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Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1)

Page 22

by Belle Winters

  “Did you put that together by yourself? Like no one had to threaten you to wear it?” Mel asked.

  I gave her a Cheshire grin and nodded. “You like?” I asked with a spin.

  Erica gave out a whistle, “you must love Nick to dress for the occasion without being asked. I must say, you are making me rethink my choice here.” Erica replied.

  They were both wearing short tight dresses, but not as revealing, or maybe it’s just the fact that my curves are fuller. Either way I gave a shrug, “You ready bitches? I think I could use the party.” I told them. They cheered and we headed down. When the elevator hit the lobby Mel and Erica headed out giggling at something. I shook my head because those two were always up to something. I tried to see passed them to see if Nick was already down here. But they were right in front of me. It then dawned on me they were trying to block me. I stopped in my tracks to check my bag since I didn’t remember putting my wallet in it. When I found it the girls were a few steps ahead of me and I followed. There was a bar located in the lobby and as they passed I noticed heads turning. The same happened when I passed. I saw a few guys eye me from head to toe. Even throwing me a few winks. That boosted my confidence and I straightened my back making my chest that much more noticeable. As I got closer to the girls, Mel turned around then released Erica. They separated giving me a clear view of Nick and Landon waiting. I saw Landon’s eyes widen then narrow as they trailed me up and down. I moved my attention to the side where I saw a decent looking guy throw me a wink. He wasn’t hot or anything, but what the fuck. I winked back, he smiled and I gave him a finger wave as I continued. When I reached the group I walked up to Nick gave him a tight hug and kiss on the cheek.

  “Happy Birthday Nick. I’m happy that we’re all together to celebrate.” I told him.

  He wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug and swung me around. He placed a huge kiss on my lips and said, “Thanks Bunny that means a lot.” He turned to the group, you guys ready? Everyone whooped and said yea, as we walked off. Landon was the only one silent.

  In the cab ride on the way over, Landon informed us that he had taken care of everything. Of course there wasn’t enough space for all of us so I sat on Erica’s lap, and Mel sat on Nicks. Other than what he said when we first got in, Landon said nothing else. When we pulled up to the club there was a ridiculously long line. When we hopped out of the cab, Landon led us straight to the front and gave his name. We were allowed immediate entrance. The bouncers made sure to check each of us out as we entered. We checked our coats and headed for the VIP section. A waiter came over and took our drink orders. We sat talked and had a few drinks, before we decided to dance.

  Erica grabbed my hand and dragged me to my feet on the dance floor, while Nick grabbed Mel. They immediately started dry humping and kissing. They need to confess already what they were doing. I nudged Erica to look and when she did she laughed and shook her head.

  “Any idea what those two are doing yet?” I asked her.

  She shook her head and said, “No, but I’m fucking dying to know.” She stopped for a second as if she wanted to say something else, but thought against it and shook her head. That can only mean it had something to do with me and Landon, and she was right… not up for discussion. Nicki Minaj started pumping through the speakers and me and Erica started to dance together. We were having a good time, and then I felt hands grab my waist. I looked up to see some guy, watching me with a smile. He wasn’t bad looking, but not my type. Who cares though, it’s just dancing. I nudged Erica, and she looked over and nodded. That’s when I noticed someone on her side. They must be friends… we never separated from each other but began dancing with these strangers. We turned to face each other and kind of got into a competition. I totally forgot about the guy as we just started trying to out dance each other. Why they even kept dancing with us I have no idea, it was obvious we weren’t paying them a bit of attention. Nick and Mel came over and Nick grabbed me to start dancing. I danced with Nick and turned. When I did I caught sight of Landon and some girl grinding on him like they were in a private room. I didn’t watch. I left Nick and let him and Mel dance.

  Erica and I started dancing together again, and decided to stop for drinks. We headed to the bar and got martinis and downed them. Then we ordered shots, we were about to down the second round when there was a voice behind me.

  “Pretty lady, want to dance?” I heard. I turned around, and goddamn was he hot. He had an accent and I was pretty sure he was here just visiting like us. I turned to Mel who was practically drooling too. She looked at me and nodded frantically. I peered to his side and noticed a guy with him. He wasn’t as good looking as this guy was but he was definitely not on the lower part of the scale.

  I nodded to him, “your friend?” I asked. He followed where I was looking then nodded. I tapped Erica, and gestured to the friend. She let out a shrug then nodded. She knew the game. We didn’t really want to separate. The guys were well… guys and Nick was all over Mel so she was fine. We turned back and drained the shots. Then let them lead us to the dance floor. We passed by Landon who was so into the girl he didn’t even see us. Her dress was all the way up where we can see her panties and his hand was pretty close to places that I don’t think they should be indulging in such a public place. But whatever, it’s not me. The song changed to a song I immediately recognized, Ginuwine’s Pony. I was feeling the liquor, and the hurt that I was trying to hide all day. With the alcohol it was there front and center.

  I grabbed mystery hot guy by the front of his shirt and pulled him flush against me. I began to sway my hips against him, and I noticed he couldn’t keep the rhythm. I let go of him and took a step back. I decided to dance around him instead of with him. He watched me curiously as I rocked my hips side to side as the beat was playing. When Ginuwine started singing I threw my hands on my hips and put some more movement into the sway occasionally twirling my hips. When the chorus came on a vision of Landon saying I was no one and letting Delilah kiss him flashed through my mind. The anger took hold and I changed my movements to a forward and then side grind alternating. When that was over I started to circle him doing different movements. I knew one of my favorite parts was coming up, “you and your body every single portion…” I mimicked a shiver throughout my body and ran my hands through my hair. Now I was in the zone. When the chorus came back on I mimicked my movements to the lyrics of the song. I wound my body to the floor and back up again. I started to roll my hips, and I threw my head back as I let my hands roam around my body as I just moved. I faced back around to the hot guy and met his eyes and slowly licked my lips as I got closer to him. Then I dropped to the floor and mimicked a quick humping motion. When I got back up I moved how a guy would when he’s grinding. I can’t remember much else, but when the song went off I became aware of everything else around me. Erica, Mel, and Nick were all standing together with their mouths hanging open. I noticed that no one else was dancing but a crowd had formed. And even hot guy was looking at me with wide eyes. Mel came and grabbed me.

  “I had no idea you could dance like that. You have been holding out. I think you gave Nick a hard on. Shit you gave me a hard on.” Mel said.

  I laughed. She was being ridiculous. Nick came to me next, “Never, and I mean never do that again. I shouldn’t be having naughty thoughts about you but I couldn’t help it when you were doing that. Where the hell did that come from? You took stripper lessons or something?” Nick asked.

  I slapped his arm and laughed harder. As we were talking the hot stranger came next to me and placed a hand on my elbow, “how about I buy you a drink?” he asked.

  I shook my head I was not excepting drinks from anyone but a bartender or waitress. He leaned closer, “how about we get out of here?” he asked moving his entire body closer to mine.

  I took as step back and shook my head. “Absolutely fucking not.” Landon said from the side. I turned to face him and he looked pissed. This is like his permanent face these days. I rolled my
eyes and grabbed Erica and Mel.

  “Drinks?” I asked. They nodded and we headed to the bar. We decided to rest for a while and drank and talked. After a while Nick and Landon came over. While we were talking a guy came up to me and asked me to dance. I was still a bit winded so I told him later. He nodded and walked off. A few more times people came by and asked us to dance which we declined.

  After a while Landon said he was ready to go. He hadn’t said much of anything at the bar so I guess he didn’t get lucky with the girl he found. Not our fault. I shook my head and said I wasn’t ready, and Erica agreed. Landon wasn’t happy. He fought with us about leaving until Erica agreed. I still didn’t want to go especially to make him happy so I waved them off and said I’d find my own cab. I just finished draining a shot when he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I fought the whole way. When we got outside he put me to my feet and pushed me against the wall.

  “What the fuck are you doing? Why are you in there dancing with everyone like that?” Landon asked.

  Oh hell no. “Oh really, who the fuck are you to say? I’ve sat around watching you kiss and cozy up to first Delilah and then Nancy. I looked for you trying to fucking thank you and what were you doing getting your fucking rocks off with her at the party. You didn’t even fucking acknowledge me. Then to top it off, were you or were you not just practically having sex with some girl on the dance floor. What the fuck, no Landon. You fucking toy with me ‘cause there’s no one else around. You kissed me at your party because you felt upstaged. You kissed me on Christmas probably because I was the only person available, and you kissed me at the game because they put the spot on you. Then at your dad’s party I watched you kiss Nancy to bring in the New Year. YOU. KISSED. HER. I fucking saw, while I was feeling like a fucking lost child there looking for someone I knew. Then you buy me jewelry as what? Fucking thanks? Now you’re mad ‘cause we’re here and your normal booty calls aren’t within range. Well you know what? FUCK YOU! Take your fucking pity gifts and shove them up your ass because I AM FUCKING DONE. It won’t happen again.” I was heaving by the time I was done and he was watching me with wide eyes.

  “You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. Remember what I fucking told you Lucy the first night we kissed. That meant you were fucking mine, you seem to be forgetting that.” Landon said.

  I laughed, a genuine heart felt laugh. “Oh so that’s what you think? Then why have I been dating Dan if I was yours huh? Yea I’m stupid for letting you get to me, but I could never be yours and you know why?” I asked.

  His nostrils flared, “why Lucy?” he asked.

  My voice lowered, all the fight in me was now gone. I met his eyes and told him gently, “because you can never be mine. And with that fact made pretty clear, I will never let you have me.”

  I walked around him and to the group. He stayed there for a minute before he joined us. I couldn’t tell where his mind was at, it’s like he slipped on a mask. And I didn’t give a shit because I just let it all hang out. I know they all heard the confrontation, and are now all aware of our tension but no one commented on it. On the way back Mel and I switched places so I sat on Nicks lap, the furthest away from Landon as possible. Nick rubbed soothing circles on my back and gave me reassuring smiles. Before we got out I gave him a kiss on the cheek, then whispered another happy birthday and thanks to him.

  When we got back to the room I informed the girls that I really wanted to experience Paris. And if they would mind acting like a tourist with me tomorrow. Mel texted Nick who responded they were down with the idea. That instantly brightened my mood. No one asked any questions about Landon and I because there really was nothing to ask. They were there throughout everything mentioned. I was grateful that no one wanted to talk about it. I thought about all the possibilities of tomorrow as I laid down to go to sleep.

  I woke up early and sat in the living room waiting for the others. I texted Nick to let me know when they woke up. He texted me a short while later and I told him that they should bring the stuff they’re wearing for today to our room and we can have breakfast here then get ready. I ordered a ton of food for breakfast. Mel and Erica were awake when Landon and Nick knocked on the door, not even 15 minutes later had room service arrived. I grabbed some bacon, eggs, sausage, home fries, and a couple of pancakes. I inhaled the food and grabbed some more, instead of pancakes this time I opted for fruit. Everyone stuffed their faces as much as possible.

  When we were all done we decided to get a tour of the Palace of Versailles, then we’ll probably go for lunch, then hit up some shops and things… just be normal tourists. We’ll do that until it’s time to catch a Moulin Rouge show, and finish the night off at the Eiffel. Landon coordinated things with the tour, show, and Eiffel Tower so that there are no lines for us. Then we took turns getting ready. Erica was insistent on picking out my outfit so I let her. I thought I was a little overdressed but I decided to entertain her.

  When we left the hotel and Landon had rented a car for the day. He made a stop at a shop so we can pick up cameras. He grabbed 5, one for each of us and hopped in. Of course he didn’t go for disposable. He chose hi-tech cameras with video recording and everything. We took tons of pictures and videos on the tour, everyone was smiling and laughing and I felt a weight lift off of my shoulders. I decided that in order to enjoy myself, I needed to let go of all the turmoil in my life for the night and just focus on the present. At one point I was so focused on trying to take a picture, I didn’t notice the group of people coming my way. I felt an arm snake around my waist moving me out of the way. I gasped shocked, and tried to turn and ended up knocking us both off balance. When we hit the floor I looked down to see Landon beneath me. I couldn’t help but laugh at the two of us splayed out on the floor. Nick caught a picture of us laughing.

  We found a cozy little place for lunch. We ordered a ton of food and decided to share it around each taking some of everything. We stayed there for a little over an hour. When we left, Erica insisted we go do some shopping. Everyone found something, of course Erica found more than a few something’s for us girls. We even found a few things Max would love. The streets were crowded so we had to stick close together. After almost losing each other a few times, Landon grabbed a hold of my hand while Erica and Mel linked arms. Nick stayed on their ass the whole time. We found a place to get some tasty pastries. Nick and Landon’s greedy asses strayed into bakeries and shops more than once because they got hungry, in my opinion they just wanted to stuff their faces. We loaded up our bags into the car and headed to the show. It was the best show I’ve ever seen in my life. The guys weren’t particularly happy to see it, but by the end I could see they had gotten into it.

  It was around midnight when we reached the Eiffel Tower. We took our time making our way around. It felt freeing being here. I made everyone take a trillion pictures of me. When we finally reached our destination, I grabbed onto the rail, when I turned Landon was standing extremely close and started taking close ups of me. I tried swatting him away but he was persistent. He grabbed me and pulled me to his front and raised the camera to take selfies of us. At first I buried my head in his chest, after some encouragement I faced the camera and smiled then made funny faces. He leaned down and took a picture of him kissing my cheek, then the other. Then he grabbed my chin and moved my face to his and kissed me on the lips. I heard the pictures going off but I didn’t mind it. After a minute I pulled away. What was I doing?

  When I broke the kiss he dropped his arm holding the camera. He didn’t release me, and continued to look down watching me. I shook my head and tried to step back from him but he followed keeping a hold on me. “Landon, no.” I told him.

  “Why Lucy? Why do you keep doing this to me?” he whispered.

  I shook my head harder, “I’m not doing this to you. I’m doing this for me.”

  He exhaled and met my eyes, “I wasn’t lying when I said you were mine. You were all I ever wanted.”

  No, I couldn’t fa
ll for this. It would be as soon as we get back that he’s in someone else’s arms. I can’t continue to feel this hurt. “I don’t believe you. One day you’re kissing me and the next day you’re with someone else. Hell you’ve kissed me and within the hour were with someone else. That’s not wanting me Landon.”

  “Babe. I don’t sleep with anyone. I have sex, and I leave, sleeping is too intimate and I want to sleep with you every night. Whenever you shut me out I feel it in my heart. Lucy I’ve been in love with you since we were kids, and the shit won’t go away. I tried to make it go over the years but it doesn’t. Why do you think I get so pissed whenever I see Dan even look at you? He doesn’t have the right. You were made for me. I thought about what you said to me and you’re right. But you have to understand I never used to have to think about anyone else. I never told them it was ok. When they started getting pissy and annoying I would zone out. Let them talk and shit until they fucking leave me alone. In any case did you see me give them any bit of my attention? When it’s you Lucy, you always have it… even when you thought I hated you, you were the center of my attention. I went out of my way to say something to you, although I may have been an asshole. Those gifts I gave you? I gave them to you because every time I look at you I want to see a piece of me there to know that I have you.” Landon said in a whisper.

  I took a deep breath. “You kissed her at the party.” I whispered back.


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