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Finding Charity: Red Devils M.C.

Page 10

by Michelle Woods

  “Are you sure that you’re okay, baby?” Tick asked her again worried.

  “Ye-yes, I’m f-fine.” She managed to get out between sobs.

  He whispered for her to get it all out. He held her, listening to her sobs. He knew that this had nothing to do with her being near her period as she’d tried to tell him. This was something that was bothering her that she was hiding from him. He wanted to shake her and demand she tell him what it was, but he knew that wasn’t what she needed right now, so he held her and rubbed her back until she fell into a deep sleep. Then he was finally able to ease out from beneath her, and he went downstairs still wondering what had led to that breakdown.

  He hoped that it wasn’t what he was beginning to suspect. Had Charity been there last night when he was talking to Ratchet? Had she heard what he’d said to the man? He’d told him that she was just a good lay and an excellent cook. If she’d heard those lies, because they were lies, she likely be devastated. He felt a hell of lot of strong feelings when it came to Charity. Hell, even Ratchet hadn’t believed his bullshit. Charity made him feel a lot of things, but just comfortable wasn’t one of them.

  He really fucking hoped she hadn’t heard that bullshit. He ate his sandwich before he headed up to bed. Getting in he pulled her back onto his chest, sighing in contentment. It was an hour later that he felt her soft hands moving across his skin. Her little mouth wrapped around his cock making his head almost explode. To be woken to the feeling of her hands on his body and her mouth on his cock was like waking up in heaven.

  His hand went to her hair to guide her as she sucked him. He moaned as her fingers twisted his nipples. Still feeling a bit guilty that she might have heard him last night. He tugged at her hair pulling her away from his thick cock. Even though all he wanted to do was sink inside her mouth and come. Before he devoured every inch of her.

  “What are you up to, baby girl?” He asked her.

  She slid up his body kissing as she went making him tremble which had never happened to him. Her words made him clench his fist in her hair.

  “Kissing your cock better. I fried it. Remember. That was mean, I needed to apologize.” Her wet lips covered his nipple sucking before she tried to slide down his body to his cock again.

  “Oh, baby girl. My cock is all better. It has been since the first time you wrapped you tight little body around it.” He pulled her up instead, rolling her beneath him. He pushed inside her, moving in a hard rhythm. Needing to have her coming apart in his arms. He wanted to tell her he was sorry, but he wasn’t even sure that was what she was upset over. He took her breast into his mouth sucking.

  Her fingers twisted his nipples making him lift up to watch their bodies where they were connected. Watching her little tunnel take him over and over. He knew that he wanted to mark every inch of her, so that no other man could ever even look at her and not know that she belonged to him.

  Those feelings of ownership were new for him. He couldn’t remember feeling so desperate to own Vivi. But he was desperate to own every tiny inch of Charity. He pumped inside her feeling her clench around him as she screamed his name.

  As he came, he hoped that she forgave him for being stupid. He collapsed on the bed. Breathing heavily, worn out from the powerful orgasm he’d just had. Charity’s hand rubbed across his chest, her body rolling into his arms, her soft skin rubbing against him. He slid his hand down cupping her ass. Feelings of possessiveness roaring to life inside him.

  “Does you cock feel all better now?” The wicked little minx asked.

  “Yeah, it feels better. Only I think if we wait about ten minutes he might need to be kissed better again.” Tick growled squeezing her tight ass.

  “Okay, I think I know just what to do while we wait.”

  “What’s that?” He asked, breathlessly.

  “Let me go get the taser and I’ll show you.” She giggled.

  “You naughty little minx! If you keep on with that taser bullshit. I may have to spank this sweet little ass of yours.” He mock roared at her.

  “I think that would be quite pleasing.” She whispered.

  Three hours and five orgasms later she was definitely a fan of spanking and he was sure that she was never getting away from him. Even if he had to cuff her to the bed.

  Chapter 16

  A few weeks after Tick had discovered her in the shower, crying. Tick had gone outside to work on one of the tractors in the barn. Max wanted to go too, but she’d told him no. He hadn’t done his school work and he needed to finish that first. She was in the kitchen doing the dishes. Mulling over the way her life had changed over the past few months, she smiled. Maria had asked her to do the books a few weeks ago after the day she’d found the mistake in the ledger so easily, and she’d agreed. She had honestly missed doing the books. It had always been soothing for her working the numbers. She wasn’t sure why, but it was.

  She was just finishing the dishes and planned to look over the books when she heard Max.

  “Shh-hh, she’ll catch us if you’re not quiet.” Max whispered to the dog.

  Charity sighed, she knew that the boy was trying to sneak out. She moved to the doorway her hands still wet to see Max open the door a crack.

  “Don’t even thing about going out there Max. You have school work to do.”

  “But I just want to see dad working on the tractor. I’ll do my school work after.” Max told her giving her his best sad little boy look.

  “No, go to your room an…shit, catch him, Max.” She interrupted her own speech, seeing the puppy dart out of the house. Damn.

  “Shoot.” Charity said running after the dog. She almost caught him at the bottom of the porch, but he darted quickly in the direction of the cellar. She was halfway there with Max close behind. When she thought about the treats. They may need them. Turning to Max she told him.

  “Go get the treats. We may need them to get him to come out from under the shelves if he gets under one.” Charity said still moving towards the cellar.

  “Okay, be right back.” Max said

  Charity chased the puppy down the cellar stairs. Max had headed back to the house to grab the treats. She hoped that the puppy didn’t get behind the shelves. They were deep and it would be hard to get to him. She’d been down here a week ago with Tick, who’d waylaid her in the yard and made love to her against the wall in here. She blushed a little remembering that Ratchet had almost caught them.

  She knew from that brief stay down here that the shelves were long and deep to hold the different types of equipment used on the farm. She hoped if she couldn’t catch Floppy, that they could coax him out with the treats. That was why she’d sent Max after them. She saw Floppy running towards the back of the cellar, and chased after him.

  “Come back here, you little devil.” She called after the puppy.

  She almost had him, but he darted away. That was when the world exploded around her knocking her off her feet.

  Tick heard the explosion. He ran towards the sound seeing Ratchet coming from across the field with two other men. He was ahead of them, having been in the barn. He burst into the yard seeing that the cellar was caved in from whatever had exploded. Damn it, this had to stop. Whoever was messing with the farm needed his ass handed to him, he thought grimly. Almost everything they would normally use to dig out this damned cave in, was in that cellar. It would take them at least two days to dig the shit out without the tools in that shed.

  Sighing, he looked over his shoulder to see if Ratchet and the two prospects were close. Seeing that they were still only halfway across the field, he turned back pulling out his phone. He’d need to call Bone and let him know what was going on. Max came out of the house running towards the cellar. He was screaming frantically as he ran.

  “Where’s Charity, dad? Is she with you?” Tick was taken by surprise by the question. Max was hysterical, asking the question again when he didn’t answer fast enough.

  “Son, I don’t know where she is. She was in the hous
e with you wasn’t she?” Tick asked a feeling his heart pick up, roaring a bit in his ears. He felt a knot forming in his stomach as his suspicion grew.

  “She went to get Floppy. It’s all my fault. It’s all my fault.” The boy was crying hysterically now, and trying to get to the cellar despite his hand on his arm holding Max away from the caved in cellar.

  “Max, where is she. She went after Floppy?” Tick held the boy getting on his knees so that he was looking Max in the eyes. Trying to get him to calm down.

  “She told me to get the treats, dad. I let him out and she told me to get the treats.” Tick looked at his son who seemed to be in shock. He felt the knot in his stomach turn into a boulder.

  “Where Max? Where is she?” Tick already knew where she was.

  Ratchet finally made it to them and demanded, “What the hell happened?”

  “Shit, the cellar’s caved in. What do you think did it?” Mark one of the new prospects stated stupidly, as if they could already see that.

  “Seems to be a low level charge that caved it in. It will likely take days to dig it out without the tools that are in that cellar.” Ratchet told him, but Tick wasn’t listening. He was watching his son, tears were streaming down the boy’s face and he was trying to talk between the sniffles.

  “Where, son?” Tick asked again.

  “What’s wrong with him?” Mark asked.

  “Not sure.” Ratchet replied, frowning.

  “Charity was getting Floppy…I was to get the treats…I didn’t mean to let him out, dad. I didn’t mean it. It’s all my fault.” Tick shook the boy gently.

  “Stop, son tell me where she is?” Tick demanded, gruffly. His heart pounding in his ears, and he already knew. Because there was no way that Max would be out here without Charity if she’d heard that explosion, and he knew that she would have heard it.

  “She’s down there…we have to get her out…she can’t die too. Please dad you have to get her out.” His son cried out pointing to the cellar, and Tick felt his heart stop before it began pounding so loud that he couldn’t hear anything but it roaring in his ears.

  “Fuck,” Ratchet roared. “Not again. Fuck.”

  Tick didn’t hear anything and he felt like he was seeing everything in a haze. Charity, his Charity was in that cellar. She was down there in the dark and he couldn’t get to her. It was Vivi all over again, only worse. Much, much worse. Because he loved her, he realized. He loved her so much he thought for a moment he would die. Then he realized she might be alive down there.

  “No…nobody was supposed to be in there today. I checked. Nobody was supposed to get hurt. She can’t be down there, she can’t.” Mark said, looking pale. His eyes were glazed and he was repeating those words over and over.

  “She is. She went down to get Floppy.” Max roared, fighting to get away from Tick again to go after the man. Yeah, he was his father’s son. Because Tick knew that as soon as Marie, who was crossing the yard, was close enough for her to hold onto Max he was going to kill that little bastard for possibly killing Charity.

  Men were arriving coming over to inspect the damage on the cellar. He knew that the man was saying that he was the one who’d done this. He thrust Max at Maria as soon as she was close enough then jumped towards Mark. Grabbing the man by the throat. If he lost Charity nothing was ever going to matter again and this man was responsible. She was down in that cellar possibly hurt, or dead and she didn’t know that he loved her. Might never know, and this man would die because of that.

  “Tick, wait. Let him go man. We need him. We need to know where he set the charges so we can get her out. She might not be dead. She needs you to get your head clear, Tick. Fuck, help me get him off Mark.” Ratchet was pulling at his arms, but he wasn’t letting go. Only then something the man had said sank in. He was right this idiot had set the charges. He would be the only one who could tell them were.

  He needed that information, and he need to get his head in the game. He needed to get her out, and whether they pulled the woman he loved out of that cellar or a body, was going to determine if the man’s death was slow and painful or quick and painless.

  “Where did you set the charges? And how many did you set?” He grunted, releasing the man’s throat.

  Mark coughed for several moments before he finally spoke. Only it wasn’t what Tick wanted to hear. “I’m sorry…I didn’t know she’d be down there. I didn’t want to hurt anyb…” He tried to tell him. Tick didn’t give a fuck what the man had intended, Charity was down there and every second this mother fucker wasted apologizing was another second wasted.

  “Stop talking. Tell me what I need to know. I don’t give a fuck about what you thought. How many charges and where?” Tick asked

  “Only the one. I just wanted to make the door cave in. I didn’t want to destroy any equipment. They have my sister, Tick. She’s only twenty-four. They have someone watching to be sure I do as they say. I didn’t want to do this, but she’s my sister.” Mark told him on a moan.

  Tick would normally understand family ties, but right now all he cared about was his woman. Thanks to this dumb fuck she was trapped in that cellar at the very least running out of air.

  “Fuck, this is a fucking mess. You should have told us Mark. Fuck we’ll deal with that later. Tick you need to call Bone, man. He can send help. We need to get to work. She doesn’t have much air down there. Every second we spend arguing up here is one more she doesn’t have. You say just the one charge. Did you put it on any of the supports?” Ratchet asked the man.

  “No, I made sure I didn’t. Like I said I just wanted to collapse the door.” Mark said.

  “Tick, call Bone.” Ratchet told him again when he just stood there frozen. He needed to get his shit together. His woman needed him. Taking out his phone he called Bone.

  “What’s up, Tick.” Bone answered.

  “We need help. Charity’s trapped in a caved in cellar.” Tick said bluntly not bothering to waste time.

  “Fuck, Fuck. Trick is gonna lose his fucking mind. He and Katie went over to Greenville day before yesterday. It’s a two day fucking ride, even if Katie’s driving.” Tick was already losing his shit, and he didn’t know what the fuck to do. He needed to get her out.

  “I’ll be there with the crew in a hour.” Bone said hanging up. Tick was grateful that the man wasn’t asking a bunch of needless questions.

  “What did he say? Ratchet asked from behind him.

  “They’re coming. We need to start digging. Get everyone to find shit to dig with. No backhoes. We don’t want to cave it in on top of her. Rock can you see if anyone has a mine drill. We may need it.” Tick said, starting to work out how to get to her. She didn’t have more than two hours of air down there. At least he prayed it was that much, because the thought of her dying down there not knowing how he felt about her almost broke him.

  Max was held against Maria, she was trying to tell the boy it wasn’t his fault as he cried hysterically. He walked over kissing his forehead.

  “Max, stop, son. It’s not your fault. I’ll get her out. I’ll bring her back, son.” He growled hugging the boy. He could barely think, the only thought running through his mind was that Charity was down there and he needed to get her out.

  “I need to go help her, Max. Go to the house with Maria.” The boy nodded and allowed her to lead him away. Tick got up looking around. He didn’t want to think about pulling Charity’s body from that cellar, if he did he wouldn’t survive losing her. He’d had her for such a short time, and now he may have lost her. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to bear her loss.

  Chapter 17

  Charity became aware with her ears ringing and her head pounding. She moved a bit and felt the burning pain in her left leg. Damn, that hurt, she thought, sitting up. She looked down at her leg seeing nothing. It was too damned dark. She could just barely hear the whimpering that was the tiny puppy. She sighed. Okay, she needed to find some light. She reached out feeling around. Finding a shelf to h
er right, she began searching it. Her leg stung and it was wet. She wished that whatever had happen hadn’t taken out the light.

  She wondered as she searched what the hell had happened. She continued to search the shelves finally finding a flash light. She switched it on and a small beam of light lit the darkness. Good, she could at least see. She looked at her leg first, seeing that it was bleeding pretty badly and was cut. No wonder that stung. She needed to find something to stop the bleeding. She shined the light back towards the cellar entrance.

  She saw that the doorway was caved in. Shit, that was not good. She needed to stay back from that area. If they were digging her out they would start there. She wasn’t going to be in another cave in. One a day, was plenty, she thought grimly. She began searching the shelves for useful things. She didn’t find much other than farm equipment on most of the shelves. She did find a pair of scissors and another flash light.

  She took off her shirt cutting the bottom half off to make a bandage for her leg which still hurt like a bitch, and was bleeding down her leg. She wrapped the strips around her leg wincing in pain as the cloth came into contact with the wound. Floppy was sitting at her feet whimpering. She reached down petting the dog.

  “It’s okay buddy.” She told him trying to make herself believe it too. She wondered how much air was down here. She wasn’t sure but with just her and the puppy she’d guess an hour tops. She sighed, still looking around for something useful. She was close to the back wall when she noticed a tarp covering something along the back wall. She walked to it, lifting the tarp. She crowed with glee. If those were full she was going to be okay. Only if they weren’t she was in freaking trouble. She reached out touching the valve on the nearest tank of oxygen.


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