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Thug Passion

Page 10

by Mz. Lady P

  I’m going to break her ass down like a fraction. With that being said, it’s only fair that I ask you this question. Please forgive me if you feel like I’m nagging, but before I say I do. I need to know is it over between you and Kelis?” I thought long and hard before I answered. In my heart, there was still a place there for her. It always has been, but I didn’t see us ever being a couple again. Despite her just pulling a disappearing act on a nigga, she was there when I had nothing. We were like Bonnie and Clyde in the streets, but I couldn’t bring myself to tell Tahari there were feelings still there.

  “Baby, you have nothing to worry about. Kelis is a dead ass issue with me. My only concern is being in my kids’ life and making sure they are straight.”

  The look on Tahari’s face told me that she was satisfied with my answer, but I could see there was still doubt there. She would just have to take my word for it and trust her man just like she had been doing and everything else would fall into place.

  Chapter 17 – Kelis

  You Should Be with Me

  The hardest thing in the world was watching the man you love be in love with someone else. I wish I could turn back the hands of time. I never would have left my relationship. My life would never be the way that it is now. I fell in love with him the first time I laid eyes on him.

  I was a Certified Nursing Assistant at the local hospital when he came in with a gunshot wound to the leg. It wasn’t serious, so I was able to apply the dressings to it. He had the juiciest lips I had ever seen. We started a conversation that ended up with us exchanging numbers. We started to go out on dates and one thing led to another and I moved in with him into his condo.

  In the beginning of our relationship, I stayed away from the drug operation he ran with his family, but it wasn’t long before I was hands on and knee deep in the family business. I was doing drug runs and collecting the money from all their traps across the city. I was the ride or die chick he needed. Life was going good for us, until I made the biggest mistake of my life.

  I let an undercover DEA agent talk me into snitching on my man. One day, the agent approached me outside of our house. He wanted me to look at some photos he had in his possession. The pictures were of Thug with different women coming in and out of different hotels. There was even a picture of him kissing and holding hands with a female. I was crushed.

  He was hardly ever home and I always assumed he was out handling business. As I thumbed through the photos, I knew he was doing way more than that. The next set of pictures were of me making various drug transactions with different people. I was in a fucked up situation and Thug was the person who put me in it.

  The agent flat out told me if I didn’t help him take down Thug, he was going to arrest me and charge me with being a part of a criminal enterprise. I wasn’t going to jail for his no good ass. I sat in the backseat of the agent’s car and told him about their entire operation. In the upcoming days, their biggest shipment was supposed to be coming in, but I wasn’t aware of the place or time yet.

  I told the agent I would tell him as soon as I found out the rest of the information. Over the next couple of days, I still hadn’t found out about the shipment. I also realized I had made a big mistake by running off at the mouth. My dumb ass feared jail, but I should have feared the wrath from Thug.

  If he ever found out what I had done, he would put a bullet in my head for sure. Instead of giving out any more info or confessing to Thug about my disloyalty, I just picked up and left without so much as a good bye. I moved to Wisconsin with my parents. I found out I was pregnant with the twins not long after. I wanted to call and tell him, but I didn’t want to risk my life or freedom.

  About a month ago, I realized it was time for my kids to meet their family. I had been struggling in Wisconsin trying to make ends meet. I knew Thug was going to be mad at me, but I would just have to deal with what he came at me with. Plus, I was on a mission to get the love of my life back.

  Only there were two bitches standing in my way. The first was that damn Peaches. This lady had been a pain in my ass since the day we met. She was always in her kids’ business. Her old ass had a mouthpiece on her that made Scrappy’s mother Momma Dee look like an angel. I always maintained a level of respect for her because she was Thug’s mother, but there was only so much I could take off of this ignorant woman. She needed her ass whooped.

  What type of mother was she to still be cooking dope and moving weight after all these years? All bets were off this time. I would not be taking any of her shit.

  The second person standing in my way was Tahari. That bitch thought she was gonna have Thug all to herself. Little does she know, she was about to be sharing his ass with me and my kids. As a matter of fact, I didn’t want to share him and I wanted him all to myself. I just had to figure out a way to get rid of her ass once and for all.

  I’m glad my son was being released from the hospital today. He had been there for damn near a month. I was so mad at myself for not holding his hand tighter that day he got hit by a car. I had took them to the park and when we were getting ready to leave, he let go of my hand and darted into the street.

  He had sustained a severe head wound to the back of his head and two broken legs. He had lost a lot of blood and needed a transfusion. It was a miracle that he would make a full recovery. That was when I first tried to get in contact with Thug. I knew his address because that was where we would have been moving to before I left. I prayed he answered that day.

  When the door opened and that bitch answered the door, I knew he had moved on. It pained my heart to know he had replaced my ass with a younger, prettier bitch.

  I had gotten settled into my new apartment just in time for my son’s discharge from the hospital. I decided to invite Thug over, so that he could spend sometime with the kids and me, of course. Lately, he had been sending me straight to voicemail and ignoring my text. I knew the only reason he was doing this was because of Tahari. I believed he only responded to my text today because our son was being released from the hospital.

  I couldn’t wait for Thug to arrive. I had cooked Steak, Lobster Tails, Baked Potatoes, and salad. Once I heard the doorbell ring, I knew it was him. I did a once over in the mirror before I opened the door. The smile I wore when I opened the door quickly turned into a frown when I saw it was none other than Tahari.

  “Where is Thug at?” I asked.

  “He had some business that he had to take care of. He wanted to drop some clothes and shoes off for the twins, so I came instead. You don’t mind do you?”

  “Actually, I do mind. He should be here, not you. I would really appreciate it if you would never come back to my home uninvited. My children are none of your concern.” I attempted to close the door, but she put her foot in the door blocking me from closing it.

  “Let’s get something straight. As long as I am with Thug, I will be a part of his kids’ life. Just in case you didn’t get the memo, pretty soon I will be Mrs. Ka’Jaire Kenneth. Plus, I’m pregnant with his child. It’s only right the twins get to know their little brother or sister. I’m going to need for you to fall in line and play your position. Your position is being the Baby Mother.”

  “Girl Boo. I will never be just a baby momma. Thug and I have history together. Plus, your future husband is still in love with me. Don’t believe it just watch.”

  “You better make your next move, your best move. Real talk.” I wanted to respond, but she turned and walked away. It was imperative I got rid of this bitch. The rock on her finger was massive. I’m supposed to be his wife; not her. Tahari thought she was the Queen of Sheba. It was about that time I knocked her off the throne.

  Chapter 18- Tahari

  Everything Comes to the Light

  The look on Kelis’ face when she opened the door was priceless. She had no idea I was coming instead of Thug. He was actually supposed to go see the kids, but there was a shootout at one of his trap houses, so he asked me to go instead. I was happy he asked me to go. He wasn
’t aware, but I looked in his phone and saw a lot of texts Kelis had sent him. They were more about her than the kids. I knew then this bitch had some tricks up her sleeve.

  I kind of expected her to try and get back with him. On the other hand, I didn’t expect for him to be trying to play it off as if it was nothing. His texts were strictly about the kids. I just never came across a text putting her in her place about her flirtatious behavior, so I felt the need to do so. I prayed she got the picture.

  These days I was doing pop ups and beat downs. I was not about to play with no female about my man. This bitch was cruising for a bruising and I was going to give her exactly what she was looking for. The old and weak Tahari died the day she walked in on her best friend fucking her man.

  Everything had been great between me and Thug. I was just hoping it stayed that way. After everything I had been through, I knew firsthand how shit could go from bad to worse in a matter of minutes.

  Since Thug told me that I could go house shopping, I had been looking at houses all over. I finally found a beautiful place out in Romeoville, Illinois. I just hoped that Thug liked it. I had been on my feet all day and I was just about to go to sleep when I received a text from Barbie. Her and Malik had made up and where back in love.

  I opened the text and it was her telling me that Ta’Jay was in labor. I couldn’t get there fast enough. The entire drive over, I was trying my best to get in touch with Thug, but he wasn’t answering the phone. There was so much beef going on in the streets, he was hardly ever home. He was determined to find out who the guys were that I killed in the house.

  I was so scared something was going to happen to him. I said a prayer for him every day. It was real out here in the Windy City. I arrived to the hospital just in time to see Sar’Jay Ka’Jaire Malik Williams being born into this cruel world. The whole family was there. I looked around the room and I realized I had a family. I came into their lives out of nowhere and they accepted me with open arms. Growing up, all I had was my granny. That reminded me that she had been calling me like crazy. I was going to make sure I went to see her first thing in the morning.

  “Congratulations my nigga!” Thug yelled as he embraced Sarge and Malik did the same.

  Ta’Jay was experiencing some heavy bleeding after giving birth, so we were asked to leave her room until they could get the bleeding under control. We sat around and waited a while longer until we could see Ta’Jay. I decided to go to the nursery and look at all the babies who were born. My thoughts went to the unborn child that I was carrying. I couldn’t believe I was actually about to be a mother. As I looked through the windows of the nursery, I couldn’t help but to smile. They were all so tiny and cute.

  “I can’t wait for you to have the baby,” Thug said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and rubbed on my stomach.

  “I’m so ready to spoil him or her rotten.”

  Thug and I stood in the window for a minute before we decided to go back and join the rest of the family. As we walked back towards the waiting area, I made eye contact with the last person I wanted to see—Nico. He had a sneaky and devilish grin on his face. He was carrying balloons and flowers that had congratulations on them. Khia must have had her baby. I prayed this ignorant nigga kept it moving and didn’t say shit to me, but I had no such luck.

  “What’s up, Tahari? You just gonna walk past and not speak to a nigga? You were all smiles the last time we were together.” This nigga was trying to get some shit started. He knows damn well we haven’t been together. Nico stood in front of us basically blocking us from walking. I hesitated before I spoke because Thug was clenching his jaws and the veins in his neck were sticking out. Some shit was about to pop off. Instead of me responding to Nico, I grabbed Thug’s hand. I was letting Nico know this was my man now and to move the fuck around.

  “Obviously, she’s not speaking. My girl is not allowed to speak to another nigga unless I give her permission to. So, beat your feet and keep it moving my nigga. You’re barking up the wrong fucking tree!” Thug moved closer to Nico and they were now standing face to face.

  “Calm down, Thug. We’re business men remember. Plus, just a minute ago she was my bitch!”

  The next thing I knew, Thug had knocked Nico’s ass clean out. Thug gave his ass a Floyd Mayweather one-hitter-quitter. Out of nowhere, Malik and Sarge just started stomping his ass out. I decided to join in pregnant and all. I had to get some get back from him whooping on my ass all those times.

  “Get the fuck back, Tahari!” Thug looked like a mad man as he moved me out of the way and continued to whoop Nico’s ass. I really didn’t understand why they was still stomping his ass. He was out cold. Hospital security broke up the fight and escorted all of us off the premises.

  “What the fuck is going on? Why are y’all in the damn hospital fighting? Ta’Jay is real pissed off right now. Y’all have been barred from the damn hospital!” Peaches yelled as she walked towards the parking lot where we all were standing.

  “Ask Tahari,” Thug said as he walked past me and got inside his car. He sat inside for a minute. I walked over to the car and he sped off. He left me standing there looking stupid. If I could go back in the hospital, I would beat Nico’s ass some more. I made several attempts to call Thug, but he kept sending me straight to voicemail. I didn’t know what to do or say. I had forgotten everyone else was standing around looking at me. They were waiting for me to respond.

  “That was my ex-boyfriend, Nico. He tried to start some bullshit with Thug knocked him out.” I looked down at the ground because I felt myself getting ready to cry.

  “Damn! Tahari, I don’t know if you know this, but we have done business with that nigga. That’s why Thug is so mad,” Malik said.

  I jumped in my car and headed straight to the condo. I had to talk to Thug. He was probably thinking I was setting him up or something. The look in Malik’s eyes made me realize he thought the shit, as well. This shit didn’t look good at all on my part.

  Chapter 19- Thug

  A Question of Loyalty

  I really didn’t know what to think of Tahari right now. All this time I never knew Nico was her fucking ex. Now that I sit back and think about it, out of everything Tahari told me about her previous relationship; she failed to mention that nigga’s name. I must admit I never asked his name either, so that was on me, as well.

  I love Tahari, but right now I needed to see where her loyalty lied. The way he used to whoop on her ass, he might still have some type of hold on her. I had to drive off before I said some shit that might regret. I didn’t want to jump the gun and assume some shit, but she had me thinking all types of crazy shit.

  I drove straight to the crib and put me a Kush blunt in the air. I needed to sit and think of how I was about to murk this nigga Nico. He was probably the one who sent them niggas to my motherfucking crib.

  I heard the security code being typed in. I looked at the security cameras in my office and I noticed it was Tahari. It wasn’t long before she came and knocked on my office door. I allowed her inside and I wasted no time grilling her ass.

  “Are you still fucking with that nigga!”

  “No! I swear to God. Thug I haven’t been with him since the day you brought me here. I don’t even understand why you are even asking me some shit like that.”

  “How come you never told me he was the nigga you were fucking with?”

  “I don’t know. I never really thought that it would matter. The only thing that mattered to me was you. You are all that matters to me now. I love you so much, Thug. I would never do anything to hurt you. I told you I’m your ride or die bitch.”

  “Prove it!” I had to fuck with her head just to see how loyal she really was.

  “What do you mean prove it?” Tahari had a look of confusion on her face.

  “I want to know every motherfucking thing you know about that nigga. Starting with where he lay his head at. I want to know who his mother is and where that bitch lay her head. I want to know w
ho his bitch is, as well. I want the location where he getting money at and who he gets it with. Whatever you know about that nigga I want to know right now! Are you willing to do that for Daddy?” I took a hard pull off my blunt and blew the smoke out into the air. Tahari walked around from in front of my desk and stood in front of me. She bent down and kissed me passionately before she spoke.

  “Like I said before, I’m your ride or die bitch. My loyalty lies with you and only you.” Tahari got down on her knees and unbuttoned my pants. I was already rocked up from her kiss. I laid my head back as Tahari placed my dick into her hot, wet mouth. She went all the way down on it until the head was touching her tonsils. Tahari began to go up and down my shaft sucking on it real slow. The sound of her gagging and slurping turned me on even more. I knew I would be bussing at any minute. Tahari had that million-dollar mouth. I wrapped my hand around her hair and began to fuck her throat roughly.

  “Mmmmm!”Tahari moaned in pleasure as I made love to her throat.

  “Oh, Shit! Ta-Baby I’m about to bust!” Not long after I came in her mouth and she swallowed all my seeds, she got up off of her knees and told me everything I needed to know about Nico. I knew Tahari was loyal from the beginning of our conversation; I just had to make sure.

  This nigga Nico had no idea what he had gotten himself into. Pretty soon he would know, though. After I placed some calls to Malik and Sarge informing them of what I had just found out, they were in beast mode ready to kill and destroy this nigga. It was late, so me and Tahari decided to go to bed. We entered our bedroom at the same time and that’s when the sounds of bullets hitting the condo echoed through the house.

  “Get down, Tahari!” I pulled her down to the floor with me. I crawled on top of her and covered her head. The bullets were coming so fast I never had a chance to grab my gun and return fire. The gunfire seemed like it would go on forever, but finally, it stopped. I jumped up from the floor and pulled Tahari up, as well.


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