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Rescuing You

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by Sarah Taylor

  Rescuing You

  Sarah Taylor

  Published by Sarah Taylor, 2020.

  All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  First printing edition, 2020.

  Copyright © 2020 Sarah Taylor.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8


  Chapter 1


  “Holy hell...” I mutter under my breath, the grip I have on the cellphone pressed to my ear loosening slightly.

  I grab at the blinds of my window, thrusting them down a little further so I can get a better look at the magnificent view beyond the glass pane. The fading sun has cast an orange glow over the apartment building hallway as a woman with scarlet curls and blazing green eyes ambles by. With every step she takes, her hips sway to an alluring rhythm.

  Lust stirs inside me, slithering through my veins like liquid fire. I press a hand against my shirtless chest, feeling my heart pulsate a little faster.

  The girl next door never ceases to turn me on. With curves in all the right places and enticingly-plump lips, she probably turns heads no matter where she goes.

  Lucy Caldwell. I see her name on the building’s mailbox downstairs every day.

  Her name is all I know about her, but I'm hooked all the same.

  “Cooper?” pipes the person on the other end of the phone line. “Are you even listening to me, man?”

  “Huh?” I answer distractedly.

  I lean closer to the window so I can watch Lucy as she digs for her keys. A warm wind blows, tossing her long hair over her slender shoulder.

  Damn. I might be a firefighter, but that girl is hotter than any fire I’ve ever seen.

  “It’s her again, isn’t it?” groans Brady.

  When he sighs irritably, the sound crackles in my ear. Brady, my best bud in the fire department, is not as amused by my distraction as I am.

  A faint chuckle ripples through my chest. “Maybe.”

  “Well, stop staring at her, you barbarian,” he adds as if he’s standing right beside me.

  I clear my throat and step back from the window. The guy might have a point.

  “It’s not my fault she’s the sexiest girl in this apartment complex,” I say with a smirk. “Sometime soon, I'm going to make my move.”

  Brady simply groans again. He’s just jealous that I'm already off work, and he’s stuck at the fire station for another couple of hours. Then again, I had to be up at three in the morning to start my shift. He’d just called to ask if I could come in early tomorrow. Our station is constantly understaffed, which makes the dry heat of late spring extra dangerous. Summer is close, and that means we’re going to start seeing more and more incidents around the city.

  Still, despite the danger — or maybe even because of it — being a fireman is what I always wanted to do. While other little kids were dreaming of becoming the president or a veterinarian, I was daydreaming about fighting fires. Feeling that adrenaline rush when flames dance inches from you while you’re hauling an injured person to safety... it’s what makes life worth living.

  “Make your move, huh? I thought you don’t do romance, Cooper.” Amusement dances in Brady’s tone.

  I wince at the remark. It’s a low blow. Brady knows good and well that I don’t believe in love anymore. Once your heart gets broken like mine was, you don’t ever put your whole soul back on the line again. It’s just not worth it.

  “Who said anything about romance?” I shoot back. My voice is thin and dry. “I don’t want to wine and dine this girl... I want to take her to bed. You know how I operate with the ladies. One-night stands only.”

  The thought of commitment makes my skin crawl.

  I don’t have to see Brady to know he’s rolling his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Keep telling yourself that.”

  It’s my turn to roll my eyes.

  Lucy and I have lived beside one another in the same apartment complex for a few weeks now. I’d been biding my time, waiting for just the right moment to pounce and make my move. With a girl that fine, you don’t want to rush anything, especially if you’re only planning on sleeping with her once.

  “What the hell?” I mutter abruptly.

  I push closer to the window, shoving the blinds apart again.

  “What is it? Does your mystery lady have a boyfriend?” Brady asks with a bark of a laugh.

  “No...” I’m too distracted by what I see to care about his snide comment.

  Tendrils of dark smoke curl from an open window on the front of the girl next door’s apartment unit. The smoke floats up towards the sky in gray tendrils, seeming to almost shimmer in the waning glow of sunlight.

  Well, that isn’t good. I mean, if her unit burns down, then she’d have to move. Can’t let that happen before we get to hook up.

  “Something’s up,” I tell Brady. “I’ve got to go.”

  “That’s not cryptic or anything—” he responds, but I'm not listening anymore.

  Hastily, I throw the phone down onto the windowsill and bolt out of my door. I don’t even know for sure if I hung up or not.

  When I rush outside, the smell of something burning wafts from Lucy’s apartment.

  I’ve got to get over there — and fast.

  Nothing’s going to hurt Lucy. Not if I can help it.

  Chapter 2


  I sniff the air, distantly noting a strange scent as I slip my tired feet out of my modest black pumps.

  Leaning back against the wall of my small apartment, I eagerly wiggle my toes, embracing the comfort of being free from those shoes. They’re not exactly prime for chasing around third graders, but they are super freakin’ cute, and I’d gotten them for a good deal down at the thrift shop. I’d had quite a few parent-teacher conferences this afternoon once school was let out for the day, so I needed to look a little extra professional. With summer approaching, I have to make every minute with my kids and their parents count.

  At the thought of my students, a smile softens my face.

  I love teaching.

  Connecting with those adorable kiddos day in and day out has left me fulfilled beyond my wildest dreams — or at least, that’s what I have to tell myself when I curl up alone in my cool sheets after a long day at work.

  I'm way too preoccupied with my job for much else, but who needs a love life when you have twenty-seven children to look after. Right?

  I shake my head hard, desperate to forget the loneliness that I feel when I enter my quiet apartment. When the time is right, I’ll meet someone. It just hasn’t happened yet. Hell, sometimes I think it’ll take some kind of miracle before I meet the man of my dreams.

  In one movement, I shed my pastel pink cardigan and unzip my sundress, letting the fabric glide off my shoulders. I suppose the one good thing about living alone is that I can waltz around with barely any clothes on whenever I want. I adjust the lacey straps of my bra and give a quiet sigh.

  Then, from the kitchen, the fire alarm begins to beep.

  “Dammit,” I whisper under my breath.

  That smell must be something burning.

  Leaving my dress in a pool of cotton on the living room floor, I rush into the kitchen just as my front door hurls open. It bangs hard against the wall and makes me almost jump out of my skin.

  “What the hell?” I shriek aloud.

  Panicking, I grab the only thing I have nearby to protect myself —
a cracked wooden spatula.

  “Fire!” shouts a deep, gruff voice.

  I spin around, still wearing nothing but my bra and panties as a shirtless figure barrels down the hall.

  Here I am, half on my way to hosting a nudist colony in my kitchen, I guess.

  Using one arm to cover myself, I lift my wooden spatula above my head and fling it hard in the stranger’s direction with a defensive squeal. He catches it deftly, his sky-blue eyes scouring my kitchen.

  “What are you doing in my apartment?” I snipe accusingly.

  The man’s attention quickly turns toward me.

  He frowns at me as though he’s offended about me asking why he’s here, which, to be quite fair, even I'm suddenly unsure of now that I'm getting a good look at him.

  It’s not every day that a muscled Adonis walks into your smoky kitchen.

  I mean, hell, the real smoke show is that guy right there.

  He has dark hair that effortlessly falls into cerulean eyes and the etched muscles of his half-naked body gleam under the fluorescent lights.

  Abruptly, I recognize him as the hunk who lives next door—- but that still doesn’t explain why he’d invited his sexy, shirtless self into my apartment.

  “Something’s on fire, Lucy!” he answers hurriedly. “We’ve got to get you out of here!”


  My name on his tongue is both surprising and enthralling. I love the way he says it, like I was named that just so he could form my name on his perfect mouth. I didn't even realize my neighbor knew who I am.

  Silenced by surprise, I simply thrust a finger at my nearby oven. He rushes over to it, turning it off and opening the door. Smoke billows out of the appliance. Inside is a burned chunk of black pizza.

  Apparently, in my post-work haze, I’d accidentally turned on the broiler instead of the baking function on the oven.

  “I tossed it in when I got home from work, but I must’ve forgotten about it,” I sigh, biting my lip in embarrassment. “There’s no fire. Just me being a horrible cook.”

  The man relaxes and drags a hand through his hair.

  With a chuckle, he looks back at me, only seeming then to notice that I'm rather scantily clad. His eyes widen just a hair as his gaze pours greedily over me. When his jaw clenches, the heat of his stare sears my naked flesh, and my throat goes taut.

  A few beads of sweat gather on the nape of my neck despite the sensual chill that rolls up my spine.

  I’ve never had anyone look at me like that... Like I'm an object of pure desire. I can’t even remember how to breathe now.

  Something pulses in my core, strange heat building between my inner thighs as my panties grow slightly damp.

  Shyly, I fold my arms over my chest to hide the lace of my bra and the swell of my cleavage. I suddenly can’t think of anything but the way his strong arms would feel around me, however.

  Even though my neighbor is wearing jeans, the hint of a bulge that’s appeared against his thigh tells me that he’s having similar scandalous thoughts.

  When he notices my face flushing, he turns slightly so his back is to me. I take the opportunity to admire the muscled toning of his body. He clearly takes care of himself.

  “You know my name, and I don’t know yours. That seems a little unfair,” I offer teasingly, hoping to ease the odd tension in the air. “I mean you’re standing here shirtless. The least I deserve is an introduction.”

  He laughs and glances over his shoulder. The brief look leaves me bracing myself against the nearby wall.

  “Cooper,” he answers in that intoxicatingly-deep voice. “Cooper Nelson. I work at the fire station down the road.”

  Ah. That explains why he barged in here thinking that my whole unit was going up in flames. To be honest, I'm grateful that I have a neighbor as thoughtful as he is — and as drop-dead sexy. It’s not even fair how good looking this guy is.

  The pulsing between my thighs intensifies, and I have to press my knees together.

  If I took one small step forward, I’d be able to extend on of my arms and stroke my fingers down the notches of his spine. At the thought, I gasp in a breath of smoky air and start coughing.

  “...Why don’t you come over to my place for a bit?” he suggests with another look and a faint frown.

  When his eyes meet mine, his pupils are dilated and his gaze is tinted with hunger... Hunger for me. I'm not naïve enough to think this is an entirely innocent offer. My heart thuds dully against my chest, though it quickly picks up a rabbit’s pace. The thought of this handsome guy and me spending more alone time together is enough to almost make me want to swoon right here on the kitchen floor as if I were some old-fashioned girl in a Western film.

  A grin twitches the corner of his mouth. “You don’t want to be sitting here in this smoke, Lucy. Fireman’s orders.”

  “I suppose I’d better listen to your advice,” I murmur with a grin of my own, all too eager to accept the invitation.

  After all, here I was, lamenting the fact that I was lonely, and this sexy man appeared out of nowhere. You can’t say no to that twist of fate.

  I’d noticed Cooper, of course. You don’t live next to a guy that good-looking and not enjoy a little eye candy, if you know what I mean. But he came and went at odd times and almost always had some girl on his arm. I know a playboy when I spot one. That being said, my apartment really is pretty smoky, and this guy is smoking hot.

  While he keeps his back turned, I pad back out into the living room and slip back into my sundress.

  Then, Cooper and I make the short trek over to his place. I have to admit it’s nice to get away from the thick, burning smell.

  Unlike me who is now dressed, Cooper seems content without a shirt. I’ve got to admit that I like the view anyway.

  Once we’re inside his place, Cooper pulls a bottle of red wine out of a cabinet. “I'm not big into drinking this kind of thing, but we might as well break it out to mourn the loss of that pizza you scorched.”

  I laugh and nod. “I don’t think there’d be any better memorial!”

  He pours us two big glasses and we settle on his couch. His apartment is cozy but rather barren. There are no pictures on the wall and the décor is very sparse.

  “I'm usually at the fire station.” He shrugs when he notices me looking curiously around. “What about you? What do you do?”

  I savor the bitter notes of the red wine on my tongue before answering. “I teach at Davis Elementary.”

  Cooper slides towards me on the couch slightly, his arm extending out along the back of the sofa. My cheeks flush with heat, either from his proximity or the wine — or perhaps both. I can’t help but feel a little shy in the presence of someone as confident and good-looking as Cooper.

  I don’t date much. In fact, I don’t date at all. I'm not used to spending one-on-one time with a man — but with Cooper, it’s better than I could have imagined.

  The handsome fireman and I are so close that I can smell the sweet alcohol on his breath and the masculine notes of his cologne.

  My blood sizzles. When I gaze up into his eyes, I see lust churning in their cerulean depths.

  A shiver rolls up my spine. This heat that’s been welling inside me since he appeared in my kitchen is completely foreign. It’s a primal, carnal desire unlike any I’ve ever felt. I love it.

  Cooper is the only man who’s ever brought out this feeling in me. I don’t know what that means, but I can’t get enough of it.

  “You know, I didn't think I was your type,” I murmur before I can help it. The wine has loosened my tongue.

  His dark eyebrows lift faintly. The shock in his expression takes me by surprise.

  “You didn't think so?” he says with a laugh. “Believe me, Lucy. You are exactly my type.” He pauses, wetting his lips.

  The hint of his pink tongue all but drenches my panties. I bet that tongue is masterful in many, many ways.

  “What about me?” he asks in a husky tone. “Am I your typ

  As we’ve been talking, we’ve also been inching closer and closer. I hadn't even realized it. It’s like we’re being pulled together by an invisible, irresistible force.

  My lips part to answer, but the way he’s gazing at me with such crystal-clear lust has rendered me incapable of speech. I can only manage to force a nod as I set aside my wine glass.

  “Good,” he growls.

  His fingers brush my thigh, and I lean into his touch, my own hands boldly grazing his hip. I'm not a forward type of girl, but I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want this man.

  Cooper pulls me into his lap, his mouth capturing mine. His lips are soft, and his hands are rough as he clutches me.

  I sink against him, pressing my body as close to him as I can. Any distance is too much.

  His mouth is hot as my fingers scrape through his hair. Heat bursts between my thighs, and I grind desperately against him. My hands splay against his naked chest.

  Suddenly, he pulls slightly away. His chest heaves beneath my touch.

  “You should know,” he says between pants, “I'm not looking to date. This can only be a one-night stand. I can’t give you more than that — I can never give you more than that.”

  His hands are on either side of my face, and his mouth is swollen from kissing. Even if what he said might have upset me, I'm too far gone with lust now.

  I want him, every inch of him, like I’ve never wanted anything before.

  Pressing back against him, I press my lips firmly to his. He groans against my mouth, fingers digging into the curve of my ass.

  “Then let’s make this one night count.” I giggle against his mouth, my teeth grazing his lower lip.

  I'm a good girl. I don’t normally do anything like this... But Cooper... He ignites something inside me. I want to be bad. I want to be wicked. I want to give in to this primal desire I have — to feel his mouth all over me.

  “Good,” he answers hoarsely, “because I'm only hanging on by a damn thread here, Lucy.”

  My name is a moan on his tongue, and it sends shivers rocking through me.

  He lifts me, carrying me to his bedroom, and we collapse on the bed.


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