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Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2)

Page 34

by Pixie Moon

  I don’t like feeling this way. All those feelings roil up inside me. A tear slips down my cheek. Anger wells in me. I wipe the offending liquid away. I don’t know how much more I can handle.

  It’s been a week and I’m so much worse today. I feel like I’m going to explode. I have a good life and a great keslon so my feelings are totally irrational. I think I need to see the doctor.

  I head to the living room to tell Ryk. When I see him sitting in the same place doing the same thing, something in me flicks on.

  I storm over to the screen and stand right in front of it. Right now I’m glad my boobs are big. They can take up all the screen space they want.

  Planting my hands on my hips, I glare at him. “I’ve been your kesdy for a week today. Seven days. One week. Why don’t you people use the word week?” I point at the floor. “In this house we are using the word week, mister.”

  He growls and frowns at me.

  “Oh, you want to start a fight. Instead of moon, I just might start saying month. At least you people got day and year right.”

  He looks at me with a soul penetrating stare and then inhales deeply. I squirm and then anger rises in me. I jut my chin out.

  Ryk inhales again and his vents flutter. His big hand pats the couch next to him.

  I don’t think so. I tilt my head and stare him down. “I’ll stand.”

  He frowns and asks, “What’s wrong, kesdy?”

  The concern in his voice pierces my chest. My shoulders sag and tears well in my eyes. I shake my head. “I…” A lump forms in my throat halting my words.

  He gets off the couch and wraps his arms around me. A shudder rocks through me. I blow out a shaky breath. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Nothing satisfies me and I feel like fighting all the time. But I don’t like fighting. I’m so messed up.”

  His hand caresses my hair for a long moment. Part of me loves it and part of me doesn’t want to be consoled. I hear him inhale and then he growls softly.

  He eases back and looks down at me. “I have to check something.” He puts a finger right under my eye and pulls my lid down.

  What is he doing? A grin curls his lips and his pretty eyes practically glow. He shouts and then laughs as he picks me up and twirls me around.

  When he sets me back on my feet, I scowl up at the big guy. Anger swirls around my chest. “What’s so funny? You want to fight?”

  He throws his head back and laughs. “No, not with my pregnant kesdy.”

  I stare at him in stunned silence. Happiness fills me and then doubt and then anger. My eyes narrow. I zero in on him. “You do want a fight.” I point a finger at him. “Since I can’t get pregnant that’s a cruel joke. I’ll make you pay.”

  Holding my fists up, I scowl at him and dip my chin. My emotions are all over the place. Part of me doesn’t want to fight but the other part does. That part wins. “It’s on, big guy. Get ready for a beating.”

  He laughs again and quickly scoops me up and twirls me around again. I sink into his warm embrace for a moment and then the other side of me comes out and I start struggling. “Put me down so I can beat you for messing with me. And no more fast moves, mister.”

  A jubilant laugh rumbles from deep in his chest.

  Part of my heart softens at the beautiful sound but the other part gets pissed off. “Stop laughing at me.”

  He sets me down and presses his lips together. I can see the smile still pulsing in his irises. Does he think I can’t see it? “Oh, it’s on.”

  “By the moons, you are going to be a beautiful handful for the next four moons.” I scowl at him. He holds his hands up in surrender. “You are pregnant, Skyla WavTe.”

  I shake my head. “I can’t be.”

  “Why not?” he counters.

  “Because Dillon and I never had a baby.” There, that should stop this joke.

  “Well you are now. This is why you have been aggressive. You must have already been pregnant on the day I claimed you.” At my doubtful look, he says, “Go look at the inside of your eyelids. They are silver. That means you are carrying a zaphinian baby.”

  With a hammering heart, I rush to the bathroom and check the inside of my eyelids. “Hot dang it, they’re silver.” I have a flash back of me wanting to dominate him before he gave me his mark and several times since then. A part of me wants to dominate him right now.

  My hand moves to my belly and caresses it. Ryk comes up behind me and places his hand over mine. Our gazes meet in the mirror. “Is it true?” I need it to be.

  “Yes, I’m so happy about this little guy.” Ryk’s eyes are filled with love, happiness, and awe.

  I turn and hug him. His solid frame feels wonderful. “This is the best day of my life.”

  “Mine too, kesdy.”

  The need to fuck him hits me hard. I want to dominate him right now. Show him who the pleasure boss is.

  He inhales and groans. “The baby is making you aggressive.”

  “Why? Shouldn’t I be sweeter?” This doesn’t make sense. I don’t like to fight and be aggressive. I was born to serve and love.

  “Because he or she is zaphinian. We are dominant. You are experiencing a touch of what we feel.”

  “Oh.” I feel lost. “This is terrible. I don’t want the baby to feel these things.”

  “The baby will be fine. We teach our children to control their emotions.” His gaze softens even more. “But right now there is no control.”

  I picture four moons of hell. He hugs me tightly to him. His scent rolls through me. My core heats up. The need to take him rears up in me.

  “I need you.” A growl rumbles from my chest. “Now.” I quickly think of the perfect spot to take him.

  His sad groan doesn’t hinder me at all.



  ~ Ryk ~


  My heart is pounding. This is so zyfing awesome. We are having a baby. I feel like releasing a victory roar but that would scare my pregnant kesdy. And that’s something I can’t do.

  Skyla’s various emotions swirl through the air the moment we leave the house. I’d scented a storm brewing in her but I had to pay attention to the war game I’d been watching because the youths would be talking about it at their next training lesson. I’m sure my pregnant kesdy didn’t like the lack of attention I was forced to give her.

  The racing of my heart only gets faster when I think of how cute she is when she gets riled up. Once the baby is born she’ll go back to being her sweet nonaggressive self. That will be fine with me. I love her no matter what.

  As she tugs on my hand and growls, I have a feeling I’m going to be more than ready to have her back to normal by the time the baby is born.

  She leads me to the blue tree with the observation deck. She stops at the bottom of the tree. I smell her need to fight, dominate, and fuck.

  When she doesn’t start up the tree, I ask, “What’s wrong, little treasure?”

  Her hands fist and then wring. “I feel terrible. I want to take you and fight with you and dominate you. I can’t stop the need to do all these things.”

  My heart softens. I know she needs this. “You can take control for a while and when I’ve had enough, I’ll take over.” I just hope I have the strength to let her get her fill.

  I look at her abdomen and know I can use my warrior training to get through this.

  Small white teeth nibble on the edge of her lip. Big green eyes look up at me. “No punishment?”


  A frown wrinkles her brow and the smell of aggression comes from her. “You punished me the day you marked me.”

  I grit my teeth. I don’t like the scent of aggression on her. But I better get used to it for the next four moons.

  “I didn’t know you were pregnant at the time, kesdy.” When the fighting scent around her thickens, I say, “I owe you one.”

  This appeases her. She smiles and the dimple in her right cheek calls to me. I want to lick it. Desire starts s
centing the air around her. My shaft twitches with interest. Her hands slide up my body and pull me down for a kiss.

  I let her lips take mine—her tongue taste me. I squash the desire to take over and relax into the kiss. Just when I move to take her in my arms, she pulls back and then starts climbing the ladder.

  I watch her bare ass sway with every step she takes. The sheer uniform blows gently in the wind. Floating around her curvy form. Beautiful.

  I start climbing up and help her up at the top. She moves to the rail and looks out over the lush jungle. I walk up beside her and take in the scene. Like her, it’s breathtaking. Both keep me coming back.

  She grins up at me. Her green eyes are bright. “I want the world to know that you are mine.”

  I don’t like the dominating smell coming from her.

  Her gaze drifts down my body and then back up to my eyes. “Take off your clothes.”

  Repressing a sigh, I remove my shirt and pants. She circles me much like I did to her when we met. When she swats my ass, I release a warning growl. She growls back. I run my hand over my face and then let it drop. This is going to be the longest four moons of my life.

  She moves around me slowly. Touching me randomly. I watch as she reaches out and grips my shaft. It is half hard and getting harder fast with her soft hand on me. I groan when she leans forward and sucks the crown into her hot mouth.

  “That feels so good, kesdy.” I cup her head as I urge her to keep it up.

  A sexy growl comes from her as she straightens. She points at the lounge. “Sit,” she commands.

  I don’t like her tone but I know where this is going so I move over to it and sit on the edge with my legs open for her.

  Her heated gaze is locked on my cock. She rests her hands on my thighs and eases down to her knees. I groan when she leans forward and takes my tip into her wet mouth. The only thing that feels better is her sweet pussy and hot ass.

  I look down and relish the sight of her mouth administering pleasure. Her pretty soft lips are spread wide. The side to side motion of her wet tongue has tension coiling in my belly. Need grows wilder. When she grips my hard shaft, I growl softly to encourage her.

  I slide my hands into her dark blonde hair. My fingers twitch with the need to push my cock deeper into her mouth. I know she can go farther. A shiver moves through me when her tongue dips into the hole in my crown.

  A smile curls her lips and she sucks harder. I moan as I release a little cum. She drinks it down and then pulls back and looks up at me. “I love how your cum is both salty and sweet.”

  Lust races through me. The scent of her arousal adds to the tension in me. I gesture toward my cock. “Take all you want, kesdy.” I like how submissive she looks with her lips around my cock. The thought has more of my shimmering cum dripping out.

  Her eyes flash at the sight and her scent changes. No.

  She points and orders, “Move to the center of the lounge and put your hands over your head.”

  The dominant is back. I grit my teeth and look at her belly. I can do this for a bit longer. I move into position and wait.

  She slips off her flowing uniform. I love the sight of her big breasts. The way they move when she walks. Her nipples call to me. So pink and tight. My shaft jerks and more cum is released.

  A moan comes from her as she guides my ankles together and then straddles them. She moves up my legs and then licks the cum away. I shudder and she releases a sexy growl. Blood pounds through my veins. I need to slide into her hot pussy so badly I’m aching.

  She looks into my eyes and chuckles. I know she sees how much I need her. My cock twitches. Her gaze goes to it and then she runs her tongue from base to crown. I fist my hands and search for the strength to let her continue.

  I nearly loose it when she moves up and fits her damp folds along my throbbing shaft and starts rubbing her pretty pink pussy lips up and down my length. Desire courses through my whole body.

  I growl a warning. She gives me a satisfied grin. “You like that?” she asks.

  Playing along is hard but I do it. “Yes, kesdy.” A thought comes to me. “Your pussy is perfect. I love how wet you are for me. My crown could easily slide deep into your little channel. It could bring you so much pleasure.” I hold back a victory growl when the aroma of her arousal thickens.

  She moans and moves her entrance to my aching tip. Just when she’s ready to make us both feel good her eyes flash. No.

  Zyfing hell. The smell of dominance taints the air. She moves her hips back and continues rubbing her wet folds up and down my shaft. I love it but I need more.

  I stiffen and force myself to relax when she starts tracing the family symbol on my chest. I long to touch hers. I ease my hands down hoping she won’t catch on. She leans down and starts kissing my neck.

  Just when my hands hover over her sweet ass she nips my neck. “Do I need to tie you down?”

  I growl and move my hands over my head. Blood races through my body. I don’t know how much more I can handle.

  Her teeth nip my neck. I groan and she whispers, “I hope someone with great vision is watching us from their own observation deck.”

  A growl vibrates through my chest. Within another moon anyone who sees this will understand and approve. From the dominating scent coming off of her I don’t tell her that. When she nips me again another growl is forced from me. Zyf, I need her.

  “I love it when you vibrate like that.” She presses her wet folds harder into my shaft and moans.

  Her hands trail up my bent arms and find my hands. Her fingers graze my hair as they tighten around my hands. Her lips move to mine as she presses her hands down harder like she’s got me pinned. I growl a warning.

  She ignores it and nips my lower lip. Desire and need fire through me. I can’t take anymore. When her hands squeeze mine again, I know it’s over. No matter how cute she is, pinning me brings out the dominant zaphinian warrior in me.

  Before she can blink again, I have her flipped around so that she’s on the lounge looking up at me. Relief and lust wash over me. This is how it should be.

  She gasps and I grin. Before she can get a word in, I slip my cock inside her hot little pussy. We both shudder from the raw pleasure.

  And then her scent changes and she growls. I know how to fix this. I rake my fangs over her shoulder and then bite down just hard enough to keep her in place. No penetration of the skin. Not yet. I growl and her scent goes back to being sweetly submissive.

  That really fires my blood. Tingles shoot down my back and into my cock. I start moving in and out of her soft heat. I keep her in place with my fangs and groan when she shivers and wraps her legs around my waist. So submissive. So beautiful.

  I’m ecstatic to have her back, for now. I thrust into her just deep enough to build the need in her. The feel of her smooth slick walls gripping my shaft so tightly is driving me closer to ecstasy.

  I roll her taut nipples and am rewarded with the heavy scent of her arousal and need. I growl and push the rest of the way into her tight pussy. We both shudder when my base bulge parts her folds and presses into her swollen clit.

  I sink my fangs into her skin and she screams as her sweet body convulses under mine.

  Pleasure blinds me. I shove into her one more time and growl as I release my seed into her. Pleasure floods my body. There’s nothing like it. I moan and pull back in time to see her eyes roll back in her head.

  “Beautiful and all mine.” I shudder at the sight and cry out as another burst of cum shoots from me and fills her up.

  I roll us to our sides and pant through the bliss. My little kesdy is perfect.

  ~ Skyla ~

  My body is pulsing in a familiar way.

  I can still feel the pleasure rippling through me. I open my eyes and see Ryk looking at me. Love is pulsing through his intense eyes. He calls to me as none ever have. I’m totally in love with him.

  “You made me love you,” I whisper.

  His hand tightens on my
hip. “I didn’t try to—but I’m glad I did.”

  “Me too.” Love for him and our baby rushes through me and fills my body and soul. I feel complete. Whole in a way I’ve never felt before. This time when my heart acts like a wild bird wanting to fly over to him, I let her go.

  Loving my warrior is a destiny I happily accept.

  The End ♥


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