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Collared for a Night (Crimson Romance)

Page 21

by Susan Arden

  No signs of blotchy patches on her skin. Not yet, at least. Peering at her reflection, she contemplated the rate at which her skin mottled; a sure sign rosettes were on the way. If she gave in to unrestrained temptation.

  Tonight, arriving in a slinky cocktail dress required that she pull her instincts back into the realm of cool observation. Had she a tail, it would snap every now and again, demonstrating a lay-in-wait attitude. Now wasn’t the time to be careless. High atop a Las Vegas hotel situated in a Sky Loft or down on the Strip, were no different than traversing mountainous terrain near Denver. She’d been taught well by Shawn and Tristen. Last week, she’d practiced new skills in letting prey come to her. Not the other way around. Tonight, she’d be shrewd for Shawn’s sake.

  Exiting the bathroom, she found him sitting on the bed. He stood as she entered, dressed in a dark suit, bringing out the color of his eyes. His shirt was unbuttoned at the throat and his cuffs twinkled with a hint of platinum links. A gift she’d had made for him as a small token for what he’d endowed her with over the last few weeks.

  “Come here and let me look at you,” he said. “You’re too gorgeous for words.”

  “You clean up well yourself,” she said, lifting her chin and staring into his striking eyes.

  He took her by the shoulders, drawing her to him. He rubbed his cheek against the side of her face, firmly pressing and stimulating her glands, and marking her almost primitively. In turn, she pressed her cheek to his face, and stroked his skin. The sensation was exquisite, a release that bordered on a mini-orgasm, and bathed her bloodstream with a rush of hormones. Instead of intoxicating excitement, this ritual sated her, prepared her, and if they continued, both of them would be pushing the need to mate.

  “This feels so good. Shawn, not much more.”

  “If you only knew what you did to me. I love you. You are mine. It’s only a matter of setting the date, baby. I’m ready right now.”

  The words she ached to tell him swelled in her chest. She fought bringing up the subject of just what type of shifter he’d be better suited to find. After nibbling on the corner of her mouth, she decided at least one of them should strive to be transparent.

  “Are you? Or are you uncertain and need to find your footing? You always told me to play my edge. How certain are you that Mia or someone just as sophisticated isn’t an edge that will keep coming back to haunt you? My God, you’re so generous to everyone and I don’t want to be a place where you get stuck.”

  He kissed her temple, whispering, “Oh, I’m stuck on you in all the right ways.” Shawn pulled back and met her gaze. “Mia means nothing to me. There’s no way to compare what I feel for you to a mistake. And I don’t know what you mean by sophisticated. You are that and more. Put that idea outside your circle of concerns. She and Frazier may be up to something, but nothing that need concern us. What we need to do is to get going.” He smacked her bottom, squeezing her ass cheek in his hand.

  Of course his sentiment was perfect, as were his words. It was his nature to be munificent. He was selling himself to her and she wished with all her heart that he realized, before it was too late, just what he was doing. She wanted to believe him because he sounded so certain; but what one believed was subject to change, and that lesson she’d also learned.

  God help Mia if she tried something. Diana vowed to herself that this time she wasn’t about to run away or turn the other cheek. She squeezed Shawn, wanting him to know he might consider her his to claim, and that was true. Her chest tightened. He was the perfect mate. The leopardess in her rioted to submit to him, let him claim her as he desired. Something inside her unclenched, and her heart burst apart, filling her with a dizzying love. Just as the first time he’d said it had rocked her world, the realization that she was desperately in love with him bubbled inside her. If that were the case, then, he was hers. Even if this ended tomorrow, at this moment, rightfully in all ways, he was hers, and she wasn’t about to let some fur-biting tramp with a closet of expensive clothes hurt her mate.

  “I’m more than ready,” she said.

  • • •

  The car pulled up to the restaurant and Shawn clasped her hand. “Let’s have a good time. We’ll celebrate you and me, baby.”

  She smiled back at him, caught in his enthusiasm. “I brought my dancing shoes.”

  His eyes slid lazily down her legs, and he inhaled. “Baby, those shoes say many things. Dancing isn’t what comes to mind.”

  She held back from laughing. Slingbacks with six-inch-heels weren’t exactly Ginger Rogers’s knockoffs, or the reason behind prompting her selection. These little gems were worn to excite him, and his reaction sent a jolt of satisfaction into her core.

  Alpha leopardess or not, the woman inside her rejoiced in scoring one for the home team. The dress was something she’d accepted from him. A slit going mid thigh-high required just the right accessories. Baring her body was one thing she did for him in private; dressing up to titillate was new ground for her. She found Shawn alluring and empowering in the way he continued to touch her, stroke her, and growl promises of what he planned on doing when they returned. Oh yeah, she was pleased with his reaction.

  They were escorted inside and while surveying the room, she noticed the presence of the Matrix staff as well as countless unknown faces. She observed Shawn’s ease in dealing with the restaurant staff. Not unlike how he operated at every moment: distinguished, and so sure of himself. He stepped away from her to speak with Tristen.

  Out of the shadows, Mia came sauntering over. Diana casually glanced to the maître d’s desk where Shawn had been standing and he was gone. Every hair on her body bristled. She shifted her gaze back to Mia, lifted her chin, and held the woman’s mocking glare. The conversation from the other room receded, but she was aware that all eyes were on them, and she tried to maintain an air of placid coolness as her insides tightened.

  “My, my, look what we have here. The honored guest, and you’re all alone. Good thing I just arrived to keep you company. Dearest Diana, lurking in doorways isn’t always a good sign. Didn’t your family teach you any manners?”

  The tips of Diana’s fingers and toes flexed to the point of pain. Her muscles contracted and she pulled in a steady column of air to calm her mind. Remember, she’s here to undo you. Keep steady.

  “The woman from the rehearsal? Are you working here as well?” Diana’s question struck home, the direct hit revealed in the widening of Mia’s eyes.

  This sparring was very much a dance, and exactly the type she was prepared to engage in with this woman. Mia’s eyes dropped, as though she were assessing Diana for the first time. Diana refrained from stepping forward and coming toe-to-toe with Mia. Tempting as Mia was as prey, she held back, unmoving.

  “Don’t try those middle-school tricks on me. I’m a professional and I’ll eat you up in one bite. Not a threat. A promise. I don’t care if you think Shawn’s interested in you. He’s not. Do you know how many times he’s come to Vegas with a different woman on his arm? Ask him. I see him every year. That’s right. Oh, he didn’t disclose that small detail? Did he tell you we traded emails about this event? I know that you know who I am. Shawn’s a man who doesn’t just walk away. You know that’s the truth. Do you think he’d let his cousin just take what was his and then play nice? I left Shawn because he wanted too much. His nature is to consume, overpower, overshadow, and I’ve got my own dreams. He wants me. I’ve had to teach him that I can stand on my own two legs. Not four. I’m not some animal he can mount and bite and own.” She smiled a wicked grin, her gaze lowering and focusing on Diana’s neck.

  Diana refused to react, keeping herself from reaching up and touching the places where Shawn had indeed marked her. Puncture marks, fresh and healed, ran up and down her body, but especially along her neck and shoulder. It was pointless to try and hide what he’d done. With her hair partially covering her neck, she wasn’t concerned about anyone’s reaction. It was what it was — his marks, and now she wor
e his ring. She hadn’t gone to an underground club and had her ass publically spanked while some stud banger man-handled her.

  Mia scoffed, “I don’t wear any shifter’s mark. I’m Shawn’s ultimate climb. His Mount Kilimanjaro. You’re a well-worn trail. Exercise. Nothing more.”

  Shawn came around the corner; it had only been a minute that he’d been gone, but the poison darts thrown had landed. Her training allowed her to remain in place, but her mind wasn’t so easily appeased. Every word Mia uttered succinctly countered what Shawn had told her. Two sides of a coin, and she was in the middle.

  Mia’s amused smiled widened in self-satisfaction. Shawn’s gaze snapped together with hers. She stared back, unable to smile.

  A crowd entered behind Shawn, more Matrix staff and a client. Max Keton, one of Matrix’s bigger accounts. Felicity, Matrix’s retail design department’s head, had entered the area and brightly announced, “Shawn, look who I found at the blackjack table.”

  Shawn released Diana from his gaze to attend to his client. “Max, good to see you.”

  “I’m the official party crasher.” The man held out his hand to Shawn.

  Clasping Max’s hand, Shawn shook it vigorously. “Nonsense. The more, the merrier. Besides, you know the ground rules: any party in Vegas is an open invitation.”

  Max laughed, slapping Shawn’s back. “I’m learning.” Felicity pulled Max away, entering the main dining area, and the other people in their entourage from the outer area followed.

  Shawn crossed in back of Max, coming at Diana with a force that made her step back. The door opened again, and the man who entered had to be the tallest man Diana had ever seen. Basketball proportions. Shawn’s lack of affect in his reaction to the man’s arrival shouted that this was not someone who was welcome here.

  Mia held out her arms. “Frazier, dearest. Finally.”

  “Apologies.” Frazier grimaced as he took his place alongside Mia. “I settled the arrangements for later.”

  Mia flashed Frazier a brilliant smile and curled her fingers around his arm. “I’m pleased, then.”

  Diana’s vertebrae reacted as though snapped in place, bringing her to full attention. Mia commanded Frazier in the same way that Shawn liked to get her attention. A simple, direct command. Maybe they weren’t opposite sides of a coin, but one and the same. Two heads that butted. Mia was right, Shawn didn’t let things go. She’d been a fool to think he’d casually let this type of problem dissolve.

  The inhalation from Frazier was audible. “Shawn, it’s been too long. I hear congratulations are in order.” He held out a bottle of expensive champagne. “I’m glad to hear things are going well for you.” The man seemed genuine. There was an awkward pause.

  “I’m Diana.” She stepped forward, employing all the feline grace she could muster in denying Mia the chance to own the evening. “Frazier, it’s so nice of you to join us. Thank you for the champagne.” Shawn’s fingers pressed into the skin at the back of Diana’s hip. He patted the curve of her waist.

  “Frazier, you’re the last person I’d bet would show up here.” Shawn stared at his cousin’s extended hand, shaking his head. “Don’t push your luck.” He reached out and briefly shook Frazier’s hand. It wouldn’t do for Shawn to do much more, or less, considering they were in front of the doorway, in full view of a room full of staff and clients. Mia had played her hand well. Diana wasn’t about to be the one in this foursome to act foolish. No, she’d pick her time and place, and then she’d take care of Mia. The woman met her gaze with the same smirk she’d worn earlier, and the silent challenge grated upon Diana’s nerves worse than a slap to her face.

  Shawn’s jaw muscles bunched, moving rhythmically. He spoke in a voice that crept into the space, his tone low and smooth.

  “You both are here. Make no mistake, I’ll have you hauled out of here by your posterior ends if you so much as blink in the wrong direction. You — ” His eyes flicked over to Mia, then flashed back to his cousin, as he squarely faced Frazier, “Keep her under control. You brought her here, you should take responsibility for her. Otherwise, I’ll throw you both out of here. With pleasure.”

  Shawn took hold of Diana and walked away from them. She didn’t have a chance to do more than keep up with his steps, not that she wanted to trade barbs with Mia or Frazier. “What will they do?” she asked.

  “Suck up to someone. Tristen and Fin are positioned to escort them from the premises on my word. I’d rather see what they’re up to than lay back and wait.”

  She stopped walking. “I thought that’s what you taught me. Why so much do as I say, not as I do? I’m confused, and you’re not making this any easier.”

  “Some rules are broken to level the playing field. With those two, playing fair is how people get blindsided. Best to keep one’s enemies in the same room than allow them the opportunity to come at one from behind. You just need to be aware that anything that comes out of Mia’s face is a blatant attempt to sabotage you, me, and us. Be very aware of that, and don’t let her twist your thoughts.”

  She leaned closer to him. “One question. Do you come to Vegas each year?” She couldn’t ask him if he’d seen Mia on those occasions.

  “Yes. I’ve clients here. You know that. If it weren’t for this kerfuffle, we’d have come here annually for business. I also have other annual stops. Nothing unethical, just business. What the hell did Mia say?”

  “Only that you visited the city every year … and you traded emails before we arrived.”

  “It’s true. We did. I told her to step back. I refused her offer. She’s looking for financing, and we’ve already discussed this. You see, you’re letting her get to you. Just stop, Diana, and ask yourself, why would I want anything to do with the woman my cousin is sleeping with? I couldn’t possibly care less about her. I never felt what I feel with you. She was a business partner and I thought, why not do something that would please my parents and free me from having to think about family obligations? Nothing more. We’ve been over this.”

  “I don’t know what to think. You both have good stories.”

  Perfect stories. It was as though they both knew what to say, had prepared their arguments, and delivered each side perfectly. Her heart told her one thing while her mind considered other issues. She was at war within herself. Again.

  “I don’t want to argue with you. Not tonight. Not ever. Baby, put aside her stupidity and let’s enjoy this evening.”

  Diana gazed around the room, spotting Mia shaking hands with some of Shawn’s clients. She’d be damned if she’d give Mia the satisfaction of ruining their evening.

  “I’m here to enjoy our evening together.” She laced her fingers with his.

  They’d dined seated with Matrix clients and now danced, Shawn holding her closely, hardly moving to the music, and she nestled in his arms. This was the first time they’d appeared in public as a couple, and just as she expected, not an eye was batted except by Mia. The little conversation she overheard didn’t ruffle her feathers. Mia must have been adept at reading body language, and Shawn’s staff was loyal to a fault.

  At least they were better at brushing off whatever Mia had prepared. From across the room, Frazier and Mia sat alone at a table, having scared off the other people who originally had been seated there. It was getting late, and several people had come and said goodbye. They wouldn’t stay much longer, and Shawn waited until their clients had departed before suggesting that they dance one last dance before exiting.

  All she had to do was get past tomorrow night and she’d be home free. With Shawn’s arms around her, everything he said made sense.

  “Are you ready to split?”

  “Yes. My feet are ready to be free of these shoes.”

  “I’ve been invited for a game of poker. Private. Men only. I’ll drop you at the hotel.”

  It was only eleven-thirty and this was Vegas. What was she going to do, demand that he babysit her? She longed to get into bed, and the prospect of an early night
didn’t seem at all bad. “Truth to tell, I’m tired. I’ll work on my speech. How long do these games go on?”

  “A couple of hours. Nothing too serious. But this is what’s done in Vegas — schmooze over cards.” He swung her around, pivoting on the dance floor before he dipped her back, almost touching her head to the floor. “Tell me you’ll wait up for me, baby.”

  He brought her upright, slowly cupping her head, looking her straight in the eye, and making her reconsider an early night. “Of course I’ll wait up,” she murmured as her voice shook.

  “That’s my girl. I’ll be back early.”

  “I’m not envious. Cigars, cards, and plenty of schmooze. Have at it.”

  He patted her rear end, making her gasp in surprise. They left after saying their last goodbyes to the few remaining staff. She sat under Shawn’s arm, cuddling against the warmth of his body in the backseat of the car, and she toyed with the words that spun around her mind, aching to tell Shawn how much she loved everything about him.

  “I enjoyed tonight. So much,” she said as the car pulled up in front of the hotel.

  “Santo, give me a moment. I’ll be back shortly.”

  Shawn escorted her upstairs, kissing her heatedly at the doorway to the loft, and rubbing his knuckles across her cheek and jaw. “You’re beautiful. I love you. While you’re thinking of work, think of a date. I want to marry you soon.”

  “I love a pushy man.” Her heartbeat thundered as she fought to keep a placid expression plastered on her face.

  “Just wait and see how pushy I can be.”

  She closed the door, her body responding to him down to her racing pulse and coiling belly. Mating for life with a man that made her head reel; she was ready, and wondered what type of wedding he’d want. With so many clients, it would be an enormous event with a guest list of five or six hundred people, at least. And what a mix. Matrix, the Downtown Den, his other businesses and the council. No, the guest list would easily top a thousand. Those events were never easy to do, or to survive.


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