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Bound by Danger

Page 14

by Terry Spear

  Deidre clung to her seat and closed her eyes. She couldn’t envision the driver of the vehicle who crashed into their lead SUV though. She took a breath and opened her eyes to see Dave looking behind him. She turned to see the rear vehicle in the lead as they flipped the car around at a parking area for the beach.

  She considered Dave’s concerned face. “What about the other car?”

  “The guys will be all right. The killers aren’t after them.”

  “Yeah, just Charlie and me.”

  “They’re just trying to knock out some of our cavalry.”

  “Too bad you guys can’t have a good old James Bond car…rocket missile launchers, oil slick tank.”

  Dave squeezed her hand against his lap. “We’ll get there all right.” He spoke to the driver. “Don’t lose the caravan, whatever you do.”

  She didn’t care for being in the rear car in the caravan. The dust and dirt from Charlie’s vehicle clouded their view from the front. Her neck hurt too much to turn around to see what threatened them from behind. Then again maybe the car that hit their first lead vehicle was out of commission, too. She relaxed her back slightly. Every bit of tension made it ache further.

  Dave wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “Did you want to lay your head in my lap and get some rest?”

  “Thanks, but I feel more comfortable sitting up for now.” She didn’t feel at ease at all, but lying down wasn’t going to do the trick either.

  “Hold on!” Johnson shouted.

  His warning made her tense again.

  They’d finally made it to the paved road and immediately a vehicle dove at them from out of nowhere.

  Johnson spun the car out of harm’s way. The offending vehicle rammed into a massive oak off the road with an explosive crash. Flipping the car back into line again with the caravan, Johnson chuckled. “Everyone all right back there?”

  Deidre realized she’d gripped Dave’s hand so hard the tips of his fingers had turned red. She relaxed her grip. He leaned over and kissed her temple.

  “Looks like that’s two of the bastards out of commission,” Johnson said.

  Dave pulled Deidre close. “Good driving, Johnson. I’ll put in a good word for you for your next evaluation.”

  “The driving part is what I like best.”

  She was glad they had Johnson as their driver, hoping Charlie’s car was driven by just as good a driver.

  Twenty miles up the road, cars littered the two-lane highway. Some were scattered in the ditch, on the shoulder, and others still hung precariously into the lane as if in the middle of an early September day the road had turned to ice.

  What now?

  The lead SUV blew two tires, swerved onto the shoulder and jerked to a stop. Johnson jammed his brakes on and parked on the shoulder behind the car Charlie rode in. Everyone sat still while Dave’s phone rang. “Yeah?”

  “Hey, Boss, a truck loaded with nails apparently lost a load. The police are coming to sweep up the mess, but we blew a couple of tires.”

  “We can’t afford to lose you as part of the escort. We’ll wait for you to change the tires. Take a spare from Ricky’s car.”

  Bill unfastened his seatbelt. “You want me to help them?”

  “No, they’ll get the job done. We don’t want to be ambushed in the meantime. If we run into further trouble, we’ll head on out.”

  Bill buckled his seatbelt. Deidre slipped her head into Dave’s lap. He stroked her hair, and she closed her eyes. The sound of police sirens pierced the air. She tensed.

  Dave said, “The police have arrived, Deidre. Just rest. They’ve got a cleaning crew sweeping up the nails. There are a lot of poor folks with two or more flat tires they’ve got to assist before this nightmare is over for them.”

  Nightmare. Changing a couple of tires. If only her nightmares were as lame. “Where are we going, Dave?” She ran her finger over his knee in a slow circle. Her touch hardened him and she smiled. His hand slipped to the back of her neck.

  She welcomed the massage and relaxed marginally. She couldn’t see any vision of the killers bothering them further anytime soon.

  Dave groaned slightly as she moved her head in his lap, and she smiled. She wanted to stretch out with him in the back seat, just the two of them, cuddled together in a warm embrace. Then a rap on the window made her look up to see Marilyn peering into the darkened glass.

  Dave rolled his window down. “What’s up?”

  “Charlie wanted to know how Deidre was doing.”

  “He could’ve called.”

  “I needed to stretch.” She wore the simpering smile again. “Looks like you’re doing all right though.”

  “How’s it going with the lead vehicle?”

  “They’ve changed both the tires but we’re still waiting for the road crew to give the all clear. Since you have the last of the spare tires, we certainly don’t want to chance heading out of here until they give us the signal.”

  “All right, well—”

  “Charlie wondered if it wouldn’t be safer for Deidre to ride in the middle vehicle.”

  Deidre shook her head and smiled as Dave moaned under his breath. Deidre said, “Tell Charlie I’m fine. Dave will protect me.”

  “Yeah, well, just don’t distract him too much.” Marilyn slapped the door, then gave Dave the thumbs up. She strolled back to her vehicle as Dave rolled the window up.

  As if Marilyn wasn’t distracted as she crawled all over Deidre’s brother!

  The shaded glass cut out the sunlight, and Deidre moved her head again trying to get comfortable. “Am I cutting off the circulation in your leg, Dave?”

  “No,” he nearly groaned, “that’s about right.”

  Johnson turned his head to the middle row of seats. “Anything wrong, Boss?”

  Deidre grinned at him. He winked at her, then faced the front.

  Within half an hour, the traffic began to flow again, and they pulled onto the road behind the two SUVs.

  They finally arrived at Boston’s Logan Airport, and some of the men hurried to check their bags while Dave and the rest of the agents escorted Deidre and Charlie to the VIP lounge. With sodas in hand, they sat at the tables in a corner of the room.

  Deidre touched Charlie’s arm. “You’re awfully quiet, Charlie.”

  “I can’t believe I’ve got you into this. If I’d just—”

  “Shh, Charlie. Who’s to say if you hadn’t come to live with me they wouldn’t have tried to use me as leverage to get to you anyhow? We’ve done all right.”

  She frowned when Marilyn’s hand slipped into her brother’s lap. Deidre couldn’t have one word alone with her brother without Marilyn making a play for him. Was she jealous of Deidre’s close relationship with her brother or something?

  Deidre hopped from her chair, irritated to high heaven. She wanted to rip every strand of hair from the woman’s head. If Deidre stayed a moment longer watching Marilyn’s behavior with Charlie, Deidre would have had no recourse.

  “I have to go to the little girls’ room.”

  She nearly raced for the door of the VIP room to get away from them.

  Chapter 13

  “Marilyn and I will go with you to the ladies’ room, Deidre,” Dave called after her to her annoyance, her fists clenched as he hurried to close the gap.

  The two escorted her to the restroom, and Dave leaned against the wall outside while Marilyn checked a stall for her. Finding it unoccupied, Deidre slipped inside and closed the door. “You know, Marilyn, my brother’s a pretty nice guy.” Her words laced with venom as her brow furrowed in anger.

  “I’ll say.”

  “I don’t see you as the kind of woman who sticks to one man.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “Woman’s intuition.”


  “Well, you aren’t, are you?”

  “Haven’t ever found the right kind of guy.”

  “And now?” Deidre walked out of the stall and strode t
o the washbasin.

  “Charlie’s great.”


  “No buts about it. He’s great.”

  Deidre let out her breath in exasperation. The woman wasn’t interested in marrying her brother and settling down. She was just in it for the fun…the easy moment, an assignment—which she had to remind herself Dave was the same for her.

  “My brother sees you as more than a fun time, Marilyn. He believes you feel more for him than I think you really do. He’s just the kind of guy who’s easily encouraged by a woman who, well, who makes the kind of moves you do with him.”

  Marilyn grinned.

  Deidre could have slapped the grin off her face. “I’m serious. I don’t like to think you’re toying with his emotions.”

  “Your brother’s a grown man. He likes me. I like him. It’s none of your concern.”

  Marilyn’s long red fingernails stroked the top edge of her low-cut, v-neck blouse. Deidre fought the urge to yank the woman’s fake fingernails from her fingers. She knew Marilyn trifled with her brother’s heart. She stormed out of the ladies’ room and headed back to the VIP lounge.

  Dave quickly slipped his arm through hers and motioned to the others in the lounge. “Come on, gang. Time to load onto the plane.”

  After taking their seats a few minutes later, Dave whispered into Deidre’s ear, “What’s up between you and Marilyn?”

  “Nothing. It’s what’s up between Charlie and Marilyn that bothers me. Is the woman real in anything she does? I mean, I can see she has no intention of making their relationship permanent. I just worry about her leading Charlie on.”

  Dave said, “He’s a grown boy.”

  His words infuriated her. She certainly didn’t have to be told that. What she wanted was for Dave to say he’d take care of the matter—talk to Marilyn and tell her to cool it with her brother. Deidre stiffened her back. Men were all the same.

  Dave ran his fingers over hers.

  She knew he attempted to placate her. But she didn’t want the issue brushed aside. “Can’t you say something to her? Tell her to back off?”

  “She might say the same for me with you.”

  Deidre’s mouth gaped for a moment, then she clamped her lips shut. That was entirely different. Deidre could handle herself quite capably. She knew her relationship with Dave would never go anywhere. They both knew it—that’s what made their relationship a totally different situation—and totally acceptable to her mind’s eye. She wasn’t taking it all the way, either. Not like Charlie had with Marilyn.

  Dave was eyeing her, waiting for a response.

  She wrinkled her brow at him. “It’s different with us.”

  “Well, yes, but she might say it wasn’t. That you were just leading me on.”

  Deidre’s whole body chilled with annoyance. Nobody had ever accused her of such a thing. Was she leading him on? She pulled her hand away from him and clasped her hands tightly in her lap.

  “No response?”

  She didn’t like this game. Facing a killer was easier than dealing with her heart. Her stomach twisted in torture. How could she have ever made the mistake to let him get so close? She looked out the window at the thunderheads building up against the blue sky.

  Dave exhaled his breath heavily. “Deidre, we’ve got to resolve this case first, but I have no intention of giving up on us after this is over.”

  “I’m sorry if you feel I’ve been leading you on.” She still faced the window. She couldn’t look at him. Those incredibly dark chocolate eyes of his always drew her in and made her melt. He was right of course. She had led him on. That’s why his words hurt so much. She craved his touch, encouraged it, but it was wrong for her to have done so. Especially knowing it could never last.

  Then again, she had thought he was her next-door neighbor! That maybe something more could come of it. How was she to know he wasn’t staying around for any length of time? Not when the mission was over with and done.

  He reached for her hands still clasped together in a death grip. Tugging them apart gently, he kissed her hand, then held it in his lap. “Our relationship isn’t like Marilyn’s and Charlie’s at all.”

  Wasn’t it?


  Dave wasn’t ever going to let her go. She was annoyed about her brother, but what she really needed was Dave, to make her forget she had to watch out for Charlie all of the time. Dave just had to get her through this ordeal her brother had gotten her tangled up in. Then, well, then he was going to show he had every intention of making a permanent commitment to her. He just hoped she’d take a chance with him, like he was willing to take with her.

  To think he was talking marriage. His mother had said he’d never find the right woman. He was just too picky. But Deidre…she was better than right. She was perfect, as far as he was concerned. And Charlie…well, he’d make a fine brother-in-law, too. He really liked the guy.

  He couldn’t let the word out too soon as to what he intended, however. If he did, his boss would pull him from the case. No way did Dave want Bill moving in on her…to protect her. Right.

  Her fingers warmed his leg, but she wouldn’t show her usual affection. Despite being lukewarm, he knew she fought giving in. There wasn’t any way she could be mad at him for long. That was one thing he loved about her. She never seemed to hold a grudge, and like her brother said, she always seemed to see the rainbow on a dark day.

  All relationships had their ups and downs after all. One of the things he liked so much about her was her ability to take any situation in stride and always rise above it all.


  Deidre leaned her head against the window. The pane grew cold against her scalp, but she didn’t care. She wanted to get as far away from Dave as she could.

  Long ago, she’d assumed she’d never marry. Her visions precluded that. And her job, too. Dave’s fingers interlocked with hers. His touch sent a thrill of expectation through her as much as she didn’t wish it as he rested her hand against his thigh. But she wouldn’t encourage him any further. Not in the slightest. As soon as she got off the plane.

  Much later that night, they arrived at the Orlando airport. Deidre and Charlie waited with their chaperones in a private lounge while the other agents secured their luggage and transportation. When the men were done, Dave received a call.

  “Okay, folks, time to move ‘em out.”

  Deidre considered the evergreen boxwood shaped as cartoon figures. A glimpse of Disney World at the airport. Dave took hold of her arm and led her to their car while the rest of the entourage headed for theirs. The air was hot…even hotter than Texas this time of year. The humidity dripped in sheets, sending a curl of perspiration trickling between her breasts.

  They climbed into their waiting bulletproof SUV, and Dave said to Deidre, “It’ll be some time before we get to the safe house. A couple of hours in fact. Did you want to lie down?”

  “In the back seat?”

  His mouth curved down slightly, making her tilt her head up in response. She wasn’t going to rest her head in his lap…not one more second. Her moments of leading him on were over.

  “Bill needs to stretch out. He’s got first watch tonight,” he said.

  Dave was quick on his feet. She really thought she was going to get away with it. A hint of a smile crossed his face. She scooted across the seat to the door opposite of him. “I’m not tired.”

  He waved to Ricky Santos, who opened her door. “Ricky will need to sit next to the door, in case we run into trouble. You’ll need to sit in the middle, like before.”

  Ricky grinned at Dave when she moved over but left little room for him to slide in.

  “You’ll have to scoot over a bit this way, Deidre, so Ricky can get to his gun if he needs to.”

  She moved over slightly.


  Her face had to have been as red as the hibiscus growing in the vegetation at the airport. She hated to think he could boss her like that. At work, she had enough
supervisors to push her around. She moved over another inch, then folded her arms.

  “All right.”

  She knew he didn’t mean it. He wanted her to sit right next to him as she usually did bumped up against him, his leg warming hers, his hand touching her hands. Not this time. This time she wasn’t going to encourage anything between them.

  Ricky stretched twice, bumping her in the process. He was in on the plot. She just knew it. She turned her head sharply in his direction, and she groaned. Just a little twist too hard made her see the glass shattered in her windshield all over again, crinkling and trickling into her lap.

  Dave touched her arm. “Maybe you should take some of your medication.”

  “It makes me nervous and shaky. I’m not taking it any longer.”

  Ricky poked her with his elbow, and she ignored him.

  The next time, she said, “Okay, maybe I should sit in the trunk. Then, Mr. Santos, you would have more room to stretch out.”

  “There’s plenty of seat over here, and I promise I’m not as antsy as Ricky is. He doesn’t do well in confined spaces.” Dave smiled at her as if he’d bitten into a large slice of double rich chocolate cake.

  She moved another inch toward Dave, knowing full well he was telling a tall tale. Ample room still existed between Dave and her though. To her relief, she was glad Ricky finally gave up his gymnastics.

  When they arrived at the two-story, colonial-style safe house, the agents hurried to ensure the place was secure. Charlie and Deidre continued to sit in their respective cars with an armed agent.

  After they got settled in the house, Marilyn prepared a late supper, but Deidre declined. She retired to one of the four bedrooms on the second floor instead.

  Shortly afterward, a knock at her door made her grab her robe and hurriedly slip it over her nightie. “Yes?”

  “It’s me, Charlie. Can I have a word with you?”

  “Of course.” She hurried to unlock the door.

  Charlie sauntered in, then sat on the bed. “Deidre, Marilyn said you were worried about her and me. You needn’t be. I can look after myself. She thought it was sweet of you to be so concerned though.”


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