Of Another Dimension

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Of Another Dimension Page 7

by Jeanette Lynn

  "I'm not a creature. I'm a human." I glared at him, grabbing my head when the room started to spin again. "Woo, I'm woozy."

  "Lil?" Kieve asked worriedly.

  Sieren came over to the bed and reached out a hand to touch my head.

  I flinched.

  Chub snarled at him, snapping at his hand.

  "Chub, be nice," I admonished gently.

  He stopped immediately and crawled over to me, curling up at my side.

  "I just, uh, need to lie down. I don't feel so well," I mumbled, kind of wobbly.

  Kieve helped me lay back against the pillows.

  "I don't know if you should sleep." Kieve watched me, troubled, worry lines creasing his brow.

  "What would a little sleep hurt?"

  "You've been asleep for two days, baby," Kieve said quietly.

  "Two days!" I squeaked.

  I glared at Sieren.

  "What the hell did you put in that shit?!"

  My accusing look was not lost on Sieren and he looked uncomfortable, remorseful even.

  "He wouldn't have needed to tranq you if he and Teivel hadn't scared you so badly in the first place. Or if they had let me chase after you alone when you'd taken off, running away from me. Leave us, Sieren," Kieve ordered, scowling at his brother again.

  Sieren sighed heavily and left the room, trying to wedge the broken door closed behind him.

  "Are you alright, Lil?"

  My body's needs made themselves known right that second and I debated with myself.

  I don't think he's going to leave me alone anytime soon... and I really have to pee!

  "Uh, I have to go," I admitted sheepishly.

  "Go where? You're not going anywhere, Lil. You're mine," he stated in a matter of fact tone, growling a little bit at the end.

  "I am not a possession, you dunce! And I have to piss! You know, tinkle?! Make a sissy! Whatever the hell you demons call it!"


  I could just picture the little light bulb going off over his horned head.

  His face turned a funny blue around his cheek bones and the color crept along his neck.

  Someone's blushing.

  He picked me up gently and carried me to the bathroom without another word.

  I insisted he set me down and gripped the circular counter that held a weird bowl.


  Must be the sink.

  "You can go now," I called over my shoulder, hoping he'd get the lead out before I pee all over myself and embarrass us both.

  "No," he said vehemently, crossing his arms over his chest, waiting for me to just... go.

  Not gonna happen!

  I slowly pivoted on my feet and gave him a hard look.

  "Call me funny, but I'm not much for urinating in front of people. I don't want you to watch."

  I could see him waffling and pushed further.

  "I'm shy."

  "Then I won't look," he insisted, proud of his stupid idea and turned his back on me.


  "Kieve! For the love of all you hold dear! I don't want you to see me doing something like that or hear me! It's embarrassing."

  I flapped my arm at him in exasperation.

  "Can't you do this one thing for me?!"

  He grumbled at me, but left the room, closing the door shut behind him.

  Waiting a moment, I could practically feel him hugging the door.

  He probably has his damn ear to it!

  I could hear him breathing on the other side.

  Good Lord!

  Like that's any better!

  I turned the faucet on, it was like the automatic ones at the store, except this one was one wave on, two waves off, and hurried to the... that's a toilet?

  How am I supposed to use that?

  "Uhm… Kieve?" I called, staring at the weird looking toilet in wonder.

  The door flew open and he rushed in, scanning me for any sign something was amiss.

  "How do I use that?"

  "You've never used a relief system?" he asked carefully.

  I snorted.

  He probably thinks I still crap outside or something.

  "We use toilets where I'm from. It looks similar to this... erm, sorta and it uses water and flushes your, uh... waste down a system of pipes."

  Understanding lit his face.

  He walked over to the relieving whatever, I'm terrible with names, and just whipped his anacondas out.

  I gaped at him and slapped my hands over my face.

  "I didn't mean pee in front of me!" I snapped primly, "I meant explain it."

  "But seeing how it works is easier if I show you," he stated calmly, like this was no big deal.

  "I don't want to watch you piss!"

  He let out an exasperated breath and huffed at me.

  "Then how will you ever learn? Quit being silly. You're acting like a youngling."

  "Fine," I growled and stared a hole through his penises, "Go right ahead. You have my undivided and complete attention now."

  He took his cocks in hand and kept glancing at me.

  This is so awkward, I thought, wanting to groan.

  I feel silly doing this.

  I didn't move an inch, keeping my eyes trained on his junk.

  "Well, first you move this right here." He reached over to touch a lever. “Then you... you know what? Maybe I should just show you and let you do it," he said after a long moment, clearing his throat awkwardly.

  "Oh, no you don't! Now you have to. You called me a youngling and made me feel stupid. Let it rip, Van Tinkle, put you're lemonade where your mouth is!"

  Haha! Who's a youngling now?!

  He took his buddies back in hand and blushed.

  "I can't," he admitted sheepishly, glaring at his cocks.

  "Why ever not, sweetie?" I looked up at him wide eyed, an innocent expression in place.

  He cleared his throat awkwardly, but scowled at the look on my face.

  He's on to me.

  "I was thinking about what you said and now it's making me self-conscious. I can't."

  "Ahhhh," I drawled, drawing it out, "performance anxiety."

  "What's that?" he asked quickly, looking at me with an 'I know you're fucking with me' glare.

  I explained what it was and he put himself back in his pants and stalked towards me.


  Oopsie… I guess I bruised someone's ego.

  Chapter 8

  Twenty minutes later, one pathetic wrestling match- I lost obviously- an uncouth lesson in demon bathroom gadgetry- thank you, Kieve- and you have an emptied bladder and one hell of an unpleasant pee break.

  "You urinated in front of me," I accused, acting like a whiny brat.

  Maybe I am over reacting about this whole thing, but hey! If I don't want to watch someone tinkle, then that's my prerogative, damn it!

  "Comfortable?" he asked, ignoring my complaining.

  "No," I huffed.

  "What do you need, baby?"

  "To erase the past twenty minutes of my life," I clipped haughtily.

  He burst out laughing and hugged me.

  "You hold my heart, mate." He smiled, kissing me lightly. "Now rest." He gave me one last peck before he withdrew. "I have to go check on the shaxnas."

  "The hairy black beasties we rode or the wooly-ele-cow-varks?"

  "The what?" He grinned at me.

  "You know, the cattle. The uh... the things we rounded up." I blushed self-consciously.

  "Yes," he chuckled, "the shaxnas are your ele-cow things. Now sleep, baby. When you wake up, I'll be back."

  "Promise?" I asked quickly, tugging on his shirt.

  "I promise. Your eyes are drooping, Lil. Sleep. Maybe a little more rest would do you some good, after all. Help you sleep off Sieren's stupid sedative."

  I laid back on my pillows and closed my eyes, feeling myself drifting off already.

  I cracked a lid open and warned him.

  "I'm gonna hold you to your promise, de
mon lover."

  "Demon lover? You have the strangest way of talking, baby. You will explain your 'demon' to me later, Lil. For now, you will sleep."

  "Yeah, yeah, yeah," I waved a hand at him tiredly, "get movin' shaxna herder, time's a wastin'."

  A loud jaw cracking yawn was my last hurrah before I fell back to sleep.


  A snuffle, chuff and a lick woke me up.

  "Huh?" I mumbled tiredly and struggled to sit up.

  Whoa! Bad idea.

  Hello world, quit spinning.

  Be still my gut!

  Please don't be sick! Please don't be sick! I pleaded with my tummy.

  "Good, you're awake," Teivel said out of nowhere, startling me.

  I jumped and my gaze snapped to his angry yellow one.

  "You shouldn't be in here," I sniped at him.

  "I knew it," he accused, "I knew you were just faking it! Get up and quit play acting. You have Sieren all worried, thinking he's damaged Kieve's precious mate," he sneered.

  "I hate you," I spat venomously, breathing slowly to try and help settle my queasy stomach.

  "I don't like you much either," he tossed at me, tugging at my arm, pulling me towards him.

  "Let me go!" I bellowed, bile rising in my throat.

  "No, you little brartna! I know you're just pretending and I..."

  Oh, god…

  I retched all over and down his chest, unable to hold it back anymore with him shaking me the way he was.

  Take that, you overbearing ass!

  I felt it happening again and just let it go, uncaring if it hit him again or not.

  When I was done and he released me, I slumped down on the bed.

  "What the seven moons are you doing, 'T'?" Sieren growled at Teivel.

  "She puked on me!" Teivel squawked, shocked, the crotch of his pants, upper and lower abdomen soaked.

  "Of course she vomited! You were flopping her around and she's sick! Kieve is going to kill you and I'm going to help him hide your body if you don't leave his mate alone! What is wrong with you?" Sieren snarled.

  "But I thought she was…" Teivel tried to explain.

  "Leave, Teivel," Sieren rumbled out, dismissing his brother, turning his back on him, approaching the bed.

  He brushed the hair back off of my face.

  "I'm sorry, little one. Are you okay?" he asked quietly.

  "Please go away," I mumbled weakly, moving away from his touch.

  "I'm afraid I can't do that. Your mate won't be back for a little while and you need to get cleaned up. One of the shaxnas suddenly went into birth and 'T' and I don't really know about assisting the births like he does. Kieve always handles those kinds of things."

  "I can wait," I said stubbornly, trying to roll away from him.

  "I'll help," Teivel insisted, "It's my fault she got sick."

  He took a step towards me, still covered in vomit.

  "NO!" I shouted, startling both of them.

  I breathed through my mouth, afraid I’d vomit again if I caught a whiff of him.

  Chub, who I'd forgotten about until just now, wedged himself in front of me and growled at Teivel and Sieren.

  "She's ruined him, do you see that?" Teivel complained and pulled off his shirt.

  "Oh, shut up," I hissed at him.

  Grimacing, he held his shirt out in front of him, arms outstretched like it was toxic.

  I rolled my eyes.

  "Are you always such a whiny bitch?"

  Teivel didn't seem to like my attitude and glared at me.

  I could care less right now.

  Chub kept up his defense of me, gums pulled back to showcase an impressive set of chompers.

  "Chub, knock it off," I told my little buddy.

  He stopped immediately.

  Teivel muttered under his breath.

  Probably more ‘I hate Lil’ bologna.

  "What's a bitch?" Sieren asked curiously.

  "What's a brartna?" I retorted, raising a brow at him.

  "Who said that?" Sieren frowned, crossing his massive arms over his chest.

  That dude is huge.

  "A little birdy," I muttered sarcastically, smirking at Teivel when he looked as if he thought I was going to out him.

  The stupid yellow eyed demon has a lot to learn about me.

  "You need to wash up," Sieren said after a moment.

  "Not with you I don't."

  "I'll help," Teivel offered again, reaching to take off his pants.

  What is his problem?!

  "Not in this dimension or the next! Why are you still here? Why do you want to help now? Get your jollies off by pissing people off, demon man?"

  Teivel growled at me, spun on his heel and stomped from the room.

  I let out a sigh of relief.

  "You still need to bathe, little one," Sieren chuckled.

  "No. No. No. N. O. No. Read my lips, demon moose, No!"

  Sieren's lips formed a thin line and that scary calm washed over him.

  He crossed his arms over his chest and the showdown began.

  Well, fuck me and call me Billy!

  Chapter 9

  "You humans are odd, little one," Sieren chuckled, amused at my bathing attire.

  "I don't bathe in this all the time. I usually bathe naked," I explained.

  "Then why do you wear it now?" He smirked, letting me know he knew exactly why I did.

  Butt face! The demon is a butt face, I say!

  I glowered at him, adjusting my knees under my shirt, so he couldn't see my breasts through the 'see through when wet' shirt I was wearing.

  Wish I'd known that before I chose this to wash up in.

  Too late to fix it now.

  So, now I have my knees curled up in front of me to keep myself from inadvertently flashing the girls at him.

  "I don't need you to baby sit me in your crazy version of a bathtub," I huffed.

  "But if you slip under the water in the bathing bowl, who will rescue you, little one?" he asked impishly, irritating me even more.

  He's a huge, giant tease!

  "If I drown in this tub, you can resuscitate me and let Teivel finish me off. How do you guys get outta this thing anyways? It's huge?" I snapped peevishly, eyeing the rim of the tub.

  "We aren't all tiny like you are," he teased, his hand resting over the rim, playing lazily in the water, unperturbed with my mood.

  "I am not tiny. Where I'm from I'm considered a big girl," I said defensively, but still flattered that he thought I was petite in his eyes.

  "Then your humans are a small species." He shook his head in mock sadness.

  I splashed some water at him.

  "Oh, shut up!"

  He laughed heartily and grinned at me.

  He wiped his face and grew thoughtful, watching the water for a moment.

  Swirling his fingers through it, making little patterns, I caught him watching me through the corner of his eye.

  "Will you tell me about your home world, little one?" he asked earnestly, turning, eyeing me hopefully.

  "Only if you stop calling me little one and tell me what a brartna is?" I haggled.

  He grimaced, and wavered, looking like he was about to chicken out, but reluctantly nodded.

  His curiosity had won out.

  "A brartna is a derogatory word, referring to a female who is beneath you... lower than the ground... a..." he trailed off, searching for a word.

  "Unworthy of notice? Ugly?" I suggested.

  He shook his head.

  "Someone with a bad heart or someone with no morals. Not nice... or it can mean someone who gives out her favors to a lot of males. It's the nastiest word we have for a female," he admitted.

  "A bitch or a whore," I said quietly, my face falling a little.

  "Who used that word, little... uh, Lil?" he asked quietly, leaning his head on his forearm, which was resting on the lip of the tub now.

  I shook my head in the negative, hoping he'd drop it.

/>   I’d just started to drift off into la la land, staring at my shirt covered knees when he spoke again.

  "What is a chimichanga?"

  I laughed, grateful for his tact at the moment.

  "It's a tortilla, flattened bread, stuffed with rice, maybe beans, lots of meat and or whatever else you want in it. I like mine covered in a red spicy sauce, smothered in cheese, guacamole and sour cream. It's really good."

  "Those things, cheese, guacamole, you make those where you're from? You like to make food?"

  "Sure. Well, I've never tried to make cheese... I usually just buy it at the store, but I can make a mean guacamole," I bragged, smiling a little.

  The memory of Daddy and his football buddies always insisting I make some for them for the super bowl every year made me laugh a little.

  "What's funny?"

  "What else did you want to know?" I changed the subject, not comfortable talking to him about my family just yet.

  I unbraided my hair, letting it fan out around me.

  Ahhh, I thought happily as the weight of the braid vanished.

  I eyed my hair as it fell down past my waist and into the water.

  Guess I should probably cut it soon.

  I'd braided it before we'd left the woods to head here and my scalp was itching from my hair being pinned back for so long.

  "What?" I asked when Sieren stopped and gawked at me.

  "By the seven moons. Your hair is very beautiful, Lil. I've never seen it in that color before… Or this long."

  His fingers ran over the tips of my hair and I tried not to jerk and snatch them out of his hands.

  I shrugged and pulled all of it back behind me.

  "Brown is plain and nobody's ever thought mine was anything special," I said on a laugh, hoping he'd slough it off. "It's not a big deal. It's actually very common, brown hair."

  "No one has brown hair here, Lil. No one looks like you either. You are one of a kind on Orbit 9 and any of the twenty other orbits I've been to. There is nothing common about you."

  "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I worried, thinking of Kieve, biting the inside of my cheek nervously.

  Am I just a novelty to him?

  Will the thrill of being with someone so different than him wear off?


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