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Thug Passion

Page 7

by Mz. Lady P

  Lately, I had been throwing up every damn thing I ate. It was that old familiar feeling that I have had numerous other times. My ass was pregnant with Ka'Jaire's baby. I realized I was about two weeks ago, but had yet to tell Ka'Jaire although Barbie and Ta'Jay knew.

  Since Ta'Jay was on bed rest, I asked Barbie to come to the doctor with me. I was glad she had a follow up appointment at the same doctor’s office, so it worked out perfectly in my favor. I was scared to go by myself although I already knew the results. Once I made it to the doctor's office, Barbie was already there and she looked like she had been crying.

  "What's wrong, Barbie? What did the doctor say?" I wiped the tears from her eyes as they fell.

  "Malik’s nasty dick ass gave me Gonorrhea again."

  "What the fuck you mean again?" I couldn't believe my ears right now.

  "Yes, a couple of months back I had the shit. We both came in and got shots to get rid of the disease. So, obviously he is still fucking with the same hot pussy ass bitch. On some real shit, Ta I don't know how much more I can take. I'm not happy being with him anymore. His ass is never home. He is always out cheating on me. If he don't grow up and get his shit together, I 'm leaving his ass.”

  "Malik don't be out cheating. Barbie, you know him and Thug be out getting money."

  "Tahari, don't be no fucking fool. Them niggas who we are so in love with cheats on a fucking regular. They have status out there in the streets. Bitches basically throw the pussy at them. I'm not trying to start no shit, but stop sitting up in that house waiting on his ass to come home. You letting him have his cake and eat it, too. I will fuck Malik up and I have done so plenty of times in the past. I love you like a sister.

  I'm telling you this because I know in the end you will be just like me crying over a no good ass nigga. Don't get me wrong, I love Thug. That's the big brother I never had, but him and Malik can't just stick with one woman. I'm sorry I can't stay here with you. I'm about to go across Malik’s shit. Call me and let me know what's up." We gave each other a hug and said our goodbyes.

  How could Barbie drop some shit on me like that and get up and leave? Thug had never given me a reason to think he was out cheating. So, I wasn’t going to go off the word of Barbie. She was just mad because Malik’s ass is a damn dog. I trusted Thug wholeheartedly.

  Once I registered with the receptionist, I sat back down and waited for my name to be called. I was going through my phone and looked up briefly and couldn't believe my eyes. Nico and Khia were walking through the entrance of the office. They were holding hands and her stomach was huge.

  My heart sank into my shoes. Not because they were together but, because she was pregnant. I remembered when I whooped her ass; she mentioned that she was pregnant. I thought she was just saying that to get under my skin. Just watching them made me feel the hurt all over again. He never wanted a baby by me. Seeing them was fucking with my head. I had come so far. Nico never even crossed my mind, however, seeing them together made me wonder what could have been. If we would have worked out.

  I was glad I was looking cute and that my hair was freshly done. I had on a pretty, yellow sundress with a pair of Michael Kors slide-ins. I kept my head down praying they didn't recognize me. They sat a couple of chairs over.

  "Tahari Monroe! The doctor will see you know," the nurse said as she came out holding a clipboard.

  I was too mad that bitch called my name out loud like that. Instantly, their eyes met mine. We stared at each other for a minute as I got up and walked towards the nurse that called my name. For some reason, I looked back at them. Khia had a pissed off look on her face and Nico had a look of lust in his eyes. I peeped him watching my ass bounce from side to side. I smirked at their ass and headed to the back to see the doctor.

  After seeing the doctor, he confirmed that I was in fact pregnant. My heart was racing because I was scared of Thug's reaction. I wasn’t ready to tell him just yet. I had to make sure I told Barbie and Ta'Jay to keep it to themselves. I hadn't seen him in three days, so I thought about surprising him at the trap. He never liked for me to come over there, but it was an emergency and he would just have to understand.

  I exited the office and bumped dead smack into Nico. Khia must have been in the back being seen by the doctor.

  "Damn, Ta. You are looking good as hell." He grabbed a handful of my ass. I turned around and muffed him in face.

  "Get your disgusting hands off of me, Nico." I pushed his ass right out of my way and kept it moving to my car. I saw the shocked look in his face. He couldn't believe I had put my hands on him.

  "Bitch, fuck you with your fat ass!"

  I wasn't going to even dignify that with a response. He would have to do a whole lot better than calling me fat to get my attention. He knew damn well I was looking good unlike that bitch Khia who was looking like a scarecrow these days. Fuck that nigga Nico. I’d moved on to bigger and better things. Nico was not a part of my new life. Thug is my future and Nico would remain in my past.

  I decided against going to his trap house. I would just wait until he came home and share the good news with Ka'Jaire. I just hoped like hell he would be happy about the baby. Once I made it home, I called to check on Barbie, but she sent me straight to voicemail. I had a funny feeling her and Malik was humbugging as usual. All they did was fuck and fight.

  I wanted to call Ka'Jaire, but I knew that he had an important business meeting. I didn't want to throw him off with something that could wait until he got home. I started to get that familiar queasy feeling in my stomach. I decided to go up to the bedroom, so that I could be closer to the bathroom. Thug would kill me if I threw up on his all white Alpaca carpet.

  As soon as I got settled into bed, the doorbell rang. I prayed it was the mailman bringing my new Kindle Fire. Making my way to the door, I looked out of the peephole and it was a woman. She didn't look like she could do any harm to me, so I answered the door.

  "Hi, can I help you?" The woman just stood there staring at me. I was staring at her, as well; she was very beautiful and had the body of a supermodel. She was lavishly dressed and her hair was long and jet black down her back. She looked like she was mixed with something.

  "I'm sorry. I was looking for Ka'Jaire. Is he here?"

  "No, he isn't. Is there anything that I can help you with?"

  "Here this is my number. Could you please tell Ka'Jaire to call me as soon as he can?" The woman handed me a card and walked away. I watched her as she sashayed away with so much confidence. I had a funny feeling about her. It seemed like she was up to something. I immediately closed the door and texted Ka'Jaire.

  Me: Hey Bae. I don't mean to bother you, but a woman came by the house and left her card for you. She said call her as soon as you can.

  Thug: I told you to never open the door when I’m not there. What was her name?

  Me: The name on the card is Kelis Bradley. She sounded like it was urgent that she sees you.

  Do you know who she is?

  Thug: No the name doesn't ring a bell. I'll be home shortly.

  After waiting about two more hours, Thug finally came home. He climbed straight into bed with me. He looked like he was so exhausted.

  "Do you want me to run you some bath water?" I asked as I massaged his feet.

  "Naw, I’m good. Just lay here with me." I laid on his chest and I decided that I needed to go ahead and let him know the good news. I decided not to cut any corners and put it all out there.

  "Today, I went to the doctor. I found out I was pregnant." The sound of my voice was shaky and nervous

  "How far along are you?"

  "I'm about six weeks."

  Ka'Jaire just lay there. His face held no emotion as he stared up at the ceiling. I didn't know what else to say. For some reason, his demeanor was different towards me and I knew something was up, but I just couldn't put my finger on what it could be.

  "I'm really not ready for any kids right now. I think it's better if you get an abortion." Thug got up fr
om the bed and walked out of the house.

  That was absolutely not the response I wanted nor did I expect, but I kind of understood him not wanting kids right now. Especially since he was always running the streets and the fact that we basically just met not too long ago. I prayed that he didn't think that I was trying to trap him with no baby.

  I was just worried about the previous abortions that I have already had. I wondered could my womb be able to keep going through all the trauma that I kept putting it through. At his point, I really don't have a choice. I loved Thug and I didn't want to lose him over this.

  First thing in the morning, I was going to schedule an abortion. I would be lying if I said I didn't want this baby. I knew that Thug would be a wonderful father and seeing Khia pregnant made me want this baby even more. Unfortunately, it just isn't the time for me to be a mother just yet. Hopefully, God would bless me with another chance at motherhood in the future when the time was right.

  Chapter 12- Nico

  Looking For a Come Up

  I hadn't seen Tahari since the incident at my house. I would be lying if I said she didn't look good ass fuck. As a matter of fact, I knew she had to be doing well since she was carrying a Birken Bag. I knew it wasn't a knock off because I just purchased Khia one. I followed Tahari outside just to see if I still had a shot. The way she was looking had a nigga dick on hard.

  I was glad Khia was in the back seeing the doctor. Her ass was worse than Tahari could have ever been. Now that I was seeing more money, she wanted to give me more fucking problems than I cared to deal with. Don't get me wrong, Khia still riding for a nigga in the streets but, ever since we got married, she had turned into a real fucking nag.

  I hated for a bitch to question my whereabouts. I couldn't go to the bathroom without her ass asking was I about to piss or shit. Her ass being pregnant was not helping the situation at all. I was glad that Khia and I drove in separate cars. I told her I had to make a quick run. Actually, I wanted to follow Tahari’s ass. I wanted to see where she was laying her head at. She looked like she was fucking with a nigga with some money.

  There was no way her ass bought that shit for herself. She loved to shop and look good. I watched her as she got into 2014 Mercedes Benz and drove off. I followed her for like an hour and was surprised when I saw that she entered the suburb Winnetka. It was nothing but money out here in this suburb. That shit piqued my interest even more.

  I watched as she pulled into one of the most luxurious ass houses I had ever seen. My fucking condo could fit in the front yard. I watched as the garage door opened up and she pulled in and that let me know that she in fact stayed at this address. Since I had already taken the long drive out, I decided to stay a little while longer and stake out the spot.

  About an hour after Tahari arrived at the house, a beautiful woman knocked on the door. I watched as Tahari spoke to the woman through the door. After a couple of minutes of conversation, the woman left. Another couple of hours passed and an all too familiar vehicle arrived at the residence. It was only one nigga I knew that drove a black on black Bugatti. The personalized license plate that read "THUG" confirmed what I already knew.

  That nigga had been refusing to let me cop anymore bricks from him. Him and his bitch ass brother had to go. I had already started putting my plan in motion to take out his entire family, including his mother, but not before she gave me her famous recipe on how to cook up that work.

  I had been thinking of ways to get closer to his ass, but he just gave me the perfect plan. Him and his bitch just gave me the golden ticket. Knowing where this nigga laid his head at had me wanting to celebrate already. I was going to kill his ass and make Tahari my bitch again.

  I was getting ready to pull off until I saw Thug come back out of the house and jump into his car. I followed him back to the city, but I ended up losing him because he was driving so fucking fast. Damn, I need to get rid of this fucking Armada. This was only the beginning of my surveillance. It was time I get this caper in motion.

  Chapter 13- Ka'Jaire

  Secrets Revealed

  It'd been six months since the attempt on Sarge's life. We had kept our ears to the streets trying to see who was behind it. Hating was at an all time high, so there was no telling where the shit came from. Since he was shot in the chest, he had to be on bed rest due to his chest still healing. We all agreed that we would wait until Sarge healed up before we investigated who was behind the shooting.

  Since I was cool with owner of the club, he allowed me to look at the security tapes from the night. Malik accompanied me back to the club to look at the surveillance tapes. It was definitely a man. He was dressed in all black with a hoodie that was tied extra tight hiding his face.

  The shooter raised the gun, but he wasn't aiming at Sarge. He was aiming at Ta'Jay. He was spotted by others and they began to scream which made Sarge turn around. That was how he ended up getting hit up. After seeing that shit, I knew she needed security detail twenty-four seven.

  Ta'Jay was against it at first, but she eventually gave in; she really had no choice in the matter anyway. Plus, she was pregnant with my niece or nephew. I couldn't deal with it if something happened to her. I wasn’t letting anyone hurt her ever again.

  We all came to a mutual decision that Ta’Jay was now out of the family business. I had been so engrossed with everything going on with my family that I hadn't spent any time with Tahari. I'm glad that she’d been understanding through all of this.

  I had plans on taking her out to dinner tonight. That was until she text me and informed that Kelis had been to the crib. My mind was all over the place. That bitch just up and disappeared, only to pop back up while I was in another relationship. Kelis really fucked a nigga up in the head when she pulled that disappearing act. I didn't know if she was dead or alive, but at least I know now the bitch still breathing.

  I wouldn't be able to rest until I knew why the fuck she just up and left me like that. I guess a part of me was still in love with her. That was why I hated to hear her name or even think of her. Tahari came into my life and made me forget all about Kelis’ ass, but knowing that she was trying to get in contact with me had me fucked up in the head. To make matters worse, Tahari just dropped that bombshell on me.

  I hated to tell her she had to get rid of the baby, but now was not a good time. I know its fucked up because I do have feelings for her. I was just too deep into this street shit to be a father. I could only hope that she respected my wishes and do as I asked of her. I hated to just drop that shit on her like that and bounce, but I couldn't stay to watch her cry or hold her for that matter. I left and went straight to my mother's house.

  "What the fuck is wrong with you?" my mother asked as I walked into her house and straight up to her bar. I needed a shot of something quick.

  "Kelis showed up at the house today and gave her number to Tahari to give to me."

  "I hope you don't have any plans on calling her. You have a new woman in your life and she makes you happy. Don't let that bitch come into your life and fuck up all you have worked for."

  "I need to call her to find out why she did what she did, Ma’"

  "It shouldn’t even matter why she left. It's been three years since she just up and left you. Why has she popped up all of sudden? I'm telling you some shit just don't feel right about her abrupt disappearance and now her surprise visit." My momma be on it. I swear nothing gets past her. For Kelis’ sake I hoped everything was copasetic. If not, rest assured, my mother would sing her ass a lullaby.

  "I have no clue, but I’m going to call her and see if we can meet up somewhere."

  "I hope you don't have any intentions on hurting Tahari behind that bitch Kelis. If you do, you’re a damn fool." My mother got up and poured her a shot of Patron and joined me at the kitchen table.

  "Ma’, I would never hurt Tahari. That's my future wife and she doesn’t even know it. I just have to deal with this situation with Kelis before I walk down the aisle with another woman.�

  “Listen to me Ka’Jaire, let that broad go on about her business. She don’t mean you no good. I know that you’re grown and you can make decisions for yourself. I just worry about y’all all the time.” My mother caressed my face and it surprised me. She always showed her love for us through her words and we hardly ever get the soft side of Peaches.

  I left my mother's home and called Kelis. She told me that she was staying at the Doubletree Hotel. At first, I was against meeting her there, but I said fuck it. This shit better be good because before I left her, I had every intention of blowing her brains out.

  I never wanted to see or hear from that bitch again. She had to go. Who the fuck does she think she is that she could just pop up out of the blue?

  It took me less than an hour to make it to the hotel she was staying in. I exited my car and walked up to the door. I knocked and as soon as she opened the door, Her beauty took me aback. She was more gorgeous than the last time I had seen her. She was so fucking beautiful. Her hazel eyes were still so captivating. She was still slender and had the shape of a model. We just stood there staring at each other. She had tears streaming from her eyes. I wanted to reach out and grab her, but fuck that. I wasn't falling for no fake ass crocodile tears.

  "What the fuck do you want, Kelis?"

  "I'm sorry. The only reason I came back was because my son needs a blood transfusion."

  "What the fuck does that have to do with me? Who else is in here? I hear water running in the bathroom.” I pulled my gun from my waistband and walked towards the door. Before I could make it to the door, it flew open and a small little girl came out. I hurried up and put the gun away.

  "Hi Mr., I'm Ka'Jairea. Are you my mommy's friend?"

  "Please Kelis, tell me this is not my daughter."

  "I'm sorry. When I left, I found out that I was pregnant with twins. This little beauty is Ka'Jairea and our son Ka'Jaire Jr. was hit by a car last week and he lost a lot of blood. He needs a blood transfusion in order to survive.”


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