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The Mystery of the Hanging Garden of Babylon: An Elusive World Wonder Traced

Page 33

by Stephanie Dalley

  Diodorus’ description of, 159

  evaluation of classical sources, 29–43, 45–6

  excavations for (1898–1917), 13–14

  and the Garden of Eden, 159

  in Hellenistic and later times, 202

  introduction, 1–2

  and the Jerwan aqueduct, 97, 105

  lack of mention of, 24, 26

  location at Nineveh, 133

  and Nebuchadnezzar II, 20, 207

  Nineveh or Babylon, 126, 203

  and the Nineveh panels, 43–4, 43, 49–54, 50, 52, 54

  and Philo of Byzantium, 205

  and Rome, 177

  search for, 4, 15–16, 17, 18–20, 20

  and Semiramis, 120, 126

  Sennacherib as builder, 107, 175–6, 179, 203–7

  television documentary, 78

  and water supply, 62, 83, 154

  Harran (city-site in Turkey), 123, 241 n.68

  Hatshepsut, Pharaoh, 166

  Hatti (region), 148

  Hebrew, 1, 182

  Heidel, Alexander (Assyriologist), 65–6

  Henry VIII, king, 208

  Heracles (god), 69–70

  Heracles Epitrapezios (statue), 197, Colour Plate 17

  Herennius Philo of Byblos, 58

  Hermes (statue), 198, 198

  Herod the Great, king, 36, 176, 177

  Herodotus, 5–6, 18, 23–4, 26, 98–9, 103, 120

  Hezekiah, king, 174–5, 234 n.41

  Hierapolis – Castabala (city-site in Turkey), 218 n.14

  hilāni, see bīt hilāni

  Hippodamus (architect), 59

  ‘Horizon of the Aten’, 119

  Humbaba (monster), 22, 157

  Hutchinson, Richard Wyatt, 188

  Ibn al-Zarqallu (astronomer), 230 n.26

  Igisigsig (god of gardens), 112

  ikkaru (ploughman), 102

  Imgur-Enlil (wall), 7

  Inanna and Enki (Sumerian myth), 108

  Indian rosewood see Dalbergia sissoo

  inscriptions see also libraries and archives

  Bavian inscription of Sennacherib, 85, 92, 144

  Chicago prism of Sennacherib, 61–66, 63, Colour Plate 3, 209–13

  ‘cut and paste’, 143–4

  cylinder of Nebuchadnezzar II, 21

  cylinder of Antiochus and Stratonice, 125

  East India House inscription, 10, 23, 37

  scattered records, 9–10

  tablet of Merodach-Baladan 46, 46

  King’s Road of the Running Race, 168

  Iraq, 1, 45, 163

  Isan köy (site in N.Iraq), 241 n.68

  Ishtar Gate, Babylon, 13

  Ishtar (goddess), 69, 115–17, 132, 163, 165, 188, 202, 243 n.97

  Ishtar (temple of), 149, 188–9

  iškuru (wax), 65

  iššakku (steward farmer), 102

  Issar-Bel/Sharbel (deity), 200

  itqu (fleece), 65

  Izki (town in Oman), 87, 236 n.24

  Jacobsen, Thorkild, 92

  Jebel Bashiqah see Mount Muṣri

  Jericho (city-site in Jordan), 176

  Jerusalem, 22–3, 108

  Jerwan (aqueduct at), 51, 88, 95, 96, 97–9, 101, 149–150, 202–3, 205–206, Colour Plate 12

  Jewish Antiquities X.11 (Josephus), 35

  Jonah, Book of, 185, 192, 239 n.19

  Jones, Felix (cartographer), 84

  Josephus, 13, 20, 23, 35–6, 38, 43, 45, 108, 145, 147, 176–7, 204, 219 n.31

  Jubal, 58

  Judaea, 36

  Judith, Book of, 108

  kanaktu tree, 166

  Karnak (Egypt), 167, 167

  Keremleis (town-site in N.Iraq), 241 n.68

  Khinnis, see Bavian – Khinnis

  Khorsabad (city, Dur-Sharrukin)

  bridge with a single arch, 88–9

  drains, 81

  Dur-sharrukki, 243 n.94

  royal city, 3, 47, 192

  and Sargon II, 9, 43–4, 44, 47, 74, 80, 81, 90, 116, 128–9, 146, 147, 150, 199

  Sargon makes into a world centre, 111

  sculpture panel, 53–4, 114

  temple of the 7 gods, 196

  tree planting, 165, see also palaces

  Khosr river, 47, 53, 80, 89–93, 91, 131, 149–50, 197

  Khusrau II, king, 200

  Ki-shar (earth-sphere), 114

  King Date palm (god), see Lugalgishimmar

  King Poplar (god) see Lugal-asal

  King’s garden, Jerusalem, 175

  King’s Road of the Running Race, 168

  Kipling, Rudyard, 170

  kirimāhu (high garden), 79–80, 89, 129, 244 n.5

  Kisiri canal, 92

  kiššatu (world, totality), 6–7, 136

  Koldewey, Robert (archaeologist), 13–14

  Kouyunjik citadel (Nineveh), 90, 113, 186, 197

  kremastos kēpos, 220 n 33

  Ku’ara (city-site in S.Iraq), 117–19

  Kullab-Uruk (city-site in S.Iraq), 118–19

  Lacey, Andrew (bronze-caster), 3, 70

  Lachish (city-site in Israel), 135, 136, 137

  Laess⌀e, Jorgen (Assyriologist), 65

  Lakhmid rulers, 41

  lament literature, lamentations, 238 n.18

  Larissa (city name), 192–3

  Latin, 1, 10

  Layard, Austen Henry, 49, 51, 97, 182–4, 184, 186, 188, 195

  Levant (region) 163

  libraries and archives, 27

  Library of History (Diodorus Siculus), 31

  lighthouse of Alexandria, 5

  lismu (running race), 168

  Lloyd, Seton (archaeologist), 92, 98

  Lord Steadfast Tree (god) see Nin-gish-zida

  Louis XIV, king, 208

  Lucian, 185

  Luckenbill, Daniel, 65, 74, 79

  Lugal-asal (god), 160

  Lugal-gishimmar (god), 160

  Lyceum, 172

  Lyell, Charles (geologist), 183

  Macedonian month names, 199

  Magnolia sieboldii (plant), 165

  Malatya (city-site in Turkey), 241 n.68

  Mallowan, Max E. L. (archaeologist), 190

  Maltai (rock sculpture site), 92, 93, 100, 103, 174

  Mani (founder of Manichaeism), 161

  Marduk (god), 9, 27, 115–17, 122, 154, 206

  Marduk-apla-iddina II, king see Merodach Baladan, king

  Mari (city-site in Syria), 85

  Marly (château de), 234 n.44

  Marlik tombs (Iran), 77, 223 n.5

  Mars (god), 69

  Marxist theory, 55

  Mausoleum (in Turkey), 5, 34

  Mausolus, king, 6

  Media, Median empire, 98, 194–5, 240 n.48

  ‘Median queen’, 145

  Mediterranean Sea, 148

  Membidj (city-site in Syria), 241 n.68

  Memphis (city-site in Egypt), 119

  Menua, king, 87, 145

  Merodach Baladan, king, 46, 46

  Mes-kiag-nunna, king, 80


  Babylonian cities in, 1, 8, 117

  bridges made of rafts, 88

  canal networks of, 64

  importance of number seven, 6

  kingship, 103, 107–8

  Roman invasion of, 97–8

  and Rome, 177

  and Xenophon, 192

  Mespila (city), 192–3

  metaphors, 62

  Method of Mechanical Theorems (Archimedes), 56

  Milton, John (poet), 158–9, 160, 207

  Mithridates, king, 186

  Morgan, Lewis (scholar), 208

  mosaic, 139, Colour Plate 8

  Mosul (city in N.Iraq), 241 n.63

  mugerru (wheel), 77

  Mullissu see Ninlil Muṣaṣir (site in Iran), 232 n.10

  Muṣri (mountain, canal), 92

  Mylitta (goddess), 202

  myths, 8, 27, 38, 57–8, 108, 116, 118–9, 153–4, 156, 157–8, 209

  Nabonidus, king, 8
–9, 23, 186, 189

  Nabopolassar, king, 7–8, 21, 189, 205–6

  Nabu (god), 27, 122, 124, 168–70, 195

  (temple of), 122–3, 188, 190

  Nagel, Wolfram, 14

  Nahum (biblical prophet), 182

  nalbaš ṣēni (clothing of flocks), 65

  Nanne, king, 80

  Naqia (queen), 123–4, 145, 207, 234 n.41, Colour Plate 15

  Nebi Yunus (Nineveh), 90, 180, 197

  Nebuchadnezzar the Great, 24, 25, see also palaces

  and Babylon, 199–200

  and the Book of Daniel, 26

  confused with Sennacherib, 107–9, 126

  and the Hanging Garden, 20, 23, 203–5, 207

  inscriptions of, 10, 13, 21, 27

  introduction, 1, 5, 7–9, 10

  and Josephus, 35–8

  and Khorsabad, 199

  and the Nineveh panels, 49, 54

  persistence of Assyrian-style administration, 189

  rock sculptures, 24–5

  style of palace decoration, 109, 110

  Nebuchadnezzar II see Nebuchadnezzar the Great

  Negoub tunnel, 48, 87, 100, Colour Plate 2

  Nemetti-Enlil (wall), 7

  Nergal (god), 160, 169–70

  Nero, Emperor, 36, 177, 208

  New Light on the Most Ancient East (Childe), 55

  New Year Festival 23, 116–7

  Nile, 56

  Nimrud (city, ancient Calah), 9, 121, 122, 126, 192

  abandonment of, 190

  as a ‘Babylon’, 230 n.19

  fish-man sculpture, 155

  gardens of, 166, 172

  and Ashurnasirpal II, 47–9, 87–8, 103

  and Sargon II, 116

  and Tiglath-Pileser III, 8

  and Stratonice & Antiochus, 126

  portable hearth, 143

  and Naqia, 123

  and Semiramis, 121

  royal residence, 3, 116

  view of, 181

  Nimrud Wine Lists, 167

  Nin-gish-zida (god), 160

  Nin-sikila (goddess), 157

  Nineveh, see also palaces, and South-West Palace

  as ‘a great city of Adiabene’, 200

  aerial photo, 131

  and Anshar, 116

  and Babylon, 109, 111–13, 113, 117, 126

  building of akītu-house, 117

  decline/destruction of, 158, 179, 180, 182–6, 184, 189–92, 200–5

  discovery of stone panels, 41, 43, 43, 49–54, 50, 52, 54

  foundation, 102, 114, 209

  garden at, 16, 32, 102–3, 107, 148, 149, 161, 170, 176–8, 208

  Greek polis, 195–6

  and Herodotus, 98

  and Nebuchadnezzar, 108

  list of Macedonian month names, 199

  location of garden, 119–20, 133

  map of, 84

  mounds of Nebi Yunus/Kouyunjik, 90, 113, 180, 186, 197

  new city wall and ditch, 92

  and Nimrud, 121, 126

  and Naqia, 123–4

  and Semiramis, 123

  rebuilding of, 144

  and the river Khosr, 90, 91, see also

  Khosr as royal city, 3, 192

  sketch-plan of citadel, 113, 133

  supply of water to, 83–4, 84, 150

  ziggurat, 149

  Nineveh and Babylon (Layard), 183, 186

  Nineveh and its Remains (Layard), 183

  Ninlil (goddess), 80, 115, see also Mylitta

  Ninos, 125, 126

  Ninos and Semiramis (novel), 193

  Ninue/Ninus/Nineve see Nineveh Ninurta (god), 170

  Ninus (husband of Semiramis), 120, 123

  Nippur (city-site in S.Iraq), 80, 114–15

  Nisibin (city-site in Turkey), 241 n.68

  Nitocris, queen, 99, 107, 120

  Nonsuch Palace (in England), 208

  obelisk of Semiramis, 5

  Oedipus, 20

  Olympia, 5, 169

  Oman, 86–7, 163

  On Spirals (Archimedes), 57, 59

  Onesicritus, 30

  opus cochliae (screw), 75, 76

  Original Drawing IV 69, 162–3

  Original Drawing IV 77, 49–52, 50, 144, 148–50, 154, 156, 162, 168–9, 168, 172, 176, 204

  palgu (ditch), 86


  at Babylon, Southern palace of Nebuchadnezzar, 13, 15, 16, 45, 109, 110

  Summer palace of Nebuchadnezzar, Colour Plate 1

  style of palace decoration, 109, 110

  at Khorsabad, of Sargon, 131, 141, 146, 191

  at Nimrud, Review Palace of Shalmaneser III, 9

  at Nineveh, North Palace, of Ashurbanipal, 52, 145, 172, 173, 187, 197, 203, 205

  Review Palace, of Esarhaddon, 9 see also South-West Palace of Sennacherib

  at Tarbiṣu, 9, 92

  at Tell Halaf, 141, see also bīt hilāni

  Winter Palace of Herod (Jericho in Jordan), 176–7, 177

  Palmyra, 198

  paradeisos tēs tryphēs (garden of delights), 158

  Paradise Lost (Milton), 158–9, 160, 207

  Parthian empire, 27, 30, 33, 41, 177, 186–8, 187, 195

  Parthian lintel, 187, 187

  Pasargadae (city), 191–2, 202

  pavilions, 63, 69, 142–3, 170, 172

  ‘pensile paradise’ (Browne), 19

  pensiles horti, 220 n.33

  Pergamum Great Altar, 176

  Peripetus school, 172

  Perrault, Claude, 57

  Persepolis, 191, 202

  Persica (Ctesias), 194

  Pharos lighthouse, 5, 176

  Phidias, 5

  Philo of Byzantium (the Paradoxographer), 5–6, 20, 32–3, 39–41, 51, 54, 57, 62, 73, 82, 149, 154–5, 176, 187, 205, 206, 220 n.42

  Philo Judaeus, 76

  Phoenician History (Herennius Philo of Byblos), 58

  pillars, see columns

  plants, planting, 35, 38, 40, 70, 102, 163, 163, 164, 165–7, 167, 174, 224 n.24, Colour Plates, see also alamittu

  Plato, 108, 172

  Pleiades, 6

  Pliny the Elder, 26

  Plutarch, 26, 55–6

  Polycrates, 87

  Pompeius Trogus, 30, 126

  portable hearth, 143

  porticos, 52, 141, 176

  Posidonius, 56

  Praxiteles, 140

  Principles of Geology (Lyell), 183

  prism inscription, 63, 61–66, 171, 174–5, 189, 209–13, Colour Plate 3

  Processional Way, 45

  Prometheus, 58

  pulleys, 78

  Pygmalion, king, 140

  pyramids, 5

  Pythagoras, 58

  qanat (water channel), 85–8, 86, 87

  Quintus Curtius Rufus, 4, 20, 23, 26, 38–40, 120, 176, 204

  Rahman Dehri (city-site in India), 222 n.30

  Rassam, Hormuzd (archaeologist), 186–7, 203

  Rawlinson, Sir Henry Creswicke, 43, 49, 182

  Reṣep (city-site in Syria), 241 n.68

  rock crystal, 138, 233 n.18

  rock sculptures, see Bavian, Maltai, Taq-i Bustan, Wadi Brisa

  Rome, 97–8, 177, 200

  Romer, John and Elizabeth, 26

  ‘Running Stela of Taharqa’ (inscription), 169

  Saggaratum (town), 85

  sages, 154, 155, see also Seven Sages

  ṣalmu (statue, stela), 231 n.31

  Samarra (town in Iraq), 74, 75

  Sammu-ramat (daughter-in-law of Shalmaneser III), 121–4

  Sammu-ramat (Semiramis in Greek form), 123

  Sans Souci (palace & garden in Germany), 208

  Santa Sophia (in Constantinople), 4

  saqia (water-raising system), 223 n.11

  Sar Mashhad (rock sculpture in Iran), 200

  Sarapiodorus (son of Artemidorus) see Heracles Epitrapezios

  Sardanapalus, king, 109, 182

  Sargon II, king and Anshar, 116

  and Atalya (queen), 117

and Babylon, 7

  cast lions, 74

  death of, 199

  and the god Ea-Nishiku, 89–90

  mining/smelting minerals, 127–8, 128

  naming of city gates, 111

  palace gardens, 44, 44, 47–9, 69

  and Sennacherib, 128

  stone panels, 128–9, 154, 172–3

  ‘unrivalled palace’, 129

  use of word kirimāhu, 79–80, see also Khorsabad; palaces

  Saruj (Syria), 241 n.68

  Sassanian Persians, 186–8, 201

  Sculpture panels in Assyria, 44, 50, 52, 54, 62, 69, 78, 93, 93, 114, 197

  Secrets of the Ancients (TV programme), 70, Colour Plates 5–7

  sēkiru (water engineers), 81

  Seleucia (city-site in Iraq), 37

  Seleucid empire, 26–7, 30, 37, 188, 191, 195–7, 199, 202

  Seleucus I, king, 37, 124

  Semiramis canal, 87

  Semiramis (queen), 4, 5, 26, 31–2, 98–9, 107, 121, 123–4, 125, 126, 203, 205

  Sennacherib, king

  aqueduct of, 95–6, 96, 99–101

  and Babylon, 7

  confused with Nebuchadnezzar, 108–9, 126

  as a god, 153


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