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Of Another Dimension

Page 11

by Jeanette Lynn

  There were odd twin ‘thunk’s and I looked up to see Kieve’s horns embedded in the top of the door.

  I released him and fell back on my rump, laughing when Kieve grunted and reached up to try and pull himself free.

  “Oh, my god!” I guffawed, pointing at him, “You’re stuck!”

  “It’s not that funny,” he grumbled and braced his hands on the door frame.

  I laughed harder.

  “Okay,” he admitted on a chuckle when he was still stuck, “I guess it is kinda funny.”

  He grinned at his predicament and tried to yank himself free.

  “Wait,” I giggled, sobering up, “Let me see if I can help.”

  I got up and eyed him, studying his horns embedded in the door.

  “Maybe if you pull down, we could wedge them loose.”

  “Alright,” he agreed, waiting for me to drag a chair by the door.

  I gripped one of his horns and tugged.

  He groaned.

  “I’m sorry!” I apologized, “Does it hurt? Did I hurt you? Should I call for help?”

  “No,” he panted, closing his eyes, “It doesn’t hurt…”

  “Oh, okay.”

  Assured I wasn’t harming him, I wrapped my fingers around it tightly, squeezing it as I gave it a good tug.

  He groaned again and smacked his hands against the door, biting his lip hard.

  “If it doesn’t hurt, then what are you doing?” I muttered incredulously.

  “It feels so good,” he moaned, his hands reaching out lightning quick to grip my hips.

  He couldn’t help himself.

  I grinned evilly and caressed one of his horns, running my hand up and down it, gripping him tight where his horns met with his forehead.

  He tugged against the door and it rattled.

  Kieve dragged the chair closer to himself with his foot and fumbled with my pants, tugging them down with a vicious yank when he got them undone.

  I kicked them the rest of the way off, bared to him from the waist down since I hadn’t bothered with underwear.

  My sex creamed at the carnal, hungry look on his face, the tight sexual tension in his well-muscled red frame a promise of things to come as he tried to make quick work out of undressing me.

  My shirt was next, tossed somewhere behind us as he swiftly discarded it, uncaring where it went.

  He picked me up and pulled me against his chest.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist and giggled at his horns still stuck in the door.

  “You look...” I laughed.

  “Not another word,” he snarled and impaled me on one of his cocks, pumping me on him frantically as I cried out and gripped his shoulders.

  “Kieve,” I whimpered when he pulled out of me and entered me with his other cock.

  “Like that, baby?” he purred and thrust himself into me, slamming me down on him urgently.

  The door thumped at every pummeling thrust and we grinned at each other.

  His hand ran underneath me and teased the seam of my ass, playing at my tight puckered hole.

  “You want this, Lil?” he asked between thrusts, grunting.

  I nodded and wiggled his finger into me a little more.

  “Want my cock right here, baby?”

  I nodded again and gasped when two fingers entered my rectum.

  “Say it, baby. Say you want me. Say you’re mine,” he growled and removed his fingers.

  “I want you. God, do I ever want you. I'm yours. Please, Kieve, I need you,” I moaned on a gasp and the head of his cock tunneled into my tight rosette, easing into me carefully as he slid his way past my tight ring.

  We both moaned in pleasure when he was in all the way to the hilt with both cocks, one in each hole.

  I used his shoulders for leverage and he helped with his hands on my hips, pushing and pulling along with me as I rode him hard and fast.

  His ass kept bumping the door as he pumped and thrust against me, his cocks swelling as he made an incoherent sound in the back of his throat and shot off his load.

  One of his hands reached between us to pinch my clit and a spark shot through me, sending me over the edge too.

  I bit down on his chest to keep from crying out and he groaned in gratification, his cocks thrumming and twitching as he emptied himself deep inside of me.

  There was a knock at the door and we both stopped and looked at each other.


  It was Sieren.

  “Uh, yeah?” Kieve answered, pushing my head to his chest to stifle my giggles.

  “Everything alright in there?” he asked awkwardly.

  “Yep,” Kieve choked out, trying to keep the laughter out of his voice.

  Kieve slid out of me and set me on my feet.

  I hurried into the bathroom and cleaned up, then grabbed him a wet cloth as well.

  “You sound funny,” Sieren continued, “Can I ask exactly what you two are doing in there that’s causing so much racket? It sounds like you’re hammering on the walls in there.”

  “No, you cannot,” I barked out, choking on a laugh, helping Kieve clean himself off. “Use your imagination, Sieren. What the hell do you think we were doing?”

  There was a loud throat clearing on the other side of the door and a long pause.

  “Ah, good night then,” he said quickly and I could make out his retreating steps.

  “I was hammering...” Kieve snickered.

  “Don’t you dare finish that sentence,” I laughed.

  I pushed the chair back up to Kieve's side and reached over to tug his horns.

  An idea hit me.

  “Wait!” I hurried and hopped down, “Pick me up.”

  I held my arms out to him and he obliged.

  Planting both feet against the door, I gripped a horn in each hand and used my feet to push and pulled on his horns as hard as I could.

  Kieve’s head thrashed around and he gripped my hips again, pumping himself against the lips of my sex wildly as I tugged and pulled as hard as I could.

  "Ahhhh," Kieve called out and jerked all over.

  "Almost there," I groaned as I felt his horns giving a little.

  I grunted and kept tugging,

  He bellowed out and warm cum bathed my breasts, neck and chest as I finally dislodged his horns.

  We flew towards the floor, unprepared for them to just slide out of the door so suddenly and he turned his body to take the brunt of the fall, landing on the floor with a thud.

  He protected any part of me from hitting anywhere on the floor when we hit and merely grunted from the impact.

  I sat up and braced my arms on his chest.

  I looked down at myself and grimaced.

  “Good grief! You’re horns are like demon boner pills! Those suckers are potent!”

  Kieve let his head fall back and his arms go slack at his sides.

  He peeked up at me lazily, his eyes roaming over me possessively, up and down, taking me in, a glint of satisfaction seeping through.

  “If that’s what boner pills are like, baby, you have my permission to do so freely, any time,” he sighed happily with a huge smile.

  I was about to make a smart assed retort when there was a harsh pounding on the door.

  “Hey! Quit fucking each other’s brains out and go to bed!” Teivel shouted. “Some of us are trying to sleep!”

  One glance at each other and we burst out laughing, ignoring ‘T’s tirade against the door as I jumped up and raced him to the bathroom.

  “Bet ya I’ll win!”

  “Oh, no you don’t!” Kieve shouted back, giving chase.

  I won! Haha!

  Oh, man, did I ever win...

  Chapter 13

  I woke up early the next morning, before Kieve for once, and watched him as he slept.

  He smiled in his sleep when I pushed a lock of hair off of his forehead.

  I took a few strands of my own hair and tickled him with them.

  He wrinkled his
nose adorably, crinkling it as he wiggled it to relieve the ticklish itch.

  I kept it up and he finally popped his eyes open, smiling at me sleepily.

  “Morning, baby,” he greeted and stretched like a contended cat.

  “Good morning, my love,” I whispered happily with a saucy smile.

  I leaned my head down on his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

  “You know,” I said out loud as the thought occurred to me, “You better not get any ideas and try to trade me in for a different model. You picked me and you’re stuck with me, mister.”

  Kieve rolled us over and kissed me with a sweet, yet sensual kiss, his tongue licking at the seam of my lips.

  He pulled back and looked at me with those big brown eyes I love so much, love for me swimming in the chocolaty depths.

  “I mated you, baby.” He caressed the teeth marks that had never faded away on my neck.

  I shivered as his fingers brushed against the sensitive spot.

  “This means forever." He meaningfully tapped the mark. "Not 'until one of us finds something better'. Sodraden mate for life, baby. You’re it for me.”

  I bounced happily on the bed and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss.

  I pulled back as another thought reared its head.

  “Oh, that brings up something else. We haven’t been using any birth control. Do you know if we can even make babies?” I asked, wondering what a baby we made would look like.

  A guarded look entered my sweet mate’s eyes and he gave me a wan smile.

  “There won’t be any babies for us. I can’t have any.”

  “Hey, that’s okay. I mean, I knew it might not be possible between two different...”

  “Ah, no, you don’t understand, baby. What I’m trying to say is that I can’t give you babies. Just me.”

  “Have you ever tried?”

  He flushed blue.

  “You’re the only female I’ve ever been with, but no. I know I can’t.”

  He'd been a virgin? I was his first…

  A flash of warmth filled me at the thought.

  “I was your first?” I asked, wide eyed, wrapping my arms around him.

  He nodded and seemed puzzled that I was so pleased by this.

  “You don’t think less of me for it?” he asked quietly, eyeing me uncertainly.

  “Why would I think less of you? You gave me something special. A gift you can only give away once. I was your first.”

  “I never thought about it that way,” he said thoughtfully. “On Sodrad, a female picks a mate based on his sexual prowess and the more bed partners, and or sex he has, the bigger his horns will grow.”

  I let out a tinkling laugh and snorted.

  “So… you’re saying your brothers are manwhores?” I snorted on a laugh, thinking about his brother’s big horns.

  “Yes, I guess I am.” He chuckled and gave me a heart stopping smile.

  “I love when you smile,” I told him honestly, kissing the tip of his nose.

  He captured my lips with his and hugged me tight.

  “Thank you,” he murmured reverently against my lips, running his fingers through my hair.

  “For what?” I inquired, raising my brows in question.

  For sayin' he has a nice smile?

  “For loving me for me. Making it okay to be me,” he murmured softly and carefully touched our foreheads together, letting out a deep breath as he closed his eyes.

  “There’s something you’ll need to know with Teila here. It’s bound to come up and I don’t want you to be blindsided.”

  “Okay,” I said slowly and ran my hands lovingly up and down his arms.

  “On Sodrad, anything that isn’t normal is perceived as an abomination.”

  My stomach dropped at his announcement and I could already see where this was headed.

  “My mother took one look at me and told my father to kill me,” he admitted and my eyes widened, alarmed.

  “Father refused and took care of me himself. He had to hire females to breast feed me, since Mother refused to even look at me, and he just made sure no one saw my uh... deformity. When I was seven, my mother took me to a medical center and since they wouldn’t euthanize me, she had them sterilize me instead. They’d never done it before. It isn’t something that’s practiced on Sodrad. They voiced all this, and how they worried about how it would affect someone my age, the complications they might have with someone with my difference, not knowing what it would do to me. She didn’t care. Father came home early and found out what had happened. Everything. He took us and left Mother. I haven’t seen her since.”

  I was going to say something, but he stopped me.

  “There’s more…”

  More? I wanted to shout. There’s more?

  I kept quiet and let him talk, worried about what more there was to tell.

  “I met a female named Siva and grew to care for her. She said I held her heart and that she wanted to mate with me. I thought she meant it and admitted to my uh... problem, but she didn’t believe me. I think she thought it was a joke. She reached into my pants and felt both of my cocks. She freaked out and left me, spitting venom at me the whole way.”

  “That bitch!” I hissed and wanted to go hunt her ass down right this minute.

  He laughed and nuzzled my temple.

  “Within a few weeks, word had spread and everyone knew about ‘Kieve, the deformed Sodraden’. People shunned me and a few even cursed me openly in the middle of the street. Teivel and Sieren left with me when I received a notice to leave Sodrad or I would be deported to the Morclen star system. For all of their refined technology, the Morclen are not a species you want to have to live with, near, or by. We came here.”

  A small silence ensued as I tried to let it all sink in, the little wheels in my head spinning.

  “That’s terrible. Do you miss it, though? Sodrad?”

  I know I wouldn’t if they were all that stupid, but that’s his home planet... all he’d ever known... that had to have been hard for him.

  “Not anymore.” He stared down at me tenderly and his sunny smile returned. “If I wasn’t here, I never would have met you.”

  “That Siva bitch is a brartna!” I declared and meant it.

  He looked at me shocked for a minute, then grinned.

  “You have a dirty mouth, baby?” he chuckled, “Who taught you that word.”

  “A little birdy,” I whispered huskily and nipped his bite mark.

  “Mmmm… I’ll have too…”

  “Rise and shine, chomcharra!” Sieren called cheerfully, interrupting us as he thumped loudly down the stairs. “Get your butt down here for morning meal and help me make your breakfast! You promised!”

  “Noooo,” I moaned and flopped back on the bed, groaning dramatically. “Do I have to?” I asked Kieve with a pouty lip.

  He nipped at it and I sucked it back in.

  “You promised,” he sing song-ed, mocking me as he hopped up out of bed, his tight, well-muscled, red ass flexing with every step he took.

  “You are a mean, mean male, demon lover!” I called as I heard water running.

  He laughed as I hurried to get dressed.


  “This is good,” Sieren commented as he took another bite, closing his eyes in food ecstasy. “What do you call this?”

  “French toast.”

  I hummed and put another one on their version of a stove.

  “Does it taste the same as your human french toast?”

  “Pretty darn close,” I smiled and flipped the bread over. “I’m really surprised you had a spice so close to cinnamon.”

  He didn’t hear me.

  He was too busy cramming french toast down his pie hole.

  I eyed his bald head and asked him something that I’d always wondered, but never felt comfortable enough with him to ask him.

  “Why are you bald? Does having a lot of sex make you bald too? Do you think Kieve will go ba

  He choked on his bite of food.

  I thumped him on his back and the bite he was choking on flew across the room.

  It landed on Teila’s chest as she walked into the room.

  I put my hand over my mouth to stifle my reaction.

  If she’s going to marry Teivel and live with us, I don’t want her to hate me.

  “Oh!” she huffed, outraged.

  She looked up and saw that it was Sieren who’d accidentally spit food at her and gave a big fake smile, quickly flicking the food off of her chest.

  “Oh, Sieren, are you alright?” she tittered and hurried over to him.

  She practically purred as she ran her hands over his chest, rubbing intimate circles over his upper torso.

  I turned back to the stove and smirked at the look on Sieren’s face.

  He looked trapped.

  Maybe she’ll take Sieren and Teivel for mates and leave my Kieve alone.

  I grinned at the thought and hummed happily as I finished breakfast.


  “How do you like morning meal?” Teivel asked Teila politely as we ate.

  He liked the food too and had a heaping stack on his plate, his eyes glazed over as he dug into his second helping.

  “I can’t believe you let her touch our food,” she whined, picking at her breakfast.

  “I didn’t spit in it or anything,” I joked, “I save that kind of madness for Teivel’s food.”

  “Hey!” Teviel barked, offended, but didn’t stop his scoop and shovel technique.

  “Does it mean something on Earth if you spit in someone’s food?” Sieren questioned. “Is it good or bad? How come you spit in his food, but not mine? Should I have spit in yours? Do you spit in Kieve’s?”

  “Whoa, hold your shaxnas there, my little bowl of Sierio’s. One question at a time, buddy,” I chuckled, laughing at him.

  Dude’s a frickin’ nut.

  Teila looked mortified, so I hurried to explain.

  “It was a joke. I’ve never spit in anyone’s food. If I did, it would be a bad thing, so please don’t do it to me” I said quickly, grinning at Sieren.

  “Oh.” He sounded so disappointed. “What do you do when you want to show someone you care for them, then?”


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