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Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Belle Winters

  “What the hell is going on? Why is your –“Delilah jumped in to Molly’s defense.

  Nick swung his gaze to her and made a tsking sound, “now flower, it’s not your turn. Rule number 2 LJ, your girlfriend should learn it. We take turns speaking and it’s not your turn.” He shook his head, “don’t you have any manners? It’s rude to intrude on other people’s conversation. It’s me and Mandy here talking.” He gestured between the two of them with a finger. “We will listen to you when it’s your turn.” Another head shake, he looked at some random people in the crowd and stuck a thumb her way muttering “woman”. A few people snickered. Erica and Mel got comfortable, while I stayed in my same place watching the show and trying to make Landon’s head explode telepathically.

  “Now back to you missy. Where were we?”

  “You said that I was going to get to know you tonight.” She said in a small soft voice.

  “I did, and we are. This is me, Nick. I don’t like you. Does that sum it up enough? Oh and by the way nobody tells Nick who the fuck he is allowed to associate with because he does whatever the fuck he wants.”

  Now Molly just looked plain pissed off, “so what the hell was all this talk about warming your bed huh?”

  “Ah. I see where you’re pissed. You wanted some of this huh? I can understand I’m pretty hot.” There were some whoops and hell yes from females in the room. “It was a question girl, it wasn’t an invitation. Did I invite you to my bed?”

  Molly looked like she would shrink and disappear if she had the ability. “You did. You asked me.”

  She wouldn’t give up. She did not want to go down like this in front of all these people. Good, now you see how it feels tramp. “No, I asked if you’re supposed to. I was just trying to explain what it was you were implying…” he waved his hand as if he were searching for his next words, “and offering. But I didn’t extend an invitation and I won’t. Because I. DON’T. WANT. YOU. Did that provide enough fucking clarity or do you need more?”

  Before she could respond Delilah exploded, “What the Fuck?!” Nick gave an exasperated sigh and looked at her with pure annoyance.

  He leaned his body against the cabinet and crossed his arms and legs looking like he’s getting comfortable. “Ok attention whore. You just couldn’t fucking wait. Go ahead it’s your turn I’m done.” Delilah gaped at him, but didn’t speak. The entire room was silent for a minute before he spoke again. “We’re waiting. You wanted to talk so goddamn bad go ahead. What is it that you just have to say?”

  Delilah straightened herself and pointed a finger at him. “I don’t understand where this all came from, but where do you get off talking to her like that? You’re new here. Do you not get that we are the only girls worth having in this place? Don’t tell me that tramp over there actually got in your head. Jesus Landon, tell him he’s insane.” She threw her arms up in frustration and twirled to Landon looking for his support.

  He shrugged his shoulder, “I do remember spreading the word that this was all over a while ago.”

  “What was over?” she looked shocked. I thought he was talking about their relationship but that couldn’t be true. I saw them together not too long ago.

  “This whole picking on Lucy thing, I called it to an end. But did you listen? No, and I kept my mouth shut. Now I hear that you’re threatening physical harm? That was never a part of the equation. I never said it was okay to fucking hit her. You’ve taken it to a whole new level.” She tried to talk but he stopped her by putting his palm up and a shake of his head. I’m still stuck on the fact he told them to leave me alone. What the shit?!

  He closed the gap between them and looked down at her, the murder in his eyes caused me chills and it wasn’t even directed at me. “Then you declared war tonight.”

  She was scared. You could smell it throughout the room. She was not expecting this, and she has no idea what to do. I never thought I’d see the day. “I didn’t, what do you mean?” she took a few steps back to put some distance between them.

  “You did.” He reassured her. “When you threatened her,” He said and pointed his thumb at Erica. Delilah looked at her and narrowed her eyes; Erica smirked and gave her a finger wave.

  “Who the hell is she anyway? Are you cheating on me with her?”

  “One. We would need to be in a relationship for me to cheat. We are not now, nor have we ever been in one of those. You know the deal, and that was never a part of it. I’ve known you referred to me as your boyfriend but I never cared. I knew that wasn’t true, so do you and everyone here. So it doesn’t matter. But she is my sister. And you declared war on her. Normally I would be generous and just leave you with the threat that if you even consider going next to her I will fucking demolish you myself. But today I’m not feeling so gracious. So I’m considering allowing her free reign on your asses.”

  Finally, finally he meets my eyes and then he continues, “but I will say, fuck with Lucy and you have a problem with me. That goes out to everybody, no exceptions and I’m not pulling no fucking punches. Any questions?” he narrowed his eyes at her in warning.

  By the time he was done she had gone completely pale. She gave a small shake of her head in answer. “Good, now get the fuck out of my house.”

  He walked towards where we were standing as a dismissal and poured himself a drink. When people continued to stand around and gawk, he slammed his cup down. “What the fuck man… you know what, party is over everyone get the fuck out. Anyone still here in 5 minutes will be thrown the fuck out by me personally.” Everyone started to scramble at that statement. The whole party was surrounding us at the kitchen area anyway so they all crawled out the door in 3 minutes flat. It was fucking amazing.

  When the house was empty Nick grabbed some shot glasses and a bottle of liquor and everyone made their way into the living room. I ran to the bathroom, fucking liquor is doing some tangling with my bladder. When I got back, Landon was on the recliner, and Nick and Mel were on the love seat. Erica was spread out on the sofa. Hmm, no one thought about me. I said fuck it and went to sit on the floor or ask Erica to move her feet. When I walked past Landon his hand shot out and grabbed my arm. He tugged me back and pulled me onto his lap. I felt the blush creep up my cheeks instantly. I tried to get up but he wrapped his arms around me and held me down.

  “Landon, let me up please?” I turned to face him so he can see my embarrassment and the pleading look in my eyes.

  “No.” that’s all he said.

  I tried again, “but I can just sit –“

  “No Lucy. Quit it.” he narrowed his eyes at me like he dared me to argue I sighed and remained where he put me, stiff as a board. He sighed and his breath blew some of my hair. He whispered so only I can hear, “just relax. I know you want this as much as I do. It’s not like they don’t already know.” With that he moved the bar on the side of the chair so the seat can recline and he pulled me snuggly against him. Then I heard snickering.

  I turned around to see all 3 of them with wide smiles staring at us. Nick was responsible for the snickers I heard. “What is so funny?”

  “You two” they all said at once and fell into laughter. I groaned and Landon grunted.

  I folded my arms and gave my best death glare. They were all still smiling happily. Nick started first, “Girl, I knew he was into you since the first day I came. I’ve never known him to sit in the kitchen for any reason, and that’s the only place I see you two together. He’s only in there ‘cause your there and he kept sneaking glances at you. At first I thought he was just attracted to you, but then when he was all pissy that first dinner looking like he wanted to punch me I knew my little Lanny had a crush.” I listened to him, totally into everything he was saying I was scared to move or make a sound afraid he’ll stop talking. Landon didn’t comment. “Then I found out about school, and that confused me. I didn’t get it. So I thought hey, I think she’s hot. After that day in the café when I fed you pizza in front of him on purpose to see his reaction I go
t what I wanted. In the car I instigated some more and I may have made a sexual comment about you. When he threatened to knock me out if I touched you I figured it out. And after that I just taunted him by slapping your ass and kissing you at the game and grinding on you…”

  “We get the point, continue” Landon cut off abruptly.

  Nick laughed, “well, I knew he’d never do anything until that ugly green jealous monster on his back couldn’t stop himself. Plus it kinda sucked seeing how you showed her your affection, she’s a nice girl.” He gave me a small genuine smile I returned. “Not to mention I caught that little intimate moment in the kitchen after midnight,” he paused and raised his eyebrow. “And the time you tucked her in.”

  “Shut up Nick.” Landon growled.

  Erica, shot up in her seat, “what the hell happened in the kitchen, and he took you to bed? You held out major. I only know about this silly Kenneth dude from a million years ago, and about the petty bullshit –“

  “You told them stuff? What the hell did you tell them Lucy?” Landon asked sitting up.

  “Some stuff, not everything… there’s not enough time in the day. It’s not like I told them about the closet –“

  “CLOSET?!” Mel screamed, “when the hell did this happen? What is up with all this insane kinkery? Were you too already hooking up for a while and keeping it from us? If you did, well you did one hell of a job hiding it.” she sighed, “okay we’re sharing all the stories, Nick we need to get shots going so we can get the truth out. I can’t believe you’ve been keeping secrets woman.”

  Nick laughed but obliged. He made sure everyone downed a few shots before getting comfortable back in his seat. Erica started in next. “Okay listen, this is my first day back and I figured it out before we went to the game. At first when she explained the exile I assumed she did something so I was skeptical. I mean I don’t know her from a hole in the wall. I liked her immediately because of the way that Max talks her up, but you never know right? So anyway she started off telling us about things since she moved in and I started to think this girl hates him but has no idea she likes him. She had this fond look in her eyes when she spoke about you when talking about good times with Max…” he gave me a squeeze when she said that, “it wasn’t until the Kenneth story it fell in place. When she described it I instantly caught on to the jealousy. I guess it helps that I know my brother, but it sounds like people were given a choice. I knew her and Mel hung out and no one bothered Mel for it. People just kept their distance because their pussies. He wouldn’t have bothered them if you’re his target unless you of course are going to war.” She snickered. “Anyways, it sounded to me like he was mad at you like you were cheating on him or something.”

  Landon cut in, “she was fucking cheating on me and they’re both lucky I didn’t beat their asses for it.”

  I gasped, Mel snorted. “What do you mean I cheated on you? We weren’t even together. You made my life hell, on purpose. Where do you base a relationship on that?”

  I felt his anger rising with mine, the liquor had me a bit unbalanced but my head was still in the game. “Yes you fucking did Lucy, cause you were mine, you are mine. You fucking forgot that. Then you rejected me, but you went with him? Yes I was pissed, I couldn’t believe that shit. I hated you so fucking much, so much ‘cause you were supposed to be my Angel.”

  I was so confused, I had no idea what he meant. What did he mean? I heard a gasp and turned around. Erica had paled with her hands covering her mouth and Nick’s eye were larger than I ever seen them. What the fuck did I miss now?

  “OH MY GOD” Erica said.

  “Everything makes so much fucking sense now,” Nick commented with a shake of his head as he stared at me in disbelief.

  “Max called her an angel, but you called her that to him… didn’t you?” she asked Landon.

  “I might have mentioned it…” was his only reply. His head was on my shoulder and he was breathing heavy.

  “Can someone please tell me what this means?” I asked.

  “You guys went to school together forever haven’t you?” Erica asked. I nodded. “OH MY GOD how didn’t I see this?”

  “See what? I’m so confused!”

  “I second that” says Mel looking as baffled as I feel.

  “You’re his angel. He used to talk about this girl he went to school with. She was beautiful. He first mentioned you when our mom got sick, she was sick for several years. He would come home and tell us all stories about this girl he plays with all the time. When she got really bad, he started calling you his angel. That you were now the only good things out of the day. I mean we weren’t taking it well and the sicker she became the sadder the whole house was. When we knew we were losing her, he told her that he knew that she sent you for him because she wouldn’t be here much longer. He said you were the prettiest thing he’s ever seen with different curly hair, that the sky makes blue when the sun shines. He used to come home happy when he had a chance to play with you. When he was about 10 years old, he came home and he was sad, like he wanted to cry but he didn’t. We were all concerned. Nick came to visit the next day to cheer him up, and that’s when he told us… ‘I asked her if I could push her on the swings and she let me. I asked if I could play with her curls and she said no. I told her it was ok because she was my angel and she said she was no angel. Then she left me. She didn’t like me and didn’t want to be my angel, and I thought she was mine. But she left me’.” A week or so later, our mom became comatose, she was on life support. We lost her completely a while later. We pulled the plug because the doctors said she’s most likely been in pain.” Her eyes were watery, “That was the summer when he was about 12 almost 13.” I did the math, right before the 7th grade. “I never heard about you again so I figured that was it or maybe you moved away or something, but…”

  “She was a reminder every day that she was the thing that was actually meant for him that he couldn’t have.” Nick finished for her. “Fuck Me!”

  “Well this explains a lot.” Mel mused. I was still as a wall. I was in shock. I remember that day vividly. I remember us playing before, and I never understood why I became a target. We weren’t the best of friends like when we were young as some years passed and we gravitated to being around kids of our own gender, but we were always close. I felt like he just woke up one day and decided that it would be fun to pick on me. But he felt hurt by me, and I didn’t know that or the extent of it. His arms cradled me and pulled me tighter against him. I let him. His head was still buried as if he was hurt by this confession. I shifted my body so I was cradled in his lap and put my arms around his neck. I let him bury his face in my neck and gave him a soft kiss to his temple. He let out a shaky exhale. I would think he would’ve stopped them from telling me. But he didn’t, he wanted me to know. This big bad ass boy really has a heart. And I fucking broke it unintentionally because of my bitch of a mother. Nick got up again and gave everyone a few more shots. We were all wasted after a while. Conversation moved on to lighter topics, from sports to the bitches of Clearance, to us planning a trip or something while Erica was home. We all had a lot of fun, and I did notice even in my completely drunk state that Nick and Mel certainly warmed up to each other. The last thing I remember is seeing him holding her in his arms while they were sitting in the chair.


  I woke up the next day and my mouth was dry as all hell. I tried to move and groaned as pain sliced through my head. My stomach rolled and I was afraid to move. So this is a hangover and people live for this shit? UGH, Never. Drinking. Again. That is it for me if this is the cost to pay. Although, last night was something. Everything came rushing back to me from the day before, from the game, to the standoff on the field. To me and Nick dancing, Landon following me to my room, my first kiss. Him standing up to those evil bitches and warning them off me, then the confessional in the living room ending with us just having a shit load of fun with jokes, laughter, and drinks. I must say I take that back, it was
totally worth it. I tried to move my head again and that’s when I registered the weight on my stomach. My hands were up under my face covered in drool… then I took inventory on the rest of my body. Hard and huge engulfing me. His breath on the back of my neck, the chest to my back, the legs twisted in mine. I knew it could only be Landon. I know whenever he’s around, I always have.

  I maneuvered myself out of the bed without waking him up and went to the bathroom for a hot shower to help with the hangover. When I came out maybe 30 minutes later, hey it took a while to really wake up I went into the room to see Landon still in my bed laying on his back. He has his phone in his hand and his arm behind his head. He looks totally relaxed in my space, and I just melt a little… until I realize I’m naked with nothing but a towel on. I must’ve made a noise I wasn’t aware of because his eyes snapped to me. His eyes raked me over slowly. I fidgeted with the edges of the towel, and held it tight in my grasp at the top thinking please don’t fall. He groaned and closed his eyes and shifted his body.

  “I’ve got to get out of here, why are you torturing me woman?” he got out of the bed, and I noted he was still fully clothed just without the shoes as I was, which was a relief to me when I got up. He walked towards the door and opened it. Before he stepped out, he turned around to look at me again and gave me a slow appraisal. He muttered “fuck” before turning back and heading out the door closing it behind him. I threw on the best sweats I had and a t-shirt that actually fit and headed downstairs. I needed bacon, and I needed it now. When I got to the kitchen I got in the mood to cook. I made French toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, and sausage. By the time it was almost done everyone had trickled down to the kitchen – all hung over. I served up some hefty plates of food. Nick came to my side to help me grab up plates to hand out. Mel, Erica, and Landon were all at the breakfast bar. Nick grabbed the seat next to Mel. I moved back into the kitchen grabbed enough glasses and the containers or orange juice and apple juice. I noted then that there were only 4 seats. Oh well, I’ll eat anywhere I needed food. I went to grab the extra plate on the far side of Landon when he grabbed my waist.


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