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Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1)

Page 4

by Belle Winters

  Bringing myself back to the present I looked over at Landon. How dare he call me a slut? I know he sleeps around; hell he’s slept with most of the girls at school if any of the rumors are true. I’m sure they are. I’ve seen him groping and kissing girls in the halls. I mean come on. I’m not in denial here. He is hot. He has blond hair that looks messy but sexy, like he just rolled out of bed like that. He’s about 6 feet with a lean body and he’s got an amazing 6 pack that I’ve seen at gym. His body is definitely more than a typical 17 year old. Nice pink kissable lips that surround perfect straight white teeth and deeper dimples than his dad that makes you want to lick them, and a swag that says he knows he’s the shit. He doesn’t hold back for anyone and no one fucks with him. He isn’t against using his fists. He’s a big deal on the football team. Every high school girl’s wet dream, except mine. To me he’s the monster in the closet or under the bed that you need to hide from.

  My embarrassment is on high. I finally respond to him, “that’s not true. And I’m not a slut.”

  I watch him out the corner of my eye and see he rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “Whatever girl. You know the only reason he even dated you is because your ugly and no one else wants you and he wasn’t popular enough to get anyone else to date him. Maybe if you lost some weight or something, we all know why you wear the baggy clothes. But trust me, it doesn’t hide the fat.”

  And just like that the tears fell. This is the type of cruelty I was constantly subjected to. I look up out the window to see where we are. Almost to school, about 10 minutes away. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t sit in this car a minute more and listen to him degrade me. When he stopped at the next light I unbuckled my seatbelt and hopped out of the car as fast as I could. I tried to keep my face out of his line of vision so he couldn’t see the tears and know how deep he cut me. The window rolled down and he leaned over. “Hey,” he said in a soft voice I never heard from him before. Before I could stop myself I turned to meet his eyes. There was no compassion in them, the only thing I saw was malice. “Good fucking idea, I should’ve thought of it myself. You can start losing that weight by walking to school. Have fun with that.” The window rolled up and he sped off. The drive would’ve been 10 but the walk will probably take me 25 – 30 minutes. I would be late, but it was worth it. I turned and headed to school trying to clear my mind.

  I walked into my first period class late. I was able to get my emotions under control on the walk here. I offered my teacher an apology and looked around the room for an empty seat. There was only one available, and as my luck would have it it’s directly in front of Landon and Delilah. I took the seat and avoided making eye contact with either of them. There was only 10 minutes left of class and it had passed without incident. I thought I’d make it, but I was wrong. Boy was I wrong. I heard snickering then I felt a tug at the back of my head. One of them had pulled my hair. What the hell, seriously? I tried scooting forward slowly as to not draw attention when I felt it again. I tried to move faster and made a scraping noise with the desk. Shit. I decided to try to move it by picking it up subtly front and back. On one of my attempts I picked up the back of the desk where the hind legs were up off the floor and there was a swift hard kick to the back of my chair. My chair started to tilt to the side and I couldn’t use the desk as support since it was partially suspended in the air. I went down, still holding the desk which also collapsed. The side of the desk fell on my wrist sending a sharp pain through my arm. My things were everywhere. The class erupted in laughter. The teacher was by my side helping and righted then desk then me. She grabbed my hand and we saw the swelling beginning on my wrist. She dismissed the class and walked me to the nurse. When we left the room Landon was standing against the lockers in front like he wanted front row seats. Delilah was in front of him standing between his legs leaning on him laughing hysterically into his chest. I caught his eye and he gave me a smug smile and tilt of his shoulder before mouthing ‘fat bitch’ to me. I turned away and made my way to the nurse with my head down.

  My mom had been called to come pick me up. They were letting me go home to ice it. They don’t believe it’s sprung or broke, just painful and swollen. She arrived to get me and dropped me off at the Miles mansion. She told me she had important things to take care of and she’ll be back later. There was no question of how it happened, just a simple “do you have to be that clumsy Lucy? Goodness.” Right, thanks for the support mom. Good thing I wasn’t actually expecting that from her.

  Later on while I was lying in the bed a knock came at the door. Before I could respond the door opened, and a little head peeked in. Max. That made me smile. I assume he took my smile as an invitation because he opened the door fully and bolted inside and hopped on the bed next to me. I turned on my side and looked over at him and giggled with him.

  I heard someone clear their throat at the door so I looked up to find Dean there. He had a smile on his face and gave a quick shake of his head. “Well, I told him he could knock and see if you were feeling alright but I don’t think I heard anything. Then I saw him bolt in here and I wanted to make sure he wasn’t disturbing you.”

  I moved my head to the side, “nope, it’s all fine. I was just lying around.”

  Max piped up then too and turned to his dad, “see its all fine daddy. We’re just lying around.” Then he giggled as if mimicking me was the funniest thing in the world. I used my good hand and gave him a tickle to which he let out a huge squeal and fell into a fit of laughter.

  “So Maxamillion, what are the plans?”

  He seemed to think this over for a while. Then his forehead scrunched up as he frowned. “Well, I know I said when I came home we could play with my toys. But I have homeworks and dad said that I had to do that first. I don’t like doing homeworks though, it’s no fun. Since we can’t use the toys you’re not going to come with me.” His face turned sad.

  I made him roll to his side to face me, “how’s this for a plan? We can have a snack and if you do your homework I can make you your favorite food for dinner. But not pizza. I can even help you with your homework. That way you can sit in the kitchen with me while I cook and you do your school work. After dinner we can play for a while.” I looked at him pointedly with a small smile.

  He smiled back at me and hugged me, “well if you can make spaghettis? I really like spaghettis. They’re really good.” I nodded and he vibrated with energy. He bit his lip like he wanted to ask more but was scared or nervous.

  “Is that all?” I asked encouraging him to spill the beans. Man this kid can make me do anything with those doe eyes. He’s going to break hearts in the future.

  It took a beat but then he asked in a small voice, “can we you know, have the spaghetti balls too? I like it when it has those. And the bread with cheese? I haven’t had it in a really long time, and I miss it.” he wouldn’t meet my eyes. I was confused why he would be nervous to ask about spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread. I can whip that together fast and easy.

  I gave him my best smile and said, “Spaghetti with meatballs, and garlic bread and extra cheese coming right up!”

  “Really?” he still had the small voice and he sounded doubtful.

  “Absolutely. Let’s grab that homework and get this food started, yea?” he gave me his million dollar smile which earned him the name Maxamillion. I looked up to find Dean still in the doorway watching us. He had a sad smile on his face I didn’t understand, but I didn’t pry. I don’t know what’s so sad about spaghetti in this house, but I love it myself so something’s got to give with this. I gave Max another tickle to bring back the happy boy I knew a few minutes ago which he complied. “Race ya to the kitchen?”

  He squealed again and jumped up off the bed and flew out of the room. I chuckled as I got up to follow. When I passed Dean I heard him murmur “thank you Lucy Lu” and left the other way. Confusion clouded over. I was missing something here. I was curious and at the same time skeptical of finding out.

  I had just gott
en Max setup at the breakfast bar with his homework out, and put some music on low from my phone to get us in the mood to get things done. I was taking out everything I needed for dinner and began putting them out on the cabinet. When I was pulling out the pots and pans Dean sauntered into the kitchen. “Hey Lucy, I have a business partner that just contacted me and he finally got an opening to meet over a business dinner. I know this is a lot to ask but Landon’s practicing with some of his teammates right now and your mom is still out somewhere. Do you mind watching Max until later?”

  Right. That important stuff she needed to get done that I had inconvenienced her from. Looking over at Max whose head popped up at the mention of his name watched me. I turned back to Dean and said, “of course not. Me and Max have some plans for today anyway. I’m cooking so we should be fine.” He gave a brief nod and turned towards the door and left.

  We made it through some math and writing exercises for Max’s homework. We were just waiting on the bread and pasta now for dinner, so we took it upon ourselves to dance around the kitchen for the remaining minutes. We were laughing and having a blast. Yes, it would appear that the only other friend I have besides Mel is Max. And unfortunately, I’m kind of avoiding Mel because I just don’t know how I’m going to expose this can of worms. In the mix of the fun we didn’t hear the front door open and close.

  When the song ended Max was laughing while trying to catch his breath. His cheeks were flushed from all the moving around and I laughed as I went to check the status of the food.

  “Well, that certainly was entertaining.” I spun around to find Landon leaning against the end of the breakfast bar. I flushed in embarrassment at being caught dancing and actually having fun by the beast. I saw the amused glint in his eye and I took a look at Max out the corner of my eye.

  He caught sight of Landon and launched himself at him. He seemed so happy he was home. “Hey LJ. Daddy had to go to work but he left me here with Lucy Lu. She’s the bestest dancer EVER!” Landon fixed him more comfortably in his arms and gave Max his full attention and the most genuine smile I ever saw on his face. I could see the love and adoration he had for his brother, and that one piece of him made him for maybe the first time appear human. “And guess what else? Go ahead and guess it. Come on.” He was so excited I wanted to know the secret too. I turned my head around to hide my smile.

  “What is it? Did you get me a gift? Where’s it I want to see it. I can’t wait.” I turned around to see his smile widen. Wow, I think it’s Max. He brings out the good in everyone.

  “Well you have to wait a little bit. But, you know how your favorite is Spaghetti with Spaghetti balls n cheese bread. Lucy Lu said if I do my homework she’ll make anything I ask for dinner. So I asked her to make your favorite so you can eat with us. My favorite is pizza and she said no pizza. And no one cooks anymore so we don’t eat your favorite anymore.” I was shocked. My heartbeat picked up a few notches, and I don’t know which part of that to absorb first. I’m afraid to turn but the silence is deafening. I turn slowly because I don’t want him to take out his disdain for me and the fact that I’m cooking this out on his brother.

  I’m surprised to see the tenderness radiating off of Landon. He looks genuinely happy and pleased. My heart finally melted at the amazing gesture that came from a 5 year old. It was thoughtful and selfless and shows how much his brother means to him. It made me feel proud to have the honors of doing this. Not for Landon, no. but for Max. As much as I hate his brother and wouldn’t want to make him happy, this is making Max happy. I took the bread out of the oven and drained the pasta. They were still talking but I tuned them out figuring I’ve done enough eavesdropping and let them have their moment. I took my time getting plates and things. When it seemed like they were done I turned over and crouched down to Max’s level who was now back to being on the ground.

  “Maxamillion, do you think it’s time to eat yet? I think the foods ready.”

  He nodded his head frantically and groaned, “Yessss Lucy Lu. Please feed me, I’m starving here.” Then he grabbed his stomach in a dramatic gesture to help emphasize his statement. He spun in a slow circle then collapsed to the floor then said on another groan, “partner, save me. I. Need. Food.” Then lay motionless on the ground as if I’m too late. Me and Landon chuckled at the entire scene he just put on. I crouched down further and began to tickle him. He laughed as he pretended to still be unconscious. I tickled him more with both hands. He grabbed my wrist and pain shot up my left arm. I squeezed my eyes together to hold back the tears and gritted my teeth. I didn’t want him to know he hurt me. I opened my eyes to find Landon watching. The smile gone from his face and he lowered his gaze to my hurt wrist and stared.

  “Come on Max, let her go. Let’s eat.” Max let go and hopped up off the floor. I fixed their plates and put them on the breakfast bar for them. I got Max a juice and Landon a soda… in an attempt to be pleasant. I made myself a plate and started to go to my room. I wouldn’t want to push my luck today. When I started to walk past them Landon murmured, “Where are you going?”

  I stopped in my tracks shocked. I’m sure my eyes were wide as saucers. What does he mean where am I going? Is this for real? Max spun in his seat and looked at me, “Yea, Lucy we’re waiting for you to start eating. I’m hungry. I want to sit in the middle though between you and Landon.” He gave me a big smile. Oh crude, how can I say no? I changed my direction and headed to the seat on the other side of Max. As soon as my butt hit the stool he dug in.

  Max made most of the conversation for dinner. Landon and I both chimed in but never spoke to each other directly. Landon got up not too long later and his plate was completely empty. Me and Max were still going to work on ours. I felt a bit proud of myself at that moment. He liked my food and ate every last bit. He went to the fridge pulled out a soda then made his way to the stove where he reloaded his plate. This one bigger than the first. There was more than enough food, and I don’t mind it being eaten I hate wasting food. He came back around to sit and put the soda in front of me on his way back to his seat. That act of kindness from him had me choking on my bite of spaghetti.

  We were clearing the plates and mess up from dinner when the front door opened. My mom came into the house with arms full of bags, dressed in another one of these new getups of hers. She had to make 2 trips to get all her new packages into the house. I read some of the names on the bags, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Dior, and it goes on. Someone had quite the day. Way to go mom, I was taking you away from shopping. That definitely says a lot about her priorities.

  I saw Landon glance at her and the bags and snorted. He finished washing up his plate and leaned against the sink. I grabbed Max another juice, and my mom strolled into the kitchen.

  “Well you cooked. Great, I am famished. I have had such a long day. Your little interruption earlier cost me one of my stops. I’ll have to go tomorrow.” She says giving me an exasperated look. She made her way to the stove and peeked in. “Spaghetti huh, I mean you could’ve done something a little more elegant than this for the first meal cooked for your new family. Gosh Lucy.” With a shake of her head she moved over to grab a wine glass and a bottle of wine that she brought in with her. Landon hadn’t moved from his spot but continued to watch and listen to my mother. I said nothing and kept my expression impassive.

  “I asked her to make it. It’s soo good. Maybe you should try some and you’ll like it.” Max said tentatively wringing his hands together. I think this is the first time I’ve heard him speak to my mother at all and he was defending my food. You’ve got to love this kid.

  “Yea, yea I’m sure. It’ll due when you’re hungry right dear.” She grabbed a seat and filled her glass. After taking a sip she gave Max a smile. “Max darling, next time I’ll tell you what to choose so you can have something delightful. How’s that?”

  This time he didn’t respond and scuttled closer to my legs going behind them. My mom frowned at his movement and snapped her eyes to mine. “Well are you going to
stand there or make me a plate?” I still didn’t move a muscle, just stared. I only used to make her plates at home so I can clean the dishes and go hole myself up in my room for the night. She sighed heavily and drained half the glass. She glanced at Landon, “So LJ, how was school? Did you hear about Lucy’s incident today? I had to stop what I was doing to go pick her up early. What a mess.”

  Landon crossed his arms and feet as he continued to lean against the sink. “Don’t call me LJ. My name is Landon to you. And did she tell you what happened?”

  My mother waved a hand through the air as if to dismiss the statement. “Oh please, she’s clumsy. That’s how these things always happen to her. Please try to refrain from getting annoyed with her because of it. I’ve learned that she just can’t help it.” the neutral feeling I was experiencing being used to her shit suddenly faded away being replaced by hot anger. I’ve told her before that some of the incidents were at the hands of other students. Today she dismissed me. Then to hear her speak of me like this to Landon, who is responsible for the whole thing made my blood boil. I knew Max was using me as support right now but I couldn’t stay here and listen to this. I ruffled Max’s hair and leaned down to see him eye to eye.

  “Maxamillion, I’m going to head up to my room for a little bit. My head hurts a bit, is that ok?” he looked me in my eyes for a beat then nodded. He turned to Landon.

  “Landon, I was supposed to play with Lucy but she doesn’t feel good. Can you play with me?”

  Landon nodded and stood straight. I ruffled his hair one more time and started for the stairs. I was on the third step when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Max running behind me and Landon not too far behind. I guess they’re heading up also to go play with Max’s toys. “Hey Lucy?” Max asked tentatively.


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