The Family
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Family/Fellowship and, 18–19, 190
Arthur Langlie and, 122
Denning, Michael, 287
deregulation, 142
desire, 50–51, 373–74, 386
de Tocqueville, Alexis, 341
Dewey, John, 376
dictators, Doug Coe and, 222
Diem, Ngo Dinh, 199
DiIulio, John, 380–81
disobedience. See obedience
Dobson, James, 259, 295
Domenici, Pete, 18
domestic politics, 181–204, 257–84
The Blob film and, 181–83
Bill Bright, Campus Crusade, and, 225–27
Sam Brownback and, 260–72
Frank Carlson and Dwight Eisenhower’s presidential election, 183–95
Hillary Clinton and, 272–77
Charles Colson, cultural politics, and, 227–36
electoral politics of George W. Bush and, 383, 385
elite fundamentalism and, 277–79
faith-based initiatives and, 274–75, 379–86
Family/Fellowship influence in, 198–204, 257–60
first Presidential Prayer Breakfast, 195–98 (see also National Prayer Breakfast)
Jesus plus nothing theology and, 29–30, 283–84
nonpartisan Prayer Breakfast meetings and, 139–40 (see also Prayer Breakfast meetings)
dominionism, 44
Dore, John, 118–20
Dorn, William Jennings Bryan, 220
doubt, absence of, 48–51
Douglass, Walter, 109–11
Douthat, Ross, 347–48, 429n Doyle, Clyde, 168
Dunbar, Matt, 324–27, 332, 334–35
Duncan, James, 140–41
Durenberger, David, 26
Duvalier, François “Papa Doc,” 215–16
East Timor, Suharto and, 246–52
Edwards, Jonathan, 56–72, 401n
American fundamentalism and, 7–9, 58–61
culture war and, 289
experimental religion of, 68–71
Charles Grandison Finney vs., 77, 79–81
Abigail Hutchinson’s conversion to true religion of, 61–68
Jesus Christ of, 5
Jesus plus nothing theology and, 56–58
Abram Vereide vs., 87, 113
Eisenhower, Dwight, 185, 187–89, 192–98, 413–14n, 416n
Eldredge, John, 330
electoral politics, 119, 145, 192–95, 383, 385. See also domestic
elite fundamentalism. See also American fundamentalism
American fascism and, 121–24 (see also American fascism)
of Frank Buchman, 124–30, 405–6n
of Charles Colson, 235–36
of Family/Fellowship, 43–44, 57–58 (see also Family/Fellowship)
international capitalism and, 306 (see also biblical capitalism)
internationalist ambitions of, 152–53
(see also Cold War anticommunism; foreign politics; German fascism)
Jesus Christ of, 5
merging of populist fundamentalism and, 262, 372–73, 377, 381, 385–86
National Prayer Breakfast and, 195–98 (see also National Prayer Breakfast)
Popular Front culture war and, 287–90 (see also Christian educational movement; New Life Church; sexual purity movement)
populist fundamentalism vs., 7–8, 277 (see also populist fundamentalism) suffering, salvation, deliverance, and, 370–87
of Abram Vereide (see Vereide, Abraham [Abram])
El Salvador, 25, 367, 400
Ellingwood, Herb, 398n
Elson, Edward L. R., 184
empire, 3–4, 57, 69, 183, 191, 228, 233, 288–90, 336, 343, 386
Engle v. Vitale case, 225
Enlightenment rationalism, 338, 366–67
Ensign, John, 18
Enzi, Mike, 18
ethics, 44, 113, 130, 156, 230. See also accountability
Ethiopia, 25, 215, 248, 280–81
European fascism, 121–23, 129–33. See also German fascism evangelicalism, 43, 73, 173, 386
American history of, 336–39
Frank Buchman on, 125
defined, 7
Jonathan Edwards and, 62–68, 70–71
Jonathan Edwards vs. Charles
Grandison Finney on, 77
Charles Grandison Finney and, 73–74, 77–83
stealth, 190
Abram Vereide and, 97–98
Everson v. Board of Education case, 357, 361
Every Home for Christ, 295 Every Man’s Battle (book series), 330–33
Exodus International, 331
exurban movement, 309–12
Faith and Action in the Nation’s Capital, 257
faith-based initiatives, 233, 236, 274–75, 379–86
Falwell, Jerry, 7–8, 258, 346–47
as avant-garde of American fundamentalism, 2–5, 122 (see also American fundamentalism; elite fundamentalism)
Doug Coe as leader of (see Coe, Doug)
documents and history of, 60–61
fascism and (see American fascism; German fascism)
financial principles of, 45
financial support and, 16, 22
Dick Foth as leader of, 21, 385
International Christian Leadership (ICL) and, 8, 21, 123–24, 163, 166, 191
Ivanwald and, 1–2, 18–27 (see also Ivanwald)
Jesus plus nothing theology of (see Jesus plus nothing theology)
David Kuo and salvation theology of, 379–86
mission statement of, 19
National Prayer Breakfast of, 22–26
(see also National Prayer Breakfast; Prayer Breakfast meetings)
politics of, 6–7 (see also domestic politics; foreign politics; politics; theocracy)
Popular Front culture war and, 287–90 (see also Christian educational movement; New Life Church; sexual purity movement)
power of, 257–60 (see also power) renaming of Fellowship as Family, 239
Abram Vereide as founder of (see Vereide, Abraham)
Farrell, James Augustine, 96–97, 130
fascism, 130, 137. See also American fascism; European fascism; German fascism; theocracy
Federer, William J., 338–39, 356, 364
Fellowship. See Family/Fellowship Fellowship Foundation, 22
feminism, 20, 213–14, 269. See also women
Ferguson, Homer, 198–99
Fernández, José Joaquín Trejos, 220
films, 181–83, 196, 203–4, 320
Finding the Better Way (Fellowship pamphlet), 138–40, 142
Finney, Charles Grandison, 73–83
anxious bench innovation of, 80–83
conversion of, 74–77
Jonathan Edwards vs., 77, 79–81
evangelism of, 7–8, 73–74
Jesus Christ of, 5, 87
Abram Vereide vs., 113
Fisk, Kyle, 299
Fitzsimmons, Frank “Fitz,” 231
Flanders, Ralph E., 190, 200–201
Focus on the Family, 259, 273, 295
Folger, James A., 105
follower of Christ (terminology), 2, 372
Ford, Gerald, 19, 230, 246–47, 250
Ford, Henry, 122–23, 126, 130
Ford, John, 203–4
foreign affairs, 205–40. See also Worldwide Spiritual Offensive
abstinence programs and, 328–29
Doug Coe’s succession to Family/Fellowship leadership and, 210–18
compassionate conservatism and, 236–40
faith-based initiatives and, 236, 384
Richard Halverson and, 208–10
international subversion strategy and, 218–24
Charles Malik, United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and, 224–25
Clifton Robinson and, 205–8
Somalia case and, 279–84
submersion strategy and, 223–24
ram Vereide’s vision of international spiritual war and, 143, 152–55 (see also Cold War anticommunism; German fascism)
Fosdick, Harry Emerson, 134–36
Foth, Dick, 21, 385
Foundation for Religious Action in the Social and Civil Order, 184
Founders, United States, 366
Franco, Francisco, 227, 262, 396n, 407n
Franklin, Benjamin, 59–60, 353, 366
freedom of religion, 368–69
free enterprise, 155, 187, 217, 343. See also capitalism
Freeman, C. S., 224
Fricke, Otto, 159, 163–65, 169, 171
Frontier Christian Fellowship, 316–17
fundamentalism, American. See American fundamentalism futurism, 183–84
Garfield, James, 362
Gärtner, Margarete, 176–77, 411n
Gedat, Gustav Adolf, 163–65, 175, 177, 218 425n
German fascism, 144–80. See also European fascism; Hitler, Adolf
Konrad Adenauer’s Christian Democratic Union and, 177–80
American fascism and, 122–24, 129, 132, 143 (see also American fascism)
Castle Mainau conference on Nazi moral rehabilitation, 174–77
Doug Coe and, 215–16, 254–55
Cold War anticommunism and, 149–52, 168–74
Nazi espionage in U. S., 144–49
theodicy, postwar Nazi suffering, and Cold War containment policy, 160–62
Abram Vereide’s Christian Embassy and postwar Nazi reconciliation, 156–59, 163–68
Abram Vereide’s vision of international spiritual war and, 152–55
Glen Eyrie Castle retreat, 211, 252–56
Global Ethnic Missions (Youth Ablaze), 295
Global Harvest, 301
globalization, 306–7, 384
God-controlled government. See theocracy
God’s will, 107, 123, 141–42, 378. See also Jesus Christ
Goebbels, Joseph, 129, 254
Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah, 165
Gore, Al, 259–60
Graham, Billy, 24, 74, 184, 186, 195–98, 219, 229, 257, 276–77, 362, 380, 415n
Grassley, Chuck, 18, 54, 281
Great Awakenings. See Edwards, Jonathan; Finney, Charles
Greece, 154–55, 190
Green, Marshall, 246
Groseclose, Elgin, 249
Grubb, Norman, 98–99, 101, 123, 190, 399n, 403n
Guatemala, 199, 201
guidance and Frank Buchman, 127–30, 138
Gunther, John, 99
Haggard, Ted, 293–97, 300, 304–7, 314–15, 323, 426n, 431n. See also New Life Church
Haines, Wallace E., 160, 175–77, 217–18
Haiti, 215–16, 421n
Hall, Tony, 276, 396n, 424n
Halverson, Richard, 208–10, 216, 230, 238, 278–79, 418n
Hamilton, Alexander, 340
Hanes, Robert M., 148
Hardesty, Howard, 249
Hardt, Michael, 387
Hargis, Billy James, 322
Harmel, Pierre, 224
Hart, Merwin K., 124, 189–90, 412n, 420n
Hata, Tsutomu, 46
hate-crime legislation, 265–66. See also homosexuality
Hatfield, Mark, 25, 183, 211–12, 247
Hawley, Joseph, 70–71
Hayek, Friedrich von, 190–91
Hayford, Jack, 300–301
Hays, Brooks, 140, 185
heart as a theological concept, 6, 7, 39, 40, 42, 58–59, 77
Henry, Carl F. H., 153–55
Hildring, John H., 158
Hilton, Conrad, 195–98
Himmler, Heinrich, 129, 254
Hirs, Alfred, 169–70
history, providential, 2–3, 339–56, 364–69. See also Christian educational movement
Hitler, Adolf. See also German fascism
Hermann J. Abs and, 166–67
American fascism and, 98
America First and, 148
Bruce Barton on, 136
Frank Buchman on, 129–30
Doug Coe on, 30, 54, 212, 217, 244, 254–55, 380
Family/Fellowship on, 3, 45, 217
Henry Ford and, 122–23
Gedat, Gustav Adolf on, 164
German Christians and, 164, 172
Hans Speidel and, 166
Abram Vereide on, 143, 157
Manfred Zapp and, 146–47, 149
Ho Chi Minh, 30, 254
Hoffman, Paul G., 192
Hofstadter, Richard, 74
Hohenlohe, Gottfried, 175, 177
holy laughter, 364
homeschooling, 340–46, 349. See also Christian educational movement
Sam Brownback and, 265–66, 268–69
Frank Buchman and, 126, 405n culture war and, 57, 132, 259, 277, 294, 311
Ted Haggard and, 293–94, 296, 322–23, 426n
Homosexual Revolution, The (book), 322–23
Ivanwald and, 2, 40,
Operation Rescue (Operation Save America) and, 359, 363
Rushdoony, Rousas John and, 347
same–sex marriage, 375
sexual purity movement and, 324, 331
spiritual warfare and, 309
Workplace Religious Freedom Act and, 275
Honduras, 25
Hoover, J. Edgar, 183–84
Houses of Worship Act, 265
Hughes, Harold, 232, 240, 278–79
Hull, Cordell, 145
human rights, 224–25, 266–67
Hunter, Bob, 53–54
Hutchinson, Abigail, 62–68
Idea, Abram Vereide’s, 89–92. See also key man theory; Vereide, Abraham (Abram)
Imago Dei Community, 374–79
Indonesia, 24, 221, 245–52, 320, 422n
Industrial Workers of the World, 101–8 “In God We Trust,” 199
Inhofe, James, 6, 18, 259–60, 430n
International Bible Society, 319–21
International Christian Leadership (ICL), 8, 21, 123–24, 163, 166, 172–73, 189–91, 199, 207–8. See also Family/Fellowship
International Council for Christian Leadership, 163, 191
International Foundation, 22
internationalism. See Cold War anticommunism; foreign politics; Worldwide Spiritual Offensive
International Religious Freedom Act, 275
Iraq, 26, 303
Islam, 13, 29–30, 132, 233–34, 259, 266–67, 307, 320
Israel, 224, 245, 262, 270, 303
It Can’t Happen Here (book), 130–31
Ivanwald, 13–55
author’s encounter with brother of, 13–16
author’s encounter with house leader at, 38–40
author’s entry into, 1–2, 16–18
author’s initiation at house meeting at, 32–35
brotherhood at, 40–42
Cedars retreat, Potomac Point, C Street House and, 27–30
cell and Youth Corps instructions at, 44–47
daily regimen at, 30–32
faith and practice at, 47–51
relationship of Family/Fellowship to, 18–27
responses to author’s article about, 241–45, 385, 394n