Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1)

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Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1) Page 41

by Belle Winters

  Both of the detective’s eyebrows were raised. “Thank you. This makes a lot more sense. We knew from some of the blood tests that Nick and Landon shared similar DNA but not with Lucy or Mel. And then seeing them cozy and then the little guy, I just got really confused. So, you four were out on the town. Dean and Max were here. What about the rest of you?” he asked.

  Sam spoke up, “we had a free house for a few hours, where do you think we were?” she asked with a raise of her eyebrow. The detective coughed.

  Nick jumped up and pointed an accusing finger at James. “YOU DIDN’T?” he said.

  James shook his head, “really Nick. Do you not get that this is my wife?” he asked.

  “Yes, but I don’t need to know these things. Can you let me keep my fantasies? What kind of people are you. We are kids you’re not supposed to kill our dreams.” Nick accused.

  “Kids don’t have sex.” Was all James said in response. Nick bared his teeth and shook his hand with an angry fist but said nothing. Right, James had a point there. “Now sit down with your girlfriend and cut it out. I think I need to talk to her about letting you get away with this.”

  Mel waved a hand, “Oh no, this is comical. Sometimes I think he actually believes he has a chance. I only like him because he’s a goofball. Don’t ruin my life now.” Mel said.

  We all laughed and Nick picked up and pillow and straddled her then began raining hits down on her with the pillow until she screamed Uncle.

  When they calmed down the detective was wearing an amused look. “I must say this is one of the most entertaining interviews I’ve done. A lot has been brought to light from being in the hospital when everything was so heavy.” He glanced at Erica, “I don’t believe we met though. You’re Erica correct?” he asked.

  She nodded, “the one and only. And no we didn’t, I wasn’t here when everything happened and I couldn’t come. I tried but they told me they’d have my hide if I did so I stayed put.” She told the detective.

  “And mind if I ask why you couldn’t make it and where you were last night. Seeing how close you all are, it’s only appropriate that I check you out too.” He stated.

  She nodded, “well we were having midterms, and I had a major paper I needed to submit. Had I come I would’ve missed a test and the deadline for my paper. I just got back today from school, I go to UCLA. I took my last final yesterday. Once I got the schedule for finals I booked the first flight back home since I was worried about them and really needed to see them.” She explained. He nodded and stood.

  “I think we’re all good here. All of your time is accounted for. I can guarantee that you will see me again. I’m hoping that when the girls awake, we can get a break on your case since now we’ve at least matched the DNA. Since you have no recollection of being with anyone, there’s a good possibility that she was involved. If not, in the act of harming you she’s at least facing charges on sexual assault since you weren’t lucid. We will contact you when we’re able to speak with them, and if there are any issues with your stories then you will hear from me. Thank you all for your time and enjoy the rest of your night.” With that he walked to the door and Dean got up to see him out.

  When he left I sat there thinking because I wasn’t lost on the fact that these girls were attacked last night, and Erica arrived a day early. She lied about being here, and we couldn’t let anyone know about it or seeing and meeting Hailey. It seemed too coincidental. I know how hell bent the boys are on revenge and I see the same danger on Erica as I do with them. I remember in the past them bringing her up against females as a means to an end. Although she seems primp and girly, I know she has a dangerous fierceness to her like Landon.

  Later that night when we were all parting ways for bed, Landon grabbed my hand and tugged me to his room. I gave him a confused look. We always slept in my room when we slept together. He pulled me inside and kicked the door closed.

  “I want you in here. I want to smell you in my space.” He explained. My heart warmed a bit.

  I walked into his room and sat on his bed, I’ve been in here before but I’ve never actually got into his bed for the night. He pulled off his t-shirt and threw it at my face. I grabbed it and scowled at him. “What? I knew you’d want something to sleep in, so cut it.” he said.

  I rolled my eyes and began changing my clothes as he stripped down to his boxer briefs. He watched me the whole time and by the time he was down to his drawers I can see in the imprint of him getting hard. I was watching him letting the heat build inside of me when I noticed something behind him. That didn’t look at all familiar. I stood up and walked past him to see a board hung up above his dresser, the closer I got I realized they were pictures. There were some of him and Nick. Some at the end of winning games, but as I looked closer I noticed myself. He had a bunch of pictures from out trip to Paris. There were a bunch of selfies that he took of us. Pictures that I didn’t know he took of me when we went to the cabin. I saw two pictures of us kissing at the basketball game, but they looked like print outs. There were some of me sleeping, I noticed that they were from both my room here and at Sam’s. Some I’m clothed others it looks like we had just finished making love and I was covered with the sheet. I found one of Landon taking a selfie, he didn’t have a shirt on and I was sound asleep on his chest with his arm around me. My shoulders were exposed. There was a second one when he wasn’t facing the camera but placing a kiss to my forehead. As I continued to scan, I got towards the center of the board. There was a picture of me at the party Dean threw, where I got all dressed up for him. I was smiling and appeared to be looking right at the camera and I was dancing with Max. His head was thrown back in laughter. I touched it. There was also a picture of Dean and I coming down the stairs together. We were smiling at each other, and one it looks like after I came down the stairs landing and I was going to find Mel and Erica. Right smack in the middle of everything, he had a full body shot of me. My hazel eyes sparkled and there seemed to be a gleam off of the tiara. I had a small smile on my face and I looked beautiful.

  “There was a photographer there.” He explained. “He got a bunch of photos of you and I bought copies of them all. Those are my favorites, even though I kind of shredded all the ones of you talking to victor.“ He admitted with a shrug. “I wasn’t lying when I said I wanted memories of how amazing you were that night. After you kicked me out I spent the whole next day putting this together. I’ve been collecting pictures, so I went to the pharmacy and had them all developed. There were tons of pictures of the family and things, but my favorites seemed to all contain you.” He said.

  I kept eyeing the pictures and saw the ones from the party. Close by the ones from the party, there were pictures of me and Landon together while we were dressed up. It looks like Dean captured a picture of us sneaking a kiss in the corner and it looked like a true fairy tale. There were pictures of Max, Nick, Dean, Erica, and Mel. Some of them had all of us, others were mixed and matched between us. He even had a pic up of me and Mel at one of the games at the carnival. I didn’t even know they were taking pictures then. I pointed to it.

  He smiled, “it’s become a habit. I want physical proof and memories of all of our good times, and even the bad ones. Just because I wish I could have done something different like the night of the party, you were still stunning. Even though I fucked up I still want to remember you making that dress beautiful.” He pointed to a picture, “look. Even here when you met Samantha. That had nothing to do with me, but it was important to you so it was important to me. And I’d be lying if I said your parents didn’t grow on me.”

  I swallowed, “My parents?” I asked.

  He turned me towards him and nodded. “Yes your parents. I get that you haven’t known them all your life or even for a year yet. But they have done the things that parents are supposed to do. Samantha isn’t your real mother no, but she’s treated you more like a daughter than I ever saw your mom do. Hell she even stood up against your mom. That’s when she won me over compl
etely.” He explained.

  “To be honest, I think of both James and Dean as my father’s. And Samantha as a mother. I’m just afraid to let them in that way or let myself accept it. What if they leave me or something?” I asked.

  Landon shook his head, “they won’t. And it’s worth taking the chance babe. I know my dad and he looks at you, even Mel as his own. He was out of his mind in the hospital. Me and Nick came to quickly enough. You should’ve seen the two of them. To explain what my father said that day in the hospital about us being siblings, well… they were both in there calling all four of us their kids. They got shit happening and quickly. I think half of the staff thought they were a great looking gay couple. I caught both of our fathers coming out of your rooms with red rimmed eyes, after they first saw you guys. They both cried, for both of you. That’s why Nick and I were freaking the fuck out in the hospital. They were contemplating sedating us to get us to chill the hell out. We were both wary about being drugged again so we reined it in and bid our time. I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t cry when I first saw Mel myself. Mel was immediately accepted because she means that much to you and how much she cares about you. Hell, when I called Erica on facetiae she broke down crying. She wasn’t lying when she said we told her not to come to take care of her school stuff and we’ll handle things here. I spoke to Samantha and she cried on the phone to me and then threatened to strip me of all my sexiness if I ever scare her like that again. I found out that after Nick left your room that first time he went and gave Mel an update and fucking sobbed on her shoulder. I waited until you were sleep until I let myself cry. We didn’t want you guys any more hurt or worried, but it was fucking hard to see you guys that way. I know that Dean told you about how Max reacted to the news. He was devastated. Even though we explained it to him, in his mind you’re like his mother.” Landon told me.

  Tears fell from my eyes and I launched myself at him. He caught me and picked me up, “I love all of you too, so damn much. All I ever really wanted was a real family. I never would admit to anyone not even myself, but I love this too much to do anything to risk it. I’m so afraid of letting anyone know because I don’t want them to run away. Promise me, from this day forward… even if we break up. You won’t leave my life?” I asked him.

  He nodded, “I fucking promise Lucy, I swear.” With that I kissed him with everything that I had and he proceeded to make love to me.

  We returned back to school on Monday. I was on the fucking edge. Now that they knew everything I was hoping that neither Nick nor Landon did anything stupid at school. They knew about Dan and this is the first day they would see him since. To say I was nervous was the understatement of the century. Not to mention I was afraid of running into him myself. I knew I couldn’t act casual when the thought of him brought tremors to my body. Mel and I had lunch in the art room today so that I could avoid seeing him at the table. No one was the wiser of the events of Friday night. Erica had summoned us all into her room Sunday and gave us full blown details of everything. It earned Landon a slap upside his head for not telling me, but Erica explained it was necessary so that everything could be executed correctly. She brought up a girls night soon but said she wanted Hailey there but wasn’t going to bring her around until she was sure the coast was clear. That I could understand, she wasn’t even on the radar. With both of them out of the picture it made life easier.

  As per usual, I waited until all the other girls were done to shower. I told Nick, Landon, and Mel I’d be later to come afterschool because of the other girls in the locker room. I considered skipping showering and waiting until I got home, but I got a good workout today in class and I need to shower. I rushed through my shower as fast as I could because I didn’t want to keep them waiting. I left the shower stalls and made it to my locker. I pulled out my clothes and put them down on the bench. I grabbed and extra towel to dry my hair.

  “Lucy?” I heard.

  “Yeah?” I wiped the towel down my face so I could see.

  “What are you still doing here?” the voice asked and my body locked. I knew that voice. My entire body wanted to shut down but I didn’t let it.

  “I had PE and I needed to shower… what are you doing in here?” I asked not turning around, I knew Dan was there and I needed to get my wits unless he’d see the fear in my eyes.

  “I was looking for you. Waited outside but you never came out. I thought I’d missed you.” He explained.

  “Oh no, I’m still here. Mind stepping out to give me a moment so that I can get dressed and stuff?” I asked him.

  “Why? We both know there’s nothing here I’ve never seen before.”

  I panicked, but kept my cool and reached for my pants. Fuck my underclothes. “What are you talking about?” I asked with a laugh. I slid my pants up underneath the towel.

  “No panties Lucy? You’re being a naughty girl.” He responded.

  “Oh no, I’m going to change when I get home.” I told him.

  “Lucy look at me” he commanded.

  “Just give me a second.” I told him I snatched my shirt and threw it over the towel. I didn’t remove it, any layer I had I would take. I turned around to face him and saw him holding out a gun.

  “What… what are you doing? Why do you have that Dan?” I asked.

  “Now is not the time to play stupid. You remember that night don’t you?” he asked.

  “No… do you know something?” I asked my voice shaky.

  “You’re not a good liar baby. I love you, but you won’t love me. I can’t risk it now. You will never come to your senses. I made love to you that night and you still don’t see it. I know you remember it. That’s why your boyfriend beat up Delilah and Molly.”

  “None of us are responsible for that. And that night I got raped. Someone beat the shit out of me and then took advantage of me” I cried.

  “Baby, that was us making love. You just weren’t cooperating so I had to help you.”

  I gasped, he struck a nerve and I spoke before I could think, “You did that to me?” I asked and he nodded.

  “It was good for both of us Lucy” he explained. By now the gun was down dangling from his finger at his side.

  “You fractured my ribs, dislocated my jaw… you knocked me unconscious.” I explained.

  “Only because you were fighting us. But if you just stop fighting, you’ll see how good we are babe.”

  Now the anger had kicked in. I remembered every ounce of pain. Every pull of my hair and punch or kick or slap to my body. “YOU FUCKING HURT ME YOU BASTARD. YOU BEAT ME. YOU FUCKING RAPED ME. YOU KILLED MY FUCKING BABY!” I screamed.

  His eyes went wide, and I realized my mistake too late. “Ba… Baby? What baby?” he asked.

  “Nothing” I responded quickly.

  He came towards me and I backed up. He shot out a hand and asked me accusingly, “you were having his fucking kid? You let him get you pregnant?” he asked in disgust.

  I shook my head and he aimed the gun back up and pointed it at me. “You were going to have his fucking kid? HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME?” he screamed.

  I whimpered because he was going to fucking kill me. I closed my eyes and a ton of pictures fluttered through my mind. I knew if I screamed loud enough for help Nick, Mel, and Landon would hear me. I know the hallways were deserted and my locker wasn’t far away. But then what? He would shoot them too I was sure. I let a tear free as I thought of never seeing any of them again... of never seeing James, Samantha, Dean, Max, or Erica. I heard Dan say, “You ungrateful bitch. You just keep fucking choosing wrong. If I can’t have you, nobody can!” I heard the gun cock and a shot went off. I welcomed myself to death. I would miss everyone but better me than them. I waited for the pain or death or something to come but it never did. I heard what sounded like scuffling and opened my eyes.

  Landon. He knocked the gun out of Dan’s hand and they were fighting. Well more like Landon turned into the incredible fucking hulk. He picked Dan up and slammed him down onto the
benches. He started raining punches and kicks down on him, Dan tried to block him but there was no stopping Landon. He was moving too fast, too hard. I could hear the sounds of bone crunching as Landon continued to beat him. Dan tried to crawl away and Landon landed a kick to his back and I heard a crunch and Dan screamed. He grabbed Dan by the back of his head and began to beat his head into the floor. I could see his face covered in blood and I saw when he stopped struggling. He was either dead or unconscious, but Landon didn’t stop. He was like a fucking wrecking train. I launched forward and jumped on Landon. He stopped to catch me. Nick ran into the room and looked around. Mel tried to come in but he shoved her hard out of the way. Dan appeared to be out for the count and Landon calmed down. Nick went to check on Mel since he practically pushed her across the room out of harm’s way. I wiggled from his grasp and turned and ran to grab my shoes. I heard a growl and spun around.

  Dan reached into his pocket and pulled out a switchblade. He swung out at Landon and caught Landon on the bottom of his leg by his ankle. Landon lost his balance and tumbled to the floor. Dan seemed to drag his body quickly over to Landon and began swinging the knife wildly. Dan was able to get the top portion of his body over Landon, while he was busy trying to dodge the swings of the knife. While they were tussling Dan’s hand with the knife swung back and landed to Landon. Landon groaned out in pain. Dan’s hand lifted again and I ran over and jumped on him. I tried pulling him off. I grabbed a handful of hair and punched him in the face. His elbow flung back and hit me square in the nose and I fell back. I felt the blood trail from my nose down to my lips. Dan moved the knife so it was hovering over Landon’s throat. Landon was using both arms struggling with Dan to keep the knife away from him.


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