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Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1)

Page 25

by Belle Winters

  I rolled my eyes. Can your ego get any larger? No one needs a self-esteem boost over here. I finished eating and headed to my room to get rid of some stress with some good old, How to Get Away with Murder. The way things are shaking out around here these days, I might need to take notes. Why did I feel like I was missing out on something before when my life was boys free?

  Later that night, Landon came into my room without knocking. Instinctively I shrieked, “what if I was in here naked or something?”

  He shrugged, “I would’ve died a happy man because I’m sure you would’ve killed me.”

  I rolled my eyes, “what can I do for you this fine night?” I asked him.

  He chuckled, “sarcasm does not become you angel. Quit it. I have something to ask you and I’m kind of nervous. You’re not helping me by teasing me.”

  “Whoa… shoes on the other foot now and you can’t take it? It’s all good as long as you’re not the butt of the joke hmmm?” I tapped my lip with my finger, “maybe I should make you a little more uncomfortable just for the hell of it. I wonder if I can make you blush.” I told him playfully.

  He tried to keep a serious face and was failing miserably. He sighed and let out a little laugh. “Can I come in and talk to you about something for a minute Lucy?” he asked.

  I sighed and plopped down on my pillow. I waved my hand like I was a queen and said, “if you must.”

  He closed the door behind him on a long exhale. He stood by the door watching me but didn’t move or speak.

  I sighed dramatically, “Tuh, peasants. If you’re here to waste my time you can find your way out.” And I unmuted the TV.

  He was across the room by the bed in two quick strides then jumped me. “Ahhhhhh” I squealed. Before I could wrap my head around what was happening he was on top of me and had me pinned to the bed.

  “You aint got shit to say now huh? He asked.

  “I will scream bloody murder I see the mischief in your eyes. You’re going to do something.” I accused.

  “The door is closed, go ahead and scream.” He challenged me.

  I narrowed my eyes, “but it isn’t locked. What do you think my poor mom will think when she hears me screaming and comes running to find you pinning me to a bed. Oh My. I can only imagine the scandal.” I said trying to keep a straight face.

  He leaned his head closer to mine, “fuck your mother.” He said.

  I scoffed, “well I’ll tell you, you are most definitely in the wrong room for that. You should go find her.”

  He growled and bent down and bit my neck.

  “Did you just growl and bite me? What are you a fucking animal now?” I asked him, shocked that he flipping bit me and pissed that I kind of liked it.

  “You liked it. I can see your face getting flushed. You like me here on top of you pinning you down to the bed. You want me to kiss you Lucy huh?” he bent his head down and bought his mouth close to my chin. I felt his breath there but it never connected. Instead he swiped his cheek there barely making contact. “You want me to touch you Lucy? Tell me where you want me touch you.” He prodded.

  I shook my head. Nope, I knew this was a game. I remembered his promise. He wanted payback for me teasing him. Instead I grinned and he grinned back. When he did I bent up and licked my favorite dimple than quickly dipped my tongue in the dent and fell back against the bed. When I met his eyes again they were so dark, his grip tightened on me but not to the point of pain. He shook his head, “you’re going to pay for that. I’m keeping tabs Lucy. You think you’re winning now but remember I’m going to get your ass back for teasing me.” He nipped me again then released me and dropped down on the bed next to me.

  He rolled over to his side to face me and placed a hand on my hip urging me to do the same. “Now that playtime is over, can I tell you what I came here for? It’s killing me. I feel like Max waiting for you to open his new Spiderman toy. I’ll never laugh at him again.”

  I chuckled and nodded. He ran a hand through his hair. “Before Erica left, she gave me something. She told me to hold onto it, and try to give it back when the time was right. I don’t know when the right time is, and I’m tired of waiting. There’s no pressure here. I told you what it symbolizes to me, but –“

  I cut him off by placing my finger on his lips. He was so cute and flustered, but to be honest I already knew what he was talking about. It was the necklace and bracelet he got me for Christmas. He looked at me warily and I sighed and cocked my eyebrow. He dropped his gaze and I saw his shoulders slightly slump forward. I immediately felt bad for messing with him. I ran my hand through his hair and whispered, “Landon.” He didn’t move. I scooted a little closer where our knees were touching, I ran a hand through his hair again, “Landon look at me please?” at my plea he looked up. He looked… rejected. That’s the only word that I could think of. I leaned forward and broke the rules and pecked him on the lips. “Give it back now or else.”

  He pushed himself up on his elbow and looked down at me. “For real?” he asked. I nodded. He had a small smile on his face. “You’re not just saying it to make me happy are you? Because then I wouldn’t want you to take it. I want you to want it.” he said, I think more to reassure himself. I nodded again.

  I pushed myself up so that our positions mirrored each other. “I want to wear it Landon. I never wanted to take it off. I thought it was only for that one night, but well… anyway, if you have it do you mind putting it back on me please?” I asked. I got his full smile this time and I returned it.

  He nodded and sat up. He pulled the items from his pocket and grabbed my arm to pull me into a sitting position. He put his legs on either side of mine and grabbed my hair pushing it to one side. He placed a kiss at the top of my spine and my entire body trembled. I moved my hand up to get my hair out of the way and he slapped it away so I dropped it and let him work. He fastened the necklace around my neck and then pulled my hair from under the chain. When he was done he turned me to face him and I straddled his legs. His fingers ran the length of the necklace from the clasp in the back to the charm then he leaned over and kissed the swing. My heart raced. His fingers trailed from my shoulders down to my wrist. He grabbed my left one, he remembered. He fastened the bracelet into place and pressed a kiss to the inside of my wrist then my palm. He interlinked our fingers and placed them on my knees. He stared at the necklace on me and sighed.

  His eyes met mine, “its late Lucy, go to bed.” He said then picked me up off of him and put me into bed. After he tucked me in he started to walk away and I grabbed his wrist.

  “Sleep here tonight with me?” I asked. I don’t know why I felt so needy, but I wasn’t ready for him to leave yet.

  He nodded and then got into bed beside me turning off the light on his way. When he got into the bed he murmured, “sleep Lucy, turn off the TV.”

  I groaned and reached for the remote turning it off. “Happy dad?” I asked.

  “I’m not a dad yet, we’ll get there someday. Don’t rush it.” he responded and wrapped his arm around me pulling me into him so we could spoon. I was still holding my breath from his response. Shit, I’m speechless. I didn’t dwell on it. I sunk into the comfort of his arms and fell right to sleep.


  The next day when we went to school I rode with Landon, not that I had a choice. Even though he slept with me and we had a moment last night, he stuck true to his word. He didn’t grab my hand or do anything that signaled a relationship and that was a relief for me. I still wasn’t ready for that, not even close. We walked to my locker and cracked jokes on each other and went to first class together. He let me choose my seat, and he decided to sit right behind me. Not that I was surprised but I should’ve known better. Before I used to dread it because I didn’t know what he would do out of fear… well something’s never changed. But the difference was I didn’t think he would hurt me or do anything bad, I just know his sneaky ass would do something.

  I didn’t have to wait long before I sta
rted seeing papers come flying onto my desk. Was he seriously trying to pass me notes? I opened the first one and it said do you think I’m cute? Circle Yes or No. I grinned and circled no and tossed it back. He threw it back and underneath was another question Do you think I’m sexy then? Circle Yes or No. again I circled no and tossed it back. This time when he flicked it he had crossed out both questions and wrote in all caps, DO YOU LIKE ME? CIRCLE YES OR YES. I scratched out both and wrote a big ass NO! I threw it back and waited now kind of enjoying his silliness. Only a response never came, so I got back into my classwork. It was about 30 minutes later, 5 minutes left of class when a paper came my way. I held it for a couple of minutes while I finished writing down the homework assignment before I opened it. DO YOU LOVE ME? This time there were no yes or no circle options. I’ve been messing with him this whole time, but for some reason this question felt serious. I decided to be honest this time and wrote YES! And tossed it back. It took less than 30 seconds before it came flying back my way. This time it was simple. I LOVE YOU TOO LU. I folded the paper and put in my notebook. I have no idea why I kept it, but I wanted it. I turned around to start packing and I noticed he was watching me. He saw me keep the paper and was smiling. I gave him a smile, and he started moving to pack up his stuff.

  When lunch time came around Mel and I grabbed some salads and sandwiches today, the other crap looked like barf. We made our way to the table to see the other football guys back there today, of course sitting in the same seats… and the same three seats were open. Today I headed to the seat next to Landon. I looked at his tray and he got the nasty looking shit, eww.

  He looked over at me a scowled, “what’s that face for?” he asked.

  I pointed to his tray, “your lunch. What is that?” I asked him.

  He gave me a smug smile, “the good stuff. You want?”

  I shook my head vehemently, “absolutely fucking not. Have all you can eat bro. that shit looks nasty.” I told him.

  He looked at my tray, “and what’s that rabbit food going to do for you?” he asked.

  “Not make me puke, so I’ll take it.” I responded and took a healthy bite of my salad.

  “You’re going to make me puke, can you move?” I heard from behind me. I sighed, of course…

  “I’m getting sick of this shit with you woman. Is your fucking name written on a seat in every room you occupy throughout the day or is it only the seat next to Landon?” I asked her. Ok, so maybe it was a little jealousy too along with my annoyance but so what?

  Her eyes narrowed, “what is that supposed to mean?” she asked.

  I scoffed and turned back in my chair. She knew exactly what the fuck I meant. I couldn’t have made it any clearer. She just had no good fucking response dumb twit. I turned my attention to Nick and Mel.

  “So Mel, are you going to Nick’s game this week?” I teased.

  “Nick you do know that Molly’s going to be there right? I think she’s gotten past what happened before.” Delilah cut in.

  Nick shrugged, “who cares?” then turned to me, “You coming to my game doll face? We’re going to win and you still owe me pizza for a win you know. Just in case you forgot and all.”

  I rolled my eyes, “where do you come up with all of these terms of endearment for me? I swear it’s always something new. I rarely hear you use the same one for me twice.” I told him.

  He laughed, “baby girl, with you it comes natural. What was your favorite?”

  “Oh, there’s just so many to choose from.” Ii said dryly. The other guys at the table joined in laughing.

  “He only does that because he can’t remember your name you know.” Delilah says. She’s like a fucking bug that won’t go the hell away.

  “Why are you still here?” Landon said.

  She looked at him, “for lunch… duh?” she said a bit confused.

  “This isn’t your table, you’re not invited, you’re not welcomed, and there are no seats.” He told her.

  “There’s one more seat, why doesn’t she sit next to her boyfriend so I can sit next to –“she started but got cut off by Landon.

  “To sit next to whom? Your boyfriend? Not that shit again. We were never dating and never will be. We’re done. Don’t talk to me, look at me, think about me, if you can help it don’t even cross my path. And this is the last time I’m going to say to stay the fuck away from Lucy and leave her alone. She doesn’t have your seat. She has hers. You see this,” he asked pointing to my necklace. “That means she can sit wherever the fuck she wants. She can sit here, if she wants to sit on my other side,” he points to the guy sitting next to him, “then he needs to fucking move. She can sit on my lap on my head. I don’t fucking care. We clear?” he asked.

  She had turned pale during his spiel. Once he pointed out the necklace she didn’t tear her gaze away. “You got... th...that for her? She asked.

  “Yes. Get it? What did I ever get you other than off? Are we clear?” he asked again.

  She nodded. He shook his head, “you’re not mute and I’m not too keen on repeating myself I want a verbal response to make sure there’s no further confusion after this point.” He pointed out.

  “We’re clear” she whispered. She started to turn when he stopped her again.

  “Oh, and that Molly bullshit… fucking quit it. Nick doesn’t want her, because if he did he would’ve had her. Stop trying to push that slut on him already. If she isn’t a fiery red head named Mel, he doesn’t fucking care. And it’s annoying the fuck out of me so I could only imagine how they feel about it.” he turned away from her when he was done.

  She pointed between Nick and Mel, “are you dating?”

  Mel shook her head, while Nick said, “YES.”

  Delilah narrowed her eyes at their contradiction and I snorted. Nick turned his gaze to Mel, “did you just fucking shake your head no? Or am I seeing things?” he asked her.

  She glared at him, “I absolutely did say no because we’re not dating.” She responded.

  Nick glared back, “Cut the shit sweet cheeks. I’m sick of your bullshit, your dating me and that is that. I see you talking or even looking at another guy I’m going to beat him the fuck up. How’s that. Then I’m going to throw you over my shoulder and make your ass the same color as your hair. We on the same page?” he warned.

  Mel wasn’t one to back down from a fight. “In your fucking dreams. Who the hell… AHHH! NICK PUT ME DOWN!” she screamed punching his back. Somewhere at the beginning of her rant he got fed up with her shit and picked her up. He picked up her wrapped up sandwich and their bags never letting her go.

  “I’ll see you guys later. I’m sick of playing with this goddamn girl. I swear Lu, when she goes fucking missing you better not tell anyone where the fuck she is.” He threatened me.

  I arched an eyebrow, “what?” I asked.

  “Well you’ll need to take her meals and shit ‘cause she’s going to have to eat while I have her ass cuffed to my goddamn bed to train her ass. We’ll gag her so the parents don’t find out. She’ll be in one piece later…” she screamed again, and he sighed, “well maybe. Better not get your hopes up.” With that he left the cafeteria with an irate girl on his shoulder. The entire table was laughing at them. It was obvious they were completely smitten with each other, and I haven’t seen him give any other girl any kind of attention besides me and Erica. That should tell you something because it damn sure tells me something.

  At some point Delilah walked off, but no one seemed to notice. I ate my salad then went to work on my sandwich. The guys were talking football crap, and I zoned out. I had no idea what the hell they were going on about. I had just finished a quarter of my turkey and cheese sandwich when I put it down to reach for my drink, only I didn’t have one. I forgot to get one when I got my food. I gazed at the vending machine longingly. I felt too lazy to get up and walk across the room for one. I looked down and sighed. Yes I was going into depression right now. I glanced up at Landon’s tray and saw a soda sitt
ing on the other side of his food. I licked my lips and watched it for like two minutes straight before I gave into desire. I tried to reach over him for it but my arm was too short. I huffed as I tried to extend my fingers. The guy sitting next to him nodded my way to get Landon’s attention.

  He looked over at me and I grinned sheepishly. My whole plan was to sneak his soda while he was too caught up in his conversation to notice. He cocked an eyebrow, “are you reaching for him?” he asked nodding his head towards the guy on his other side.

  I shook my head, and licked my lips then looked back at his soda and tried to stretch some more. He shook his head and grabbed his soda and gave it to me. I grinned in victory and took a healthy gulp. I made sure to place it between us where I could reach it. He turned his entire body to face me, as I picked up my sandwich. He reached for his fork and scooped up some food, “thirsty?” he asked before shoving it into his mouth. He cringed and threw his fork down.

  I laughed, “good stuff there is it?” I asked

  He nodded, “the best.” Oh so he wasn’t going to admit defeat was he?

  I took a bite of my sandwich and moaned, “this is sooo good. I can actually eat it.” I said to him. He cocked an eyebrow.

  “You trying to tease me?” he asked.

  I swallowed the bite in my mouth. I batted my lashes at him and waved a hand, “who me? I would never.” I told him.

  I went to take another teasing bite of my sandwich. While I was biting it he leaned forward and took a bite right next to me, and our mouths were almost touching. He leaned back and grinned. “It’s alright.” He said with a shrug.

  I narrowed my eyes, “did you just steal some of my food?” I asked.

  He shrugged, “you had a well-drawn out plan from stealing my soda. I thought we were sharing now.” He said. I took another bite and he grabbed my hand on the way down and popped the rest in his mouth, then licked the little bit of mayonnaise off my finger.

  I looked at his plate, I know him and Nick. I didn’t see Nick eat and I knew that Landon wasn’t going to eat that shit. He’s fucking starving. I placed the other half of the sandwich on his tray. He scowled at me, “what are you doing?” he asked.


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