Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1)

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Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1) Page 12

by Belle Winters

  “What are you doing?” I pulled my arms back and placed them on my hips. He’s preventing me from getting to my food.

  “Come.” Was all he said. He picked me up off the floor and deposited me on his lap so I was closest to my plate and facing everyone else. My blush stained my cheeks. Why does he keep doing this in front of people? I opened my mouth to argue and he used the opportunity to stick his fork in my mouth and fill it with food. Ok I was super hungry so I didn’t argue and let the moan escape. As I was chewing he shoveled some food into his mouth and I grabbed a piece of bacon off the plate and began munching on it. We all engaged in conversation while we ate. It was nice, one of the best times I’ve had. I continued to eat with Landon without realizing we were sharing a plate until it was empty.

  “You ate it all you greedy ass” I accused. I was still hungry, and I know I didn’t eat that large plate. I pouted. He laughed at me and pecked me on my lips. I couldn’t help but smile and took one from him as well. He grinned.

  “Well greedy, you ate my food. Your plate is still sitting over there.” He pointed to our side. I smiled wide and bounced in his lap in pure happiness. I grabbed the plate and brought it over and shoveled more food in my mouth. He stole a sausage off my plate but I won’t complain. The conversation continued but I couldn’t tell you what we were talking about. His arm wrapped around my waist holding me close to him. And we shared the second plate. I got full and let him have the rest. When I told him I was done, he gave me a wide smile and a big kiss on my lips and demolished the plate. I realized he was taking it easy on my behalf this whole time, you would think he’s never been fed.

  Erica and Nick got up to clear the plates and wash. I was fine with that, I was ready to go into a coma I was so stuffed.

  “So peep’s, what’s the plan for today? I’m only here for a little while and you guys are out of school next week, you need to keep me occupied.” Erica said as she washed the last dish.

  “Bowling,” Nick and Landon said at the same time. I looked over at Mel, she shrugged.

  Nick must’ve picked up on our confusion because he elaborated, “that’s where everyone is going to be today – but it’ll be later. We can just chill out here until we go out.”

  I shrugged, I was okay with the plan… Erica however was not. “I’m all a go for bowling… however we will NOT be staying in the house lounging. You fools,” she arched an eyebrow and pointed to Landon and Nick, “can stay here. But us girls are going shopping.”

  Mel squealed. “Yes! Shopping bitches.”

  I got queasy. I had no money for shopping, but I didn’t speak. Erica must be a fucking mind reader because she gave me a knowing look, “don’t even think about it missy. You’re going and this trip for all three of us is on dad. You’re family too ya know. I know your mom has been hitting the shops with no problem. It’s our turn. Now let’s get dressed and head out, I don’t think we have enough time for what I’m planning.” She rubbed her hands together, I did not like this. Not. One. Bit. I knew that look, it’s the same from yesterday… she’s scheming.

  I was right, that scheming heffa. She and Mel tagged teamed on my ass and basically made me get a whole new wardrobe. I can’t lie and say that I don’t like them. I do, and I can’t wait to wear them. I’m just a little nervous. I’ve realized why I always dressed the way I do and it’s my mother’s fault, yea. But this is still something new to me. I’ve always thought and wanted to dress like the other girls, but knew I shouldn’t. To hell with it now, I’m going for it. They have already decided on my outfit for the day. It was several hours later, and we’ve already received 3 calls from Landon and Nick telling us to move our asses or get left.

  When we walked into the house loaded down with bags the guys laughed. Nick the jerk says, “I would’ve offered to help you guys, but then again you wouldn’t need any help if you would’ve came back at a decent time.”

  “Yea okay dad” Mel replied, “no one wants your help anyways.” This was followed with her sticking her tongue out at him like a 3 year old.

  When we walked past them to go upstairs to get ready Landon slapped my ass. “Hurry up woman, or I’ll come help you.” He winked. I ran, nope not ready for that. Not ready at all. I’m still trying to wrap my head around my first kiss. I heard all their laughter behind me but I didn’t give two shits.

  We were ready in record time, due to the impatient men waiting. We took Dean’s jeep so that we can take one car. Landon and Nick took the front, the rest of us piled in the back. We had idle chitchat on the drive there, but my nerves were running high. I had no idea what to expect. This is again, another new experience for me and I still felt like an outcast. They’ve all experienced social gatherings outside of a house party in their own home. I’m still the odd man out, not knowing what to expect, what to do, or how to act. When I started to feel the anxiety take over I tamped it down. No. I wouldn’t keep doing this; I am going to start enjoying my life.

  When we entered, the first level was a bar area and some lounge chairs. The actual bowling was on the second level. Nick led the way and headed towards the up escalators. We began to follow him when Mel cleared her throat. She had pressed for the elevator. We all started walking to the stairs except her when it dinged. It’s like everyone second guessed their decision, well except Nick who had already got on. The rest of us boarded the elevator. Hey, I never said I wasn’t lazy. We heard him saying something, but couldn’t hear what he said. We were all laughing about it on the elevator taking it up to the second floor. Landon had taken a corner along with Mel. Me and Erica stood in the middle closer to the door, the elevator wasn’t large. We were still cracking up when the elevator doors opened.


  I screamed, Erica jumped back, Mel squealed, and Landon said “really”. Fucking Nick was right in the doorway of the elevator. He must’ve had his head right in the middle waiting for us to come up and the doors to open. Holy shit he scared the fuck out of us. We all got off laughing hysterically getting everyone’s attention. I couldn’t believe he fucking did that. If I had to pee, I would’ve pissed my pants. We made our way to grab some bowling shoes and settled into an empty booth. It looked like the whole school was here. Well anybody who was considered someone. We were uneven, but Erica said she wasn’t playing. I was confused about that, why come here if you didn’t plan on playing. Then I got my answer.

  “Dudeeeeeee” one of the guys from the football team slurred as he came to our lane. “We got the good shit, you want?” he asked Landon. Landon nodded and drunky nodded back and walked off. No idea what that’s about but whatever. A few minutes later he came back with another guy and I realized what it was about, booze. Am I fucking surprised? Absolutely not, I should’ve guessed it considering his state. He loaded us up with drinks and left some extra for refills.

  We started bowling and I suck. Like gutter ball central over here. This shit isn’t fair. Mel, Nick, and Landon were all hitting pins and I didn’t hit one. Erica was just watching us entertained getting lit off the offered liquor.

  “I’m over this. I’m sitting out with Erica I can’t play to save my life.” I finally confessed.

  “Oh stop being dramatic girl.” Landon told me. Now I was mad, don’t make fun of me you punk. I decided on defiance and crossed my arms stomped towards the seats and plopped down. So what if I’m acting like a toddler, a point needs to be proven. Landon smiled and tilted his head to the side. I lifted up my chin and threw my head to the side. I don’t want to see your stinking smile now. I heard his chuckle which made me pissed. My head whipped back to him and I narrowed my eyes, my arms tightened across my chest. He strolled over to me. Why, oh why does this boy have so much fucking swag? I don’t want to be mad but I’ve already started so I need to follow through. He walked until he was standing directly in front of me and crossed his arms. “What’s wrong Lucy? You a sore loser?” he teased.

  “No I just don’t want to play with you cheaters, so beat it.”

>   “How are we cheating?” he smirked, bastard.

  “I’m the only one who doesn’t know how to play. You did it on purpose so I could lose. Go play your game, I’m staying with Erica.” I’m now thinking about reconsidering that statement right about now since she’s watching us chuckling in amusement. My lack of experience is not funny in my opinion.

  “Aww, you want me to show you how to hit the pins?” Landon said.

  Again I sense his teasing, “Nope, bye.”

  He leaned down now and put his hands on either side of me on the bench I moved my head to the side avoiding meeting his eyes. “Lucy” he said. Yea like I’m going to give in with that. He chuckled and I felt his breath fan my face, god I wanted to turn. “Lucy…” this time he dragged my name out a bit. Nope, I’m still not taking the bait. His hand crept up and he softly trailed a finger down my cheek across my jaw, “come on Lucy.” You’re not going to be winning this one buddy. I got tired of looking to my right but not seeing anything and changed my eyes to turn down. He crouched down in front of me now, and then he put his finger under my chin I refused to budge. “Babe… “I gave no response he huffed like he was becoming frustrated. He sat down next to me and grabbed me and he pulled me onto his lap even though I fought it as best I could. Needless to say I didn’t win. He put his mouth to my ear, “angel stop it. I want to have fun with you. Let me teach you, I didn’t know that you didn’t know how. You wanted to go, I never thought about it. Can you please stop pushing me away?” his voice got even lower to a bare whisper, “I just finally fucking got you, please don’t leave already. Lucy, I want you here with me, playing with me, spending your time with me, being next to me. But I want you to want it. I want it to just be me.” He sighed and maneuvered me so I was facing him. “Please?”

  This bastard, how does he do this to me? I fucking hate him and he makes me want him. I can’t deny him now after that. That fucker knew what he was doing, and the worst part is I knew he was genuine. “Ok” I whispered and he gave me a full blown smile his dimples talking to me. God I’d taste one of them they look so good.

  We both stood up and he grabbed my hand and led me to the lane. He left me to grab the ball and walked back slow with that cocky smirk, but his eyes screamed mischief. I held my breath because I’d be lying to say that I was fully trusting in him. He sauntered over to where I stood in the lane and grabbed my arm. He spun me around so my back was against his front, and he let out a throaty chuckle, “come here Lucy, let me show you how it’s done.” I let my body relax against his and I could feel his smile. He placed the ball in my hand and showed me how to hold it. Once I got that down he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me even closer against him. I felt him everywhere and there’s nothing I would change about it. My breathing grew heavy and I pressed myself even harder against him. He nuzzled my neck and placed a soft kiss there so fast I almost missed it. He bent me over some, “so you need to…” oh he felt so good against me. This is so weird I hated him for so long now I love being in his arms. I am falling for my tormentor, how fucking ridiculous. The next thing I know our arms are swinging and the ball rolls down the lane. Well shit, I missed all the instructions. Maybe he’ll keep me warm and give me lessons all night.

  Landon separated from me, and went and got the ball. Handing it to me he says, “Let’s see it.”

  Ok, so I was doing this on my own. I was trying to avoid embarrassment; I didn’t want him to know I didn’t pay a single ounce of attention to what he said so I gave it my all. I pulled my arm back in the way I think he showed me and threw it praying it hit at least one pin. Right, wishful thinking… immediate gutter ball. I gave him a sheepish grin as he smiled and shook his head.

  “Were you paying attention?” I could lie and say yes, I just suck at this but I’m a terrible liar. I just shook my head and he laughed harder. We both walked away from the lane and headed back to Erica. I was done playing so I got myself a drink and took a seat next to her. I told Landon I was out of the game. It was almost done anyway so Nick, Landon and Mel finished playing and came to join us.

  Landon sat next to me and threw his arm around me over the back of the bench. I leaned into him a bit. We were in the middle of Nick’s antics when there was a catty ass voice I could’ve gone the day without hearing, Delilah. “Wow Landon. You and her? So that’s what all of that was about yesterday?” The disbelief in her voice was unmistakable.

  Landon didn’t even turn to face her, nor did anyone else. “What do you want?”

  “Are you fucking serious right now. You’re choosing her over us, over me?” I heard shuffling and realized she moved around so she can face us. Of course she’s not alone, wolf packs travel together. She stood directly in front of Landon, arms crossed and hurt all over her face.

  “We’re doing this huh flower?” Nick commented. He nodded his head like he’s answered a question no one asked. “So what’s all the hurt about girl? He wasn’t your boyfriend you should know when you’re just a fuck. What’s the big deal?”

  “This is between me and Landon, as you have so nicely pointed out not long ago that it is rude to get in the middle of other peoples conversations.” She was getting pissed and her hands were balled in tight fists.

  “Ah, now that I agree with. Unfortunately, in order for it to be a conversation he would need to be engaged, like actually responding.” She started to speak but he continued talking as if he didn’t notice, “second and most importantly he would need to actually be paying attention” he waved a hand in Landon’s direction, “which he obviously is not.” He shrugged. “Hey girl listen, I was only trying to help you out from making a fool of yourself. However, since you’re so hell bent on giving us something to laugh at continue… after I fix another drink. I don’t want to miss a second.” He then leaned towards Mel and snatched her cup from her giving her a cheeky grin. She slapped him on the back of the head and made another one.

  “Since when did you become an asshole Nick? I’ve never see you act like this, not even to her.” Molly said her like it was a dirty word. But I guess when talking about me, it kind of is. I shrugged and refilled my cup.

  “That’s where you are entirely wrong cupcake. I’ve always been an asshole. Hey, I even made a toast to her great ass before.” Landon shot him a dark look, Nick grinned and shrugged. “Listen, you can’t blame me bro. you know it’s true, I know you noticed.” He waggled his eyebrows, “and I’m sure you had to of felt how soft and luscious it is by now.” Landon’s eyes narrowed, but did he heed the warning? Of course not, this is Nick. “If you haven’t I might need to take her. That ass needs loving.” Landon growled and Nick threw his hands up in surrender. “Too far?” Landon only cocked an eyebrow. Nick nodded in acknowledgement.

  “This is bullshit, that bitch is nothing. What the fuck changed huh? She was an enemy for years and now all of sudden she’s on a fucking pedestal. Is it because she finally put on clothes that fit? I don’t get this shit, not at all.” She stopped and stared. “Oh I get it, you want to fuck her. That’s it isn’t it?” Her entire expression changed like that was the answer to everything. “Ok, I can get past this, but make sure your ass gets checked before you come back to me when you’re done with this fat bitch.” She threw me a smug smile. I just raised an eyebrow.

  Landon removed his arm from around me and scooted to the edge of the bench. He put his elbows on his knees and met her eyes. “You have nothing on Lucy. And even if we don’t make it a week, I’m not fucking coming back to you. I was never there with you. Your purpose was to scratch an itch when I had it, and didn’t want to be bothered with someone else. That. Is. It. you knew I was fucking other people so don’t act like you were any better than any of those other bitches that threw it at me, because you did too. Lucy,” he swung his eyes to mine and held them for a second before he looked back at her, “is mine. Do you fucking know what that means? No one else can have her or else there will be hell to pay. And I don’t only mean guys. You fuck with her, I’m ta
king it personally. You insult her, you insult me… and you don’t want to fucking insult me. And if you still aren’t getting it, this is my girl. Point blank period. There’s no fucking question or analyzing required for that statement. That’s how it is.” He looked back at me and met my eyes, and his voice became more threatening. “And quite frankly even if she doesn’t want me in a day she has no fucking choice but to have me because that’s how much I don’t fucking play around not even with her.” He was talking to the both of us then, but mainly me. Wowzers, is he for real what the fuck is he going to do chain me up and lock me in the basement?

  I looked up at Delilah and saw she had went completely pale. Well alright then, I’m not the only one a bit scared by what he said. I could see her hands shaking as she said, “really Landon, after everything… this? Whatt… what happened? I don’t get it. It’s like you woke up one day and decided I want to turn the world upside down. How can you do that?”

  “Ahh, naïve girl. It’s Lucy, it’s always been Lucy it’s why you never had a chance.” Nick said, “now be a big girl and take it.”

  Delilah shook her head still in disbelief, “I’m taking it, I’m taking it…” her mouth opened and closed a few times like she was trying to get words out but couldn’t.

  “You look like a fish, you’re not underwater… even though it probably does feel like you’re drowning. Are you sure you can take this?”

  “I’m taking it “she said again.

  “I mean, it’s not like you have much choice right?” Nick said, and clapped his hands together then started to rub them. With a shrug he commented, “Just lube up and enjoy it.”


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