Of Another Dimension

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Of Another Dimension Page 6

by Jeanette Lynn

  He was running his fingers through my wild stray hairs, fingers rolling and twirling through the wisps that had escaped my braid, marveling at it for some reason.

  "I heard a noise," I whispered quietly, pointing to the door, smacking my hand on my other hand to show him I meant a noise, hoping he understood what I meant.

  He took my hands in his and kissed each one, smiling at me reassuringly as he got up and put his pants on.

  Digging through a large dresser made of some kind of black shiny looking wood, he pulled out a shirt and handed it to me.

  I slipped it on over my head and laughed at how big it was on me.

  Really missing my bra right now too.

  The girls are just a swingin' free.

  The shirt looked kind of like a short dress on me.

  His satisfied grin was enough for me to keep the shirt on, purely for his benefit, of course.

  If it makes him happy to see me in his clothes, then who am I to spoil his fun?

  I'd just started to put on my jeans when there was a hard pounding on Kieve's door, a deep booming voice calling out, the door rattling at the hard beating it was taking.

  Kieve laughed and called something out that had the pounding immediately cease.

  "Kieve?" called the rumbling bass.

  Kieve looked at me and grinned, hurrying to the door to open it up when he saw I had my jeans all the way up.

  I had my back to the door as I quickly tried to zip up my pants.

  The sound of the door opening had me trying to hurry and I smiled triumphantly when I had the button done up.

  I turned around quickly and my smile died a quick death on my shocked face.


  It can't be!

  Kieve was standing there talking with the huge demon from the house by the woods, giving him a friendly hug as he told him something and gestured at me.

  Oh, my god! I panicked.

  He wasn't taking me home!

  He was leading me like a lamb to the slaughter!

  He used me!

  I am a dumb ass!

  The huge demon with bright blue eyes looked at me curiously. He appeared to be amused by my reaction, yet truly surprised to see me.

  I aint buyin' it.

  I scrambled back a little, the back of my knees hitting the bed as I surveyed the room for a way out or a weapon of some kind.

  My chest hurt at the thought of Kieve's betrayal, but that would have to wait for later.

  My heart lurched at that, twisting painfully in my chest.

  I thought… I….

  Tears stung the backs of my eyes and I found it suddenly hard to breathe.

  Not Kieve….

  Fuck! Get a hold of yourself!

  Look at you?!

  Now is not the time!

  I'll deal with that if and when I get out of here in one piece.

  Kieve gestured for me to come over and I shook my head frantically, my hands starting to tremble as I gripped the blanket under my fingers.

  The huge, brick shit house demon bellowed something down the hall and I tensed up.

  "Lil?" Kieve called, a frown marring his brow as he took in my reactions.

  He walked up to me slowly and I scrambled around the bed, shaking my head 'no' at him, putting a hand up to ward him off.

  He glanced at the big demon then me and scowled as I eyed him warily.

  A snarl came from the door and my head whipped around to see the yellow eyed demon growling angrily from the doorway.

  I screamed and grabbed up the pitcher looking thing off the night stand.

  Yellow eyed demon stalked towards me and I chucked the pitcher at him, dodging him when he lunged for me.

  The pitcher smacked him in the face, breaking into a million pieces when part of it made contact with his horns.

  I ran past a gaping Kieve and a very amused blue eyed asshole.

  "Fuck you!" I shouted at the blue eyed hyena as I hauled ass down the hall.

  Stairs! There's stairs!

  I ran for the stairs and leapt down them three at a time to get the hell out of here that much faster.

  Kieve was calling my name, chasing after me.

  I looked at him hatefully as he leaned over the railing when I made it to the bottom and he was still only halfway down.

  "I hate you!" I screeched at him. "You lying, deceitful... asshole! How could you?!!" I shouted, running for the bottom of the stairs. “I trusted you!”

  There was a loud thud that shook the room just a small distance from me and I gave a horror movie worthy scream when I saw yellow eyed demon eyeing me malevolently, crouched down from his leap over the second floor railing.

  There was some kind of bucket by the door and I picked it up and swung it at him, taking him by surprise since he wasn't quite steady from his leap yet.

  It stunned him a little, giving me time to open the door and make my way out.

  Kieve bellowed my name, the sound anguished and pained to my ears.

  Heedless of my bare feet, I ran for the safety of the forest again.

  The screen door crashed open behind me and all three demons came piling out, charging towards me, different expressions on each of their faces.

  Yellow eyes looked like he was going to kill me, blue eyes looked stern, something that looked eerily like a gun in his hand as he hurried towards me.

  Kieve was still calling out my name and something else as he raced yellow eyes for me.

  Yellow eyes was shouting, what I'm guessing is obscenities or promises of my demise, at me when he suddenly leapt at me.

  I let out another ear piercing scream and dove out of the way.

  Been doing a lot of that lately... the screaming.

  Scrambling up, I was surprised to see Kieve wrestling with the yellow eyed demon, pummeling him with his fists, his face a mask of rage and fury.

  An enormous paw of a hand grabbed my shoulder in a vise like grip and something jammed into my shoulder.

  I cried out in pain and looked up to see the blue eyed demon holding something aloft in his hand.

  It wasn't a gun, I realized, my mind going muggy.

  He'd injected me with something.

  Kieve roared out in rage, but I was getting too disoriented to figure out who he was mad at.

  I yanked my arm away from the blue eyed asshole and stumbled about.

  He tried to grip my shoulders, but I slapped his hands away.

  Surprisingly, he didn't try to touch me again.

  The forest was still just right there and I lurched on rubbery legs, trying to make it the rest of the way there.

  A fat lot of good that would do me now, but I tried anyways.

  Warm arms scooped me up and I felt my muscles turn to jelly, then flop uselessly at my sides.

  If this is how they'd planned to kill me, I thought, trying to focus on the face swimming in front of me, at least they kept it humane.

  My vision was blurry from both my fuzzy, drugged state and the tears I couldn't keep back anymore as they fell down like rain.

  "Lil!" Kiev called desperately, cradling me to his chest, wiping at the tears that streamed down my face.

  I would have slapped his hands away, but I'd lost all motor function.

  A blank haze washed over me and I closed my eyes, letting it envelop me, going slack in my traitorous demon lover’s arms.

  Chapter 7

  My head felt like it had been stuffed with cotton, my mouth as dry as my throat as I croaked out an odd noise and tried to open my eyes.

  "Lil? Wake up, Lil. Please wake up. Open your eyes, baby," someone called out.

  "Water," I finally managed to croak out, feeling weak and groggy.

  I was slid off something really warm and comfortable, my body shivering when it came into contact with cool, crisp sheets.

  What happened?

  My mind raced.

  Was I in an accident?

  There was a creak as someone approached where I was laying and a depression
from when they sat, letting me know I was definitely in a bed.

  The hospital, maybe?

  A cup of water was pressed up to my lips, an arm sliding under my back to help me sit up.

  I drank greedily and tried to hold the cup, but my hands were too shaky to grasp it.

  The cup was eventually emptied and I sighed in relief.

  Water has never tasted better.

  A warm hand came up and caressed my face, warm lips pressing to my forehead as I was lifted up and cradled against a massive chest.

  I lay there for I don't know how long, relieved when some of the heaviness I felt in my limbs started to dissipate.

  "Lil? Are you alright, baby?"


  Nobody calls me baby...

  It was a struggle, but I managed to open my eyes enough to see two deep warm pools of chocolate watching me intently.

  Kieve, it's Kieve.

  Reality smashed into me with a screeching halt and I jerked, adrenaline helping me wake up more.

  "No!" I howled and tried to push Kieve away, rolling out of his embrace as I tried to scramble away.

  "Lil! Stop, you aren't well! You're going to hurt yourself!" Kieve said worriedly and scooped me up again.

  I struggled and screamed, thrashing around as best as I could in my weakened state, but he just grunted and held tight, unwilling to let me go.

  The bedroom door opened and the blue eyed demon came in, a relieved expression on his face.

  "She's awake." He grinned, smiling at Kieve.

  I froze in place and glanced up at Kieve.

  Instead of the smile I thought he'd have for his fellow demon, he had a black scowl on his face.

  "Get out, Sieren!" he bellowed.

  "Kieve," blue demon, obviously Sieren, said in a placating tone, "What was I supposed to do? I didn't know she would have a bad reaction to the sedative. She was hysterical."

  "Get out!" Kieve bit out. "You aren't welcome in here!"

  I watched the byplay and tensed up when the blue eyed demon looked at me and gave me a small smile.

  Bile rose in my throat suddenly, but it honestly had nothing to do with the scene playing out before me and everything to do with the churning I'd slowly felt building up since I'd chugged the water.

  "OUT!" Kieve shouted, putting himself in front of me protectively.

  Sieren's smile fell and he left without another word.

  Kieve went over to the door and locked it, hurrying back towards me to stop a few feet from the bed, approaching me cautiously.

  "Why did you bring me here?" I asked on a sob, laying on my side to try and settle my seesawing stomach.

  "I brought you home, Lil. This is my home," he said haltingly, his voice soft and contrite. "Our home. You have my heart, mate, and I brought you home with me. Where we belong."

  "I don't belong here," I whispered on a hiccup. "I don't even know where here is," I wailed, giving up on any pretense of smothering my anguish.

  "Please don't cry, baby," Kieve soothed, wrapping his comforting warmth around me.

  I let him, more for my benefit than his, his warm embrace still just as comforting as I'd first found it.

  I'm too worn out to care anymore. If they're going to hurt me, I couldn't stop them anyways.

  I really don't think Kieve has any nefarious plans for me.... maybe not Sieren either... why did he dart me, then?

  "Why does yellow eyes want to hurt me? Why did blue eyes tranq me?" I asked once I'd gotten my crying jag over with.

  "Who wants to hurt you?" Kieve kissed my temple, running his hands over me, his fingertips dancing over my arms to make gentle swirls up and down the length of them.

  Goosebumps broke out over my skin from it, but it was a welcome sensation.

  "The scary demon with the yellow eyes," I mumbled.

  "Demon with the yell... You mean 'T'," Kieve said, comprehending what I'd said.

  "That's his name? 'T'? Not Satan or Lucifer... Azazel maybe?"

  Wait a minute!

  He can understand me... and I can understand him...

  "When did you learn to speak English?! Have you known this whole time?!" I choked out, mad, picking up my struggles from earlier.

  "Enough, Lil! You will stop this now, before you hurt yourself! Calm down and I'll explain!" he demanded and pinned me down carefully.

  "Get off of me!" I screamed, trying to kick out at him.

  "Lil!" Kieve bellowed over me.

  The door to Kieve's room busted open, the wood of the frame snapping where the lock should have been, 'T', or whatever his name is, barging in.

  "Get the fuck out!" I bellowed when Kieve snarled at our intruder.

  'T' just stood there and gaped at us.

  "Kieve…" he started.

  "You're hurting her, brother. Let go," Sieren commanded from the doorway in a scary calm voice, warning lacing his tone, his ready smile gone as he watched us on the bed, mouth a firm line, arms crossed over his chest.

  "Don't tell him what to do!" I shouted irrationally, not liking the way they were painting Kieve as the bad guy.

  What am I saying!

  What are they saying?!

  For all I know... no.


  Ack! I don't even know!

  What the hell do I know!

  I went limp under Kieve's grip and he released me, keeping himself over me though, acting as a barrier between the other two demons and me.

  "How long has everyone been able to understand me?" I asked, addressing only Kieve.

  "Since you woke up," Kieve said quietly.

  I blinked up at him stupidly.

  "Uhhh... but how..."

  "Translator," Sieren put in proudly, beaming at me.

  I glowered at him and slid a little further off to the side of Kieve, putting more distance between Sieren and me.

  "I don't like you," I stated quietly, using Kieve as a protective shield as I glared at the shot happy demon.

  He frowned and made to step closer, but Kieve growled at him from deep in his chest.

  Sieren backed up, surprised, raising a brow at Kieve.

  "I wasn't going to hurt her. I'd never harm your mate, brother."

  "Mate? Brother?" I tugged on Kieve's shirt, waiting for answers.

  Kiev kept an eye on the other demons and placed his forehead to mine, mindful of his horns.

  "Lil, my mate, these are my brothers, Sieren and Teivel. 'T' for short."

  "Your brothers... your brothers?" my voice was getting shrill, but I chose to ignore it. "They tried to kill me and he shot me!" I accused, pointing at Sieren.

  "Hey, wait a minute! I admit to messing with you when I first saw you," Sieren began, "but I didn't... I wasn't... I mean... I didn't think you thought that. I was mostly doing it to mess with him," he spluttered, hooking a thumb at Teivel.

  "I wasn't going to kill you. You were trespassing!" Teivel grumbled defensively, glaring at me and then Sieren for admitting to messing with him, eyes going back and forth between us. "And you tried to grab my chomcharra!"

  "I wouldn't touch your chimichanga if you were the last man on Earth!" I growled indignantly, giving him a disgusted look.

  "Chomcharra," Kieve corrected, grinning at me suddenly.

  This isn’t funny.

  "I don't care what he calls his penis! Penises! Whatever! I don't want anything to do with him!"

  Sieren chuckled, amused at the bright blue tint to Teivel's cheeks that was rapidly spreading, his eyes spitting mad with fire at me.

  I glared right back at Teivel and this seemed to amuse Kieve now.

  Sooo glad I could be entertaining! I thought caustically.

  He nuzzled my neck and pulled me up with him, sitting me in his lap.

  Sieren bellowed out a laugh, startling me.

  He put his fingers to his lips and let out a loud whistle, then waited patiently for something to happen.

  There was a loud snuffling noise and a bunch of thumping and thudding.

>   The sound of a familiar happy chuff had me watching the doorway.

  A grey lump of hairlessness ran straight for me, his odd bark making me smile.

  He jumped up on the bed and snuggled into my lap, licking at my hands and face, rolling over to give me his belly.

  His tongue lolled out happily and his little ass wiggled ninety to nothing.

  "Sir Chub," I greeted my little friend, tickling his tummy, my hands still a little shaky, my stomach getting woozy again in this position.

  "Sir Chub?!" Teivel growled, "His name is Veroccus."

  I pretended he wasn't there.

  "That is a chomcharra, Lil," Kieve informed me, keeping his hands away from my little friend.

  He seemed hesitant to touch Chub.

  "He won't hurt you." I frowned at him.

  "Maybe not you, baby," Kieve grinned, "But he's Teivel's for a reason. He's known for attacking anything and everything without any provocation. The only one he'll listen to is… uh... was 'T'."

  "What did you do to him?" Teivel accused.

  "Chub wouldn't hurt a fly." I snorted, looking at Teivel. "Unlike some."

  "You would have deserved it! You stole my chomcharra! Trespassed on my land and you have done nothing but maim me since I came into contact with you! You're a vicious little thing and I don't wish you on any male!" he bellowed.

  "You deserved it! You have done nothing but chase me, shout at me and scared the piss out of me since I was tossed through that stupid portal thing or whatever the hell it was! I don't wish you on any female!"

  "Veroccus!" he called, snapping his fingers.

  My best buddy ever, didn't move an inch.

  He even whined when I stopped rubbing his tummy.

  "What's wrong, Sir Chub?" I cooed at the little chomcharra.

  He made a happy chuff and barked excitedly.

  "You can have the mutt. I didn't even really like him anyways," he muttered. "Keep her away from Teila when she gets here, Kieve. I don't want your little mate upsetting my future bride."

  He growled and stomped from the room.

  Sieren rolled his eyes at Teivel, smirking at his brother's retreating back.

  He looked back at me and cleared his throat uncomfortably.

  "I'm sorry I sedated you. I didn't mean for you to get sick from it. I don't want us to be on the wrong footing anymore. I've never encountered a creature like you and even though it was the lowest dose, it was a bit too much for you."


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