.

  “I know them is not no black eyes, baby? Ka'Jaire I know damn well you not putting your hands on her!"

  "Oh, no! Ma'am, he didn't do this to me." I had to grab her arm because she looked like she was about to hit him.

  "Well, whoever did it Thug better get at his ass A.S.A.P. Please don't call me, Ma'am. You can call me Momma Peaches. I know you’re my future daughter in law. Thug you and Tahari can sleep in my room. I'll go get in the bed with Ta'Jay."

  She got up from the table and walked to the back of the house. Her last comment made me think; like really him and me in the same bed? For some reason I wanted to lie next to him and feel his body next to mine. I wanted to trace all his tattoos with my fingers as he slept. I looked at his big juicy lips as he took a pull off of his blunt. I realized at this moment I was feeling something for this man. He made me feel so safe and secure.

  He was the perfect plan I never thought of. He made me feel so beautiful. It was like he didn't see the bruises and the black eyes. He saw the real Tahari La'Shay Monroe. Thug handed me the blunt and I puffed on it. That shit felt so good going through my body. As I sat back, I thought about how Nico took me away from the real Tahari. Before meeting him, I used to have so much fun. He killed my spirit, but now Ka'Jaire was giving me life.

  "Damn, Lil Momma. Puff, puff pass." He snatched the blunt from my hand. All I could do was laugh because I was holding the blunt longer than I should have.


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