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Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1)

Page 45

by Belle Winters

  “Hi Lucy.” He said in an almost whisper.

  I broke out a wide grin and sat. I decided I wanted to get him talking, “Sooo… Ted is it?” I asked. He looked at me warily, “mind if I call you Teddy or Teddy bear?” I asked.

  He blushed something serious, and I smiled. He shrugged and looked down into his tray as he replied softly, “you can call me whatever you like.”

  I ducked my head down so I could see his face and I poked him a few times until I saw a small smile. “Hey, I don’t want to call you something that you don’t like.”

  He glanced at me and looked back down before answering, “people don’t normally give me nicknames. Especially ones like that. They’re either scared of me because of my size or they think there’s something wrong with me because I just don’t like to talk.”

  “Well then, I like Teddy ‘cause everyone like’s Teddy bears. And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you.” I made sure to raise my voice so the table could hear me when I said my next sentence, “Landon is probably madly in love with you. He hates when people talk a lot. And to him normal talking is a lot.” Ted chuckled, and I continued but lowered my voice down some. “And look at this.” I waited, he didn’t look up. I pouted and whined, “hey you have to look. How you going to know what I’m showing you if you don’t see it Teddy?” he looked up with a half-smile. We were making progress. I threw my arms up in a pose as if I was showcasing my muscles, “you see these guns? I am not scared of anything. Pshh.”

  “Put those things away tiger. Wouldn’t want anyone getting hurt.” Nick joked. Everyone laughed including Ted.

  I barked out a laugh, “Ha. Nick, come show some respect. Come kiss the guns.” I teased. I should’ve known better because he sure enough got out of his seat.

  He took his time making his way to me, and said, “Let’s see them lover.”

  I heard Jasmine gasp and Nick’s attention turned to her. He lifted an eyebrow as if to say what. She shook her head then asked quietly. “Are you two… together?” she asked.

  Oh so I could be together with Nick but not with Landon. Before anyone could say anything I decided to answer. “Why of course. Only Monday through Thursday nights when Landon tends to get caught up with other things. You can have him those days. He’s not that great those days. Nick however,” I turned to him and blew him a kiss. I leaned forward as if I was telling her a secret and she leaned in. I waggled my eyebrows. I made sure to whisper loudly and say each word slowly, “Will blow your fucking mind.” And I fanned myself. Her face was beet red and her mouth was hanging open and I leaned back.

  “Now back to the guns, get at ‘em baby.” I taunted Nick and retook my pose. He leaned down and instead of kissing my muscles licked my arm from my muscles up to my neck. At least the people at the table got a good laugh while I got up to get a napkin to wipe off his grossness from my arm. When I stood he grabbed me and pulled me flush against him and smacked a loud wet kiss on my mouth and groped me at the same time. When I swatted at him he let me go laughing I turned to walk away and he slapped my ass and I yelped.

  “You’re mine tonight with your sweet ass.” Nick said, loudly.

  I tossed him a wink and blew him a kiss over my shoulder. A soda can came flying at my head and I ducked in time. I spun around in shock. Landon was glaring at me.

  “Did you just fucking throw something at my head?” I asked him.

  Jasmine looked pale as a ghost. Ah so she must know the bastard in him then. Little does she know, he doesn’t fucking scare me anymore.

  He grunted and folded his arms but didn’t answer. “Landon… Did. You. Just. FUCKING. Throw something… at my fucking head. Just now?” I asked making sure my question was clear.

  “Oh I missed the question the first time. You know how I get caught up in other things… today is Tuesday. Right Lucy?” Landon said angrily.

  Nick reached out to Landon. He saw this was going to end badly and it fucking was. He crossed the line when he did that shit. And I was fuming. Landon saw Nick reach to touch him and he moved his hands, “Mind your business, fuck off Nick.” He said.

  Now I was just seeing red. I stomped back over to the table and picked up my soda. I had poured it in a cup so I could add ice. I threw the whole thing on him. Jasmine got splashed but I didn’t give a shit. No one told her to sit her ass there to begin with. That didn’t really satisfy me, so I threw the cup at him. That would have to be enough for now. “Fuck you Landon.” Was the last thing I said before I snatched my bag and walked towards the door to leave the cafeteria.

  I heard the scrape of metal from his chair and I knew he was on my heels. The room got extremely quiet as they all sat waiting for what he was going to do. No one did shit like that to him and get away with it.

  “Lucy,” I heard him call behind me. I kept walking like I didn’t hear him.

  “Lucy,” o yea, he was getting angrier.

  “I’m not saying your name again. So either stop fucking walking or take the consequences.” He threatened. I threw my middle finger up at him from my side. Fuck him and fuck his threat.

  I was still walking off when I was suddenly airborne. Son of a bitch. He caught me before I thumped to the floor but I went down pretty hard and the air rushed out of me he dropped down on top of me.

  “GET. OFF.” I gritted through my teeth.

  He bent his head until it was directly in front of mine, where our faces were almost touching. He spoke low so only I would be able to hear him. “No. what the fuck is your issue? I was letting you stew about yesterday but you pushed it too fucking far. You’re lucky I only threw an empty can at your head and I didn’t knock it off.”

  I lifted my hand so I could poke him in the shoulder as I spoke. “No, what the fuck is your issue. You promised me you would tell her to back the fuck off when she started her bullshit. But did you? No. Were you at her house last night studying? She needed help so fucking bad you totally forgot about me. You guys are so fucking cool now. Huh? You celebrate on the field with her in your arms after the game. Or did the real celebration start off the field? She seems pretty cozy and all. She was all too happy to hear that I was banging Nick.” I threw at him.

  Hi eyes narrowed, “Don’t fucking say anything about you banging Nick again.”

  I sighed and looked away, “and that’s the only thing you feel the need to address after everything I said. Get off of me Landon. You want to let me stew? Then I need to do that without you or her in my fucking face. Go fucking help her cleanup the soda that she got sprayed with.” I told him in defeat.

  He grabbed my chin and made me look at him. “Don’t fucking do this shit Lucy. Not over her. She’s just a friend. Well hell not even that, she’s an associate who doesn’t know anyone. I’m just being nice. I’ve known her for a long time.”

  “Tuh, you knew her for a long time… longer than me?” I asked.

  He frowned, “No.”

  “Right, then you’re barking up the wrong fucking tree with that lame ass excuse considering knowing me for fucking ever never stopped you from being an asshole to me.”

  His head reared back, “it’s like that?” he asked.

  I shrugged, but didn’t respond. He sighed, “Lucy come on. I’ll tell her to leave me the fuck alone if you want. But this, I don’t want to fight with you. I don’t like this shit. I had to fucking tackle you in the middle of the lunchroom to get you to fucking talk to me. Come on babe, you forgive me?” he asked.

  I shook my head, “no and your fucking heavy. Get off me.” I tried to push him but he didn’t budge.

  He moved his head so his mouth was near my ear, “you don’t think I’m too heavy when I’m on you like this but my cock is deep inside you. Is that what you need Lucy? I don’t think this is the appropriate place for sexy time but if that’s what you need.” He licked my earlobe but his face was so close I doubt anyone could see. I groaned and I felt his cock twitch. “Come on babe it’s time to make up. You have to kiss me now so that al
l of these guys know you’re still mine and don’t get any ideas.”

  I shook my head, “no Landon because it’s not ok.”

  He sighed “fine, this is what you want to do?” he leaned up but kept his hands on my arms and stayed straddling me keeping me down. “Ok, everyone. I’m very sorry to Lucy. I told her I’m sorry and she won’t forgive me. Don’t you think she should forgive me and give me a makeup kiss?” he asked the entire lunch room. Hoots and cheers went up in encouragement.

  I scowled, “Landon no. this is not funny.”

  He shook his head and kept talking loud for the room to hear, “is there any possibility of any other girl having a chance in taking Lucy’s spot?” he asked.

  There were a bunch of boo’s and no’s. I rolled my eyes. They’ll agree to anything he says, but I see where he’s going with this. “See babe, it’s only you. There’s no competition now kiss me already and cut your shit.”

  I shook my head and he leaned down to kiss me. I tucked my lips into my mouth and he growled. He released one arm and brought his hand up and stuck his finger in my mouth to release my lips. I bit his finger and he pulled it back. This time, he leaned down and bit my chin to the point of pain. I opened my mouth on instinct when it hurt and he kissed me. He grabbed my face with his hand and held me in place as he licked my entire mouth. People were clapping and cheering. I heard some, “he is so hot” and “I wish he’d kiss me like that” and “that was so fucking sexy” I had to tune out the noise before they ruined the kiss for me.

  Everyone stopped making noise but Landon kept kissing me, until we heard a throat clear. He broke the kiss and we both looked up. The Algebra teacher was standing above us with her arms crossed.

  “What are you two doing?” she almost shrieked.

  I blushed and Landon smiled, “she tripped and I tried to catch her but we both went down. And I when I fell on top of her our lips just happened to touch. It was so weird miss.” He explained.

  She lifted an eyebrow, “oh really.”

  He gave her puppy eyes and nodded. You have got to be kidding me. “I’m telling you. Me and Lucy, we don’t even kiss you know. We’re too young for that. It kind of took us by surprise that’s why we didn’t pull back right away. You know from the shock of it all. You can ask anybody here. They saw it.” he said. People were snickering but nodding.

  The teacher rolled her eyes, “get up and don’t trip again.” With that she left.

  What the fuck, does he get in trouble for anything? We got up and I started to walk away when he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled my back against his front. “We still have like 30 minutes. Come sit down. If you want to be a baby I’ll treat you like one.” He said.

  “Seriously, I’m still pissed at you.” I told him.

  “Aww baby,” he cooed. “Come here.” He scooped me up in his arms as if he was carrying an infant and walked back to his seat. He sat down in the seat he was in before, next to Jasmine and sat me down on his lap so my back was to her and my legs were going across his lap. He grabbed my tray and when I went to take my food he slapped my hand away. “Nope, you wanted to be my baby I’m going to treat you like it.” so I was force fed my food and his soda throughout the rest of the lunch. Thankfully he thought I endured enough embarrassment for that day and let me stand up and walk to my next class on my own. Mel snickered the whole walk to my locker.

  When I glared at her she just shrugged and said, “that was totally fucking cute and so unlike Landon… well at least to other people. I know he’s a softy for you even though he threatens you most of the time. That was epic. I’m sure half of the people in that room thought he was going to kill your ass. Not throw you on the floor and basically dry hump and kiss you to submission. Jasmine looked like she wanted to hurl. When he began talking loudly about you being the only girl in the world and all, she looked ready to bolt. I’m sure she got the message.”

  “Whatever.” I said slamming the locker shut.

  Landon walked up behind me and placed a kiss to my temple. “Angel, you still mad?” he whispered in my ear.

  I rolled my eyes and turned to face him, “what do you think Landon?” I asked.

  He backed me up against the locker, and leaned down so that his lips touched mine when he spoke. He whispered, “I think you love me, and you don’t want to be mad.” He followed this with a soft kiss.

  “Who wants to be mad smart ass? Stop doing shit to make me mad and this won’t be an issue.” I told him.

  He sighed, “fine Lucy. Fine.” He backed up to give me space. “Seriously, I’m sorry. I just don’t think about it. She reminds me of Max. Like you have to handle her with kid gloves or something.” He explained.

  I dropped my head to his chest, “I know. I just don’t get why I get insanely jealous.” I admitted.

  “I do. Because I almost killed you and Nick earlier. I get it, she jumped on me and she’s following me around like a puppy. I just don’t feel right telling her to back off. You know I don’t like anyone latching onto me, or the damn talking. I only tolerate it from you, and it’s only because I like when you talk to me. But there’s still a such thing as too much so don’t get the wrong ideas.” He told me with a grin.

  “Whatever. I can talk as much as I goddamn want to. And you’re going to stop telling me to shut up.” I snapped at him.

  “Babe, you still talking?” he asked.

  I slapped him upside the head. He scowled and rubbed it before he grabbed my arms and slammed me against the lockers. He stuck a leg in between mine and put his entire body as close to me as possible. “You done with this shit then Lucy? I really don’t want to keep talking about this. I got your fucking digs at lunch, you told the girl to shut up already. I’ll find an easy way to tell her to back off. You know I don’t want her. And about the whole game thing, you wanted me to just drop the girl? You have no heart, and I thought I was mean.” He kissed me.

  The warning bell rang, “you promise. You did before, and you let me down. If you keep breaking promises they won’t mean anything to me.” I told him.

  He nodded, “yes angel. Now get your ass to class.” He said and walked off. I rolled my eyes and went to class.

  The guys had practice, and then were going to pick up pizza. I had a midterm to write so they took pity on me. I was deep into my essay sitting at the breakfast bar when I heard the door. Fucking lazy asses won’t use their keys if they know someone’s home. I should just leave them outside. They’re lucky I’m hungry.

  I went to the door and screamed, “if you don’t have pizza I’m not letting you in!”

  There was no response and I sighed and opened the door. If they forgot my food there will be hell to pay. I opened with my best glare to be greeted by Jasmine. What the fuck.

  I raised an eyebrow, “looking for Landon?” I asked.

  “Is that your fuckwad of a boyfriend with the food? I’m hungry!” Erica growled and walked up behind me. She saw Jasmine and her eyes widened. “What are you doing here?” she asked Jasmine confused.

  Jasmine played with the hem of her skirt. She was still in her cheerleading uniform. Ah, they have practice at the same time. Probably figured he was coming straight home. Just then Nick’s car pulled into the driveway. Right, Landon bummed a ride with Nick so his car was here. Wow, how fucking funny. They got out of the car with the food, and came up to the door.

  Landon looked confused when he saw Jasmine standing there. She breathed out a sigh of relief when she saw him. “I’m sorry I didn’t realize you had company.” She said quickly glancing at me then back at him.

  He frowned and scratched his head, “I don’t have company. What are you doing here?” he asked her talking slowly like he’s trying to make sense of it all.

  “Oh, I wanted to return your book.” She explained.

  “You couldn’t give it to me at school or at practice… or tomorrow?” he asked.

  She blushed, “And I figured you guys might want to get food or something after t
hat practice. I asked the other girls on the team but they wanted Sushi which I don’t eat…” she looked at the pizza boxes again and said, “but I saw you had company so I wasn’t sure you would all be up for it.”

  Landon watched her for a beat, and then spoke to her as if she was slow. “Why do you keep saying because I have company?” he asked her.

  She gave him a look as if he was dumb. “Luc- your girlfriend is here… she’s right there.” She said pointing a thumb at me.

  This was the dumbest conversation I’ve ever heard. I understood the situation, but they were both too dense to get what the other was insinuating that. Nick and Erica were both trying to hold in their laughter, I sighed. “Landon… she saw me here and figured I’d come over here to see you.” I explained.

  He looked at me weird for a beat and then it’s like the light bulb in his head clicked on. He began laughing and Jasmine looked totally lost. I’m sure she noticed these other two clowns snickering. “Jasmine… she’s not company, and she’s not visiting. Lucy lives here.” He told her.

  Her eyes widened, “She… she… you live together?” she asked. “But you guys are so young to have moved in.” she said.

  His eyes narrowed. “Now that isn’t your business. And just so there are no surprises in the future, Lucy answers the door 90% of the time. So if you come over here don’t be shocked that’s the first face you see. And we already have plans for dinner. Lucy had to do an essay so she’s not cooking and wanted pizza.” He said walking towards the door.

  Nick coughed, right. I couldn’t deny it’s fucked up he’s about to just walk in the house and slam the door in her face. I honestly don’t want to let her ass in so she can eye fuck him, but I’m not that mean either. “You want pizza Jasmine?” I asked.

  Landon’s eyebrows went up and he froze. He gave me an icy glare. That’s what you get bastard. You’re pissed she just showed up at your door with some lame ass excuse, should’ve put her ass in check when I told you to. Now deal with it. He saw the message because he stomped off. Jasmine seemed to hesitate until Nick got fed up and grabbed her arm dragging her into the house. Landon was sitting at the breakfast bar in front of the computer reading my essay. Nosy bastard.


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