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Salvaging Max

Page 11

by SH Richardson

  “Let go of my arm, Max. You’re hurting me,” she screeched.

  “No fucking way, woman. You got no business here, and I want you to leave…NOW.”

  “I can’t leave, you asshole. I was invited.”

  “Well, I’m uninviting you. Now, get the fuck out.”

  It was cruel, but I didn’t have time to explain. I just needed her to follow my orders. Somehow, she was able to slip out of my grasp and skidded to a stop before we reached the back door. The heat coming from her eyes while she gave me the death stare was enough to singe my eyebrows. Heaven was pissed, cute as all hell but murderous. If her eyes were bullets, I would have been a dead motherfucker.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are, Max? You think you can tell me what to do? It’s none of your business what I’m doing here, and I’m not leaving, so get outta my way before I punch you in the balls.” I couldn’t decide if I wanted to spank her ass or fuck the shit outta her sassy mouth. Neither option would convince her to leave, so I tried the softer approach.

  “Look, Heaven, I’m just trying to protect you, baby. You don’t belong here, so leave before it’s too late.” I touched her rosy cheek and looked directly into her narrowed eyes, hoping she could see from my expression that I wasn’t trying to hurt her, only help. Her features softened slightly and she momentarily leaned into my touch. She was so fucking beautiful, she took my breath away. I wanted nothing more in that moment than to throw her over my shoulder and run out the back door. Fuck the truth. I needed her more. The dream was over when she opened her eyes impossibly wide and pushed me backwards with both hands, causing me to stumble and slam my hip against the center island.

  “You want to protect me, Max? Keep me from harm?” She laughed and shook her head, but it was hollow. She wasn’t amused. She was livid, and I was about to feel her wrath.

  “You want to keep me safe from the Big Bad Wolf? Protect my virginity before it’s taken away? Because we’re friends, right? Well, you’re too fucking late, Mr. Rich Man. I don’t need your help. I protect myself. Always have, and I always will.” She pointed to herself in challenge, squared her shoulders, then turned to walk away. I felt so much pride for her in that moment. She was tough as nails and stood up to my strong-armed tactics. I waited for that angry feeling to take over, that edge I needed to lash back at her for defying me. That emotion never came. Instead, I felt real desire for the first time in my life. Desire to hold on to someone instead of pushing them away, to heal instead of hurt, to love instead of hate. There was something more to the beautiful nurse, a draw. I didn’t want to use her as a way to forget, achieve the darkness I always searched for. With Heaven, I wanted the silence and not the song. I only knew one other way to stop her from making the biggest mistake of her life.

  “Heaven? Will you hold my hand and run from the big oak tree? I promise to always keep you safe from the vampires, baby, trust me.” Her back was still turned, but I heard her sharp intake of breath and the moment she released it on a sob. Her tiny shoulders shook in tandem with her heavy breathing as she fought to hold herself together. My instincts were to grab her and hold her in my arms, to keep her safe from all the bullshit that was bound to happen the longer she stayed in this house. Every one of her sniffles was like a fist to the face, and I wanted it to stop, not just for her sake, but for mine. She turned to face me, and my heart shattered into a million pieces and landed right on that kitchen floor. Blotchy cheeks, a runny nose, and swollen eyes didn’t belong on this woman’s face, but there they were, and I hated it.

  “I wish that were possible, Max…if only things were different, if I were different. I’ve only known you for a few short days, but it feels like a lifetime. How strange is that?” She placed a delicate hand on my chest, and I covered it with my own and wiped her tear-stained cheek with my thumb.

  “One day, we’ll lie out in a meadow filled with wild flowers and soak in the sun. I’ll make a picnic lunch and wear a long white dress just for you. We’ll spend the day in each other’s arms and dream beautiful dreams. I’d feel safe knowing you were there beside me.”

  “I’ll always keep you safe, Heaven,” I whispered, and she smiled. A genuine feeling of happiness appeared on her face for one fleeting moment.

  “Dreams never really do come true, do they, Max? I wish we had enough time to just be—”

  We were interrupted before I could respond to her soul-breaking statement. She had no idea how spot on she was. Unfortunately, my mother took that moment to interrupt and made her presence known. I had so many reasons for hating her, and that was one more to add to the already mile high list.

  “Oh, Haven, dear, I’m so glad you decided to join us this evening.” Her voice was sweeter than syrup. A growl bubbled up deep from within my chest as I moved to shield Heaven’s body from my mother’s view. Her sudden change in demeanor meant she didn’t appreciate my interference and there would be hell to pay later. I gave less than a fuck about her retaliation at that moment. She could do to me whatever she wanted, but I’d be damned if I let her near my woman.

  “I believe Jeremy was looking for you, dear. He’s just inside the meeting room with the rest of the guests, if you’d like to join him.”

  I expected Heaven to tell her to fuck right off. Instead, she moved from behind me and made her way toward the partygoers. She stopped just before she cleared the opening and silently mouthed, “Good-bye, Max” before she disappeared from my view. I wanted to kill my mother, stab her through her black heart and watch her bleed to death on that cold kitchen floor. She had something to do with this. The smirk on her face told me as much. She’d somehow forced Heaven into Jeremy’s arms, and one way or another, I was gonna find out how. She threw her head back and laughed, like the deranged lunatic she was, and pointed her manicured finger in my direction.

  “I always win, Maxie. You’ll do well to remember that, sweet boy.” Then she walked out.


  I wanted to tell him so badly that I was being blackmailed by his mother to sleep with Jeremy. I had no reason to trust that he would protect me, but I wanted to believe in someone other than myself for once. My feelings for Max were hard to pin down. One minute, I wanted to throttle him, the next, I wanted him to throw me on the floor and fuck me into next week. I had no idea how that man managed to infiltrate my normally closed-off heart, but there was no denying he’d done just that. Too bad I’d never get the chance to tell him or show him just how much. Mrs. Lancaster didn’t deserve a son like Max. She was pure evil dressed in Chanel, and I hated her for what she was forcing me to do. If there was any truth to karma being a bitch, her time would come. With luck, sooner rather than later.

  I spotted Jeremy holding court in a crowd of people, so I slowly made my way over to him. It didn’t take him long to recognize me. I watched as he excused himself from whomever he was talking to and met me halfway. He was dressed in a custom-made tuxedo that probably cost more than my piece-of-shit car did when I’d bought it. His hair was perfectly styled, tapered at the sides, slicked back, without a strand sticking out of place. He looked every bit the part of a well-bred gentlemen, perfect teeth, perfect hair, and perfect body. He was just so…perfect. He blended in well with this crowd of rich mummies he so desperately tried to impress. Max hadn’t tried to conform to the evening’s dress code. He wore simple black dress pants and a button-down white shirt with no tie. The look made him the best-looking man at the party. My eyes met Jeremy’s, and almost immediately my skin began to crawl, as if my dress was made from maggots instead of rayon silk. My fight or flight instincts kicked in, and I subconsciously took two steps backwards just to prolong the inevitable meet and greet between us.

  “Well, isn’t this a pleasant surprise. I didn’t expect to see you tonight, and wearing my favorite color. I must say I’m grateful to the gods for rewarding me with such good fortune.” Jeremy bent to kiss my cheek. The bile in my empty stomach hit the back of my throat like a sledgehammer. I forced it back down and plast
ered on the biggest, fakest smile I could muster. It wasn’t easy.

  “Mrs. Lancaster was kind enough to invite me to the party.”

  “Well, I’m happy you’re here. You look stunning. Can I offer you a drink?”

  “Sure, that sounds nice, Jeremy.”

  He placed his hand on my lower back and guided me over to the bar, where drinks where being served by the wait staff. My legs felt so heavy, I had to drag them behind me as if they were encased in cement. My skin felt clammy, my body’s attempt at cooling down my overheated temperature caused by the constant feeling of nausea. I had to get a grip if I was going to pull off this rouse. Pretending that Jeremy was my long-lost love and I would do anything to please him was insane. My unexpected feelings for Max made the chore I was forced to do damn near impossible. He was the only man I’d ever felt comfortable with when he touched me. Granted, he was trying to push me away, but I couldn’t deny there was still a connection. Mrs. Lancaster had me by the balls. She knew it and I knew it. She ensured Max would never be mine, even if there was a chance for us in the future. I closed off my thoughts of a happier tomorrow and thought about the past. I knew how the game was played. Cousin Richard taught me well, and I never forgot the rules. Pretend that you liked it until it no longer mattered. It was easy, especially when you had a lot of practice.

  “So, Jeremy, this is how the other half lives. Do you know all of these people?” He handed me a glass of champagne, and I sipped it eagerly to calm my raging nerves. Let the games begin.

  “Absolutely. Most of them are involved in politics, so I get to hobnob with them often since I’m the senator’s aide. You’d be surprised what you can learn from spending time with this group of men and women. It’s done wonders for my career.”

  “Oh, I don’t doubt that. I’ve learned so much already.” My response dripped with sarcasm, but it couldn’t be helped. I hated everything these people stood for and more.

  “Would you like to dance, Haven?” I’d rather eat turkey shit with a pair of chopsticks.

  “Sure, Jeremy, I’d love to.”

  Jeremy reached for my glass of champagne and placed it on the bar along with his. He held out his hand, and I took it as we made our way to the makeshift dance floor in the center of the room. Everyone watched as we swayed back and forth to the classical music that played through the built-in speakers cleverly mounted at each corner of the room. Everything about this just felt completely wrong: the intimate way he held me close while he rubbed circles along my lower back, the smile permanently plastered on his face when he stared intimately into my eyes, right down to the inappropriate bulge of his cock that rubbed against my leg as we made our way around the dance floor. My libido sprung to life when my eyes met those of a very pissed-off Maxwell O’Neill as he stood as stiff as an ironing board and watched my forbidden dance. The heat coming from his glare caused my pussy to dampen, my nipples to harden, and my heart to pound out of my chest. I wanted to run to him, kick Jeremy in his balls, and scream “Fuck you” to Mrs. Lancaster on the way out the door. If only, Max, if only.

  “How about I give you the grand tour, Haven? I don’t believe you’ve had the opportunity since you’ve been employed here.” Jeremy broke through my reverie with his sudden stop in movement.

  “Um, sure, that would be lovely.” Don’t look back, Haven.

  I barely had time to answer before he dragged me down a darkened hallway just off to the opposite side of the dance floor and further away from Max. I was yanked from place to place, slipping and sliding on my cheap shoes, until we finally reached a closed door, which Jeremy opened. I could see a staircase leading downward that disappeared into darkness once you reached the halfway point. I was hesitant to go any further, so I pulled my hand back from the death grip that Jeremy had on it and shook my head no.

  “What’s the matter? Don’t you trust me, Haven?” He was going for charming but managed to piss me off in the process.

  “I don’t trust anyone, Jeremy, so cut the shit and tell me what’s down there, or I’m not going anywhere with you.” I folded my arms over my chest so he knew I meant business.

  “Look, Haven, it’s kind of hard for me to explain without actually showing you. Some of the other guests are already down there, so it’s not like we’d be alone or anything. I guarantee you’ll have the time of your life…trust me.”

  There was that word again, trust. It meant shit to Jeremy, something to throw around like a hello or good-bye. He’d make a great politician one day. He already had the lying part down to a science. I swallowed my skepticism and slowly climbed down the darkened staircase, relieved once I reached the bottom without falling flat on my face. I couldn’t see shit, but I heard the sound of voices coming from a short distance away, which meant Jeremy hadn’t been lying when he said we wouldn’t be alone. The basement was quartered off into two large rooms, yet the bulk of the crowd was gathered in the first one. At first, I thought there was another bar set up and that was the reason for such a large influx of people, too lazy to climb back up the stairs. Once Jeremy dragged me further inside, I realized just how very wrong I was.

  The large room was completely unfurnished, no bar, no drinks, and no classical music playing. The group was mainly huddled against the far wall, which was completely made of glass and was connected to the second room. There was a one-way mirror like they used in the movies when you were asked to identify the suspects in a police lineup. Jeremy was laughing and shaking hands with some of the men in the room, while the women, who I guessed were the wives, were in different stages of undress. Some were just in panties, while others were completely naked, just…waiting. For what, I didn’t know, but I’d seen enough. That wasn’t my idea of having a good time, and whatever those so-called rich elite were up to, I wanted no part of it. I let go of Jeremy’s hand and turned to leave, but he stopped me.

  “Where are you going, Haven? The fun is about to begin.”

  “Fuck you, Jeremy. This is bullshit. You stay if you want. I’m leaving.”

  The crowd started to laugh and cheer, which only added to my fury, until I glanced over at that one-way mirror and saw what the excitement was all about. A child had entered the adjoining room, a boy, no older than six or seven, and he was completely naked. He had dark hair with big brown eyes that were brimming with unshed tears as he stood there completely still, holding a small teddy bear to this chest as he peered around the room. I turned back to Jeremy, and his entire demeanor had changed. He was leering at the boy; lust gleamed from his eyes as if he were barely holding back the need to pounce. I scrambled to maintain my focus. Memories of my brother, Landon, as he knelt in front of Richard found a way to invade my senses and caused me to sway back and forth on my feet. My vision darkened until I lurched forward and vomited all over the sinister man who was standing in front of me while I struggled to speak.

  “Taaake me away from here, Jeremy.”

  He pulled me back up the stairs and away from the cheering crowd of men and women. My surroundings passed by in flashes like an old psychedelic disco video. I couldn’t feel my body, and my limbs had become numb and unresponsive. It fought me, harder than I’d ever felt before. My head landed on something hard and flat, my chest was smashed against it, and my arms were pinned behind me. I closed my eyes and waited for what I knew would come next. My mind entered its sanctuary, and I felt safe and happy surrounded by wild flowers. Somehow, the dream felt different. I wasn’t snuggled between my parents in a meadow; I was being held in strong, capable arms that refused to let go. I snuggled in deeper and breathed a sigh of relief when I realized I was saved. Max.

  “Hold on to me, baby. I’ll protect you.”

  “Do you promise?” I whispered.

  “Trust me, my sweet Heaven.”


  I watched that fucking douche bag Jeremy dance around with my Heaven in his arms until I could no longer contain my rage. My mother was the mistress of all things fucked up, but how she managed to convinc
e Heaven to go along with that bullshit was a stretch even for her. She didn’t strike me as the type of woman who could be bought; her shitty car proved that, so it had to be something else, something money couldn’t buy. My plan to corner Jeremy and make him talk would just have to wait. I couldn’t allow Heaven to get hurt by falling into my mother’s trap. I had to protect her. She had no idea what a conniving bitch that woman could be, and I was certain she lacked the killer instincts to take her on, not if she wanted to win.

  “They make such a lovely couple, wouldn’t you say so, Maxie?” Speak of the devil, and she appears.

  “No, the fuck I wouldn’t say so, Mother. What sick game are you playing with her?” I gritted.

  “No games, I’m afraid. Haven begged me to help her land a rich, successful man like Jeremy, and I was more than happy to oblige. Jeremy’s been like a son to me, so of course I’ve always had his best interests at heart.” Lying bitch.

  “Yeah, right, you’re just full of maternal instincts. I bet you had your Mother of the Year Award bronzed before you hung it in the bathroom.”

  Fucking around with this ridiculous conversation made me lose track of Heaven and Jeremy. I stretched my neck and tried looking through the crowd to spot them, but it was no use; they were gone. If he did anything to hurt her, I swore on my life I’d gut him like a fish until his eyes popped out of his head. My mother was busy preening herself on successfully pissing me off even more than I already was. Her words were always her ultimate weapon. What she failed to realize was that I knew the difference between a woman who really wanted to be with a man and that pathetic bullshit Heaven tried to dance her way around. She didn’t want Jeremy’s pussy ass; she knew it and I knew it, so she could stop trying to convince me otherwise.


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