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Holiday in Jamaica

Page 7

by Tracy Sinclair

  For the first time since she had known him, Erin saw Jason's poise ruffled. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" he demanded.

  "It didn't occur to me. You told me I could use the house whenever I wanted."

  "Yes, but—"

  "I didn't even know you were going to be here this week." Brad clearly felt himself to be the injured party. "Why didn't you mention it? Fine friend you are, having a house party without me. I had to find out from Tommy and Bibi."

  "Are they here yet?" Jason asked, still scowling.

  Brad glanced at Erin and took a small sip of his drink. When he finally answered, there was a peculiar smile on his face. "Yes, they're here, and they brought another guest. It's going to be a full house."

  Erin was understandably confused. Although Jason hadn't exactly said as much, she had naturally assumed they were going to be alone. Seeing Brad was a surprise, but now it seemed there were going to be more people. "Who are Tommy and Bibi?" she asked.

  "Tommy and Bibi Exeter, friends of mine," Jason enlightened her.

  "One of the few happily married couples he knows," Brad said mockingly.

  As though hearing their names, the Exeters appeared in the doorway. He was a tall, thin, sandy-haired man with an endearing, homely face, a pleasing foil for his sleek and slender dark-haired wife.

  "Hi, Jason. Was your plane late?" Tommy asked. "You should have flown down with us. We've been here for hours."

  "Yes, and you'll never guess who we brought with us," his wife said. "We met in the airport, and she was on her way to Bermuda. When we told her where we were going, she decided it sounded like more fun here. Isn't that nifty?" Was there a touch of irony in her voice? Bibi looked over her shoulder to include the tall blond girl who had appeared at the sound of their voices. Erin saw to her horror that it was Veronica Melin!

  Something of Erin's emotion was mirrored on Jason's face as he looked at the newcomer, but Veronica seemed sure of her welcome.

  Running to Jason, she threw her arms around his neck. "Are you surprised to see me, darling?"

  "You have no idea," he murmured.

  "It was just a stroke of luck, bumping into Bibi and Tommy that way. I ought to be very angry at you for not telling me your plans," she pouted, "but I've decided to forgive you."

  "That's very generous," he said sardonically.

  "Now that I'm here, we're going to have such a wonderful time, aren't we?" she purred.

  Erin had never felt so out of place in her life. This whole trip was turning into even more of a nightmare than she had feared. But as she stood there trying to shrink out of sight, Jason turned and included her in the group. Although he had been thrown off balance momentarily, he now recovered his poise. As he introduced Erin to Veronica and the Exeters, anyone would have thought he had planned this whole gathering and couldn't be more pleased. Well, why not, Erin thought bitterly. He, at least, was among friends.

  Veronica's greeting left no doubt about her feelings, which she didn't even bother to disguise. Eyeing Erin suspiciously, she said, "Why do you look familiar?" The implication was that of course their paths could never have crossed socially.

  Erin could feel her temperature rise, but she merely said, "Perhaps you saw me in Jason's office. I work there."

  Veronica took in every detail of Erin's inexpensive outfit before remarking insolently, "Of course. I remember now." Her raised eyebrows expressed incredulity. "But you call him Jason? How very strange."

  "Wouldn't it be stranger yet if I called him Edgar?" Erin asked sweetly.

  Brad's eyes filled with tears as he choked on his drink. Jason cleared his throat. "Why don't we all meet at the pool in half an hour? That will give us a chance to get unpacked." Putting his hand under Erin's elbow, he hurried her into the house before there was any more conversation.

  Erin had time for only a glimpse of the wide, serene living room facing the ocean. Through ceiling-high windows, she saw a swimming pool glowing like a rare sapphire set in flagstone. It was an enchanting sight. At the deep end, a pair of stone dolphins spouted sparkling jets into clear water that looked cool and inviting.

  She would have liked to linger, but Jason led her down a long hall to her room.

  "If you don't find everything you want, ring for the maid," he said. "Her name is Rosa."

  Looking around the room, Erin couldn't imagine what more she could possibly want. It was spacious and airy, and beside the large king-sized bed covered with a luxurious quilted pink spread, there was a comfortable pink and rose flowered chaise. A graceful round table stood by the window, flanked by two chairs with high curved backs painted a sparkling white.

  Beyond the bedroom was a bathroom and dressing room with a mirrored, lighted stable. The faucets over the deep rose-colored tub and matching sink were gold and crystal swans that looked like exquisite sculptures.

  Erin was so busy drinking in all this splendor that Jason was already out of the room before she noticed the large suitcase opened on a luggage rack at the foot of the bed wasn't hers. Hurrying after him, she told him about the mistake, but he just smiled.

  "It's yours. I thought you might need some things," he said.

  Erin took immediate offense. Was he afraid she would disgrace him? "You needn't have bothered. I know my clothes aren't as grand as your friends wear," she told him stiffly, thinking of the chic Veronica, "but you'll just have to take me as I am."

  His eyes grew cold. "I'll take you any way I like—and any time," he reminded her.

  The sharp warning in his voice recalled the purpose of this trip. Erin felt a chill of apprehension. She was irrevocably committed, and he didn't intend to let her forget it. There was no one she could turn to in this house full of strangers. She felt more alone than ever before in her life.

  Blinking back tears, she started to unpack. Her own unassuming things were put away in a matter of minutes. When she started on the big suitcase, Erin was fascinated in spite of herself. It contained a complete vacation wardrobe. Evening gowns layered in tissue paper were on top of skirts and blouses, bathing suits and pants—everything that could possibly be needed at a plush resort.

  The labels carried the names of famous designers she had seen pictured in fashion magazines but never hoped to own. As she lifted each garment out almost reverently, her cheeks grew pink with excitement. But at the very bottom was something that took the sparkle out of her eyes. Looking like a lavender cloud, a gossamer sheer chiffon nightgown and peignoir set completed the collection.

  Erin slowly lifted the fragile gown and looked at the delicate lace across the bosom and the thin ribbon straps of sensuous satin. When she held up the matching lace robe, it felt weightless in her hands in spite of the long full sleeves and pleated gathers falling from the yoked back. Did anyone ever wear something like this to sleep in? Not likely! Especially this creation. He had included it with just one purpose in mind. The sheer fabric would reveal more than it concealed, the provocative clinging folds making his male passion rise…

  Suddenly Erin shivered in the warm room. For one quivering moment, she pictured his hard body covering hers. She shut her eyes so tightly that scarlet pinpoints danced under her darkened lids.

  When she opened her eyes, the sun slanted brightly over her apprehensive face and she took a deep breath. Why dwell on it? Tonight was a long time away, and somewhere she would find the courage to face it when she had to.

  With her unpacking finished, Erin hurriedly slipped into a halter-necked sea green bathing suit that dipped lower in the front than she would have liked. The sides were cut high, exposing a great deal of thigh, and the whole thing could have been stuffed into a very small pocket. Studying herself in the mirror, she had to admit it was most becoming.

  A brief look at the clock told her she had been dawdling, and Erin didn't want to risk incurring Jason's wrath again. He had made it clear that she was to follow his orders—or else! Grabbing up a beach robe and slipping into a pair of sandals, she sped out to the pool.r />
  The whole group was assembled there, but Brad was the only one swimming. Tommy and Bibi were lying indolently on wrought iron chaises covered with thick blue-flowered pads, their eyes closed. Jason was stretched out on a matching chaise across the pool from them with Veronica beside him, ostensibly occupying her own lounge but actually practically lying on top of Jason as she leaned over to whisper in his ear.

  Erin hesitated uncertainly in the doorway. She was sure that Jason wouldn't welcome an interruption, and the other couple seemed to be asleep. But when Jason caught sight of her, he got up immediately, almost toppling Veronica, and came over to her.

  His glance took in the new bathing suit appreciatively, but he merely said, "I'll get you a chair. Would you like something to drink?"

  Erin shook her head as Brad swam over to the edge to welcome her and the Exeters opened their eyes to see what the commotion was.

  "Come sit over here so we can get acquainted," Bibi called, and Jason obliged by wheeling a lounge next to her.

  Bibi Exeter was looking at Erin with frank curiosity, and Erin returned the compliment. What she saw was a tall girl with a short, almost severe hairdo that managed to look just right with her high cheekbones. Bibi wasn't exactly pretty, but she had great style. Erin was to find that her generous mouth was usually curved in a smile. She and Tommy appeared to have a solid, comfortable marriage. They were constantly kidding each other and everyone else, but never with malice. Their casual acceptance put Erin at ease, and she liked them immediately.

  "Have you worked for Jason long?" Bibi asked. "And how do you put up with him? He's a lamb at a party, but I've been told he's a fire-breathing dragon in the office."

  "Hey, Jason, you'd better come over here and defend yourself," Tommy called. "My wife is doing a character assassination job on you."

  "Nothing of the sort," she disclaimed. "I just wondered how you got this pretty girl to work for you. It must have been blackmail."

  Jason's derisive smile took note of Erin's stricken face as he commented, "Something like that."

  Brad heaved himself out of the pool and, pulling Erin to her feet, said, "Enough of this idle chitchat. Are you coming for a swim with me, or are you one of those sugar babies who melts when she gets near water?"

  Grateful for the interruption, Erin flashed him a brilliant smile. "Certainly not. The water looks marvelous and I'd love to."

  They swam the length of the pool and then played in the churning foam from the spouting dolphins. From under her wet lashes, Erin watched Jason, half expecting him to join them. He seemed perfectly content to lie next to Veronica and listen to her chatter. Every now and then he laughed out loud at something she said, and Erin tossed her head angrily and swam to the other end of the pool. It didn't make any difference to her, of course, but she couldn't understand how he could find that dim-witted blond amusing!

  After a while, Brad and Erin dried off and stretched out next to the Exeters. A white-coated Jamaican man brought out a tray of tall frosty drinks, and they all relaxed in the glow of the slowly setting sun.

  "Where shall we go for dinner tonight?" Tommy asked lazily.

  Bibi propped herself up on one elbow. "There's a new place called the Flaming Torch. They have a floor show and dancing, and I hear the food's even good."

  "Sounds great. Why don't we check with our host?" Brad called over to Jason, "Hey, chief, do you have any plans for this evening?"

  Jason looked at Erin with a half-smile on his face. Noticing it, Veronica's eyes narrowed dangerously. Before she could say anything, he asked, "What did you have in mind."

  "Bibi says there's a new nightclub and we thought we might try it."

  "Sounds fine to me." Jason joined them and, standing next to Erin, looked down and tucked a vagrant curl behind her ear. "Is that all right with you?"

  Erin might have flinched away from his proprietary touch, but she knew the simple gesture probably infuriated Veronica and was so delighted that she gave him a genuine smile. "It sounds lovely."

  "That's settled, then. Is seven-thirty all right with everyone?"

  They all agreed that that was fine and Veronica, who had sulkily joined them, now slipped her arm through Jason's and said, "Will you run me down to that little shopping center, darling? I forgot to bring hair spray."

  "You can borrow some of mine," Bibi told her.

  But Veronica shook her head, saying smoothly, "I use a special kind." She gazed provocatively up at Jason. "You don't mind, do you, pet?"

  Jason looked at her mockingly. Erin was glad to note that even he could see through her transparent ruse, but he went along with her all the same. Well, it was no concern of hers if he wanted to trail after Veronica like a little lap dog, Erin thought bitterly.

  Brad and Tommy drifted away on some errand, and the two girls were left alone. Erin was glad, because there was a question she wanted to ask Bibi with no one else around.

  "Are you going to get very dressed up tonight?" she asked diffidently. Although her closet was filled with beautiful gowns, she didn't know which one to wear. It would be unbearable to choose the wrong thing. Veronica would never pass up a chance to humiliate her.

  "Sure, let's shoot the works and get all gussied up," Bibi said and then paused. "If you'd like to borrow a long gown, I have scads of them with me. Tommy is always complaining that I pack too much and that every porter from Caracas to California has a hernia from toting my bags." She looked at Erin's petite figure appraisingly. "We'd have plenty of time to put up the hem."

  "Oh, no, thank you. I have long dresses, but I wasn't sure… I mean… well, there's no point in pretending I'm used to this rarefied atmosphere, and I don't want to disgrace myself."

  "Don't let Veronica get to you," Bibi advised, shrewdly guessing what was bothering Erin. "Under those rotten manners of hers lies a really spoiled brat, but she's not so bad when you get to know her. It's just that she gets her tail feathers ruffled whenever there's another unattached female within five miles of Jason."

  Thinking of those patrician features and carefully pampered body, Erin said, "She surely couldn't be worrying about me."

  But Bibi shook her head disapprovingly. "Let's not have any false modesty. Have you looked in a mirror lately? If you two ever decided to have a tug of war over him, it's going to be the battle of the beauties." Looking appraisingly at Erin, she added, "But I'd put my money on you."

  Erin laughed. "I never met anyone so good for my ego, Bibi. That's a really interesting name, by the way."

  "It's a ridiculous name. They tell me that when I was little, I couldn't say Barbara, so I called myself Bibi and it stuck to this day. Although it's my considered opinion that society editors are responsible for perpetuating nicknames. They're afraid they'll get thrown out of the sorority if they call someone just plain Sarah or Mabel."

  The two girls chattered on as if they had known each other for years, and Erin was sorry when it was time to get dressed for dinner. She felt relaxed with Bibi and was even able to pretend for a short time that this was really what it seemed—just an innocent holiday in Jamaica.,

  Soaking luxuriously in a perfumed tub, reality returned and she thought about Jason. Now that Veronica was here, would he transfer his attentions to her? Or would he still make Erin go through with her bargain? And if he did and they found out about it, how would she ever face the Exeters, whom she really admired? They wouldn't know she was forced into this. They would think…

  It was too dreadful to contemplate: Getting hurriedly out of the tub, Erin toweled herself so vigorously that her delicate skin glowed.

  Wrapping herself sarong style in a big towel, she went to inspect the contents of the closet. The long dresses were all so lovely that it was hard to choose, a problem she had never had before. Fingering the delicate fabrics gently, she finally selected a gown with a long-sleeved, scoop-necked top of jade-green silk jersey. The long, tulip-shaped skirt was of heavy peau de soie, and there was a wide sash to wind around her small wais
t, making it look even tinier. The designer might have had Erin in mind when he dreamed up this creation. With her burnished auburn hair and creamy skin, she looked as though she had just stepped off the cover of a fashion magazine. A spray of perfume provided the finishing touch.

  She met Jason just outside her bedroom door. When she saw the glow in his eyes, Erin had sudden misgivings about the time she had spent making herself more than presentable. There was no mistaking the ardor on his face, even had his hands not reached out to span her waist, drawing her slowly closer.

  "You look lovely." His low, caressing voice was almost like a kiss.

  Surely he wasn't going to take her in his arms right here in the hallway where anyone might come along? Breathlessly, Erin put her hands against his chest and said, "Thank you, but I can't take the credit. Anyone would look good in this gorgeous gown. I had no idea that clothes could make such a difference."

  The words tumbled out desperately and he smiled mockingly, recognizing the reason for her nervousness and enjoying it. "I don't think that's really true. You would look beautiful without—" He paused, and Erin flushed a deep rose, certain that he was going to say, "without anything on at all." But after a moment he continued, "—the benefit of expensive clothes."

  To her great relief, a door opened down the corridor. Jason moved casually away from her as Brad rounded the corner and joined them. After that, confusion reigned as they all assembled in the front hall and Jason turned his attention to his guests. It was decided that it would be more comfortable to take two cars. Erin didn't know exactly how it happened, but she found herself in one car with Brad and the Exeters, while Jason and Veronica were alone in the other.

  That made it quite clear which one he preferred, Erin thought resentfully, and wondered why it hurt so much. She had to remind herself how much she hated this arrogant, fickle man. Besides, even if she wanted to, she could never compete with Veronica, who looked ravishing tonight in skintight turquoise silk pants and a fuschia chiffon blouse opened almost to her waist. Erin had noticed Jason and all the other men eyeing the blond woman's charms appreciatively.


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