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Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1)

Page 20

by Belle Winters

  “Hey, but we’re heading out now.” Landon told him. He grabbed my new leather jacket and Max’s jacket with a picture of Spiderman on the back. He handed Max his and then walked mine to me. When he handed it over his fingers skimmed mine and I licked my really dry lips. He watched the movement then went to get his own as everyone else followed suit.

  I turned to Dan, “sorry, but I’ll call you later. We have to go like now to get there on time.” He nodded then leaned down to kiss me. I turned my head to the side at the last minute letting him catch my cheek. He stood up giving me a questioning look. When I didn’t say anything he sighed and walked out without another word. Two seconds later I heard his car leave. Nick caught my eye and gave me a smile, he caught that. I scowled at him for being nosy. We were walking towards the door, when Landon passed by and his finger grazed my wrist with the bracelet. I looked up at him and caught his dimple, as he walked out past me.

  The place was a zoo. There were people everywhere and the adrenaline was flowing through the air. When we got there and showed our passes and VIP tickets, we were allowed to bypass the line. The guys told us to go find our seats, while they’ll deal with the jungle getting snacks for everyone. Erica said she’d go with them to help carrying stuff. I scooped Max up since people were shoving a bit and made my way with Mel to our seats. We sat down and Max sat to my right. When the guys arrived, Nick took the available seat by Mel and Landon and Erica sat next to Max. When Max said he wanted to sit between Erica and Landon, Landon switched seats with him… which would put me next to Landon for the whole game. Oh my god.

  We were eating and having a good time. Landon polished off his drink and hotdog and decided he was welcomed to mine. I didn’t complain, I figured the closest we’d get to kissing again was sharing a straw. I know I’m pathetic but I relished in it. I was bringing the hot dog to my mouth when he grabbed my hand and redirected it to his own and took a bit up to my fingers. He then licked the ketchup off my finger. I think I just swooned.

  It was around the beginning of the second quarter when Mel grabbed my arm and started shaking it. I turned to her and she was grinning from ear to ear and then pointed up at the monitor in front. It was the kiss cam and it was zeroed in on me and Landon. Max hopped on Landon’s lap and pointed up and grabbed my cheeks and planted a kiss on my forehead which I returned and he started clapping. Landon placed him back in his seat and turned my way. He grabbed my head and crashed his lips on mine. He wasn’t gentle. This kiss felt frantic and I melted into him. My hands came up and grabbed onto his hair. His hands came around me and he picked me up onto his lap so that I was straddling him. His tongue darted across my bottom lip and I opened for him. My hands gripped his hair tighter and I ground my hips on him. It wasn’t until I heard Nick screaming in the background that we broke off. I turned around to see that it was all captured on the screen and the crowd was going wild. I heard a few “that was hot,” and “holy damn” coming from the crowd. I blushed and waved up at the screen, and Landon gave the cam a little wave and a cocky grin showcasing his dimples. The one to melt your panties and I’m sure more than a few woman here lost theirs completely if the comments was anything to go by. He gave my ass a firm slap for the cam and deposited me to my seat.

  The announcer’s voice came over the speakers, “Well that has got to be one of the hottest things the kiss cam has ever seen. This whole room is steaming right now.” The crowd started cheering encore, “Sorry people we can’t. We just gave you three kisses worth of that. We’ll see if we can find another kiss tonight to top that. But man will it be hard, no pun intended.” The crowd roared in laughter then the game resumed.

  It was a few seconds left until half time when security came to our seats and got us. We followed him to the locker room where the team entered shortly after. The coach greeted us first. He shook each one of our hands and said he was aware of our arrival for the day and knew a bunch about each of us. He also went as far to say that he knows all about Christmas and that us being here was gifts to each other. When he turned to the team, he threw an arm around Nick and the other on me. He informed them that we were the ones he told them about and they signed the jersey for us.

  Stephen Curry stepped up first and greeted Nick. Max tapped his leg, and he bent down to meet his eyes, “Hey little man, you’re Max right?” he asked.

  Max’s eyes went wide and he nodded, “Yes, that’s me. How did you know?” he asked astonished. Before he could answer Max continued, “You’re Nicks favoritest player EVER, and I like you too. And so does Landon.” He informed him with a huge grin on his face.

  “Is that right?” He asked Max, who just nodded in response. He gave him a head nod and stood up and moved to the back of the room. When he came back he had jerseys in his hand. He handed one to me, Landon, Erica, Mel, and they even had one for Max in his size. These were authentic team jerseys but they had our names and a number for us, signed by the whole team including the coach. Coach informed us that we had to wear them during the rest of the game. I noticed then that Nick didn’t get one. I frowned.

  Stephen then pulled out another one that had Nick’s name on it, and I noted the MVP on it. Stephen signed his name large on the front by the collar and on the back above his number. Everyone else’s signatures were all around. He told Nick before he can have it; he needed to do something for him. He said from what he heard, he’s now Nick’s number one fan and Nick needed to sign his jersey. He handed him a pen and Nick signed his name in the same spots on Stephen’s jersey. When we left to return to our seats, a lot of eyes were on us. I can’t say I blame them giving the new attire. Nick was on cloud nine.

  It was the fourth quarter and the announcer got back on the mic. “We have a message here. Apparently the Warriors have some new recruits.” The cam flashed and took us all in. Max jumped up and down waving at the cam. “Wait a minute; the team’s MVP is there?” Stephen stepped into the middle of the court, and pointed at Nick’s signature. “Hold on, does Stephen have an autograph there?” Stephen nodded and pointed enthusiastically. “What does it say? Does that say Nick?” Stephen nodded even more. “Where’s Nick?”

  The cam was still on us and Max jumped from his seat and ran to Nick and pointed saying “here, he’s here, right here!”

  “Nick we can’t see you!” the announcer bellowed. Nick stood up from his seat and handed Mel his drink. He gave a wave.

  “Wait a minute your girl is also on the team? You know what that means…” the announcer said then the screen started to change into the kiss cam. “Can you keep up with your friends over there? Or do they need to steam this place up again?” The Warriors started to cheer, “Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick,” egging the crowd on to join. He gave a smug grin and shot a look at us and mouthed sorry. He turned to Mel grabbed her hand and tugged her up. He pulled her flush against him and kissed her. This must’ve been a long time coming because he dipped her back while their mouths were fused. He put a hand on her ass as he stood back up straight without breaking contact and picked her up having her wrap her legs around him. We were all going crazy. Me, Landon, and Erica were more excited than the entire arena and that’s saying something. We were all on our feet cheering them on. When they broke apart and he set her down the crowd boo’d asking for more.

  The Warriors started bouncing up and down, chanting with the crowd, “More, More, More, More…” I was laughing hysterically. Then I realized the opposing team had joined them on the floor and was also riling the crowd up asking for more.

  The announcer piped back in, “who am I to deny the crowd and the teams. We’re going to break the rules here, but how’s about you two couples have a kiss off for the hottest Warriors and kiss cam EVER!” he said. The crowd got even louder, I couldn’t hear anything. There was stomping, clapping, chanting, it was insane. We were in one of the rows behind railing. Landon turned me around and stalked towards me like I was his pray. I have no idea what was going on with Nick and Mel because I was focused on Landon watching me
like I was dinner. I kept backing away from him until my butt hit the railing. He caged me in, and pressed his hips against mine. He grinded against me once, then twice. I threw my head back and it hung over the rail. He ran his hand through my hair pulling out the band I had keeping my hair up. My hair fell down as he started trailing kisses over my neck and I closed my eyes. He grinded against me again and this time I followed. The noise got even louder, and I didn’t even think that was possible. His hands ran up from my thighs up to the underside of my breast. His hand found the back of my head and he pulled my head up. He ran his tongue over my closed lips and I opened my eyes slowly. Once I met his eyes his lips found mine and I immediately opened my mouth for him. I was holding onto his t-shirt for dear life. I let my hands push up his shirt a bit revealing a piece of his six pack and let my hands wander across his skin. He put both hands on my neck and rubbed my chin with his thumbs, as he slowed down the kiss and resorted to pecks. He ground his hips hard against mine and I moaned and followed his lead.

  “HOLY HOT DAMN!” was the first actual word I recognized. The crowd was on their feet and I saw woman fanning themselves. Guys were giving wolf whistles. I saw Mel and Nick breaking apart and wonder how bad this all looked. I looked back at Landon who was still pressed against me giving me both of his dimples. It was totally worth it. I smiled back at him and his grin widened. Those dimples were talking to me… what the hell. I let instinct take over and I leaned forward stuck out my tongue and licked one. More cheers erupted and I dropped my head to his chest laughing. “I think that was a tie, how do you even judge that? I think the kiss cam is officially traumatized.” The voice rang out. He grabbed me and bought back to my seat and Mel and Nick sat down too. Nick leaned forward and gave us a cocky grin and mouthed “we won.” I didn’t care who the crowd thought won, but I sure felt like I did. The perfect ending to this amazing game was the Warriors won.

  When we got home, Dean was in the kitchen on the computer. He eyed us, “had a good time?” he asked. He took a look at us noticing the jersey’s we were all sporting.

  Everyone was still extremely excited, and Max launched into the story of what we ate and meeting the team. Nick signing Stephens’s jersey and him wearing it for the rest of the game. He grabbed a caprisun from the fridge and took a seat next to Dean, and informed him, “Oh and there was a lot of kissing. I kissed Lucy on the kiss cam too.”

  I turned bright red. I’m happy that was all he said. Dean chuckled, “yes I saw that, and the rest of the kissing. You kids can sure put on a show huh. I wonder if the crowd knew you guys were only 17. I can’t say it looked that way.” Dean said arching an eye brow and looking at Nick, Landon, Mel, then me each individually. Mel turned beat red. Landon looked down, but I could see the smile playing on his face and Nick looked everywhere but at Dean. He just laughed.

  Watching TV later that day we saw the game highlights a few times, on different channels. Our faces and the antics were everywhere. They were talking about our jerseys and how they are worth a flipping fortune. I’ll never sell this thing, there are way too many great memories now attached to it. The team received a lot of praise for just doing that for us and most of all how Stephen let a fan sign his jersey and sported it for the game proudly. Then made sure that we received some of the limelight during the game, noting how the whole thing was really unusual and was a first for NBA history. The team definitely deserved the admiration. Erica brought up at one point that we should know the whole school will know about this whole thing when we got back. The media wasn’t keeping it a secret and they got some really good shots of our faces. Max and I got voted cutest kiss cam ever, he was so proud that he gave me another. They showed our kisses on TV and still framed on his signature smile. The girls cooed over how cute he is. Of course they fanned themselves over Nick and Landon, and got a close up of the abs I put on show and said how lucky we are. They spoke about how hot Mel is, which I already knew. To my surprise quite a few of the guys and girls reporting spoke about how sexy they thought I was and how great we all looked as couples. Erica was noticed as well, and she appeared to be single. More than a few said she was hotter than a model and she could call them anytime. I can’t deny though, we did put on quite a show. We all looked like we were way too into the kisses, and they were hell of hot looking at it. The fact that Dan would see crossed my mind, but he should be ok. It was all in good fun, it’s not like we asked for the attention or anything. Besides, I don’t regret one second of the day.

  The party was starting at 5 tonight. We were required to be there as soon as it started but we needed to make an entrance at a decent hour. Erica informed us the house will be a madhouse throughout the day being transformed for the party. I was more than nervous, so she insisted we hit the spa and get the package. Mani’s, Pedi’s, hair done, wax, massages, the whole nine yards. Normally I wouldn’t feel comfortable with this but I figured that there will be plenty of extremely polished people and I didn’t want to stick out like a sore thumb. We showered and got out of the house. As Erica had said there were already a bunch of people running in and out of the house.

  We were at the spa for hours and when we left I felt good. It definitely was the confidence boost I needed. We made it back to the house around 4:30. Just in time. We weren’t required to be at the party as soon as it started but they didn’t want us running in while the party was in swing to run and get ready. We went straight upstairs and started to get ready. We took our time. When I got to my room I thought of my dress. I remembered to buy the tape to make sure the dress held up but I didn’t think about panty lines. I took in a deep breath and grabbed the box of stuff from Nick. I found a pair of white lace thongs, and the tag said no panty lines. I put them on the bed and stared for a while. We agreed after we showered we would go to Erica’s room for primping. Our stuff was in there. I took my time showering careful not to mess up my hair. When I was done I made sure to get lotion on my entire body. When there was nothing else left to do, I put on the underwear and grabbed the tape. I threw on my robe and darted down the hall to Erica’s room. Erica and Mel were already in there.

  Mel was fluent with makeup so she went to work on her own. We chatted about what to expect at the party and took our time. At around 6:00 we decided to start getting dressed. Erica pulled out our dresses and laid them on the bed. We all took ours out and went to work putting them on, helping each other with zippers, ties, and things. When I had mine fully on I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked at myself in the blue dress. It was strapless and the top formed the shape of an M, as if it would be following the curves of my breast. The top was full of pretty crystals. It was fitted snuggly and my chest popped up almost as if they wanted to spill out. There was definitely some push up in the design of the dress. The mid-section that covers my stomach is sheer, with a few slashes through that expose my skin. The entire back was out and I dropped so low that it fell right about my ass. The bottom was fitted as well like a second skin, going all the way down to the floor. It was a bit long which mean I needed to wear heels. To complete it, there was a long slit up the left side of my leg.

  That’s when I remembered my shoes. Landon had them, crap. I turned and told Erica. She slapped her forehead and shook her head.

  “He dropped this off when we got back.” she picked up the box with my shoes and there was a bag with it. I opened the bag first. Inside were two jewelry boxes. I opened the larger one first and gasped. Inside was a white gold necklace. The chain was in a design that resembled a two thin ropes entangling through each other that came to a charm in the middle. It looked like a box with a heart in it. I studied it closer and realized that it was actually two L’s making a box, with a heart in the center. There were two diamonds in the corners separating the L’s. The entire design was studded with diamonds. There were diamonds throughout the chain as well. I turned it around and read Landon on the back of one L and Lucy on the back of the other. In the back of the heart was the & sign. I broke out into a huge grin. Mel an
d Erica came over to look. They both gushed and when I showed them the engraving, Erica broke into a huge grin and shook her head.

  “You do know he’s trying to put a claim on you tonight. That’s his way of stamping your ass. But it’s a hell of a way to do it.” Erica told me.

  I shrugged, I didn’t care. The second box contained drop earrings that hung in the same rope design but was studded with more diamonds. They dropped into miniature designs of the two L’s. Finally was the bracelet which matched the set, and like the earrings had more diamonds on the ropes, and the design was in the center, a little larger than the necklace and the same engraving. I held it out and Mel removed the jewelry he got me for Christmas and put these on me. Then I put my shoes on. I walked to the mirror to see the final product. The shoes were high enough that the dress was off the floor. The jewelry worked perfectly with the outfit and the white gold matched a lot better than the gold did. My hair was done up in a bunch of large soft curls and pinned into some elegant up do, but let the curls hang down. Some curls hung free to frame my face. The makeup was more than usual, I had some eyeliner on but it was still toned down. Erica came up to me and turned me to face her.

  “And to complete your look…” she began, and pulled the tiara that Max got me for Christmas from behind her back. She placed it on my head and it worked with the hairstyle. She must have had this in mind when she recommended it. “And just so you know, this thing isn’t fake. He wanted only the best for you. So you my dear have a real tiara.” She told me. My eyes watered from happiness but I pushed it down. I can’t cry and ruin my makeup just because I’m so happy.

  I looked over at Mel who went with an off-white gown with spaghetti straps. It was fitted on her, and hugged her just right. The back was help together by thin straps going down the back still showcasing her entire back. She topped this off with red pumps. She got a bunch of small curls throughout her entire head and wore it out. The dress and the style made her red hair pop even more and gave her a unique desirable look. Erica went with a black silk dress. It’s a one shoulder gown with a slit right under the color down far enough to showcase a good amount of cleavage. The middle was made up of a sequence design. The top in the back drooped a little and the dressed hugged her ass making it look more plump than normal. There was a slit that ran from the bottom of her dress all the way up to mid-thigh. She paired this with a pair of bright multicolor Christian Dior pumps. Her hair was down with the ends curled. It was around 7:30 when we decided to head downstairs. We exited her room and were making our way to the stairs when my mother caught me by the arm.


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