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Holiday in Jamaica

Page 12

by Tracy Sinclair

  One arm went around her waist in a steel grip. Grabbing a fistful of her long hair, he savagely pulled her head back till it rested helplessly against his rock-hard shoulder. As she looked at him wide-eyed, begging for pity, his mouth came down on hers in a brutal kiss that was more like a punishment. Forcing her soft lips apart, his possessive mouth delighted in her humiliation.

  In a blind panic, Erin tried to get free, but she was like a small kitten in his feral grip. He swept her up into his arms as though she were weightless, carrying her effortlessly through the house and down the hall to her room.

  Kicking the door open, he slammed it shut in back of him, dumping her unceremoniously on her feet. Erin was panting as she backed away from the dangerous glitter in his eyes, but he advanced inexorably. When the foot of the bed bumped against her knees, she looked around for a means of escape, but he was on her like a tiger. With one savage motion of his hand, he tore the front of her dress to the waist.

  For a moment, the only thing that registered was the enormity of the deed and she said inanely, "You've torn my dress."

  "I paid for it," he snarled, "just like I've paid for you." Erin's cheeks flushed with shame, and she folded her arms over her bare breasts. He yanked them aside, saying, "Oh, no, let me see what I bought."

  He pushed her back onto the bed and she lay there, looking up at him piteously, scarcely daring to breathe; but he didn't look at her face. Desire inflamed him as he gazed at her slender, defenseless body and devoured it with his eyes.

  Kneeling over her, he bent to kiss the soft white skin of her stomach and when she moaned and raised a small hand in protest, he said, "No? You don't like that? Then how about this?" and placing his hands on either side of her firm young breasts, he held them together, covering them with sensuous kisses and tasting the pale pink satin circles till they turned into coral rosettes under his expert touch.

  Erin had never expected it to be like this. Although she was terrified, her own body was betraying her and she was ashamed and confused. Shrinking under his hard, demanding length, she turned her face aside. This seemed to anger him more, and he grasped her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes.

  "Don't turn away from me, damn it! You wanted a man—well, you've got one." His mouth explored hers with a probing passion that left her senses reeling. She uttered a small moan and clung to him, scarcely realizing what she was doing. When he finally raised his head to look down at her, his eyes were blazing. "This is what you wanted, isn't it?" When she didn't reply, the pressure of. his hand increased and he said, "Answer me!"

  She shook her head and whispered, "Not like this."

  "You'd rather have Brad, is that it?" His strong fingers tightened around her throat, and Erin quailed before the molten anger in his eyes.

  She would never convince him; it was hopeless to try. All she could hope to do was get through this nightmare somehow. There were tears in her eyes, but she called up every ounce of hidden strength and faced him bravely, terribly aware of his unleashed fury.

  "I know I made a bargain—and I'll keep it. But unless you hate me a great deal, won't you let me do it with dignity?" she asked in a desolate little voice.

  His expression was formidable, but he slackened his grip, never taking his eyes off her as she slipped off the bed. Erin's dress hung in tatters around her and she felt sordid, half dressed and half undressed this way. She reached in back and unzipped it, allowing the ruined gown to slither to the ground. Clad only in opaque lace topped pantyhose, her delicate contours were revealed to his ardent eyes. She looked like a lightly garbed Aphrodite rising from a sea of lace.

  The silence was broken only by the sound of Jason's hoarse breathing. Erin was afraid to look at him, knowing the animal passion she would see there. She tried to hold her trembling body straight and proud, but her head drooped. Masses of tumbled auburn waves accentuated the pallor of her face, and her long eyelashes shaded dark blue eyes that were twin pools of misery.

  Willing herself not to cry, she waited for the inevitable, but it didn't come. A small click alerted her raw nerves and she looked up just in time to see the bedroom door closing. The room was empty— Jason had gone!

  For a long moment, Erin just stood there and stared at the door. Why had he left? What had changed his mind? Suddenly she began to shake all over with delayed reaction, and she ran to put on a robe. Shivering uncontrollably, she wrapped her arms around her body and stood indecisively in the middle of the floor. Would he be back? Somehow she knew he wouldn't.

  An unbidden sensation throbbed through her awakened body as she glanced at the tumbled bed, and she buried her face in her hands, remembering her reaction to his practiced lovemaking. Although he had frightened and dominated her, he had also aroused a cascade of tempestuous emotions she had never experienced before. For a fleeting moment, she had wanted him to do what he was doing. Did he know that, and was he contemptuous of her for being so easy? If he only knew! No man had ever made her respond like that before, but he wouldn't believe it, Erin knew hopelessly.

  Her nerves were keyed to the breaking point and sleep was impossible, but, out of habit, she prepared for bed. And all the time her thoughts were going around and around like a hamster on a wheel. Did he really believe she had allowed Brad to make love to her? Was that why he hadn't taken full possession of her once she had broken the thread of his passion? He didn't want "used goods?" She ought to be grateful, but the idea was horrible. Could she ever convince him of her innocence?

  The questions went on and on as she huddled in the big bed, staring wide-eyed into the darkness. And when the morning light paled the draperies, she was no nearer to any conclusion.

  Chapter Six

  The next morning, Erin awoke with dark circles under her eyes and a feeling of dread as her memory returned. How could she possibly face the day? If only she could hide in this room until Jason ended her torture and allowed her to go home, but that was wishful thinking. There was no telling what he would do if she tried it. He was perfectly capable of dragging her out in her nightgown!

  Some time after dawn, she had fallen into a fitful sleep. Looking listlessly at the clock, Erin had a shock—it was ten o'clock already! It would never do to miss breakfast again. Very possibly the others weren't up yet, either, since it had been quite late when the party broke up; but she didn't dare to chance it.

  Splashing cold water on her face, she looked despairingly in the mirror. If eyes were truly mirrors of the soul, hers was in torment. Maybe a pair of dark glasses would hide the evidence. Pulling on a pair of white pants, she hurriedly buttoned a red silk shirt, her trembling fingers feeling like ten thumbs.

  There was a murmur of voices coming from the pool. Erin forced herself in that direction, finding to her relief only Bibi and Tommy there. After greeting them, she asked cautiously where the others were.

  "Veronica is getting her beauty sleep, of course, and Jason is locked up in his study working," Bibi told her. "I don't know what's eating him, but he's like a bear with a sore tooth this morning. I don't think anyone better disturb him." As Erin glanced nervously around, Bibi added, "If you're looking for Brad, he's gone." At the look of surprise on Erin's face, she elaborated. "Oh, not for good. He joined the party on Dwayne's boat for a couple of days, but he'll be back, no doubt. The wonder of it is that he could even get out of bed with the hangover he was sporting."

  Erin heard the news of Brad's departure with great relief and fervently hoped that he would have the good sense to stay away until after she had gone. But Jason was a different matter. She couldn't count on him to stay locked away all day and another encounter with him right now would be too much to bear. She made a quick decision.

  "Since everyone seems to be occupied, I think I'm going to do a little sightseeing," Erin said casually.

  Bibi looked at her curiously. "All alone? Where were you thinking of going?"

  "Oh, I don't know. Maybe into town to look around. Would you happen to know if there's a bus I could t

  "Don't be silly! There are all kinds of cars in the garage if you want to go somewhere." The idea of anyone taking a bus was clearly eccentric behavior to Bibi. "I'll be happy to drive you if you like."

  Erin shook her head. "I'm sure you want to stay with Tommy, and I'll be just fine by myself."

  Bibi got up, a look of animation on her face. "No, really, Erin, that sounds like a good idea. How about it?" She turned to Tommy. "Would you like to join us in a spot of sightseeing?"

  An expression of mock pain crossed his face. "To put it succinctly, my dear wife, you must be kidding!"

  "I'll bet if it was a tennis match you'd be out of your chair fast enough. Never mind, Erin, we'll have more fun without the men. I'd forgotten you've never been here before, so of course you want to see something of the island."

  Erin made a token protest, but she was delighted to have Bibi's company. It would be a relief to get out of this house of cross currents for a while.

  "I know exactly where we'll go," Bibi said, throwing herself into the plans with enthusiasm. "How about a trip on the Catadupa Choo Choo?" At Erin's look of incredulity, she laughed. "It's officially called the Governor's Coach, but the other is more fun, don't you think? We can catch it at the Montego Bay Railway Station, and I guarantee you're going to love it. Grab your purse and we're off." Bibi was a woman of action. Once she made up her mind, there was no shilly-shallying.

  On the drive from Ocho Rios to Montego Bay, she described what they would see on the forty-mile trip into the Blue Mountains. Long before she finished, Erin was glowing with anticipation. Fortunately, when they got to the station, a train was just leaving, and they managed to scramble on board only minutes before it pulled out.

  Once they started their ascent, the scenery became spectacular. It was like climbing into an emerald tunnel, a lost world where surely no explorer had ever gone before. Graceful arching breadfruit, papaya and mango trees rose above dense vegetation, and the towering cacoon vines proudly displayed their two-foot-long bean pods. This was really untamed nature in its most awesome state.

  Erin's nose was pressed against the window when the jungle cleared and they pulled into a small village. It was almost a shock to discover civilization in the midst of the wilderness. A whole string of small settlements had been carved out of the encroaching forest, and their little train chugged through towns with enchanting names like Anchovy, Baclava and Porus, where smiling people took time to wave.

  When they pulled into a siding at Cambridge so the Kingston Express could roar by on this small section of track the two trains shared, a cluster of gaily dressed Jamaicans was waiting to hawk their exotic wares. Bright colored baskets were artfully displayed next to polished black coral, beautifully carved wooden birds and much, much more. Huge trays of crimson mangos and ripe bananas and cocoanuts split in half to show the creamy white meat were a feast for the eyes. Erin had to be restrained from jumping out and buying everything in sight.

  "Wait till we get to Catadupa," Bibi advised. "There will be plenty of time for shopping after we order our dresses."

  Erin turned a bewildered face to her friend. "What dresses?"

  "It's a real experience, just wait and see. You can get a custom-made dress in just a few hours."

  "You're joking, of course?"

  "No, really. There's this darling shop with beautiful fabrics. After you make your selection, they take your measurements and off you go. Then later in the afternoon when the train makes a stop on the way back, your dress is all finished." She laughed at Erin's look of amazement. "I know it sounds impossible, but they actually do it and the dresses are lovely."

  Erin wasn't sure whether Bibi was putting her on, but when they reached Catadupa, she found it was all true. The shop Bibi led her to was crammed with so many bolts of beautiful material that the two women had trouble making up their minds. Eventually, Erin chose a satin-striped white cotton that did sensational things for her auburn hair, and Bibi decided on a sunny yellow that was equally becoming.

  Then the style had to be selected, which was a major decision in itself. The two women conferred earnestly and finally settled on a simple halter-neck style for Erin, with a full gathered skirt that accentuated her tiny waist. Bibi's dress was similar except for the neckline.

  After that, their measurements were carefully taken amid much laughing reassurance to a doubtful Erin that the dresses would surely be ready when they returned.

  The whole project was so engrossing that they didn't realize how much time had elapsed until the shrill summons of the train startled them. It couldn't be time to leave already! Making a dash for it, they arrived on board, breathless but happy.

  "That was great fun and I promise never to doubt you again," Erin said. "What's next?"

  "More scenery, and then a tour through the rum factory at Magotty. We'll have lunch there. I'm starved, aren't you?"

  Erin had been too excited to think about it, but she now realized that she was hungry, too. By the time they reached Magotty, both girls did ample justice to the delicious picnic lunch spread at a long table by a lovely, cool stream.

  "This has been the most wonderful day," Erin told Bibi. "I can't thank you enough for coming with me."

  Bibi looked at her friend thoughtfully. Erin seemed like a completely different person today.

  Her eyes sparkled and her mouth was curved in a smile of pure happiness. Back at the house, she was a fragile beauty with a tentative manner that was heartbreaking. Was it Jason? And, if so, what was he doing to her? Bibi didn't know, but she was determined to find out.

  "Erin, I know it's none of my business, but, as Tommy always says, that never stopped me before. I think there's something between you and Jason that's making you unhappy. Would you like to talk about it?"

  Erin's radiant smile dimmed at the mention of his name and the perfect day was subtly marred. Why did Bibi have to bring her back to earth? Of course, none of the problems had gone away, but they had been safely pushed to the back of her mind. Now, through Bibi's attempt at being helpful, Erin was forced to face them again. Suddenly, Jason's image surfaced, the way she had seen him last night, with contempt blazing from his eyes. Unconsciously, Erin wrapped her arms around herself, remembering how his avid gaze had raked her almost nude body.

  "I know something's gone wrong between you two," Bibi was saying, "and I feel just awful about it. Tommy and I were both hoping…" her voice trailed off.

  Erin was touched, but it didn't change anything. There was no way she could explain that Jason had never felt anything but desire for her, and he didn't even feel that anymore. His rejection had been almost worse than his brutal passion, and she couldn't bear to experience it again. Somehow she would have to convince Bibi to give up her matchmaking.

  "It's darling of you to be concerned, but really, there's never been anything serious between Jason and me," Erin said lightly. "You said yourself you've seen him through stacks of girlfriends."

  "With one difference. You're the first one to get Tommy's stamp of approval, and that's not lightly given."

  Erin's heart twisted inside her and she felt as if she were taking their friendship under false pretenses. Carefully brushing a small crumb off the table, she said, "I don't think Jason would let even Tommy do his choosing for him. And let's not forget Veronica."

  "That's the whole problem—Brad and Veronica," Bibi said impatiently. "Those two could set a pack of angels at each other's throats. At least he had the good sense to take himself off somewhere, so now we'll just have to work at getting rid of her."

  Bibi's manner was so determined that Erin had to laugh in spite of herself. "I don't think Veronica ever did anything in her life that she didn't want to do. You'd better give it up."

  "She never could beat me at anything, even in nursery school," Bibi scoffed. "Just give me a little time."

  To Erin's relief, the conversation ended there as Bibi said it was time to visit the rum factory. Although Erin was still upset by thei
r talk, the tour proved to be as interesting as everything else on this novel trip, and she was soon fascinated by the sights and smells.

  A pungent aroma hung over the huge vats and stainless steel equipment and even permeated the bottling plant, which proved to be the favorite of both women. They watched in delight as rows of bottles moved down the conveyor belt like tiny soldiers doing precise drill. Each turned at exactly the right moment to receive a cork or a label, and it was like a caricature of the Radio City Rockettes.

  The women found it difficult to tear themselves away, but the train was waiting and it was getting toward late afternoon. The return trip was shorter, since it made only one stop at Catadupa to pick up their purchases. Erin watched the scenery fly by, reluctant to see the day end.

  By the time they pulled into the station and then made the drive home, it was quite late. Erin began to feel apprehensive. Would Jason be angry because she had been gone all day? Even though he couldn't stand the sight of her, he might not like the idea of her just disappearing for that long. Should she have asked his permission? She set her jaw determinedly. After all, he didn't own her! But she was very quiet as she trailed into the house after Bibi.

  Jason and Veronica were alone in the bar off the living room. When the women looked in to say hello, he crossed the room with swift strides.

  "Where the devil have you been all day?" he demanded.

  Bibi was surprised. "Didn't Tommy tell you? We took the Catadupa Choo Choo."

  He frowned. "That was this morning. You've been gone for hours."

  "It's an all-day trip, and we had to drive home from Mobay," Bibi told him. "Don't tell me you were worried about us."

  "You bet I was worried," he answered grimly. "Knowing the way you drive, I was about to call the local jails."

  "Your concern is touching." An impish look came over her face. "Were you worried about me or Erin?"

  "About Erin, naturally," he told her smoothly. "Good secretaries are hard to find, and I already have her trained."


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