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Opener of the Sky

Page 50

by Mary R Woldering

  Mut (Moot) – A primal deity, associated with the waters from which everything was born through parthenogenesis.

  Naibe-Ellit (Nah-ee-bay El-it) – Name means “Calls My Lady” or channels the goddess Inanna or Ashera.

  Nefira (Neh-fear-uh) – Beautiful one from the word Nefer.

  Nemes (Nim-mess) – The striped headcloth worn by pharaohs in ancient Egypt.

  Nit or Neith (Neat) – Goddess of Weaving, War, Hunting and the Red Crown, Creator Deity, Mother of Ra.

  Ntr Stones (Nit-ur) – Kemet name for Children of Stone.

  Nut (Noot) – Goddess of the Sky, Stars, the Sun, the Moon, Light, Heaven, Astronomy, the Universe and the Winds woman or cow covered with stars.

  Oya (Oy-ah) – Goddess of the Wind and Storms.

  Per-A-At – Heliopolis. Worship center for Ra.

  Pyr akhs, pyr mer – Both terms for Pyramid.

  Qustul (Kuh-stool) – kingdom seat in prehistoric Ta-Seti or Nubia.

  Ra-Kedet (Ray-ked-et) – The ancient name for Alexandria.

  Sadeh (Sah-day) – Maatkare’s wife & former concubine.

  Sanghir (Sang-hear) – Ancient Middle-Eastern tribe.

  Satet (Say-tet) – Was the archer-goddess of the Nile cataracts, fertility goddess, due to her aspect as a water goddess and a goddess of the inundation, and a goddess who purified the dead with her water. She was a goddess of the hunt who protected Egypt and the pharaoh with her bow and arrows.

  Savta (Sav-ta) – Granny, great granny (Semitic).

  Sebek (Seh-Bek) – Human with a crocodile head. Sobek was also associated with pharaonic power, fertility, and military prowess, but served additionally as a protective deity with apotropaic qualities, invoked particularly for protection against the dangers presented by the Nile river.

  Sebiumeker (She-boo-ee-meh-kur) – Nubian God of Procreation in human form. He was translated into Atum through Egyptian Influences.

  Sekhem (Seck-him) – Healing magic.

  Sekhmet (Sek-met, Sek-het) – Also spelled Sakhmet, Sekhet, or Sakhet (among other spellings) was originally the warrior goddess as well as goddess of healing for Upper Egypt, when the kingdom of Egypt was divided. She is depicted as a lioness.

  Sepat (Seh-pat) – The Ancient Egyptian name for the regional divisions of the country.

  Sesen (Se-sin) – Lotus Points; Chakra.

  Shendyt (Shin-dit) – A kilt-like garment worn in ancient Egypt.

  Shenti (Shin-tea) – A loincloth under-kilt.

  Sheol (She-oll) – Underworld, Hell in Canaanite.

  Shepseskaf (Shep-ses-calf) – Last or second to last king of the 4th dynasty.

  Shinar (She-nar) – Babylon.

  Sokor (So-core) – Modern day Saquarra place of the dead. Has to do with rituals for the dead. God seen as a mummy with a hawk head. Also spelled Sokar.

  Sutek (Soo-tek) Set or Seth – A god of the desert, storms, disorder, violence and foreigners in ancient Egyptian religion Dark balance of Ra.

  Ta-Ntr (Tah-nit-ur) – Land of the Gods.

  Ta-Seti (Tah-se-tee) – Land of the Bow, Nubia.

  Tauret (Taw-ret) – Hippopotamus-goddess of pregnant women and childbirth.

  Tefnut (Teff-noot) – Goddess of moisture, moist air, dew and rain in Ancient Egyptian religion. Sister and consort of the air god Shu.

  Tyre (Tear, possibly Tire) – Phoenician ancient trading outpost Lebanon.

  Wadi (Wah-dee) – The Arabic term traditionally referring to a valley. In some cases, it may refer to a dry (ephemeral) riverbed that contains water only during times of heavy rain or simply an intermittent stream

  Wawat (Wa-Wat) – North Sudan.

  Wdjat (Wu-jot) – The Wadjet or Eye of Horus is intended to protect the pharaoh [here] in the afterlife and to ward off evil. Also called Udjat.

  Wepwawet (Wep-wah-wet) – originally a war deity, whose cult centre was Asyut in Upper Egypt (Lycopolis in the Greco Roman period). His name means, opener of the ways and he is often depicted as a wolf standing at the prow of a solar-boat. Some interpret that Wepwawet was seen as a scout, going out to clear routes for the army to proceed forward. One inscription from the Sinai states that Wepwawet “opens the way”. Also possibly spelled Upuwat.

  Wserkaf (Oo-sir-kaf) – First king of the 5th dynasty formerly a High Priest of Ra and Djehuti. Also spelled Userkaf.

  Yaweh-Sin (Ya-way sin) – Semitic lunar deity living atop Sinai, later shortened to Yaweh and disobedience of his law is Sin.




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