Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1)

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Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1) Page 40

by Belle Winters

  We were there for a few minutes before we heard there voices carrying from the distance.

  “Shit Lila, its dark out here.” Molly giggled.

  “Even better, can definitely get into some trouble in this area if you know what I mean.” Delilah said.

  Their words were slurred. Even better, than had been drinking. “What the fuck is up with Nick anyway all crazy about that bitch Mel. I mean I did a number on her face, and he still is following her around. She must give some good head… I bet if he tried me he’d leave her in a flash.” Molly said.

  I felt the anger build, there goes my confession. ”well you have the chance now. Just go down on him already. I doubt he’ll say no when you put your hand on his dick. He’s a guy. Shit when Landon was passed out drunk his dick still responded. I kind of wished she would’ve waited a little longer before she burst in the room. I had to get the fuck out of there in case she told someone something and they came in and found us. Thankfully, he knocked her fucking memory out. That must’ve hurt like a bitch.” Delilah said.

  I heard Hail grit her teeth. She was getting just as pissed off as me. These bitches just basically signed their asses over.

  “How much further do we have to walk?” Molly asked.

  “I overheard Ricky say he heard they were over here past the trees talking.” Delilah said.

  Molly passed through the tree line first and Hail stepped to the side. She poked Molly in the back with the bat, “Delilah what the –“

  She didn’t get to finish because Hail swung the bat with no hesitation hitting molly square in the face. She fell back and I heard a groan. I didn’t stay and watch. I saw Delilah take a step forward swaying and looking confused. Since we were in all black and she was drunk she probably had a hard time seeing a second figure. I ran across the back of the tree and came up behind her and swung as hard as I fucking could to the back of her knees. She hit the floor and let out a strangled cry. I thought back to Lucy’s story and swung at her stomach making sure to use all my strength for my fucking family I lost. Then I went to work on her ribs legs and arms. I came up and landed a blow to her face. I heard a crunch and saw her spit out blood and it looked like a tooth. I swung on her body some more then when it seemed like we been there too long I used my foot to turn her to her back. I swung the bat clear across her face and knew she was out. I looked up to see that Hail had indeed gone to work on her face and her body. This time I think there will be some disfiguration. We met each other’s eyes and took a different route to the car. We had worn gloves at all time when handling the bats, just in case. We got back to the rented car and in two minutes we got the bats discreetly into a large garbage bag with our shoes. We didn’t want any blood or anything from the scene in the car. We hopped in tore off the hoodies and the shit covering our heads and faces. We returned the rental car that we borrowed from tourists staying in a rundown motel in a seedy area about 45 miles from the scene. We lit the bat, shoes, ski masks and stuff on fire and put the ashes into the dirty ass water. We walked back to the street in the socks and once we cleared the pavement, we slipped on flip flops we were carrying and took off the socks. When we got back to Hails, we did a load of whites and washed them with extra bleach. Then we cut them to look like rags and wiped down some pipes with them and let them hang there so they looked like old rags.

  Hail’s parents were away for the weekend so we didn’t have to worry. I texted Landon letting him know it was done, and I destroyed the burner. Ricky should’ve killed his as soon as his last communication as instructed. Landon would be the one to check to make sure before he kills his. Me and Hail threw on some pajamas and headed to bed. Hail looked at me and smiled.

  “I wish we could’ve done worse.” She admitted.

  I smiled, “me too. But we’ll have to be happy with what was done.”


  I stretched and rolled over to meet bright green eyes. I gave him a small smile. “Morning.” I whispered.

  “Hey babe.” Landon said.

  I let myself collapse on top of him and he let out ‘oomph’ when all my weight fell on his stomach. Yesterday, Nick and Landon took me and Mel out on a double date. We had so much fun. We really needed the time out. We went to the movies then we hit up a carnival. We got on a ton of rides, ate way too much cotton candy and played a ton of games. Things got really competitive to the point where we were betting for kisses, and the guys were trying to bet for sexual favors. We did end up leaving with a collection of new stuffed animals. I did drag him into a pharmacy and make him buy condoms. He bitched and moaned but he bought them. And he did use them last night without being told. My body was sore. I think he was trying to check my flexibility last night. I didn’t miss my calling on being a cheerleader that’s for sure.



  “I need you to get up babe.” Landon said. I lifted my head and met his eyes with a challenging expression.

  He laughed, “I have to pee Lucy.”

  I jumped up off of him, “ewwww get out of my bed nasty. You’re too old to pee on yourself go to the bathroom.” I joked.

  He swatted me with a pillow, “that’s what I was trying to do but you were trying to stick to me like glue. I know I’m irresistible woman, but even I have normal human needs.” He said sauntering to the bathroom. I rolled my eyes and got up to throw some clothes on. When Landon came out, I couldn’t help but ogle him. He was walking around butt ass naked, and I let my gaze follow every little curve and dent in his perfect body.

  “See something you like angel?” Landon asked.

  “Nope.” I said. I went to walk past him to go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. He leaned down and kissed me on my nose and I smelled the mint.

  I drew back, “you used my toothbrush again nasty?” I asked him.

  He nodded, “you need to use it too though… you have morning breath.” He said.

  I rolled my eyes, “so get out of my face then.” I told him and tried to walk around. He grabbed me again and backed me into a wall. He leaned down and kissed me and brought a hand up and started to massage my breast. I rubbed my legs together as the throbbing between my legs began and I felt him growing against my stomach. All too soon he leaned back and I looked at him confused.

  He gave me a smug grin. “We can’t right now, I’m hungry babe… now go and hurry up.”

  I growled at him and stomped to the bathroom. I did what I needed to do and then came out the room to see Landon throwing on a shirt. “Max misses you babe. And Erica will be home today. You think you’re ready to go home?” he asked me.

  I thought about it and nodded. I missed cooking for Max and playing and doing homework with him. With Erica home we can probably do some girly things together with Mel. I also figured that Sam and James might want a bit of their privacy back. Ever since the incident their house has been overrun with teens, and Mel’s parents coming over frequently as well as Dean and Max. They didn’t seem to mind, but I didn’t want to overstay my welcome either. Landon gave me a smile and a peck on the lips before grabbing my hand and leading me downstairs.

  During breakfast we broke the news that we’re going back to the Miles house, and it was James and Samantha’s turn to come wreak havoc over there. They became more permanent fixtures in our daily lives over this time. They said we didn’t have to go but they understood. And with Erica back we needed more space, but there was space for them there to come and stay. They said they would even if it’s just for dinner or a few hours. I gave James a big smile and he seemed just as happy. I think it was then that he realized I actually did want him and like him in my life, and his wife. We packed up and headed home.

  When we got there Max was playing and when he saw all of our bags he went nuts. He understood it meant we were back, and we were immediately pulled into some racing with the remote control cars. Mel had been at the house with us, and had a bag for the weekend. She dropped that in the guest bedroom she always stays in across from
me. Dean saw us all come in and he smiled.

  “So you guys returned huh?” he asked.

  I nodded, “well I returned and they just keep on following me everywhere. I can’t seem to shake them.” I told him.

  He laughed and nodded. “I can see that. Good to have you back. Erica flies home today. And school is almost out, so it won’t just be you and all these men for a while.” He told me and I laughed.

  Erica showed up at the house a few hours later and we all acted excited to see her. I still didn’t get why it was a secret of her early arrival, but I knew them and there had to be a good reason for it. I’ll make sure to ask her about it when I have her alone. Samantha and James came by for dinner which I made, and they were both surprised by my cooking. They decided to hang out for a while so all of us were spread out across the living room watching Despicable Me. Samantha and James were on the love seat. Dean, Max, and Erica were on the sofa, and Landon, me, Nick, and Mel were sitting on the floor in different positions. Landon was leaning against one of the arms of the chairs with his legs bent at the knees and I was sitting in between his legs. Nick had placed some throw pillows from the couch on the floor and he was laying down on them with an arm tucked under his head. The other arm was around Mel as she lay on his chest. Someone knocked on the door and Dean went to answer it. I half expected for it to be Mel’s parents. Dean came back into the room and behind him was detective Richards.

  “Good evening everyone.” Detective Richards said looking around.

  Everyone nodded and watched him. Dean sat back in his seat and gestured for the Detective to take the unoccupied recliner. When he sat he leaned forward. He took out his notepad and pen and began… “I’ll get to the point, and it appears you are all here so it will make this easier. Were you guys aware of a party last night at a Tony Campbell’s home?” he asked. Nick, Mel, Landon, and I all nodded. He raised an eyebrow, “did you attend?” he asked.

  “No.” Landon responded. “We haven’t been to any parties since the last time. The guy is on the football team and sits at our table. They’ve been talking about it all week. But with all things considered we don’t feel comfortable going to any parties and we won’t go without them.” He shrugged gesturing to me and Mel, “and we absolutely don’t want them there.” He concluded.

  I arched an eyebrow and turned to face him, “I think the fact that we don’t want to go either is also a part of this decision.” I said. He rolled his eyes and I plucked him on the nose. The detective cleared his throat.

  “Have you heard anything about the party?” he asked. We all shook our heads and he sighed. “Well early this morning, a neighbor found two girls in the wooded area behind the house unconscious. It appears as if they had been beaten with a bat or an object of that nature. From what the neighbor told us that area is pretty secluded and in the dark it’s almost pitch black. Neither girl has woken up yet, so we haven’t been able to question them. Their injuries exceed the ones that you two had endured. There was a higher level of brutality in these attacks. They had no identification on them, so we had to run their DNA. We got a hit on one of the girls, and her DNA was a perfect match to the DNA we found on Landon from his attack. That automatically implicates her in what happened to you guys. With that said, that kind of puts out the question of if this was the same culprit or if this was an act of revenge.” He said, but he held my gaze. I knew what he was thinking. If we did this then that means that I remembered something. I already knew who’s DNA it was on Landon so I knew that Delilah was one of the victims. He continued to hold my gaze as he made his next statement. “In order to rule you all out, I’ll need to know where you were last night.”

  Since he was looking at me I figured I’d answer. “We went to the movies and then to the carnival.” I told him.

  “Can anyone vouch for your whereabouts? Do you have stubs or anything?” he asked.

  “We might have some leftover tickets from the carnival somewhere. But I didn’t keep any stubs, I never do.” I told him.

  He looked around the room and this time Nick spoke, “dude no. who keeps movie theater stubs. Seriously? I mean we charged everything on Dean, so I guess you can ask him to verify how we spent his money.” He said with a shrug.

  Samantha snickered, “that’s how you’re supposed to do it.” she encouraged. And Nick batted his eyes at her.

  James spoke up, “I mean the kids came home last night with a zillion damn stuffed animals that’s still littering my living room.”

  “Who went on the date?” the detective asked.

  Samantha arched an eyebrow, “is that a serious question? If Lucy was there, and Nick was there... Are you looking around the room right now? You can figure it out. These kids are like attached at the hip. It’s gross their worse than us actually married people.”

  The detective loosened his shirt collar, “I understand ma’am, but I have to ask these questions. What about the rest of you?” he asked.

  “I was here with Max.” Dean replied. The detective nodded.

  “I was home with dad,” Max said then turned to me. “Lucy, why didn’t you guys take me with you?” he said sadly.

  I held open my arms for him and came to me and cradled himself there. Landon moved his arms from around my stomach and held my hips instead so that I could give Max a proper hug. He snuggled into me. “We didn’t leave you behind little man. Older kids go on dates and stuff you know? When they do that they don’t usually take little kids. But we can all go back to the carnival together as a family. I think they’re here for a few more days. Do you want to do that?” I asked him. He nodded vigorously and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled at him and ruffled his hair. I relaxed back against Landon and Max got comfortable lying on my breasts. Landon placed a kiss on my neck and ruffled Max’s hair.

  I realized then that the Detective was watching us curiously. “Do you mind if I ask for some clarification on how everyone here is… related?” he asked.

  Dean sighed and spoke up. “This might sound a little complicated so you’re going to need to pay attention.” When the detective nodded in affirmation, he proceeded pointing everyone out as he went. “My children Erica, Landon, and Max live here. Nick also lives here. He moved in when my sister and her husband were in a fatal car accident. Lucy moved in with her mom after we had gotten engaged. Her mother turned out to be bat shit crazy and emotionally and verbally abusive to her daughter mainly and when I broke things off with her, I gave Lucy the option to stay. During the time that they were staying here she grew strong relationships with my kids and they basically weren’t letting her leave.”

  “Lucy Lu cooks for me, and helps me with my homework, and plays with me, and she’s an angel and a Disney princess. And Landon likes her a wholeeee lot. He’s always kissing her it’s gross.” Max interrupted, and we all laughed even the detective.

  “Right so, Lucy and Landon have history. They’ve known each other forever and have had feelings. We all knew about Lucy, but he used to call her something else so we didn’t put it together until a while after she moved in. Mel as you know is Lucy’s best friend. Mel came with the package. She would come over here to hang out with Lucy and they all go to school together. Nick developed some crazy infatuation with her, and follows her around like a sick puppy.” A pillow went flying towards Dean.

  “Uncle D, I do not follow her around like a sick puppy. Sweet cheeks just likes to pretend in front of all of you. But she’s the one following me.” Nick said.

  “Right, whatever you say Nick. And throw something at me again I’m going to kick your ass. Anyway, a while after she left she contacted James who is Lucy’s dad.” Dean said.

  “Yeah, the dad she told me my whole life was dead, and let it slip that he didn’t even know about me and was very much alive.” I jumped in.

  “So he came over to see if it was true he had a daughter he didn’t know about and he did. They built a relationship over the months. Her mom is MIA, she only came around once and that was t
o cause a scene after the incident. Samantha here is James wife.” Dean got cut off again.

  “But she really loves me. Right Sexy Sam?” Nick said.

  “And once again the inappropriateness that is my nephew, has a completely ridiculous crush on her that none of us pay any attention to. After the incident, we decided that Mel and Lucy should recover at James home since Sam would be home during the day to help. Mel’s parents, James, and I work during the day. Landon and Nick being the stalkers they are somehow wormed their ways into staying there too. Then with them all gone they wanted Max, so I ended up even staying there with them for a few weeks. I’m sure if there was more space Mel’s parents would’ve come too… in any event. They just moved back here yesterday to give Sam and James some peace from having their houses run over by teens 24/7. So it’s my turn. But we’re all pretty close as you can see. The people are the same it’s just as if we’re all house hopping.” Dean finished.


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