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Remember, You Love Me: Little Girl Lost

Page 5

by Mairsile Leabhair

  “You just need some rest, honey. You both do. Poor Aidan hasn’t slowed down since you got back.”

  Vicky looked back at Aidan and smiled, “Well she’s resting now Dad.” Aidan had fallen asleep as soon as she knew Vicky was safe. “Poor thing must be exhausted. I think I’ll join her,” She pulled the blanket up over Aidan and lay down beside her. Aidan unconsciously wrapped her arm around Vicky, something that was second nature for her, and Vicky snuggled in close, feeling safe and satisfied, for the first time in weeks.

  “Good night, Dad,” she called up to her father.

  “Good night, kids,” he replied.


  Samantha pulled the sheet up over her nude thighs, and tucked her hand behind her head, on the pillow. That’s all right, Aidan, she thought, as she circled the rosy tip of her nipple, while staring at the ceiling, of all the women in Iraq, it was me who chased you down, and caught you. I can do it again. I have to do it again.

  Chapter 4

  The morning dawned a beautiful cloudless day, fresh and new, and full of promise. It was the type of day where decisions are made, after great consternation and private fanfare. It was the day Aidan grew up.

  Vicky lay in the visitor’s bed, next to Aidan, and propped her head up on her hand. She stared at Aidan, trailing her eyes across her body, as if she were seeing if for the first time. So strong, so vulnerable, so enticing. Vicky had to stop, before she lost control, so she listened to the sounds of the hospital waking up, instead. She loved to hear people in the hallway, greeting each other, as they scurried off to take care of their patients. She decided that today she would tell the board of her intention to come back to work. But what about Aidan, what will she do? Aidan stirred beside her, slowly waking from her slumber.

  “Good morning, sweetheart, did you sleep well?” Vicky asked.

  Aidan opened her eyes and looked around, realizing that she was in the hospital room, lying face to face with Vicky.

  “Good morning,” Aidan smiled, “Did I sleep over again?”

  “Yes, you, me, and daddy, camped out last night. Best night’s sleep that I’ve had in weeks.”

  “Me too.” Aidan remembered the horrible nightmare Vicky had last night, and thought it curious that she had the same dream twice, within a few hours of each other. That did not sound right to her, and she was going to ask Dr. Kline about it this morning, if Vicky agreed to it.

  “Hey, I’ve got an appointment with Dr. Kline this morning. I’d like to ask him about the nightmare’s you’ve been having, if it’s all right with you?”

  “Oh, okay, sure, if you want, but really, it’s nothing. Now that I’m back in my hospital, and things have calmed down, I’m sure they’ll go away.”

  But Aidan disagreed. The dreams didn’t start until Vicky got back to the hospital yesterday. Something triggered them, and Aidan feared that it might be her. She admitted to herself that she hadn’t been as attentive as she normally would have been, if not for Samantha. What am I going to do about Samantha? And then the whole standoff at gunpoint in Syria was enough to give anyone nightmares. I’ve got to get Vicky alone, and better explain to her, the reason behind choosing Sam.

  “Will you be available if he wants to see you this morning?” Aidan wanted to give up her time with Dr. Kline, if Vicky would be agreeable to seeing him.

  “Um, sure. Dad won’t be discharged until around noon, and—”

  Leonard interrupted, “Don’t you worry with me, honey. Your mother will be here soon and she can take me home. I’d feel better if you’d find out what’s behind these nightmares of yours, all right?”

  “Okay, okay I give up. I’ll talk with Richard about the nightmares. Geez, who could win against you two?” Vicky said jokingly.

  Aidan laughed, as she stood up and stretched deeply, watched closely by Vicky’s craving eyes.

  “Um, Aidan, I’m going to inform the board today that I’ll be back to work on Monday. I um…, I thought you’d want to know.” Vicky wasn’t sure who she was talking to anymore. Snuggled up next to Aidan last night, she felt the closeness of her lover’s strong body enveloping her, protecting her. She marveled at the new muscles Aidan had on her upper body and arms, thanks to the six weeks of training they both endured for Operation Pink Knight, as it was labeled by President Trenton. It took all of Vicky’s resolve not to embrace those muscles as only a lover would do. But now, standing apart from Aidan, Vicky felt like she was talking to an acquaintance, one who divided her time, and her love, between two fiancée’s. It was very surreal and confusing to Vicky.

  For her part, Aidan felt only pain. She wanted to take Vicky up in her arms and kiss her so deep that her toes would curl, but then, didn’t she just do the same thing with Samantha last night. Samantha, who sat at home waiting on her to pick her up, and take her to see her baby.

  “Oh shit, I have to go!” Aidan said as she headed for the door.


  “I promised Sam I’d pick her up this morning so she can see her baby,” Aidan made her way to the door then said, “I’ll call you about Dr. Kline, okay,” and with that she was gone.

  Vicky was so disappointed, that she sat on the side of her father’s bed and muttered, “Well damn.”


  “Are we rushing around for any particular reason, or do you just like waking me up at the crack of dawn to watch me suffer?”

  “I just got a text that said your niece is back in town, and at the hospital. I have to get to work pronto.”

  “Vicky is back? That’s wonderful news.” Ruth chuckled at Kate, who was scurrying around, trying to find her underwear. “I think you threw them over there.” She pointed toward the hotel room’s luggage rack, where Kate’s panties dangled from the metal arm.

  “Thanks,” Kate said, as she gathered everything up and went into the bathroom.

  Ruth retrieved her cell phone, and tried to text a message to Vicky. ‘Welcome home boney.’ Oh crap, did I just send that? ‘I meant welcome home horney.’ Horney? ‘I hate texting!’ Oh sure, that one I get right. She threw the phone to the side, and went into the bathroom with Kate.

  “Can I join you?” Ruth asked, and without waiting for the answer, stepped into the shower with Kate.

  “Here, wash my back, will you please.” Kate handed Ruth the luffa sponge, and Ruth began to soap her back. “So, what did you learn last night?”

  Kate fancied herself a teacher, and her specialty was sex. Virgin sex. Lesbian virgin sex. When it came to her own needs, Kate Moore, 56 years old, swarthy, sauntering, Executive Assistant to the Finance Director at the hospital, didn’t care what age or sex a person was, as long as her needs were met. But she had a particular interest in lesbian virgins, and considered it her sacred duty to teach them by example.

  “I learned that hot breath on a cold breast makes me shiver with excitement.” Ruth said with a sheepish grin.

  Ruth Mason, also 56 years old, was her student, and though she was a smart business person, who made millions on the internet, she knelt at the foot of the master, when it came to women. Ruth had only recently “come out of the closet” and put herself on the market. The minute she had stepped through the hospital doors, Kate was all over her like a hungry bear, devouring its prey.

  “Very good, kitten. Climate control can be very erotic. Now, what about your homework assignment? Are you ready?”

  “Yes, I think so,” Ruth said, as she glided the sponge across Kate’s shoulders and down her back, “I’m going to ask her out to lunch today. I’m kinda nervous about it though.”

  “Just remember, you’re a hot stud. All women dream of you, and all women would cream in their pants for you. You could pick between thousands of them, but you only want this one woman, and she wants you just as bad.”

  Ruth hesitated, “Really?”

  “Oh kitten, you are a card. My point is, go out there and claim what you want. Don’t wait, do it today!”


  On the drive back t
o the hospital, Samantha gave Aidan the cold shoulder, until finally Aidan asked, “Sam, are you ever going to speak to me again?”

  “Why should I, you’d only jump up and leave again,” Samantha was fuming and pouting at the same time.

  “I’m so sorry Sam. I should never have let it get that far. I don’t know what happened, one minute I’m talking to you, and the next, I’m in Baghdad?”

  “What happened was you got me all hot and bothered, and then tossed me to the side, like so much trash.”

  “No Sam, it wasn’t like that. I should never have come to you in your weakened state. It wasn’t fair to you.”

  As much as Samantha wanted Aidan to come back to her, she was not going to allow her to accept the blame in something she herself had instigated. Softening her tone, she said, “No darling, I was being unfair to you. Please forgive me.”

  Aidan glanced over at her, surprised at the turn around, “Thank you for your honesty, Sam. And now I need to be honest with you, I’m not the same person as I was back in Iraq. Things have gotten a lot more…, uh…,” Aidan searched for the right word, “complicated, and I’m not handling it very well. So anyway, let’s just forget it ever happened okay?” but before Samantha could reply, Aidan quickly changed the subject, “Have you checked in with headquarters yet? They already know you’re back, and will be expecting you to call them.”

  “All right, I’ll do that this morning after I check on the baby. Will you help me?”

  “I can’t this morning, Sam. I’ve got an appointment right after I drop you off. But I’ll check on you afterwards though, how’s that?”

  “Well, if that’s the best I can get, it’ll have to do, I guess,” Samantha was working a pout that could melt the ice in Iceland. She felt she was losing the slim hold she had on Aidan, and couldn’t allow that to happen.

  “Ah now, don’t pout Sam, I’ll show you where you can make your calls, and you can wait for me—”

  “No need. I want to breastfeed the baby first, so I’ll be a while.”

  “Ok, I’ll come find you as soon as I can. If I run too late you can take a taxi back to the apartment. Here’s a twenty,” Aidan kept one hand on the steering wheel as she pulled everything out of her pocket with the other hand. She handed Samantha a twenty dollar bill, “If you need more just let me know.”

  “Oh my God! Aidan, what is this?”

  Aidan’s medals had fallen out along with the money, “Oh that, yeah that’s just some medals they gave me.” She had taken the medals out of their boxes, and stuffed them in her pocket for safe keeping. She wasn’t about to leave them at the hotel room, and they took up less pocket space this way.

  Picking up the gold, five pointed star medal, with the word VALOR etched across it, Samantha’s eyes grew large with appreciation. “What was this for? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “It’s no big deal, Sam. It was when we were attacked, and you were kidnapped. I saved a couple of guys who were hurt, that’s all.” But I couldn’t save you…

  “Oh Aidan, that’s fantastic! Was it my guys?”

  “No, I don’t think so. I think your guys were, uh, killed. I can tell you most of what happen, if you’d like?”

  “Oh…” Samantha was a Staff Sergeant, in charge of a transport unit, hauling food and supplies across hostile territory, when the convoy was hit by insurgents. “No, no I’m not ready yet. Maybe someday.”

  Aidan was hoping she could tell Samantha, so she could explain why she was captured. She knew that second-guessing herself now wouldn’t do either of them any good, but still, Aidan couldn’t help but wonder what would have happen if only she had gone after Samantha first. Jerry would most likely be dead, for one thing, she thought.

  “Aidan, I’m so proud of you. I wish I could have been there when they pinned this medal to your chest. How proud I would have been.”

  “I wish you could have too, Sam.”


  “Dad, I’m going to call Joyce, I’ll be right back,” Vicky walked into the living room portion of the solarium suite, and pulled out her cell phone. Seeing the text from her aunt, she laughed, and sent one back saying “Thank you Aunt Ruth, I needed that laugh.” Then Vicky called Joyce.

  “Good morning Joyce, its Vicky, can you talk?”

  “Yes, how’s you dad?”

  “He’s doing great thanks to you. Really, I can’t thank you enough for dropping everything and flying down here.”

  “Well you know I’d still be there if I didn’t have another case to get to. I’ll call the nurses desk later and get an update. By the way, I don’t know if I’ve said this before but that new hybrid cath lab of yours is outstanding!”

  “Wait until we build the new cardiology wing. You’ll want to live there, it’ll be so nice.” Once again Vicky was trying to entice her friend to move to Little Rock, and work at her hospital. She knew it was futile, but still, she had to try.

  “That does sound interesting, keep me updated, okay?”

  “Anyway, listen don’t apologize for not being here now, this is the second time you’ve had to drop everything to help me out and I will always be grateful.”

  “Okay my friend, what’s going on? I can hear it in your voice. Is it your father or something else?”

  “It’s Aidan. I think I’m losing her…,” Saying those words out loud somehow made her feel worse then she already did.

  “Now cut that out, you know better. Why would you think that?” As long as Joyce had known Vicky, she knew of Aidan. Vicky compared all her flings to Aidan and they all failed miserably.

  “Because, she’s so distant and cold now. She’s spending most of her time with Samantha, and it’s really hard not to be afraid I’ll lose her.” Vicky almost desperately poured out her heart to Joyce, telling her best friend all about her fears and insecurities. Why wasn’t she enough? What should she have done differently? Didn’t she risk everything, her heart and her life, for her betrothed? And what about that, she proposed to me! Was that just an act?

  It took Joyce a couple of tries to get Vicky’s attention, “Okay, slow down and listen to me. Do you remember when we were in college and you broke up with that silly girl whose name escapes me?”

  “Yes, I knew that one wasn’t going to work out by the second date.”

  “And yet you kept dating her anyway, until I finally told you to let her go, it wasn’t working.”

  “Yeah, you knew that before I did, I just couldn’t give up trying. Oh God, Joyce, are you saying that I should let Aidan go?”

  “Good God no, girl, you’re not hearing me. I’m saying that it didn’t work out because she wasn’t Aidan. As much as it pains me to say it, because I’m still mad at her for dragging you to the desert, Aidan is the real deal, and you need to be patient and wait. She’s going through something right now, and if you don’t support her in this struggle you could lose her, and I don’t mean just physically either.”

  “Okay, I think I understand, but, um, Joyce, what the hell did that have to do with that other girl?”

  “It should be obvious. You wouldn’t give up on that girl after only two dates, when you knew it wasn’t working, why the hell would you give up on Aidan now, when you’ve known she’s the one, since you were six years old?”

  “Oh! Yeah that does make since. You are a very wise woman, Joyce, thank you.”

  “Vicky, you took a bullet meant for Aidan when the hospital was attacked. And going to Syria, you knew there was a possibility you might not make it back, but yet you went anyway. That kind of love is not something to be thrown away because of jealousy.”

  “I understand what you’re saying Joyce, but it’s not that easy. Don’t forget, Aidan was willing to give up her life to free Samantha.”

  “It is different my dear, because Aidan is a soldier, and in her soldier’s mind she was duty bound to go over there. Ask your dad, he’ll tell you the same thing I am. Do you really think for one minute she would have let you go with her if she didn’t
want you near, if she didn’t love you as much as she does? I can only imagine the kind of torture she must have gone through, wanting to protect you, but needing you so desperately close that she’d risk it all.

  “Well I think I had something to do with that, I blackmailed her into letting me go.”

  Joyce laughed, “That’s my girl. But trust me, as much as she wanted to protect you by leaving you at home, is how much she loves you, and needs you to be close to her. I know honey, because I feel the exact same way about my wife.”


  “Aidan, come in. How are you this morning?” Dr. Kline opened his office door to her, and she took her usual seat in front of his desk. She didn’t like sitting side by side with him, like some of his patients did, it was too claustrophobic for her.

  “I need you to see Vicky today instead of me, Doc. She’s having terrible nightmares every time she falls asleep, and she doesn’t know why. Well she sort of knows why, but they shouldn’t be happening now.”

  “Sure, I’ll be happy to see her, but let’s go on with your session first.”

  “No, Doc, I mean instead of my session. I really think something is scaring her, and I’m afraid it might be me.”

  “And if it is, what will you do differently, Aidan?” Kline wasted no time in asking the questions that he knew would help his patient’s find their way to the answers.

  “I…, I don’t know,” Aidan lowered her head as her right leg began to nervously bounce.

  “Aidan, you are not trapped.” Dr. Kline knew the signals for feeling trapped, and Aidan was sending them out loud and clear, “when you’re ready, you will make a decision, and it will free you from the box you’ve closed yourself up in.”

  “I just sort of… got lost, I guess.”


  “Yeah, I mean, I have to take care of Sam, don’t I? I owe her that much, right?” Aidan was looking for his agreement.


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