Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1)

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Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1) Page 13

by Belle Winters

What the fuck. He’s such a fucking idiot. None of us could hold it in everyone fucking laughed. Obviously people were eavesdropping because others around us laughed at his ridiculous comment. Even Molly looked amused. He caught my eye and cocked a brow, “what?”

  I gave him a knowing look, and everyone laughed harder. He was clueless to what he just said, only him. “Nick, go back a few steps in the conversation and rerun those words through your head. Then tell me what you think.”

  He made a face, and seemed to be thinking. I could tell when it dawned on him because his eyes went wide then he grabbed his stomach and started laughing so hard. “Oh Lucy, I didn’t even know. I wasn’t thinking it just came out. That’s fucking hilarious girl, good joke.” I shook my head, it wasn’t my joke dummy.

  The rest of the night went by without incident. We had a ton of fun. When we left Mel drove, she claimed to see how much everyone else drank and decided to be the responsible one, bless her heart. We went to the basement and played darts and pool and drank some more. So this is what it’s like to be a normal teenager. This is what I’ve been missing out on and didn’t have a clue.

  Once again I woke up not remembering going to bed and yes, Landon was asleep next to me. I relished in his warmth for a few minutes before getting my hungry hung over ass up. This time when I got out of bed, he was still sleep so I left him there. As I was cooking breakfast everyone made their way down. We enjoyed the food in a similar fashion as the day before; instead this time I had my own plate. We relaxed in the living room afterwards watching movies. Around noon the doorbell rang and Nick went to grab it. When he made his entrance we all turned around to be nosy. It was Max returning from his weekend away. His eyes lit up as he took in everybody and his excitement was infectious.

  He ran and jumped on Erica showering her with hugs and kisses. Landon was next, and then I was last. “Hey Maxamillion. How was your weekend?”

  He was about to talk when he caught sight of Mel and snuggled his head into my chest. “Hey bud, that’s my bestest friend Mel.”

  He picked his head up a bit and peeked at her then put his head back in my chest. She was sitting in the love seat with Nick. He threw his arm around her shoulder, “Hey Max, she’s cool. I like her, she’s pretty right?” Cue the eyebrow wiggle.

  Max stuck his head up a bit and eyed her curiously. “You like her?” Nick nodded his head. “Do you love her?”

  “No Max, I don’t love her…” his gaze trailed to Mel and looked at her from head to toe, “maybe I will though.”

  Max nodded his head, “Ok. Hi Mel.”

  Mel gave him a big smile, “Hey Max, Lucy told me so much about you. She loves you a lot.”

  That got her a big smile and he nodded. “I love Lucy, and dad says that when you love someone you get married to be together forever. That’s why I’m going to marry Lucy, ‘cause I want her forever.” He hugged me tight and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

  My heat felt full, aww. This kid doesn’t even know his awesomeness. “Well Max, we can’t get married because of our ages.” His face fell.

  “You don’t love me for forever Lucy?” My heart broke… like in half.

  “Of course I love you, you’re my Maxamillion. No one else can be you, I’ll always love you. But marriage is a little different. It’s not loving someone, it’s also being in love with someone. You will find someone to marry, but I love you in a different way, and mine is even more forever than that ok?” He seemed to think this over for a while then he nodded his head. “I get it, so you can marry Landon because you’re his age and you love him.” He paused then said, “no you said in love is different. Ok, I get it now.” With that he made himself comfortable. We watched cartoons with him until the evening and then I made dinner and we all retired to our rooms.

  With Max home, we spent the first couple of days playing laser tag, going to Chuck E Cheese and things like that so we can bring him with us. Our parents were MIA for the most part which was fine with us. Since we were out of school Mel spent time hanging with us. I swear I think something is up with her and Nick, but it seems like they’re trying to be sneaky about it. Tuesday, thanksgiving came up while all members of the household were present. My mother was adamant about having food catered, while we all wanted the real thanksgiving feel. Max said he wanted me to cook, and that pretty much made the decision. Dean acquiesced, and my mother wouldn’t of put up a fight against him but she wasn’t happy.

  Wednesday morning me, Landon, Erica, Max and Nick went to the supermarket to get what was needed. Me and Erica had got a turkey, some things for rice, string beans, and desserts. Well we did have these two beasts with us who moaned about it being thanksgiving and they needed more food, so we ended up picking up things for Mac and Cheese, a ham, amongst other things… we’re spoiling them.

  I woke up super early Thursday morning. Erica is supposed to help me today, but her help in the kitchen is really limited. I had a turkey, a whole chicken, stuffing, mac and cheese, ham, sweet potatoes, coconut rice, string beans, collard greens, baked ziti, garlic bread, a cake, cookies, brownies, and a lemon meringue pie. Yes, these bastards are fucking greedy and put the ultimate guilt trip on me for this. I spent the day slaving in the kitchen, Erica, Nick, Landon, Dean, and my mom was in and out the kitchen throughout the day. Max was a constant and he was my little tester, he was so excited. At one point he came to me and he confessed he doesn’t remember having a real thanksgiving like this how he sees on TV. That made me a bit sad, but over the time I’ve been here I quickly learned that they didn’t do cooking. His mom died when he was still a baby, and Erica and Landon didn’t really get a chance to learn. Also, Dean’s presence wasn’t often. I guess as a big time lawyer, he needs to be gone to make all this money. I guess that’s why he and mom get on so well. They’re both always MIA and it seems not frequently together. She has access to money now to do whatever she pleases.

  I was able to get everything finished up by 6, the perfect time to have dinner. I told Max it was done and to summon the troops. I’m going to need help gathering plates, transferring food from the pots to bowls, getting drinks, the works. For Max I want this to be perfect and memorable. They all came in to help. Erica helped me transfer the food. I was covering the desert since I’d decided to wait until after we ate to bring it out so that the table wouldn’t be too cluttered when Landon moved in behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a kiss on the back of my ear. He pushed his hips into my back and whispered, “hey babe, why you covering up the good stuff?” the sneaky bastard. I was melting into him this whole time when he had an ulterior motive. I stepped back into him putting more distance between me and the uncovered cookies. When I did he let me go and swiped one. I fucking knew it. I slapped his arm as he tried to run away with it.

  Max went to get Dean and my mom for dinner then came right back to the kitchen. They were carrying the last of the food out, and since Max wanted to help I saved the task of getting the Lemonade and cups for him and me. When we got to the dining room table everyone was seated. There were two empty seats, one between Landon and Dean, the other one between Erica and my mom. Nick smirked, I’m sure this was done on purpose. I wouldn’t make Max uncomfortable and have him sit next to my mom, so I’d have the honors.

  “I want to sit next to Lucy and Erica.” Have I said I love this boy? Nick was seated in between Landon and Erica so he snickered.

  “Mom dearest, do you mind if I take the seat next to you?” he said in the sweetest voice I’ve ever heard from him. It was also the fakest, he’s such an ass.

  “Of course!” my mom smiled brightly… sucker. “Let me get us some wine, you kids can have some too since this is a special day, well not you Max. You’re way too young.”

  “I want a caprisun like Lucy always has,” Max told my mom. She stopped stunned; he never talks to her unless he has to. He’s so excited about the holiday it’s as though nothing can bring him down.

  When my mom went to go to the kitchen, Nick got
up and took the seat next to my mom and Landon moved down to the seat next to him that was previously empty. Max jumped in the seat next to Erica and then I sat next to him. Landon was pulling in his chair still and decided to move it closer to mine. Our legs were completely touching. My mom walked back in with two bottles of wine and some glasses and took her seat.

  “Lucy, can we eat? I’m starving over here woman! What are you waiting for? Make my plate.” Nick said.

  “Nick, watch it. Don’t talk to Lucy like that.” Dean scolded.

  “Uncle D, listen, that’s my woman. When I come home from work I expect my dinner to be prepared, my plate made, and my slippers in hand. I’m just trying to train her early.” He said this all with a serious face.

  Erica laughed, Landon shook his head. I think he’s come to the point where he knows like the rest of us Nick will not leave me alone. Especially knowing it’s a way to get a rise out of Landon. My reaction was to flip him off but I refrained.

  “Really Nick?” Dean arched an eyebrow and shook his head. Well alright then, he’s used to Nicks antics and doesn’t look surprised.

  My mother however doesn’t seem to be in the know, “what do you mean your woman. Are you two dating?” she gasped then threw her hand over her chest, “oh my god. Are you two having sex?” this question wasn’t said that loud, but it caused Nick to double over in laughter. He slapped the table.

  “Oh my god, you are so easy!” Nick said through laughter. “She’s not MY woman” huge emphasis on the word my, “but, she loves me ‘cause I’m awesome and deep down she wants to feed me. So, why aren’t we eating?” Cue the loud stomach grumble. Then another, my head swung to Landon.

  “Hey I’m hungry too, I’m just not complaining about it like that one.” Landon says and points a finger at Nick.

  Max snickers, “you guys are so silly.” He laughs then looks up at me, “but Lucy I’m hungry too. Can we eat?”

  Oh my god. All of the men in this family are beasts. Another stomach grumble. My head goes from Landon to Nick.

  “That time it wasn’t me.” Says Nick

  “Not me” says Landon

  I look at Max and raise my eyebrow. He shrugs, “I didn’t do it.”

  A throat cleared, and my eyes snapped to Dean. He was fidgeting in his seat, I don’t think he could’ve looked any more uncomfortable, “that time it was me.” He sneaks a glance at my mom, who looks a bit uncomfortable herself before returning his gaze to me. “I’m hungry too.”

  I threw my arms up. “Ok, you all need to eat… NOW. Because I think we might be two seconds off from Erica and Max joining the party. By the way, I have no idea why you were all waiting for me. Max’s rule is dig in when everyone is seated.”

  Nick grinned, and shot his arms out to start filling his plate “NOOOOOOO” Max screeched. “In the movies everyone says what they’re thankful for. You have to make your plate and then we all have turns and then you eat.”

  Everyone did as Max had requested, I made his plate for him. Once all the plates were made he pointed at Erica, “you first Erica.”

  “Ok, I’m thankful that I’m able to study at UCLA. I’m thankful for my brothers, new sister and cousin. I’m thankful that things have gotten a hell of a lot more interesting lately. And I’m thankful that I have more to look forward to now.” Erica stated.

  “I’m thankful for Lucy’s hotness, and the fact she’s a sucker and cooked all the crap we begged for. I’m thankful her cooking is damn good and we made sure we asked for enough that there will be leftover, my stomach is also thankful for these things.” Nicks expression grew serious and he looked down at the table. When he spoke again his words were sincere and serious, “I’m thankful for having family take me in when I lost mine. And that I know this family loves me like a brother,” he looked from Landon to Max then Erica. I was surprised when he also looked at me. “A son,” he looked at Dean and Dean had a solemn but appreciative expression. His eyes met and fixated on Landon “And I’m thankful for angels.” That shocked me. I knew he was referring to me, but what he said was for Landon. He was happy Landon finally got what they all thought he always wanted.

  “Well, I’m thankful for Dean being in my life. Everything is so much better and brighter with you in it. I can’t wait for our future together. I’m ready to begin the rest of our lives.” She gazed at him with stars in her eyes. Is she fucking forreal? What was that, her vows? We all waited for her to say more but she didn’t. Well alright then, fuck everyone else in the room. Good job mom.

  “I’m thankful for my family, both those of you that are blood related and those of you who are joining in. I’m thankful for my fiancée Rebecca. I also can’t wait for the future and I’m especially thankful that you brought us Lucy. For all the things she does for Max. He adores you and that means a lot to me. The fact we’re actually having a real thanksgiving today is because of you, and you did it because he asked and you care about my family as if they’re yours.” Dean’s smile was genuine and I knew he meant it.

  “I’m thankful for the fact Nick loves Lucy’s cooking, because it’ll make it that much easier to poison him if he keeps fucking with me.” Landon said and shot Nick a death glare, and Nick gave him a wide smile… idiots. “I’m thankful for my sister being here with us and getting to spend time together. I’m thankful for Max and dad and for some stupid ass reason Nick.”

  “Seriously Landon, watch your mouth.” Dean shook his head. Those two boys are going to give this man grey hair by the end of the night.

  Landon nodded then continued, “I’m thankful to be having a real thanksgiving day thanks to Lucy.” He looked at me and held my eyes, “and I’m thankful I have my angel.” I gave him a small smile. I heard Dean choke and I looked up to him. He had the same look that Erica and Nick did the other night when it came up. He knows about this too? His eyes went from me to Landon then back again. He shook his head and glanced down, the surprise still all over his face but it looks like he was trying to hide it.

  I cleared my throat and looked at Max, “I’m thankful that my Maxamillion has asked me to do this. It feels great to sit here with everyone for this holiday. I myself haven’t truly ever celebrated properly, so it’s a novelty to me too.” I looked around the table, “I’m thankful for Dean for accepting me into his family. Nick for being a dummy, and defending me, and just being awesome for a few other things,” he threw me a wink. He knew I was referring to him interfering to make Landon finally admit to everything. “I’m thankful to Erica, although it’s only been a few days since we’ve met you have helped me a ton. Your scheming isn’t all for nothing. I’m thankful to my mom making me move here,” Yes I have realized besides Dean, who seemed more appreciative of his relationship with her because of me I am the only person who acknowledged her. And the worst part is I’m only thanking her for forcing me to move. I finally looked at Landon, and put my hand on his leg under the table and gave it a squeeze. He grabbed my hand and held it, “I’m thankful for change… you know change for the better. For knowing truths and benefitting from them.” The truth I’m benefitting from is the fact he’s always wanted me and I’ve been happy since he’s gotten me. I’ve been able to start living a normal life. I looked over to Max and told him, “your turn.”

  “I’m thankful for thanksgiving and food. I’m thankful for Spiderman and playing. I’m thankful for my daddy, and Erica, and Nick, and LJ, and my new mom.” My mother looked ecstatic, and I wondered for a minute if he actually meant it. He looked up at me and gave me a bright smile. “I’m thankful for Lucy because she plays with me, and helps me with homework, and dances with me, cooks for me and Landon and Nick and makes our favorites, and eats with us too, and gave me my very own nickname, Maxamillion because she says my smiles are million dollars, and she loves me… she told me so and I think she does. Lucy is the best new mommy ever and I love her too!” he threw his arms around me in a big hug and I returned it.

  How I was able to do anything in my shock I have no g
oddamn clue. I felt Landon squeeze my leg in support. Oh my god, Max thinks I’m going to be his mother. How the hell did we get him that confused?

  Dean took a large drink of water then began, “Max, you know I’m marrying Rebecca, Lucy’s mom… not Lucy right?” the poor man looked so flustered like he doesn’t even know how to make sense of this shit storm.

  Max nodded, “Duh, I know that.”

  “So… you know that Rebecca is going to be your step mom and Lucy will be your sister.” Dean hedged.

  Max’s eyes went wide, “no, no, no, no, no, no! My sister can’t cook. I want Lucy to cook. I want her to be my mommy, she’s an angel. Even Landon said so! Why can’t I have an angel mommy dad?”

  My mom choked, and Dean’s head dropped in defeat. Didn’t sound like he was going to win this or make sense of it today. “Honey, I’m a great mother you’ll see. If you give me a chance like you did with Lucy you’ll love me I’m sure. Lucy cannot be your mom and she most certainly is not an angel.” My mom scoffed and sipped her wine. Well alright then.

  “Well you heard the boy, he wants Lucy to be his mom and I want her to be my wife. After dinner we can go to Vegas, get hitched, come back adopt Max…” he stopped and thought his plan over, “wait Max might have to wait a day, I’ll need to knock her up so Max has someone to play with because I am not taking Landon’s and Erica’s big greedy asses.”

  Erica being the savor that she is, landed the much deserved slap upside of Nick’s head. He filled his fork with food and chomped, everyone else followed suit. Well this was a surprising turn of events, however there’s always later. I honestly don’t think that anyone even really knows how they should address this. Throughout dinner there was small talk, and Max dominated the discussion. He bragged about his help with today’s festivities as well as all the latest happening in today’s episodes of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Landon kept stealing touches by grabbing my hand, and rubbing my leg under the table… brushing his arms and legs against me. He also went about helping himself to my plate. Why? Because he was too lazy to reach for more when he finished something on his own. He’s lucky that I wanted some of everything but knew there was no way I was going to eat everything on my plate.


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