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Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Belle Winters

  When dinner was done, Landon helped me clear up the plates and food. Dean stated he was full and excused himself to do some work. My mom decided to finish the second wine bottle and stayed put. Nick was trying to snag some last minute food, and was talking with Erica who was moaning about not being able to move because she was so full. Max asked if he could have a piece of pie and take it to his room, so he followed us out. My guess is he was full too but wanted his desert on hand when his stomach was ready. I cut Max a piece and handed it over, which he snatched and skipped away. I was licking the cream that got on my hand when Landon backed me up against the counter. His arms caged me in. he leaned forward and clamped his mouth over the finger I’ve been previously licking taking the remains of the cream. When he was done he grinned and leaned down and pressed a kiss to the side of my mouth. He swiped a finger across the knife scooping up more cream. He put his finger in front of my lips in an offer, and I’m not dumb I accepted it. Hey, listen I’m seventeen and I’m just starting to experience life. I kind of want to enjoy it because I know it’s only a matter of time before the other shoe drops. He moved to put his finger in my mouth gently. GOD, this pie is good! I sucked at his finger, and he went to remove it. My hand came up over his to hold it where it was so I can make sure I get all the cream. Hey if you’re going to offer me pie you can’t be cheap about it. Once I think I got all the cream off I released him and grinned. I was considering taking a piece now.

  “Why isn’t this cozy” my mother said, Landon tensed and I peered around him and saw her swaying her way towards us. She had a full cup in hand, and yep you guessed it, she was drunk. We all drank juice with dinner, and Dean only had a half glass of wine but mostly water. “I knew it, I called it. You are sleeping with the both of them. God, I knew exactly what you were since you were younger.”

  Landon spun around to face her and stood in front of me, “what are you talking about lady? What did you know she was?”

  I stepped around him so I could get a better idea of what was going on. My mom scoffed in response, “all she does is try to get all the attention. She just has to be told she’s pretty and wanted. That why she tries to flaunt those wild but different curls around and those ridiculous eyes like her dad.”

  “You sound ludicrous. Are you mad because she’s beautiful?” Landon asked eyes narrowing.

  “Sure, right, yea, she’s beautiful.” She sneered. “I try to make sure that she can have a good life. I bring her here so she can experience what a real life is like. And what do I get huh?” she drained her glass and threw her hands on her hips. “She’s always fucking trying to take everything but it’s not working this time honey. She’s only using you I hope you know that.”

  “Seriously? Come on… tell me how you really feel. You do realize that you didn’t even say you were thankful for her. The very few times you’ve been around all you did was talk down to her. I’ve known her basically my whole life and I never understood a lot about her. Having been around what, 2 or 3 discussions and it all makes perfect sense. No one is sleeping with her for your information and it says a lot about you when that is the first thing that comes to mind. What is it that she’s taking from you, huh?”

  “How dare you little boy. You have no fucking clue what I’ve been through. All that I always have to sacrifice for this girl. How many times do I have to go to the school and pick her up because she doesn’t have simple coordination skills? Making sure she’s not trying seduce my boyfriends. You would think that me being married to Dean would mean something right? But no, she’s trying to worm her way with him too. She’s tricked Max into thinking she’s some type of mother material. You say she’s not sleeping with you guys but I know it’s not true. She’s using that to make you guys like her; you won’t even give me a chance so I know she’s doing something. I guess you guys just approved of her so your sister likes her too. She didn’t even say a word to me. And you want to talk about thanks – not one of you ungrateful children thanked me. I will be your mother. All the trouble I am going through to get you kids to open up to me and you just refuse. But I’m not going anywhere because your dad and I love each other so get used to the idea and cut the fucking crap. I sacrificed my home and my shop so that I can give her better and this is how you all repay me.” Her breathing was heavy and her face had gotten red during her rant.

  “No, you bought yourself here to try to pretend to be a fucking princess. I’m sure you quit your job before my dad was even done asking the question. All you’ve done since you got here is spend your time fucking shopping. What you think you’re the first? How you got him to propose is beyond me. Your right we don’t fucking like you and we never fucking will. You’re a selfish bitch and I haven’t heard not one good thing come out of your mouth about your daughter. You’re telling me it’s a hassle to pick her up from school or anywhere else if she’s fucking hurt? We know your type and so does Max and that is why we don’t like you. You’re a gold digging whore, and you probably won’t last. My dad works so much he hasn’t realized it yet, hell he probably doesn’t even know you’re gone as much as he is. While he’s out making the money you’re spending it. You’re one of those that feel like you’re just entitled to live this lifestyle. Please.”

  “Whoa this is some deep shit. What’s going on future mom are you mad ‘cause we don’t like you or because your daughter is probably a better lay?” Nick said. I wonder how long he’s been there, but he doesn’t look happy at all.

  “So you guys are going to just gang up on me now huh?” my mom asked swinging her head between the three of us.

  “Oh stop being dramatic no one is ganging up on you. We’re just talking about the truths here. By the way, the expression is true… the truth hurts. Suck it up. Or go upstairs and suck him off…” he ran a hand through his hair and walked over to where Landon and I were standing. As he walked past her he muttered but we still heard him, “I’m betting that’s what got you here.”

  “I don’t have to take this shit. Lucy so you’re just going to stand there? You’re not even going to defend me? You know this is all true!” my mom said glaring at me.

  “You just insulted me seven ways to Sunday and you expect me to back you. I’d like to just stand here and silently listen to you dig yourself a huge ass grave if that’s alright with the rest of you.” No way in fuck was I helping her here. She sounds delusional. How I never realized it I have no idea. I guess the fact it’s not all directed at me for once.

  She shrieked, “you little bitch. I should’ve just left you with your lousy father. I never should’ve taken you. Why did I think I could somehow avoid you inheriting his shitty personality is beyond me. There was more than once you know that I considered telling him about you. I probably should now so you can stop ruining this for me.” She was shaking with anger.

  I stumbled back into the counter. Landon turned to look at me and I saw the hatred in his eyes. Nick’s eyes went wide and his mouth was in the shape of an O. Everyone understood what she just said. I thought my dad died when I was a baby, and I couldn’t remember him. No he’s alive and knows nothing about me.

  “Do you mean my dad is alive somewhere and you lied to me my whole life?” I asked hoping I heard wrong.

  My mother waved her hand dismissively, “you’re not missing a damn thing from him. I’ve always told you everything you needed to know about him. He’s a bastard, period.” My mom stated as if she was telling us what her favorite food was.

  “But I thought the money that we had to help us get by was from his death…” nothing is making any sense right now.

  “Oh it was, but not from his death. That was a parting gift I gave myself when I left his ass. Hey I was having his bastard child anyway; he might as well help some way.” My mom said as if that made it all better.

  “Oh my god” I whispered. I didn’t even want to know what she was implying with that statement. Landon grabbed my arm and pulled me to him and held me rubbing soothing circles on my back.

/>   “I knew you were a gold digging bitch – but that was just low.” Nick said.

  “Whatever,” she snapped back at him, “you guys were practically begging for it. What’s the big deal anyway? Now she knows I was her dad’s side piece so I made sure I could support us when I left.”

  “Rebecca? What’s going on?” We all turned towards the voice. Dean was standing there with all the color drained from his face. I don’t think I even want to know how much of this shit show he’s heard, but it looks like enough.

  My mom seemed to deflate. All the anger and resentment that was showing through her face and body instantly vanished. She flashed him a seductive smile and went to his side wrapping an arm around him and putting her head into his chest.

  “Oh thank god you’re here. I think that you need to have a discussion with your son and nephew here. I don’t know what they’re doing with my daughter but I’m sure they’re both having sex with her… probably all together. In this house. That’s practically incest. We need to stop this before it gets out of control.” She put her head up to look into his eyes on the last sentence. I threw up a little in my mouth, the bitch was just plain evil.

  Dean frowned. “I heard quite a bit of that conversation and we can talk about that privately. But, I don’t think they’re both sleeping with her. They’re like brothers and I know they don’t share girls. And they’re not actually related so it’s not incest. From where I’m standing it looks like her and Landon have a thing for each other and I must say I’m not surprised. They are the same age and they go to school and live together. They’re both attractive kids Rebecca and they spend a lot of time here. Landon said that none of them are having sex and I believe him. If there’s one thing I know about him is that although I know he isn’t a virgin,” he raised his eyebrow at Landon then redirected his attention to my mother, “he’s no liar. But I do not approve of sex under this roof to put that on the record. Why don’t you kids head upstairs so we can talk?”

  Landon tugged on me and kept his arm wrapped around me as we headed upstairs and to my room. I lay down in the bed and he followed me pulling the comforter over us. He pulled me back into his arms and I draped my arm around his stomach. I put my face in the crook of his neck. We laid there for about 5 minutes not saying anything when I felt the wetness on my face. I was crying I knew it was only a matter of time. That whole scene was insane, it’s like she took joy in corrupting my world. He let me cry on him until the tears dried up, I honestly don’t even know how long I was crying for. He just held me and rubbed circles on my back. When it was over I was exhausted.

  “Hey, babe. It’s going to be ok.” Landon whispered. I couldn’t respond to him because I didn’t know if that was true. He must’ve known what I was thinking because he put his finger under my chin and motioned my head up so his eyes could meet mine. “I wouldn’t lie to you. You have me and it will be fine. Your mother is a bitch, but you don’t need her. You have me, and even Nick, Erica, and Max. That was some fucked up shit she just did but she doesn’t matter. Don’t let her hurt you no more you hear me?” for some reason I believed him. I nodded my head back to him.

  “Ok, now come give me a kiss angel it’s been too long.” He murmured pulling me up his body. I was still lying next to him but now my chest was against his while my head hovered over his. I searched his eyes and saw he was fully sincere. So I leaned down and gave him a peck and pulled my head back. He chuckled and shook his head. The hand that was on my face moved to the back of my head, and he brought his other hand up to my shoulder. “You’re not getting away with just that, now kiss me woman.” I smiled. He put pressure on the back of my head bringing my mouth back to his. This time he kissed me. Since that first day we haven’t really kissed like that. It was always just closed lip, quick stolen kisses. This time when my lips met his, his tongue snaked out demanding entrance. I opened for him and he began really kissing me. This was very different from before. The first time it was frantic and all consuming, filled with so many emotions. This time it was soft and gentle, like he was taking his time. He continued searching my mouth, and even though there was no rush I still got that hazy feeling and all I could think about was us and this kiss. I pressed myself closer to him and slung my leg over his and it feel between his. His hands began to roam my body and hair. When we finally came up for air he groaned into my neck. “I like kissing you too much, Lucy.”

  A huge idiotic grin broke out across my face. “I like you kissing me a lot. But I don’t think it’s too much.” I whispered and gave him another peck.

  He groaned again, “you want more don’t you lady?” I kissed him again in response. Hell yes!

  We kissed for a little while after that then settled back into the bed. I don’t know when it happened but I eventually fell asleep in his arms.


  The next day, we went shopping for a Christmas tree and decorations. By we, I mean Me, Nick, Landon, Erica, and Max. When we got back we spent the remainder of the weekend decorating. We had a ton of fun. We got to it as early as possible for Max to enjoy it. My mom wasn’t seen or heard she kept herself invisible… fine by us. Erica found out about all the action she missed, when Nick headed to the kitchen she had headed to her bed to get over her food coma. She was not at all happy and was another person on the long line of people who hate Rebecca.

  Nick had snuck out for a while on Sunday to go finally pick out a car. His reasoning was, “I don’t want to get stuck around you two doing any type of hanky panky if I can’t join in.” Landon more than encouraged him to go and not return without a car.

  We returned back to school that Monday, and Landon insisted that I ride with him. Nick had found a car but it won’t be here until Wednesday, he drove Erica’s. He held my hand the entire way to school. When he pulled into a parking spot he kissed the hand he was holding and got out of the car. I was gathering up my book bag and coffee when my door opened. I looked up to find Landon standing there grinning.

  “Are you trying to be a gentleman?” I asked him, he had that glint in his eyes that said he was up to something and I became suspicious.

  He shrugged, “yea, come on now get out. And get used to it.” I got out of the car and he closed the door behind me. I started to walk towards the school when I felt a slap against my ass. I turned to look at him, and he pressed a hand against his chest feigning hurt, “you going to run from me after I open doors for you? Get your ass back here Lucy.”

  I laughed at him and made my way back to him slowly. He kept his ass exactly where he was when he opened the door. I stood in front of him, “yes Landon?” I asked and raised my eyebrow. He tsk’d me and before I can even notice he moved he grabbed me and spun me then had me pressed up against the car. He came in front of me and nuzzled his face in my neck.

  “I want you to walk with me. Stop being mean.” Landon pouted, oh man how have I never seen him do that. He looks adorable!

  I sighed as if this was a hardship. “Fine Landon lets go, do I need to hold your hand too?” I asked.

  He was still pouting and he nodded. I sighed again and rolled eyes and held out my hand palm up. He grabbed it and grinned and gave me a peck on the lips. He snatched my bag off my shoulder and threw it over his next to his own. Then he started walking towards the school and tugged on me to walk while he swung our arms in an exaggerated way. He was acting like a damn 10 year old and hell if I don’t love it.

  As we walked from the parking lot through the halls we were getting a ton of stares, but no one said anything and I knew exactly why. Landon. No one had the balls to question him and even though there was wonder and curiosity in everyone’s eyes they never asked them. We were almost to my locker when we ran into Nick.

  He looked at us with a raised eyebrow, “you guys actually came?” his eyes scanned me then Landon thoroughly from head to toe, “and you look… intact. I thought you would hit the motel 6 or something.” Mel walked up behind him and slapped him on the back of his head. His eyes narr
owed into something dangerous and he spun around. When he saw Mel he immediately relaxed again.

  “Oh Mel, you just need a reason to touch me? It’s ok just say you want to, matter of fact you don’t even have to ask you just touch me all you want.” He grabbed her hand and pulled his shirt up with the other and wiped her hand down his impressive 6 pack. Yes this is Nick I know, but I’m no nun. I can appreciate a hot body when it’s in front of me.

  Mel turned beat red. This was awesome watching these two. She snatched her hand away from his and glared at him. I noted a few girls in the hall giving him appreciative stares. He just grinned back at her broadly. She turned her attention to us; I think she was trying to contain the blush. “Hey Landon, Luce”

  Landon pulled her into a side hug, “Hey Mel. And don’t let this fool get to you. It’ll only egg him on, trust me.” She only groaned.

  When Landon released her she turned to me, “you just got here too? I’m heading to my locker.” She stepped forward as if to take me from Landon but he pulled me into him and wrapped both arms around me.

  “No Mel, no way!” Landon said.

  “Are you guy’s serious right now? I’m not going to kidnap her you know?” Mel replied with her hands on her hips.

  “You might try and I don’t want to let her go, so no. deal with it.” Landon told her and she just shook her head and sighed but her eyes were filled amusement.

  “Don’t you worry sweet cheeks, you can roll with me. I’m cuter than them anyway.” Nick chimed in. Mel opened her mouth to argue so he swooped down and grabbed her by the legs and tossed her over his shoulder. “No fighting this sugar. Its happening.” he slapped her butt when she started to wiggle, “stop moving so much woman… better yet keep going so I have a reason to feel you up.” She stopped fighting after that and looked at us and glared. We were walking behind them and Landon stuck his tongue out at her in teasing.


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