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The Clearwater Chronicles (Book 1): Shadows in the Light

Page 18

by David Barton

  “Huh?” I quickly jumped up from the table and ran around it. By the time Felicity knew what I was doing it was too late. She managed to get to her feet but that was as far as she got.

  I wrapped an arm around her waist and hoisted her from the floor. Holding her there my other arm came rushing in for the straw. She kept it just out of my reach, making me change my tactic.

  I chucked her body down to the sofa beside us, using my weight to hold her down, both hands reached for the straw. Just as my finger grabbed the plastic straw she bucked her body, sending both of us off the piece of furniture.

  I landed on the carpet with a thud then she landed on top. When I had picked her up she felt like nothing. This time however she fell like a ton of bricks. The air was sent out of my body and I was winded. She simply leant on her arms, looking down at me. “Looks like I win.”

  “You cheated.”

  She laughed. “How do you think I cheated? If anything you cheated by picking me up.”

  “I was just using my initiative.” She smiled, looking so beautiful the way her ponytail was hanging beside her face. Then there was something different about the way she looked at me. She was still smiling the same but something in her eyes seemed to be saying something else.

  Then she moved quickly, crashing her lips against mine. I immediately kissed her back my hormones jumping for joy that it had finally happened. What had first started as a fast motion had now become sensuous. Years of sexual tension had been built up and I was surprised that what was happening was so soft and gentle. Yet, it was perfect.

  That was until her lips left mine and the lovely pressure from her weight went with it. I opened my eyes to see her walking away, a hand up to her lips. It only took me a second to jump to my feet and I was walking after her. When she started pacing back and forth I moved out of her way, watching as she was obviously thinking about something.

  When waiting didn’t provide any answers, I decided to jump in, “What’s going on?”

  She stopped and looked at me, “Well. We were kissing.”

  “I remember.” I smiled as my mind went back to when our lips were touching.

  “We shouldn’t have been kissing.” Suddenly the thought of us being relatives popped back into my head but I dismissed it quickly. “We can’t do anything like that again.”

  “But it was good and I really want to do it again.”

  “I do to.” Her feet suddenly brought her close to me. I felt her grip on my t-shirt. “I really want to but I can’t. We’re not allowed.”

  “Why are you saying that?” Before she could answer my father’s face came to mind. “Look, we don’t have to listen to him. He told me the same thing earlier today and I’m ignoring him. I think you should do the same.”

  “You’re only saying that because you want to get laid.”

  “I didn’t even know that was on the cards but now I do I think we should stop talking now and start kissing again.” She laughed as I smiled. “My father didn’t even tell me why we can’t be together.”

  Her eyes darted off to the right before centring back on me. “He didn’t tell me either.”

  “So, let’s not listen to him.” I smiled and she smiled in return. Then she started to walk away from me. “What’s wrong?” She didn’t answer. Instead she turned on her stereo. A soft melody came out of the speakers. “What’s going on?”

  “I have really thin walls.” A wicked smile reached the corners of her lips. Then she ran and jumped on me. I wasn’t ready for it and we went slamming into the kitchen counter. A soft moan of pain was soon doused by a groan of pleasure. This kiss was full of passion and lust.

  I got lost in the passion, slamming her against walls, down onto the kitchen table. At one point during our very hectic foreplay we managed to break the coffee table. Before long we were bursting through the bedroom door half undressed. I pulled off her underwear and she practically ripped mine off.

  We fell onto the bed and we traced kisses and all other kinds of wonderful touches across each other’s bodies. I noticed small cuts and scrapes from our not too subtle trip around the apartment.

  Every time I found one I gave it a little kiss and moved on before we were both too turned on to deny it any longer. The cover was pushed off onto the floor and we used the whole space to enjoy each other’s bodies.

  The whole act of sex was amazing. Everything rolled up into one sensational feeling of ecstasy that seemed to go on for hours. When we had finished we both fell in a heap of sweaty flesh.

  The last thing I could remember was pulling her tight to me and dozing off. The clip of the last couple of hours rolling over and over in my head with a massive smile on my face. I couldn’t believe it had finally happened. Whispering to Felicity, “That was amazing.”

  05/07/2014 PM

  I perched myself on the edge of the building. In my hand was the slip of paper holding the address of the woman’s place. I wasn’t at all surprised to see him here and I was happy he ignored his father’s request.

  Perching on the edge gave me a good view into her apartment which I gladly used until they started kissing. Averting my gaze I decided to look out upon the city. I kept gazing over my shoulder but they didn’t stop. When I looked and spotted them disappearing off to down the hallway I decided to go for a walk.

  It wasn’t long until I found some trouble. Only problem was, the police were handling it. Some wise guys decided it was a good idea to rob a bank during the night. They would have a better chance during the day with all the guards in there.

  By the looks of it, they had just gotten through the front entrance by the time the police showed up. Not very clever at all. As the men were being piled in police cars I noticed a symbol on their shoulders.

  It was a bunch of red patterns that seemed to form a face of some kind. It looked a little like an animal. They had been caught so I didn’t feel the need to keep watching.

  I carried on using the roofs to get around the city, circling back around to the apartment. The first two times they were still enjoying each other’s company. The third time however they were finished. The only problem was, they were asleep.

  I thought about sneaking in and waking them up. The reporter had already seen me and I needed to chat with her. Then my ears picked up a noise. There was a lot of shouting with the sound of smashing windows in the background. The sleeping pair wouldn’t be going anyway which gave me some time to investigate.

  Following my ears I came across the source of all the commotion. There was a little white van parked outside a shop. The rest of the road was empty and dead silent. I stayed at my point of advantage, watching.

  Men were going in and out of this shop carrying boxes. My eyes picked up a weird pattern on their jacket sleeves. It was a red pattern that looked exactly like the one from the bank robbers. That meant that these two attacks must be co-ordinated or linked in some way. Which also meant that the hit on the bank was planned to fail. To distract the police in the area.

  Luckily for the city, the police weren’t the only ones on patrol tonight. I tensed my legs and my muscles sent me flying down to street level. My aim was perfect, landed directly on top of the van. The metal roof gave way to my weight, denting with a loud thud and a creak.

  My attack had come as a surprise. Men jumped out of the van backwards at the sudden sound. Others turned and stared at me with a shocked look on their faces. With the element of surprise freezing them I attacked.

  My lightning speed carrying me around to each one. An attack or two knocked them to the ground. I met no resistance. In fact, they were all on the floor before they could register what was going on.

  I quickly checked the shop for anymore and when I found none I walked back to the van. Men littered the floor. Using my hearing I stood there, listening for any breathing. They were all alive and would be knocked out for a while. Long enough for a police car to drive past from the bank robbery.

  My feet clicked on the floor, crushing the glass
from the smashed windows. I peered around the open door of the van looking inside. Boxes were piled up almost to the back. My hands gripped the cardboard of the closest one, ripping the duct tape I opened it up.

  Expecting to see priceless antiques or expensive electronics, I was shocked when I pulled it out. Inside was a big glass tube with a piece of rock inside. When my eyes went back to the box I could see three more, all stuffed in Styrofoam.

  Taking a closer look at a few more boxes gave me the same results. All of them must have these cylinders inside. I looked up at the sign above the smashed window. It was a music shop. Yet another strange thing to ponder. What were these doing in a place like this?

  I take a cylinder, pulling the end off I smell the inside. Nothing strange jumped out at me so I slid the piece of rock in my palm and pocketed it. After chucking the empty cylinder back into its box I take a step back. My brain speeding through possible reasons behind all this. Nothing made sense.

  Then I heard a raspy voice, “You will never stop us. There are too many of us for you to handle.”

  Looking down I see the narrow stare of an injured man. “I managed to handle you guys fine.”

  He laughs, bringing himself to a cough. “You think you are powerful. I have seen true power and you will bow before it.”

  “I’m not the kind of guy to bow for anyone.” I kneel down in front of him and grab his shoulder. From this close distance it’s easy to see that the red pattern forms a bull’s head. “What does this stand for?”

  “We are the bull. We are just a mere piece of the power I speak of.”

  “You sound like you’ve been brain-washed.”

  “No, I’ve had my mind opened. By more power then you can ever imagine.”

  I balled up my fist and smashed it through the side of the van. “I think you can tell I’m pretty powerful.”

  This brought out another laugh. “You know nothing.”

  “Okay, then maybe you can enlighten me.” I pull out the piece of rock. “What’s this and why is there so many?”

  “None of us knew what we were getting or why.” His eyes narrow at the rock in my hand. “It’s just a piece of rock.”

  “That’s right. You died for this, a lump of rock.”

  His stare came to mine, a small smirk appearing. “We did not die for the rock. We died because we believe. That gives me more power than you will ever possess.”

  “You can die believing that because it doesn’t matter to me. I stopped you and your incredible power. What does that tell you?” I paused as the man coughed, then he opened his mouth to speak. I cut him off quickly. “It doesn’t matter what you think actually. You’ll be dead and I’ll be alive.”

  With that said I stood up and started walking away with my piece of rock. Heading down the alleyway I was doused in shadows making me feel more secure. As I made my way back up to the roofs I came back to the woman’s apartment.

  Looking through the windows I saw that the place was empty. The bedroom windows were covered by her curtains but the lights were out unlike the rest of the place. I listened intently, hearing the soft breathing from the both of them. I couldn’t wait another night before talking to her. I would have to sneak in now and hope I don’t freak them out.

  I jumped from my perch, sailing across the gap between the buildings. The space over the road was judged perfectly. My fingers gripped the window sill as I land on the side of the wall. Holding on with one hand I use the other to pry up the window, snapping the lock.

  I climb in, stopping as my feet hit the carpet, listening for any movement. There isn’t anything, not even snoring. My foot moves and hits the lock from the window, sending it skidding over the floor. Still no movement. I kept walking, looking at the damage they had created whilst having their fun.

  When I got to the kitchen I looked down the short hallway. To my surprise I see the reporter sneaking out of the bedroom holding onto his clothes. He saw me and froze on the spot. Then his eyes seemed to recognise that I wasn’t a random robber.

  He gave a look over his shoulder before jogging down the hallway to me. “What are you doing here?”

  “I told you I needed to chat with your friend. Remember giving me her address?”

  “Yeah it’s just awkward timing, that’s all.”

  “I saw.”

  “You watched?” He looked really embarrassed by the possibility that I saw everything.

  I put him out of his misery and shook my head slowly, “Whilst you two were busy I went off and stopped a robbery.”

  “Oh right. Anything important?”

  “I don’t know yet. Will have to wait and see.”

  “Anything I can report on?”

  I laughed amazed that after having sex he was still interested in reporting. “I’ll let you know.”

  “Well, I told her that you’d be dropping by to chat at some point.”

  “Good. Has she told you anything that could explain anything?”

  “How do you mean?”

  “Don’t worry. It’s most likely nothing.”

  He pulled a look that made me think he didn’t believe me. “It could have something to do with an article she’s been doing.”

  “What story?”

  “It’s all about Henrikson and today I found some interesting things about him and his business.”

  “The guy who owns the tallest building in the city?”

  “Yeah, he’s been involved in some very shady businesses. A lot of pay offs as well. He is at the middle of our story.”

  “Then maybe I need to take an interest in this man as well.” I thought about the empty space at the top of my list. He could very well be the man I’ve been looking for.

  “I also found something else on his computer. There were a load of photos of you. There were a few of them that showed you being attacked and knocked on the head.”

  I dug my photo out of my pocket and showed it to him, “You mean this?”

  “Exactly. Where did you get that from?”

  “Someone who seems to be playing games.”

  “Well, I saw one that showed someone else there as well.”


  “Maybe you should take a look for yourself but not here.” I watched as he pulled out a small flash drive from his pocket. “Everything I took from Henrikson’s computer is on here. Including the photos. But I printed this one off.”

  “Thanks.” I took the drive and shoved it into my pocket. “Do you think you could wake your friend up?”

  “Oh, maybe I shouldn’t be here when you two chat. Might be awkward.”

  “Why would it be awkward?”

  “Because of what just happened and the fact you two are going to be talking about the story. Plus, you told me not to let anyone know of your existence. She already knows you’re coming but she doesn’t need to see me talking to you like I’ve known you for years.”

  “Right, keep yourself distanced from the mask.”

  “Exactly. Just let her know that I left but I’ll contact her again very soon.”

  “Sure. Where are you heading now?”


  “Just stay away from the bank. Police and bank robbers.”

  “Cheers.” I watched him getting dressed quickly and disappearing out the door. As it clicked shut I went to open the photo in my hand. But a soft click made me stop. I looked up to see the bedroom door opening. Pocketing the photo I stood up straight. Hoping I wouldn’t make her jump.

  Then a soft voice came that still sounded half asleep. “Ryan? Where are you?”

  She came walking down the hallway wrapped in a sheet that somehow looked like a dress. “Excuse me, miss.”

  She jumped slightly, her eyes darting to me. “Oh, hi.” There was some kind of look on her face that seemed like confusion. Only, there was something else there with it. It resembled recognition but that wasn’t possible.

  “The reporter told you I was coming. Sorry to just drop in like this though.” I coul
dn’t take my eyes off of her. Especially in that sheet. She looked like a graceful swan.

  “He did. Do you know where he is?” Her eyes slowly moved around the apartment before resting back on me. A soft smile formed on her lips.

  “He just left when I came in through the window. Sorry, you might need a new lock.”

  “That’s okay, just happy to finally meet you.” She bit her bottom lip. Something that seemed innocent and yet totally sexual at the same time. How could she act like this when she was just with the reporter? Something strange was going on.

  “I need to speak to you about a story you may be involved with.”

  “Sure. Ask me anything you want.”

  My eyes moved down the sheet as it hung around her slim frame. “Would you prefer to put something on?”

  “Um, sure.” She smiled like there was something she wasn’t saying. Then she turned and walked back down the hallway. My eyes stayed planted on her, not wanting to look away. The sheet draping down at the back showing off her smooth skin.

  She disappeared into her bedroom but the door was left open. I didn’t move from that spot. Either to go sit at the table or look out over the city. My feet were planted as I listened to the war that raged inside my head.

  Do I walk down that hallway or not. God knows just the look of her had me wanting her. It was strange how the affection for her had come from nowhere and now this.

  The war waged on until she came back out into the apartment wearing a simple pair of blue jeans and a white vest top. Even now she looked beautiful.

  “So what do you need to know about the story?”

  I pulled out a chair and sat at the dining table, moving the balls of rubbish from my side. “Are there any enemies you could have made through investigating this story?”

  “Quite a few. I wouldn’t be doing my job right if I weren’t making enemies.”

  “The problem with this story is that you could be making the wrong enemies. The type that will take action if they think you’re getting too close to them.”

  “Are you saying that is what’s happening now?”

  “Maybe. First I need to know who or what you’re investigating.”


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