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Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2)

Page 5

by Pixie Moon

  I feel the dark cloud around me part but it stays close to my back and sides. I must not forget how hard life is. The remembrance of the reslikian leaving one of his own behind and buying parrots instead helps toughen me up.

  I’d be a fool to think this male will save me all because I’m attracted to him and because my captor says it could happen. Lots of things can happen. Like one-sided lust. I can’t believe he is making me feel passion. I’m tempted to look down at his crotch to see if he’s attracted to me. Heat stings my cheeks as I fight the urge to look. It’s rude to stare at a stranger’s crotch, I remind myself.

  Instead I look at his face as I wait to see what he’ll do. His eyes are amazing. I sink into his three-tone eyes. They are glowing lightly. The silver is pulsing in a hypnotic way.

  When those beautiful eyes narrow slightly I jump and lick my lips. Dang it, from the way he’s acting I must have done something wrong. Did he ask me a question?

  The pull I feel toward him drives me to ask, “I’m sorry, did you say something?” My heart flutters. I’m going to be crushed if he’s one of those people who won’t repeat himself under any circumstance. I should have been paying more attention to his mouth than his eyes.

  A fresh spiral of lust makes its way through my center as I look at his lips. I’m flustered by my strong reaction to him. I touch the side of my head and try to focus on him as a person, not as a sex toy.

  “I asked you for your name. What is it?” He sniffs and his nostrils flare along with two small vents on each side of his straight nose.

  “Skyla Burgin.” I feel compelled to tell him why I didn’t hear him the first time, but what am I supposed to say—Your unique brand of hotness is messing with my head. He’d run for sure. I bite my lips and focus on his mouth.

  He inhales deeply and then smiles down at me. “I need a seema to take home. Do you know what a seema is?”

  “No.” If my captor ever said that word I don’t recall it. The male steps closer to me. His masculine scent fills my lungs and stirs passion in me. I press my thighs together and try to ignore the lust pulsing through me. This is so wrong.

  The large male takes another breath and his eyes glow a touch brighter. He leans down and gets close to my ear. A shiver runs down my spine.

  “As my seema you will take care of my home and my sexual needs. In return, I will take care of all your needs, including your sexual ones. Would you like to be tested for the job?” His breath whispers across my ear in a deliciously sensual manner.

  Moisture dampens my panties. I squeeze my thighs tighter and try to stay detached. He’s not looking for a wife. I look into his eyes. “Yes.” The cloud around me dissipates a bit more. What is this hold he has over me? Is it a zaphinian thing?

  Something flashes in his eyes. “Good. A seema always does what she is told. Do you think you can do that?”

  “Yes.” My soul, which has gone crazy, wouldn’t let me answer in any other way.

  He smiles and then circles me a few times. “I require rough sex on a regular bases. It keeps me grounded and happy. I’ll expect you to always do as you’re told.”

  He circles me like a mountain lion about to pounce on its prey. I feel small compared to him. The top of my head is lower than his broad shoulders. I’m guessing somewhere around nipple level. I shiver and he chuckles. The sound does something to me. Something good. Once again I wonder if all zaphinian males have this effect on me and possibly all females.

  I look over his shoulder at the two males with him. One is looking at my friend and the other is watching the crowd. I’m puzzled when I don’t feel the same pull to them that I did to him the second I saw him.

  A soft growl from him has my heart racing. I look up to see pearly fangs and softly glowing eyes. I swallow hard at the sight of his short fangs. My stomach twists uncertainly. I’m still inexplicably drawn to him but I am worried about his fangs.

  He runs a large hand over my hair and then bends and nuzzles my ear. “You never have to fear me, Skyla Burgin.” He steps back and his eyes harden. “If I take you as my seema you must always obey.” His gaze drops to my chained hands. “Rub your breasts for me.”

  His tone tells me he means business. Heat stings my cheeks and I glance around. One of the other males is now watching me. I look down and take a calming breath. Slowly I raise my hands to my overly large breasts and start rubbing them for him.

  At the sight of his boots stepping closer to me, I look up and into his mesmerizing gaze. “Pinch your nipples,” he says in a husky tone.

  The heat in his voice spikes a wave of lust in me. Needing to please him, I start to pinch and roll my nipples. His hands come up and grip my wrists. I worry I did something wrong when he moves my hands down. Disappointment in myself rests heavily on my mind. It’s been too long. I must not know how to do this anymore.

  Before shame can totally settle over me he raises my chin and looks into my eyes. “I’m going to touch you. Can you handle that?”

  Hope flares back to life. My heart stutters at my reaction to him. I have to get control of my emotions. He’s not wife hunting, I remind myself. I nod and jump when he growls and looks expectantly at me.

  “When I ask you a question, you are to answer me with your mouth. No nodding.” His voice in gruff but his eyes are kind.

  “Yes, sir.” At his raised brow, I add, “I can handle your touch.” I prepare myself for his touch. It could be painful or it could be gentle.

  I hold my breath as I wait to see what he’ll do. How he’ll touch me. Fear, anxiety, arousal, and unexplainable excitement course through me. Those last two feelings have me confused. I want to look at my friend to make sure he’s all right but the pull I feel toward the male in front of me is too strong.

  I tremble when his hands come up and rest on my hips. A fresh wave of lust washes through me. I barely withhold a moan. His strong hands on me feel right. They shouldn’t but they do.

  Another shiver swirls through me when his hands start sliding up my sides. It tickles. I release a breathless giggle. The small vents near his nose flutter and his gaze locks on my face. I look into his eyes and feel like I’m drowning in a pool of blues and silver. I gasp when his big warm hands cup by breasts.

  My pulse pounds as I wait to see if he’s going to hurt me or be gentle and kind to me. His large hands gently start massaging my breasts. His nostrils flare and some of the blue strands in his eyes start glowing brighter.

  I can hear the crowd but they sound as if they are miles away. The intensity of the male fondling me demands my attention. When his thick fingers start pinching and rolling my nipples, I feel a surge of lust power through me. Embarrassment should be conquering all of my emotions, but it can’t overcome the desire that this male is producing in me.

  When he tugs on my nipples hot lust courses through my center. He growls and then shocks me when his hands quickly push my shirt and bra up revealing my breasts. Heat stings my cheeks. I wish I could hide. My breasts are too large.

  “By the moons, you are beautiful.” His scorching gaze drops from mine to my extra-large boobs.

  One hand cups my breast as he leans in and kisses the nipple of my other breast. I draw in a sharp breath when he starts lapping and sucking my hardened tip. A flood of desire washes over me causing my clit to pulse. Moisture eases from my sex as I lean into him wantonly.

  The feel of his fangs raking along the sides of my nipple causes me to shudder and a pool of liquid to saturate my panties. A longing to be taken by him consumes me. He’s neither gentle nor hurtful.

  He’s a perfect blend of intensely dominating and pleasure giving. I moan when he nips my taut bud and then flicks it with his hot tongue. His hand slides under the band of my pants and panties. I cry out when his finger slips between my wet folds and glides back and forth. I grind my mound into his thick finger searching for release. It’s been so long. Too long.

  My breath starts heaving as I get closer to coming. Need has me gripping his vest to keep
him close. A light growl comes from him. The sound fills me with a wildness I’ve never felt before.

  “Please,” I beg in a tone I’ve never used before. My body feels like it could explode at any moment. I just need a little more.

  My eyes shut and my mouth opens when his rough finger starts tapping against my clit. My grip tightens on his vest. I grind my aching bud into his finger.

  He stops tapping and presses down hard on my needy clit. I cry out as pleasure rocks my body. My breath is harsh and heavy as I glory in the climax pulsing through me. The feeling seems to last forever.

  Reality crashes in when I open my eyes and see his friend standing right beside me. How long has the other male been standing next to me? The male I’m holding onto slides his hand out of my pants and sniffs his wet fingers. Heat stings my cheeks. I can’t look at his friend. Now that I’m satisfied I’m embarrassed at how easily I fell apart at the zaphinian’s touch.

  I look down to see that my tits are still visible. I release him and move to cover my breasts but then I remember that I’m not in control of this situation. I’m not on Earth anymore. I questioningly look up into his unique eyes.

  “Good, little one. You can cover yourself.” His intense gaze moves from me to his friend. “Stay with her while I pay for her.”

  At his friend’s nod, the male I’m crazily attracted to moves over to my captor and currency is passed between them. My captor comes over and smiles at me. The dagrinian then removes my cuffs. I’m not free for long though.

  A thin piece of gold metal is slapped onto my right wrist. I watch in shock as the metal conforms to my wrist and seals itself shut. I watch as the other piece of metal is slapped onto my new owner’s thick wrist. The length of chain between the cuffs is long enough to allow for quite a bit of movement.

  I’ve never seen anything like it. The metal is smooth. How does it come off? Are we stuck together for life? What happens when I have to relieve myself? Panic starts to build in my chest.

  I jump when his arm drapes over my shoulders. “Calm yourself, little human. Our business is almost done.” His tone and scent soothe my frayed nerves.

  The male that had been looking at my reslikian friend comes over and starts talking to the two males surrounding me. I’m puzzled because I don’t understand the language they are speaking. My heart lightens when my male guides me over to my friend.

  A part of me knows I shouldn’t think of the big guy as my male but I can’t help myself. I’m going to be crushed if he immediately hands me over to someone else. I shudder and push those thoughts aside. The arm around me tightens for a second. I welcome his comfort even if I shouldn’t just yet.

  I look at my friend and I can’t help myself, I look up at the male I’m cuffed to and ask, “Can you buy my friend?” Something flashes through his eyes which I notice are no longer glowing.

  That flicker I saw in his eyes worries me. I look over at my friend and the male I’m with growls. The sound sends a shiver down my spine. I’m not sure if I should be scared or not.

  He constantly confuses me. I’m so uncertain around him but I’m also inexplicably drawn to him. This is not the time for my long dormant sensual side to rear up and demand attention.

  A vision of the raccoon eating up the bakery’s garden floats through my mind. In this life you have to go after a good thing when you find it, a voice inside me whispers. Pleasure encompasses me but I try to hold it at bay. I make an effort to hold judgment until he shows his true colors. The handsome alien may not be a good thing. Looks can be deceiving. My kind hearted soul desperately wants him to be a good thing.

  I don’t know if he’ll help my friend but I have to try. I won’t be able to live with myself if I don’t. “Please, I don’t want him to be eaten. He’s too nice to be food.”

  My male growls and then his friend starts talking again. We walk over to my friend. Hope flares in my chest as they start talking and looking my friend over.

  I jump when my male sniffs and then looks at me and growls. “You are mine. Mine. Do you understand?”

  Confusion sets in. “Yes,” I answer as I search his pretty eyes. Fear once again enshrouds me. We are still on the platform. The crowd is still thick. He could get his money back or sell me to someone else.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask. Terror settles heavily in my chest. I don’t want to leave with anyone but him. It’s crazy and I know it, but that’s how I feel. I can’t be parted from him. The realistic side of me is screaming for me to slow down. I can’t.

  He sighs, the action makes his chest rise and fall heavily. His eyes soften. “Just remember that you are mine. Even if we buy the reslikian you will not belong to him.”

  Stunned into silence I stare at him for a long moment. “I’m not drawn to him that way. He was nice to me and I don’t want anything bad to happen to him. That’s all, I promise. I just want to be with you.” I mentally kick myself for blurting that last part. I sound like a desperate female. Desperate is bad, real bad.

  He inhales deeply and then visibly relaxes. Those deep breaths really seem to help him out. Deep within my soul I want him to be a good thing. I also want to be a good thing to him. I try to tone down my insane infatuation for him—I can’t. What is wrong with me?

  I watch as the male I’m cuffed to leans in close to me. “Stay nice and still as we talk to your friend. I’ll help him if I can, seema.”

  My foolish heart leaps at the word seema. A feeling of security washes over me. Him addressing me as his seema means he’s serious about me belonging to him.

  I belong to him. A shiver dances through me. Hope and a touch of something I don’t want to recognize fills my heart.

  ~ Ryk ~


  Something is wrong with me today. I can’t believe I just got possessive over a human that smells fan-zyfing-tastic. I haven’t filled her with my cock yet. I haven’t felt the sweet flutter of her inner muscles as she comes. The chemistry between us is strange—exciting. Not normal at all. That worries me a bit.

  Von is talking so I’ll have to figure out what’s going on later.

  “Thanks for joining us, WavTe. As I was saying, I think we may know someone kin to the reslikian. Look at the dark green strands in his eyes. They are very familiar,” Von says in Zaphtor, our native language.

  Tairin motions the chained male closer. My new seema crowds in closer to the male. I inhale and find that her feelings for the male are purely platonic. This discovery frees me. I look into the male’s green eyes and see that Von is correct.

  “I believe you’re right,” Tairin says to Von.

  “I do as well.” I smell anxiety and hope coming from the male.

  Some clocpinians come onto the platform. I’m aware of them even though I ignore them. We got to the reslikian first so we get to decide if we want him before the others can look the male over.

  When one of the aliens gets close I see Skyla’s nose twitch and remember that humans don’t like the smell of clocpinians. I hide a smile and pull her in closer to my chest. My scent is much better and it’s the only one she needs filling her delicate nostrils.

  Tairin clicks his tongue and then asks the chained male, “What’s your name? You have a familiar look.”

  “I’m Rosman. I was looking for my twin when I was captured on Tin Malein. My twin’s name is Rosda. I’d do anything to find her.” The reslikian looks at each of us with desperate eyes.

  Looks like today is Rosman’s lucky day. The male has to be the brother of one of our playthings. I do recall her talking about a dead brother once when she’d had too much to drink. Since our playthings aren’t allowed to get drunk on the job that had been a rare moment when Rosda had been off. It had also been her birthday—and his. She hadn’t mentioned that the brother had been her twin. It had to have hurt too much.

  “How did you two get separated,” Von asks Rosman.

  “Our parents had a trading business on Reslik. I was sent to Kepsly to buy some spices. As we lande
d the engines blew. I was thrown from the craft and couldn’t remember who I was or where I’d come from. All of the others on the spacecraft were killed.” Rosman stops and takes a breath. I can feel his sorrow.

  Rosman clenches his chain until his tan knuckles turn white. “It took me seven whole years for my memory to come back. I’d been taken in by a family who owned a restaurant. I worked for them until I remembered who I was and that I had a family. When I went home I was told that our parents had gotten sick and died six years earlier and that Rosda had gone looking for me right after they were cremated. None of my old friends knew where she was. It took some time but I finally found out where she’d gone when she left the planet. Unfortunately, I was captured and sold before I could find her.” Hope lights his green eyes. “You said I look familiar. Do you know my sister?”

  Von nods. “We believe we do know her. A female named Rosda asked us for a job five years ago. She’s been working as a plaything at our club ever since.”


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