Book Read Free


Page 9

by S. E. Akers

  The news couldn’t have been bad, I thought. As neurotic as what Ricky Rogers was, he would’ve opted to leave via one of the open windows.

  Ms. Sutherland sat back down at her desk and began randomly shuffling through some paperwork, like she was trying to find something to work on, or possibly in search of a distraction.

  Daddy was the next one to follow. It’s about time, I thought. He was sporting a strange look on his face when he stepped into the office that shifted into borderline-frightful as soon as our eyes met. Not a second later he was hurrying towards the door, motioning for me to follow. I became panic-stricken as he breezed past and planted myself right were I stood.

  “What’s WRONG?” I demanded, confused by his behavior.

  When Daddy realized I hadn’t budged, he grabbed my arm and yanked me towards the door.

  “Shiloh, our meeting’s over. I’ll tell you all about it when I get home later,” Daddy insisted. “I’m sure you’re tired of waiting.”

  There wasn’t a doubt in my mind. He was rushing me out of here. “I haven’t been here that long,” I countered, still wondering what awful news could have rattled his chain. I’d never seen him this flustered. Again, Daddy gave me a slight shove in an attempt to get me to cross the door’s threshold and move out into the hall. The problem was — I wasn’t going anywhere, and he knew it too.

  Daddy attempted to reassure me with a smile and quick peck on the cheek. “Shi, really…Everything’s fine.”

  I wasn’t buying it. Something was most certainly “up”.

  “Honestly,” Daddy proclaimed as he tried to usher me out the door one more time.

  I pushed his hand away automatically. “NO! I DON’T BELIEVE YOU!” I exclaimed with an equally forceful tone.

  This was the most defiant I’d ever been to my father. Plainly, he was signaling for me to leave, but I stood there like I had the word “LIAR” etched in the whites of my eyes, glaring at him. His brow started to furrow, letting me know his patience had run out. Sure, Chloe had bucked him a million times over the years, and I’d seen him make this face before, but never towards me. The daughter who had “never disappointed him” was now showing out — at his work, to boot.

  I sighed and lowered my head. “Okay…If you say so,” I relented. “You’ve never lied to me.”

  Daddy glanced over at Ms. Sutherland and then gave me a stern look. “I’ll be home as soon as possible, but I need you to leave…Right now,” he commanded in his father-voice.

  I attempted to calm myself down by rationalizing (hoping really) that maybe his boss wouldn’t have wanted any family members in the office during the meeting. “Of course, Daddy. Umm…Bye, Ms. Sutherland,” I called back to her somberly.

  “Good-bye, dear,” she replied with a sympathetic smile.

  I was about to disappear through the door when a strange voice called out, “Well now…Who is this? I thought I’d already been introduced to all the lovely ladies in the office.”

  The voice’s accent was undeniably from someone who’d never hung around a southern state long enough to pick up any semblance of a country-twang. Very refined and articulate, I noted. It oozed with charm and sophistication — not to mention, considerable wealth.

  Daddy’s hand grasped my arm a little tighter as he slowly turned towards the stranger’s voice. He announced, “This is my oldest daughter. She came by to drop something off to me, but she’s on her way home.” Daddy kept a firm, stationary hold on me. I doubted if I could even turn around willingly.

  “Well, I would personally love to meet my night foreman’s daughter. Xcavare is a family business, you know. Turn around, child. I insist.”

  Daddy’s hesitation confused me. By all accounts of what I’d just heard, the mine was his. It was being sold, not closed. They’re still in business and Daddy’s job is safe. The town is safe. This is great news!

  Daddy’s grip eventually loosened, slowly.

  I whipped around, beaming a smile that stretched across my face. There in the middle of the office, a striking, yet strange man stood before me. He towered above portly Harper Riverside, who was standing to his right. The man seemed refined, without a doubt, but he had a slightly weathered look about him — not necessarily by years, but rather experiences. My eyes traced every inch of his appearance. His long, chiseled face was framed with waves of white hair that cascaded past his shoulders. He actually had enough of it to spare and give to Mr. Riverside (whose had thinned out quite a bit, since the last time I’d seen him). The distinguished new owner was dressed in the most stylish three-piece suit I’d ever seen. It was a charcoal gray hue with a hint of iridescence to it. It seemed to bring out the color of his steel-blue eyes, almost like he’d selected the color for that intended purpose. Now they appeared penetrating. Final ruling: Very tailored, very classy, but nevertheless — very peculiar. A cane lay propped in the bend of his arm, which lent him an extra touch of sophistication. The handle was wrapped with a strip of leather that spiraled up to its tip, and the carvings on its long wooden shaft were incredibly ornate. I assumed that the fancy “walking-stick” was just for show. Though his hair was white, he looked to be in his early 40’s and in perfectly good health.

  He won’t have to worry about getting confused with any of the locals around here…That’s for sure!

  “Lazarus Xcavare,” the man announced as he extended his hand.

  I glanced back at Daddy. He seemed calm, yet apprehensive. I kind of got the impression he didn’t want me to shake it, but as soon as Daddy noticed my eyes narrowing, his demeanor changed. He did a complete turnabout and motioned for me to politely oblige the request of his “new” boss.

  Maybe Daddy really is uncomfortable with me being here? I am at his workplace…interrupting an important meeting. After all, it’s not “Bring-your-daughter-to-work” Day.

  “Shyloh Wallace,” I announced politely as I reached over to shake the intriguing new owner’s hand.

  I noticed a beautiful band of braided gold on the ring finger of Mr. Xcavare’s right hand. An odd, royal blue stone sat in its center. Though its color seemed to vary, the stone’s blue hue melded nicely with the tiny black and white flecks that randomly splattered the surface of the polished rock. Strangely, I found myself captivated by it and purposely brushed my fingers over it as I took his hand.

  Suddenly, a subtle but noticeable jolt went up my arm. It felt cold — eerily cold. I quickly composed myself with a smile and passed it off as static electricity. The longer I stared into his steely blue eyes, the more they began to deepen into a shade strikingly similar to the stone in his ring. Probably just from the lighting in the room, I rationalized innocently.

  His handshake was forceful, exactly what you’d expect from a titan-of-industry. However, the next thing I knew, my entire body felt like a frigid block of ice for some unknown reason, and my heart seemed frighteningly black. Wicked emotions began to roll through my head uncontrollably, and I heard a voice call out,

  Damn, I’m so tired of this!

  Just a few more hours to finalize things,

  then I can start searching…

  And where the Hell is Grey?

  Father insisted he be here…

  He’d better be out collecting my samples…

  I’ll have no stone unturned while we search this

  back-woods, flea-bitten, trashy hick-town!

  The sooner I find it — the better!

  My eyes practically exploded. I’d heard Mr. Xcavare’s voice as clear as a bell, but the troubling thing was — HIS LIPS NEVER MOVED! He was simply standing there, smiling. Without delay, I looked around at everyone in the room, desperately searching for any sign that they’d heard what he’d just said. Unexplainably, they hadn’t. I felt the color beginning to drain from my face, and my head automatically sank towards my chest.

  Daddy noticed my peculiar behavior and crept closer to where we stood. Lazarus Xcavare must have picked up on it, too. He was still holding my hand, but then all
of a sudden, he placed his arm around me, like he sensed my apprehension and was attempting to soothe me. As soon as Lazarus Xcavare’s left hand landed on my shoulder, he drew me closer, rocking my body with another frigid jolt.

  What is with these ignorant hillbillies?

  Haven’t they ever seen a man of stature before?

  Probably not…

  I guess they’re more comfortable with their men

  running around in overalls and tank tops.

  They really need to teach these

  young people some manners . . .

  This one will probably end up barefoot and

  pregnant by spring — If she isn’t already…

  Surely, someone heard that, I thought, still paralyzed by a mixture of fear and disbelief. I looked over at Daddy. Why isn’t he correcting this asshole for basically calling me a careless back-woods slut? I could feel my eyes about to pop out of my sockets as I helplessly locked my heated and confused stare onto a random spot on the floor.

  I heard voices echoing around me, but I couldn’t focus on what they were saying. Dazed, my stare drifted towards my father, only to find him standing there looking utterly shocked, with his mouth practically on the daggone floor.

  “Shiloh?” Daddy called out nervously. He didn’t know what the heck was wrong with me, and neither did I.

  I realized how embarrassing this undoubtedly looked, especially for Daddy. I scrambled for an excuse as I remained motionless, still locked in Lazarus Xcavare’s arms.

  “I just feel a bit…light-headed,” I mumbled.

  Again, the voice called out in my head,

  Yes, indeed — Probably pregnant!

  With that, I sprang out of Lazarus Xcavare’s grasp. Nervously, I ran my hands through my hair and began fanning myself, uncontrollably.

  “I think I need some air,” I insisted, “…or something.”

  “Bea, get this girl some water. Now!” Harper Riverside ordered gruffly, trying to take charge of the awkward situation and clearly disgusted by the spectacle I’d just made.

  As I tried to clear my head, my eyes fell upon Ms. Sutherland. A dreadful look had hardened onto her face. She seemed worried. Even her soft wrinkles looked deeper and more defined. The scene must have sounded awful to her, since she couldn’t actually see what was happening.

  “Right away, Mr. Riverside,” she agreed.

  My eyes followed Ms. Sutherland to the water cooler, watching as she maneuvered through the men effortlessly. On her way back, she accidentally bumped into Mr. Xcavare, spilling more than a few drops of water on his designer suit.

  “Excuse me, Sir,” Ms. Sutherland apologized nonchalantly.

  Lazarus Xcavare snarled at her as he pulled a crisp white handkerchief from his inside pocket and blotted the water on his jacket vigorously.

  That’s odd…She didn’t have a problem avoiding them a second ago, I thought suspiciously. But right then, I couldn’t have cared less if she’d dumped the whole daggone water bottle on him.

  Daddy swiftly sat me down at a vacant desk. I couldn’t muster the courage to look at him, let alone anyone else the room, particularly Lazarus Xcavare. I felt the weight of everyone’s eyes on me as I slumped down in the chair — strangely, even Ms. Sutherland’s.

  Beatrix Sutherland kneeled beside me and handed me the cup of water. “Here, dear. Drink this.” She practically forced my face into the plastic cup as she hugged me.

  “Is she going to be all right?” Harper Riverside asked, making a forced attempt at some compassion.

  “She’ll be fine,” Daddy assured them with a half-hearted smile. “Don’t let us keep you from your tour, Mr. Xcavare. I know you have a lot of business to tend to today,” he insisted.

  “Yes…We do,” Mr. Xcavare remarked with a confused, but intrigued look. “Caiden,” Lazarus Xcavare chuckled and continued, “May I call you Caiden?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Daddy responded cordially.

  “No, no. I’m ‘Mr. Xcavare’…My father is ‘Sir’,” he countered with a snide laugh and dramatic wave of his cane. “I know you aren’t technically on the clock right now. However, I want you to accompany us on the tour.”

  Though my face was still buried in the cup, my eyes were focused solely on Daddy. It was obvious from watching him standing there quietly rubbing his creased brow that he didn’t want to go. Mr. Riverside appeared to be growing impatient with Daddy’s newfound muteness. He stared at Daddy restlessly, waiting for his response.

  “Certainly Caiden will join us,” Harper Riverside declared arrogantly, which instantly pleased Lazarus Xcavare.

  “I would also like to do a quick drive around some of the property that sits adjacent to the mine,” Lazarus Xcavare announced. “I bet you know this area like the back of your hand, Caiden. Am I right?”

  Daddy looked a bit perplexed. “Yes, Mr. Xcavare…You’re right.”

  “Well of course I’m right. I always am.” He looked around and let out a haughty laugh. “Listen to your instincts…That’s what I always say and do,” he added vainly as he lifted his cane and pointed it at everyone in the room with one grand, theatrical sweep.

  Harper Riverside joined in on his laughter and gave Mr. Xcavare a swift pat on the back. That gesture went unappreciated. Lazarus Xcavare’s eyes narrowed just as quickly as his laughter ceased. Nervously, Harper Riverside cowered back, shamefaced and regretful of his actions.

  Daddy cleared his throat. “What properties were you wanting to survey? If you don’t mind me asking.”

  “Oh, not at all, Caiden. I’m interested in touring all the adjacent land that surrounds the mine within a five-mile radius…for starters. You never know where better reserves are hiding,” Lazarus Xcavare said with a smirk as he smacked his hand with the handle of the cane.

  “Even Shiloh Ridge?” Ms. Sutherland remarked doubtfully.

  Everyone turned their heads towards the blind secretary who had been sitting quietly off to the side.

  “I suppose…if it’s adjacent to the mine,” Lazarus Xcavare replied in a condescending tone, looking only at Harper Riverside. He didn’t appear to appreciate her interjection into their conversation, nor did he ever physically direct his attention her way.

  Mr. Xcavare’s demeanor didn’t appear to intimidate Beatrix Sutherland one bit. “That property’s not for sale. In fact, there are people all over these mountains, scattered here and there, living within that range,” she proclaimed brazenly.

  Lazarus Xcavare bowed his head slightly as he let out a petulant sigh. He raised his head boldly with a laugh and turned to the office secretary, finally acknowledging her meager presence.

  “Everything is for sale, Madame…and everyone has their price,” Lazarus Xcavare assured her arrogantly with a raise of his brow.

  “Oh, Caiden’s definitely the man for the job. He lives up past Shiloh Ridge. That land is practically his own backyard,” Harper Riverside interjected, attempting to break up the escalating tension in the room and ingratiate himself with his now irritated, prospective and wealthy buyer.

  Mr. Xcavare flashed a pandering grin. “Perfect. Maybe while we’re out, you can show me your home? We’re a family business…I would love to meet the rest of yours,” he replied in an intrigued tone as he eyeballed me. “Shall we go?” Lazarus posed with a couple of claps and then strutted towards the door.

  “If you’ll give me a minute…to check on my daughter?” Daddy requested, not appearing to be in any hurry to join them.

  Harper Riverside looked back at Mr. Xcavare before rendering any decision. Lazarus Xcavare didn’t hesitate.

  “But of course,” Lazarus Xcavare agreed with an arched brow. “I’m sure she’s fine. We’ll be waiting downstairs.”

  Mr. Xcavare stepped out into the hall with Harper Riverside following behind him like a faithful, lowly servant. I’d never seen my father’s boss so submissive or obedient to anyone. I swear he would have lined Lazarus Xcavare’s path with rose petals if he’d had them. Without warn
ing, Lazarus Xcavare reappeared in the doorway and looked specifically in my direction.

  “Good-bye, my dear. I genuinely hope you recover from whatever it is that’s…ailing you,” Lazarus Xcavare remarked with a curt smile and then was gone in flash.

  Daddy knelt down beside me. “Shiloh, are you working at the Drive-In tonight?” I got the impression that a “yes” would be music to his ears.

  “No. My next shift isn’t until tomorrow night,” I answered. Daddy seemed distraught, which only added to my confusion. I figured he would’ve been more concerned with “what in the Hell was going on with me”, but he didn’t even question my bizarre behavior. He just sat there with the focus of a chess player — contemplating WHAT, I had no idea.

  My voice began to crack. “Are—Aren’t you going to ask me what happened…or what’s wrong?” He neither answered, nor acknowledged me.

  What is he brooding about? I wondered.

  “Daddy…Um, Daddy?” I called out, over and over. My voice ascended with every attempt to get his attention.

  Indirectly, Daddy’s fixed stare fell on me. His eyes flared as soon as he realized that he’d unintentionally tuned me out.

  “Oh, Shiloh…I’m sorry, honey. What happened?” Daddy asked, now the epitome of “concerned”.

  I sat there in silence for a moment, knowing full well that Daddy and Ms. Sutherland were both eagerly awaiting my answer. I couldn’t possibly have felt more uncomfortable if I’d been strapped to a chair in a dark interrogation room left to sweat out his question under a hot, blinding spotlight.

  What could I say? Oh, nothin’ much…I just heard every freakin’ thing that creepy guy was saying — in his daggone HEAD! It sounded crazy! Utterly insane! My embarrassing behavior had already caused Daddy enough tension, so there was no way I could tell him that I’d just heard Lazarus Xcavare’s thoughts, let alone what kind of things that pompous ass had said. I opted to construct my words very carefully.

  “I don’t know…Stress, maybe? I’ve been tied up in knots all day,” They both seemed skeptical. “And I didn’t eat any lunch, because I had such a heavy breakfast. Maybe my blood sugar dropped a bit?” I added. Their doubt seemed to subside — a little.


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