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Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2)

Page 13

by Pixie Moon

  As she moans, I grip her head and kiss her. The sweetness of her mouth sends sparks shooting through my blood. I long to sink my fangs into her neck. That’s something else I can’t do right now.

  The feel of her arms wrapped around my neck and her plump breasts pressing into my chest has me growling softly. I back up a few steps and drop down on the bed.

  I explore her sweet mouth until I feel like I’m going to explode. My blood is hammering through my veins. I need her. I need to taste her pussy and slide into her hot body.

  The little sounds she’s making as her hands roam my back have me growling again. I roll her onto her back and stare down at her. Her green eyes are filled with desire. My lips crash down on hers again. I can’t get enough of her. When she nips at my lower lip and then sucks it a new blast of heat singes my blood. I almost plunge into her wet entrance.

  Needing to gain some control before I do something bad, I slide down her body. My erection is unhappy now that it’s away from her hot center. There is nothing I can do about that right now.

  Her big breasts call to me. I bury my face between the soft round mounds. Her scent is amazing here. I lick the sweet flesh and suck at her nipples until she begs me for release. The texture and taste of her silky skin has more heat circling my throbbing shaft. Sweat brakes out on my forehead. She’s so hot—so welcoming.

  “Please, Din Ryk,” she whispers between panting breaths.

  I suck at her intriguing bud for a moment longer enjoying the way her body moves when I draw on the pink tip. I flick my tongue over a taut peak once more and then start kissing my way to her wet folds. Her arousal is filling my nostrils and making me want to keep her in bed forever.

  A carnal need to smother out all other scents has me burying my face in her dark blonde curls. My cock throbs when I inhale her feminine scent mixed with the floral body wash she used. Her short curls tickle my nose when I root deeper into her damp flesh. My erection bobs and swells even more.

  The hunger in me grows until I can’t stand it anymore. I plunge my tongue into her dark pink center and lap up her juices. Her hands grip my head as she moans. Spicy wetness coats my tongue. A low growl vibrates through my chest. Zyfing wonderful.

  I press her legs open wider and eat her up. She tastes better than the finest meal I’ve ever eaten. Her moans are coming nonstop. The sound drives me on and sends a sharp flash of lust through my erection.

  The need to come starts riding me hard. I need to see her explode first. Sliding the tip of my tongue upward, I part her pink lips and run right into her swollen knot of nerves. When I latch onto the hot spot her whole body jerks and she cries out. As I suck lightly at the sweet jewel she clutches my shoulders and shudders.

  Her passionate cries of release and quivering body have masculine pride rising up in me. Skyla’s reaction to my touch also has fire raging in my cock and spine. I give her pulsing clit a last kiss and then move in between her thighs.

  The wetness of her sweet pussy calls to me. I pull her to the edge of the bed and press my aching erection into her slick folds. I moan when she rocks her hips and wraps her legs around my waist.

  The feel of her hot moist lips cradling my erection sends an arrow of painful desire circling my cock. My spine fires up and I feel my seed churn. The beast in me takes over. I grip her hips tightly and forcefully pump my cock back and forth through her pussy lips.

  When my sensitive tip parts her moist folds and then runs right into her clit she jerks wildly and cries out. The sound of her coming again pushes me over the edge. I press harder into her wet pussy and rock my hips.

  My muscles tighten and my body shudders as my seed shoots from me and coats her quivering pussy. Breathing heavily I grind into her and shoot out another spurt of seed.

  Zyf. My knees go weak. I drop down onto her. My arms hold most of my weight as I lie on her enjoying the aftershocks of my release. I love the way she smells now. Spicy, sweaty, and cum coated.

  I growl softly as I scoot her up and over to her place on my bed. Her skin is flushed from her orgasms. Beautiful. So zyfing beautiful.

  When I move to pull the covers up she weakly holds out her hand. “Wait, I need to clean up first.” She doesn’t look strong enough to walk to the bathroom. Male pride once again washes over me.

  I inhale and growl softly. “No, seema, you don’t.” I get up and turn the lights off and then climb in beside her. “You will be wearing my scent from now on, Skyla Burgin. Close your eyes and rest, little seema.”

  “Yes, Din Ryk,” she answers in a sated tone.

  I love her obedience and the satisfied scent coming from her. The scent is blending with the smell of our recent release—so zyfing sexy. I wrap my arm around her and pull her against my body.

  My nights are much better now that she’s in my bed. And in your life, that strange new side of me whispers. A picture of her dimpled smile as she learns new things pops into my mind and warms my heart.

  Yes, she is the bright spot in my life. At least for now, the realistic part of me ruthlessly points out.

  The new possessive side of me doesn’t like that thought. It wants her to be a part of my life forever.

  I don’t like the war raging within me.

  I breathe in and focus on her wonderful scent. I can’t let myself worry over the future. Worry steals the beauty of the moment. I cuddle her even closer to me and thoroughly enjoy the feel and smell of her.

  She belongs to me. That primal thought makes me happy.



  ~ Skyla ~


  “Come, seema. It’s time to learn more about each other,” Din Ryk says in a tone that means business.

  He still makes me a little nervous but so far he has been nothing but good to me. His height alone is reason enough to be wary of him though. Males as large as Din Ryk command attention.

  Oh, he’s got my attention, my lust crazed side states. Yes, he does. I can’t stop the invisible draw I have to the big guy. It’s insane to be so attracted to someone you’ve just known for a few days.

  This can’t be healthy. Heat flares in my cheeks when I remember how his touch turns me into a different woman. I crave the feel of his hands on me. I can’t explain it even though I wish I could.

  Don’t let him draw you in. He’s a warrior, my cautious side whispers. She’s correct. I’ll try to be cool and distant. I can still fill his needs without getting too attached.

  A part of my heart breaks at my decision. I try to ignore the pain. This is for the best. I follow him to the couch and gasp when he pulls me down onto his lap. I stiffen for a second. Don’t let him get to you. I repeat the thought a few times. When his large hands gently begin stroking me soothingly, I sink into him.

  Dang, dang, dang. No matter how many times I tell myself to keep my distance from him I repeatedly fall apart the second he touches me. My cautious side is yelling for me to be careful but as I enjoy his touch, I ignore that side of me.

  The second his hands are off of me and I can think clearly I’m sure I’ll be upset with myself. I shiver as his hand pulls out the elastic holding my hair up. When he starts massaging my head I no longer care about shielding my heart from him.

  “That’s it, seema. Relax,” he whispers in my ear.

  My muscles melt and heat starts swirling through my center. Don’t fall in love with him, my cautious side screams. I vaguely promise her I won’t and then all else fades except his touch.

  The feel of his hands buried in my hair and gently moving in small circles before moving on to another spot and doing the same thing repeatedly, puts me in mush mode. My bones liquefy causing me to moan softly. I’ve never had anyone do this to me before. Amazing. That’s what this is.

  Through the pleasurable fog I hear him say, “Tell me about your life on Earth, seema.”

  “My life?” What’s he talking about. My life is all about keeping his hands on me.

  A masculine chuckle rumbles up his broad che
st. His hands move down my shoulders and then on to wrap around me. He places a kiss to the top of my head. “I want to know about your life. Tell me about your family and friends.”

  Still in a daze, I start telling all. “My parents went to visit my uncle a year ago and never returned. I don’t know if they are dead or alive.” Sadness settles over me as I think of all I’ve lost.

  When he starts caressing my arms and shoulders so lovingly my heart breaks open. “I had a fiancé. We were happy.” Tears well in my throat. I shouldn’t have told Din Ryk that. Guys don’t want to hear that kind of stuff. Time has dulled the pain a little, but it’s still hard to say the words out loud.

  He inhales and then prods, “Tell me what happened to him, seema. It’s good to let it all out.”

  His low coaxing tone does the trick. It’s time to let go, a voice whispers through my mind. A tear slides down my cheek and I wipe it away.

  I take a deep breath and then blow it out. “Dillon was killed two years ago. A band of men came into our village intent on hurting us and then taking whatever they found valuable. Dillon stood up to them and killed three of the five men. When the last two killed him the rest of the men in the village killed the remaining two.”

  “Dillon was a brave man. He died with honor, seema.” Din Ryk’s warm hands continue to comfort me with long slow stokes up and down my arms and shoulders.

  His words are true. “Yes, Dillon saved us. If the others hadn’t been so stunned—if they had acted sooner—he could have lived.” All of the men in our village regretted the fact that they’d frozen. Their actions sealed Dillon’s fate.

  I never hated them for it. Not everyone is born to defend. Not everyone is born to live a full life. Especially defenders. Dillon is proof of that.

  Din Ryk hugs me tightly to him and brushes a light kiss against my neck. Something in me shifts. Latch onto a good thing when you can, a voice whispers through my mind. My heart hardily agrees. Maybe I can be happy with Din Ryk without giving my heart away to this sensitive warrior. The sensitive part is comforting. The warrior part is what has me concerned.

  “Tell me what your day was like, seema.”

  A ray of happiness zips through me. “I used to bake as well as serve meals at Alberta’s Bakery. We were more like a restaurant that sold bread and crackers on the side, but my boss likes to think of her place as a bakery so that’s what she calls it. I loved working there. The regulars could come up with the wildest stories.”

  I shift in his lap and rest my head on his chest. The sound of his steady heartbeat gives me strength. “My sister, Sunny, works for Alberta too. Sunny and her husband, Able, have the cutest toddler ever. Her name is Molly. I hope I never forget her sweet laughter.” A touch of sadness tries to push its way back into my heart. I shove it away and latch onto the happy memories of all my family and friends.

  “My brother, Din Tymor, and his kesdy, Zima, own Midday and More. They have a son, Sakmor. You’ll meet them all soon. I think you’ll like their restaurant. Its family orientated.” His tone is filled with love.

  I look up into his eyes. They are reflecting the love I heard in his voice. See. He’s worth thinking of as a good thing, a voice whispers through my heart. Deep down I know this could be true.

  “Do they bring their son to the restaurant? How old is he?” Once again my curious nature leaps right in and takes over. I think of Molly running around Alberta’s and smile.

  A chuckle vibrates through his chest. I like the feel of it as well as the sound. He kisses my forehead and then grins at me.

  “I enjoy your curious side, seema. It’s refreshing. Now back to your questions. Yes, they bring him to the restaurant. Sakmor is one and a half years old. He’s quite the whirlwind.” The smile in his tone melts my heart a bit more.

  “Do you have any other nephews or nieces?” I ask. It’ll be good to know how large his family is. You can never have too much information.

  “No, for now, Sakmor is the only one. My brother, Din Dax, doesn’t have his kesdy yet so he isn’t thinking of children at this moment.”

  “What’s a kesdy?” So many new words to learn. I hope I don’t get them all mixed up in my head.

  “A kesdy is the same thing as a wife. The term keslon is used for husband,” he answers before hugging me tightly for a second.

  I’m not sure how to take his actions. He’s not hiding me from his kesdy, is he? Could this be his second home? “Do you have a kesdy?” Dang it, I wasn’t able to keep my voice neutral. I don’t want him to know of my sudden insecurity.

  He inhales and growls softly. Looks like I’m busted anyway. “No, seema. I don’t have a kesdy. If I did, I wouldn’t have brought you here. I would have given you to a single male.”

  Fear seizes my heart. “One day you’ll take a kesdy. What will happen to me?” Will I be sold? I don’t want to be sold. I didn’t like it the first time and I’m sure I never will.

  A growl rumbles up his chest. “Calm down, seema. I don’t have any plans for taking a kesdy for a long time. If that day comes, I’ll talk to you about it.” He inhales and growls again. “Not all males take a kesdy. I may be one of them.”

  He looks deeply into my eyes causing me to shiver at the intensity. “I will never willingly hurt you, Skyla Burgin.”

  The seriousness in his tone and eyes leads me to believe that he’s telling the truth. I calm down a little. I really don’t have a choice. I have to trust him.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  I’ve survived another day.

  The sun is starting to set. I put my last four crackers behind a plant in the corner of the living room. I found some small material bags that are similar to what I used on Earth to store food in. These bags have come in handy. I now have even more stashes of food around the house. The bags have opened up many more hiding places.

  I feel him behind me. It’s a nice feeling. I turn and look up. “Do you need something, Din Ryk?”

  Like sex? my sex crazed side tries to offer. I disappoint her by not saying the words out loud. I don’t think she understands that it’s better to wait. Not jump in too soon. I can appreciate him giving me time to get used to him. I respect him for it as well.

  “Yes, I need you to come outside with me. The setting sun is a beautiful sight.” He takes my hand and leads me to a tree at the side of the house. A ladder is secured to the blue tree’s sturdy trunk. I look up and see a railed off platform about thirty feet up. Fear and excitement well in me.

  “Don’t be afraid, seema. I’ll be right behind you. Go on up. You don’t want to miss this,” he encourages.

  Trusting him, I start climbing. The ladder is extremely sturdy. But then it would have to be to hold his weight. Feeling more confident, I move a little quicker. At the top there is a cut out section in the wooden platform. When I stop to pull myself up, he gives my butt a gentle push. I scramble out of his way and then turn to look around.

  The sky is a blaze of purples and blues. “It’s magnificent,” I state the obvious. In my awe I can’t come up with anything else.

  “Yes, it is. I’m glad you appreciate it the way I do. The jungle can be dangerous and deadly but it is so beautiful. I come to my observation deck whenever I can,” he says as he looks down at the scene beneath us.

  Observation deck. That’s a good name for this. The jungle is amazing from this high up the mountain. Birds are flying to trees and talking to each other before they go to sleep. I wonder what they are saying.

  The rays of the sun are changing all of the plants to brighter hues as it bids us goodnight. I’ve never seen anything like it. Movement in the next tree over has me squinting to see what is over there.

  Three ringed tails seem to float in the air and then disappear. I gasp when a flurcot springs from the other tree and into ours. The cute furry creature bounds off the rail onto a huge lounge chair and then to the deck. It looks us over and then heads straight to us.

  “Is he the one that I saw through the window the other night?
” I look it over and notice how its ears twist as I talk. Those perky ears must hear everything.

  “Yes, it is. I’ll give the little beggar some crackers when we go in. He loves grulet crackers.” Din Ryk crouches and the flurcot rubs its dark green fur against his extended hand.

  All three of the animals pale green eyes close as it turns and rubs its other side against Din Ryk’s thigh. The green ringed tails seem to dance happily. It sniffs the air and then looks at me.

  I freeze when the furry creature swirls itself around my legs and then rubs its face against my right foot. I laugh and it does it again. I reach out and touch the flurcot’s dark green back. The fur is just as soft as I thought it would be.


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