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Reagan (Hengist-People of the Horse Book 3)

Page 22

by Jacky Gray

  ‘What do we do with him?’ growled one of them.

  ‘Get rid of him. He can’t stay here.’

  ‘I’ll deal with this,’ said a rough voice as its owner stepped forward. He pushed his hood back to reveal a hairy face with a gruesome scar running down from one eye to his snarling mouth. As the shining gold tooth glinted in the setting sun, Slater realised how alone he was.

  Hengist: People of the Horse

  The first four books are available on Amazon, Kindle and Nook. Read more at

  Find out more about the characters at:

  More things people say about Archer (book 1):

  “With accurate detail on jousting, archery, and swordplay, this story sucks you in, tickles your fancy, and then spits you out wanting more.” HS

  “Archer is such a great character, with all the strengths you could want and vulnerability that cuts straight to your heart. His friends (and nemesis) are so real I found myself feeling a part of the story.” AD

  “I can hear the music in her writing, the tempo is very fast but it emits a steady rhythm. The flow is brilliant and the story is engaging.” BM

  “These chronicles follow the lives of Archer and his friends as they compete in jousting and shooting arrows at Beltane, the Festival of the May, in well-executed, exhilarating and fun-packed scenes” IU

  “Archer brings a maturity to all he does that is well beyond his years. Archer has become one of my favorite fictional characters due to his level-headedness and thoughtful consideration of ethics.” VR

  “Jacky has nailed the character of a medieval archer; the books are a thrilling blend of action and rich historical detail.” KH

  “Archer takes a different twist than traditional knight’s tales. Ms. Gray brings to the reader a new world filled with authentic traditional language, giving a sense of travelling back in time.” VH

  “Archer was amazing! I couldn't put it down, it only took me two days to read it when it normally takes me a week.” DC

  “Absolutely wonderful! I learned a few things about jousting and archery. Exciting and wondrous. Can't wait to read the next one!” MB

  “Jacky has nailed the character of a medieval archer; the books are a thrilling blend of action and rich historical detail.” KH

  “Although targeting a teen boy audience, this story felt just right for me too. If you have a Hunger Games fan in the house, this book can--using a fun story--enhance their knowledge of the lost art of bowmaking!” LR

  Book 2: Rory

  Archer’s reward for being the most worthy student in his graduating class is to lose his home and all his friends. The place he is sent to is a world away from home and he must get used to many different aspects of this new life, starting with daily torment from Peter and his henchmen.

  The first day at the foster home is so bad he wants to leave but the first day at his new school is so bad he has to leave. At the new foster home, Rory and Tom are friendlier and things finally seem to be improving.

  Not for long. He is back on guard with the arrival of two antagonistic sisters, but his normal defences are useless against an adversary like Mandy. Archer is dragged further into the shady world of Stiff and his gang of teenage shoplifters, but how can he hope to survive when the people he thought were his friends betray him?

  More things people say about Rory:

  “Archer faces a tough road in this story, and there are times when he seems unbearably alone. A great story for adults and younger readers.” JD

  “Halfway through the book, I actually had to close down my Kindle and walk away; I knew just what that vile Mandy was going to do.”HS

  “Woven into the words is a journey that we can all relate to and for me that is the magic of a good writer.”MW

  “I wasn’t sure because some characters were so horrible, but I turned a page and was back on familiar territory. I couldn’t put it down.”MH

  “I enjoyed the archery scenes and the glimpses of the extreme training, but would have preferred to stay in Archer's world for a little while longer.”JA

  “Archer again comes to face more challenges with life, this time with girls in his life and how they can be so influential to get what they want.”CF

  “Archer was out of his comfort zone with modern teens but he handled himself well and brought the best out in others around him.”DC

  “Wonderful story telling! It only takes reading a few words for me to become completely captivated and absorbed into a different world.”MB

  Book 3: Reagan

  Reagan didn’t think he was anything special, lots of boys could sense ley-lines and knew the healing properties of plants and trees. Whatever he did would never be good enough for his mother, not even when he won the Garlanding or scored 100% on his graduation tests.

  With the help of his spirit guide Blaise and master trainer Kalen, he tries to determine the position of the next white horse. After an unsteady start they are aided in their quest by Reeve, daughter of the leading authority on white horses. Reagan needs all his mathematical skills to decode the complex patterns of ley lines and crop circles but it becomes a race against time as the dangerous accidents in the village lead to more serious casualties.

  Can Archer help him to find the missing pieces of the puzzle or will Reagan's perilous gift destroy him as it destroyed so many other chosen children?

  More things people say about Reagan:

  “Reagan is a particularly well-developed character with many facets to his personality. Ms. Gray does an excellent job presenting Reagan's internal psychological struggle between the teenager and the side of him that is a level-headed professional.”VR

  “Another pacey book - a great way to get lost for an evening or two. Follow Reagan and his friends as they travel around Wessex trying to explain the reasons behind the white horses and their locations. I found this book almost as hard to put down as when I first read Archer.”CF

  “A well-researched book into the lives, rituals and beliefs of early Britains. I recommend this book to young people who are learning about Celtic culture or indeed to those who love this world. Jacky offers so much material, in such an authentic way, a true delight.”SM

  It was great to be back in Jacky's parallel universe, although it seems a little less Utopian. The detail about dowsing ley lines was comprehensive and I feel sure she must have practised this art.”BA

  “Just finished reading Reagan and thought I would let you know how much I enjoyed it. The book included many of the topics I have taken an interest in over recent years such as crop circles, white horses, ley lines etc. and I loved the way the story wove these together.” RM

  Book 4: Slater

  Slater is the son of Mason, but he will never be a chip off the old block. Although his father is responsible for Aveburgh henge, Slater is more interested in learning about the ceremonies held amongst the stones

  Torn from a solstice celebration into a real-life nightmare, Slater's talent for reading ley lines upsets dark forces. Ancient magic pulls him back in time to reveal his connection to primeval secrets. There, he is teased by formidable priestesses who teach him the power of earth energies. Slater’s ability to solve problems under pressure is his strongest weapon against terrifying shamen who want only one thing from him – his death.

  Only Slater knows the prehistoric temples are not built correctly, but what will happen if he interferes in the past?

  Things people say about Slater:

  "I find the history of stone circles particularly fascinating, and Ms. Gray did a fantastic job of weaving intelligent research with vivid fantasy in a way that kept me reading (and guessing!) long into the night."SF

  "To me, the best part of the story is the joy and excitement which Gray writes it. You can tell it's a subject she is particularly interested in, and that love of the topic really makes the story shine."JD

  “The plot is gripping and suspenseful, especially the evil shaman Tauro
ch. The character development deserves full marks as well.” KP

  I thoroughly enjoyed Slater. The different timelines that Slater is thrown into, and the challenges he meets, are really cool.AD

  "Although Slater is aimed at teens, the pace, content and maturity of the main character make it also a perfect choice for adults too."PY

  “Great characters and a plot that stretches across millennia, but what I loved most is the Stonehenge is truly the main character.” VR

  “I think it would be great fun to be Slater for a couple days and travel back to witness some of the histories unfolding and ceremonies developing!” HS

  "The Druids and Stonehenge is an era I'm drawn to. As a frequent visitor to Stonehenge and Avebury, I can visualise Slater's journey."SM

  “Really good book, takes you right into the story. Intriguing plot and great characters, good for all ages.” LC


  This group of talented women is committed to engaging stories filled with charismatic characters and exciting adventures. First class writing, edited within an inch of its life, and fronted by breathtaking artwork. Looking for a good book to read? Check out:

  Andrea Domanski: Crossfire, Greco, Rogue, Pandora

  Once a normal teenage girl, now an Amazon warrior. Add in a bunch of kick-ass preternaturals and one maniacal demi-god and what have you got? The worst birthday ever!


  Hannah Sullivan: Thunder: The Shadows are Stirring

  A rift between the layers of the world. A talking horse. Evil sliders. What’s a girl to do when she is the only one who can save it all?


  Jacky Gray: Archer, Rory, Reagan, Slater

  Mmm. Shoot an apple off his friend’s head or lose his food, horse and clothes? Some decisions require little thought.


  Jennelle Faulkner: Mirrored Time

  New jobs aren't supposed to be this hard. Crazy half-gods, time travelers and ex-gladiator thieves? Unemployment never looked so good. Website:

  Rowanna Green: Death Wishes, Fox Among Wolves, Triple Jeopardy

  When Jo Green dies, all Hell lets loose in Heaven; she must live ’til her bucket list is fulfilled. Who better to help than a rookie guardian angel? Think Coke Break guy with wings. Yummy!


  S.M. Freedman: The Faithful

  According to I Fidele, non-psychics are cockroaches. And the extermination is about to begin.





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