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Diamond Revelation

Page 27

by Sheila Copeland

  “Yeah.” Kyle was finally able to speak again. “We’d better go back to the airport now. I hope we can get a flight.”

  “I have to call Topaz.” Tears poured out of Nina’s eyes. “What do we tell Niki? Germain was her biological father.”

  “I don’t know,” Kyle said. “She’s just a little girl. She won’t understand all of this. Maybe we should leave her here with my parents.”

  “No.” Nina shook her head firmly. “She needs to be with us. But I do think it may be time to tell her she’s adopted. We wouldn’t want her to overhear anything that could be damaging.”

  “We need to tell my parents and Kirk the truth about Niki first.”

  “Okay,” Nina agreed.

  In the screening room, the family was watching Niki sing her solo.

  “That’s my grandbaby,” Mama Ross declared proudly.

  Nina had to smile because she sounded so much like Kyle the night of the Christmas play.

  It was hard for Nina to relax now that she had learned the horrific news. She couldn’t sit still. She wanted to see her cousin because she knew Topaz’s heart was forever broken.

  “You’ve got yourself a serious little vocalist,” Papa Ross declared. “But where did she get those pipes from? It certainly wasn’t from our side of the family.”

  “Dad, there’s something Nina and I need to tell you,” Kyle began.

  “Does this have anything to do with Sean’s phone call?” Papa Ross inquired.

  “Yes, sir. We need to have a family meeting. Kyrie, stay with Niki and watch movies. Grown folk gotta talk, sweetie. I’m sure you’re a Cheetah Girl too.”

  “Sure, Uncle Kyle.” Kyrie smiled at him. She loved Uncle Kyle. Kyrie, a pretty girl with cocoa skin, dark eyes, and dark curly hair, would be a real beauty one day.

  Kyle led the rest of the family upstairs to his father’s study. When everyone was seated, he began. “I just learned that my best friend was killed in a terrible car accident. You remember Germain? He’s married to Topaz?”

  There was a series of reactions as the family offered their condolences.

  “There’s something else you guys need to know. Niki is not my biological daughter. She’s Germain and Topaz’s little girl.”

  “How did you end up with Topaz’s daughter?” Kirk demanded. He was never a fan of the golden-eyed singer, and he let it be known the time Sean expressed interest in her.

  “We’ve got to catch the first flight out of here back to LA, so I need to make this quick. Sean slept with Topaz once after he married Jade. She also slept with Germain, who she was divorced from around the same time, and got pregnant. No one knew about it except Topaz and Nina. Germain decided to remarry her. Since she didn’t know who the baby’s father was, Nina, Topaz, and her producer went to Europe to work on an album until Topaz gave birth.” Kyle could see his brother shaking his head in disbelief, but he continued the disclosure. “Around the same time, I met Nina and we started dating, and I knew I wanted to marry her from the beginning. While she was in Europe, and I’m really serious about this, I heard a voice clearly tell me to go to Nina because she needed me.”

  Kirk pretended to play a violin.

  “Man, this is serious.” Kyle frowned at Kirk. “So Topaz had the baby and thought it was Sean’s. Without getting a paternity test, she decided she didn’t want the baby because she thought it was Sean’s.”

  “Oh no.” Mama Ross looked like she was going to be sick.

  Kyle continued, “Nina wouldn’t let Topaz abandon the baby in Europe, so she decided to raise the baby as her own. When I arrived, she told me the entire story. We were married and our names were listed on Niki’s birth certificate as the birth parents. We had Niki tested just a week ago and found out Germain is her biological father and not Sean. There’s been nothing but drama since the truth came out. We’ve got to get to the airport now so we can go home,” Kyle finished.

  “That sounds like something straight out of a soap opera,” Kirk declared.

  “Don’t go there, man. Not today and definitely not now,” Kyle fired back.

  “Kirk, you always did have too much mouth,” Mama Ross scolded. “That is quite a story, Kyle. But what about the baby? Are you going to give her back to Topaz now? That poor child must be going out of her mind. What a tragic loss.”

  “She’s our little girl, Mom. We’ve raised her since she came into the world.”

  “That’s true, son. And God used you and Nina to do a good thing. You kept her child, and now that she’s lost her husband she’s gonna need that little girl more than ever. You and Nina are young and healthy. You’ll have more children of your own.” Mama Ross smiled warmly.

  “What if Niki doesn’t want to go with Topaz?” Nina questioned.

  “God will help you make the right decision,” Mama Ross said.

  It was the vacation that ended much too soon. Kirk and Karla drove them back into the city to the airport, but not without making a pit stop on South Street for some of Jimmy’s famous cheesesteak sandwiches. The ladies waited in the car while the brothers went inside.

  “I don’t really feel like cheesesteak now,” Kyle told Kirk.

  “I’m real sorry about your friend,” Kirk said.

  “Thanks, man.”

  “You don’t know how long you’ll have to wait in the airport before your flight. You will get hungry and the first thing you’ll think about is one of these babies.”

  They both watched as a woman assembled the sandwiches.

  Kyle managed to smile at his brother. “You’re right, man. Thanks.”

  Kirk dropped them in front of the terminal. “We’ll be praying for you. If you need me, we’ll be out on the next thing smoking.”

  “Thanks, Kirk. Merry Christmas.” Kyle hugged his twin and Karla one last time.

  “Good-bye, Uncle Kirk. Good-bye, Aunty Karla.” Niki gave them both a hug.

  Mother and daughter were silent while Kyle worked on getting them a flight.

  “Mommy, why are we going back to California so soon?”

  Nina thought for a moment, trying to find the best answer. There were too many things to explain to the child at once. What do I say? How do I start? Nina pulled Niki into her lap. “We have to go home because Uncle G had an accident and now he’s in heaven. Aunty T, Chris, and Baby Doll are all very sad now so we have to go home and cheer them up. Aunty will be very glad to see us, especially you.”

  “She will?” Niki looked puzzled.


  “Will we see Uncle G?”

  “Yes, but not for a long time. Until we do, Uncle G will always be with us in our memories and in our hearts.”

  “Okay, but why are you crying?”

  “Because I love Uncle G and I’m gonna miss him very much. I never had a chance to say good-bye.” Nina found a handkerchief and dried her tears as Kyle finally joined them.

  “We’re on a two o’clock flight. We should be back in Cali and on our way home by six.”

  Nina nodded her approval.

  “Mommy’s sad because Uncle G went to heaven and we won’t see him anymore,” Niki explained to her dad.

  “I’m sad too, baby girl.” Kyle picked up Niki and the family proceeded through the security line to the departure terminal. They settled into a private waiting room to relax before the flight.

  “Mommy, where’s my iPod video?” Niki searched her backpack.

  “I have it, baby. I’ll give it to you when we get on the plane.”

  “Okay, then I’ll read.” Niki reached in her backpack again.

  “No, baby girl.” Kyle sat her in his lap. “We need to have a family talk first.”

  “Did I do something wrong?”

  “No.” Kyle smiled at her. “You know you’re always a good girl.”

  “What’s up?” Niki made a little face, and everyone laughed. Nina couldn’t help thinking how much the child’s expression reminded her of Topaz.

  “Remember when we talked about
where babies come from? Out of the mother’s stomach?”


  “Even though you didn’t come out of my stomach, you’re still my and Daddy’s baby girl.”

  “That’s right,” Kyle added. “And we love you very much.”

  Niki thought about what her parents had said. “I didn’t come out of your stomach?”

  Nina shook her head. “No, baby.”

  “Then whose stomach did I come out of?”

  Nina and Kyle looked at each other. “Aunty T,” Nina finally said.

  “I did?”


  “Okay.” Niki looked as though it was perfectly acceptable to her.

  “Is there anything you want to ask us?” Kyle inquired.


  “Any comment?” Nina asked.

  Niki looked thoughtful. “Well, there is something.”

  “What’s that, baby girl?” Kyle fingered her cheek and hair.

  “I always wondered why I had eyes like Aunty T, Chris, and Baby Doll, but not you,” Niki replied.

  Nina and Kyle exchanged glances again.

  “Everybody always thinks Baby Doll is my sister and Chris is my brother. I can sing like Aunty T. Baby Doll can’t, so does that mean Aunty T isn’t her mother?”

  “No, baby girl. Aunty T is Baby Doll’s mother. When children are born they inherit or receive certain traits or gifts from their mothers and fathers. You have a lot of Aunty T in you because she’s your mother.”

  “Okay.” Niki didn’t seem to have a care in the world. “Can I have some of your steak sammich, Daddy?” There was a definite twinkle in her golden eyes.

  “I’m hungry, too. Why don’t you help me eat Daddy’s sammich.”

  Nina watched as Kyle spread a napkin in her lap and sliced off a portion of his sandwich. She turned away as tears poured out of her eyes and she desperately tried to brush them away. She couldn’t imagine life without Niki, and just the thought of it was heart-wrenching pain…deep down in her soul.

  She’s our little girl. Nina wanted to scream. Why even go home? They were in the airport. They could take Niki and just disappear. Nina and Kyle’s names were on the birth certificate and every other legal document that pertained to Niki. We could get on a plane and go anywhere.

  Then Nina thought about what Topaz must be going through and cried even harder, but giving Niki to Topaz now wouldn’t bring Germain back. Topaz had never mentioned wanting her until she knew Germain was Niki’s father. But Niki was Germain and Topaz’s love child, which made her very special. Topaz’s brief connection with Sean had been purely physical, and it was definitely not about love.

  What should I do? What should I do? Nina anguished over her decision. What is best for Niki? I have to do what’s best for Niki.

  Nina sighed and closed her eyes.

  Chapter 33

  “He was the Godfather of Soul. He wrote, played, and performed the funkiest music on the planet. The hardest working man in show business died Christmas Day at the age of seventy-three. The world will miss James Brown, but he will continue to live on through his music.”

  Eric groaned and switched to ESPN. He didn’t want to hear about anyone else dying. First Germain, then James Brown’s death put even more of a damper on a picture-perfect Christmas Day. President Gerald Ford also died. It seemed like famous people really did go in threes.

  Topaz and Germain’s family and friends had gathered at Keisha’s house in Ladera where they were going through the motions of celebrating Christmas Day. Guests included Germain’s mom and dad, Kathleen and George; Topaz’s mother, Lisa; her sister, Lena, who was Nina’s mom; and her husband, John, Nina’s dad. Germain’s grandmother, Inez, and Keisha’s parents, Melvyn and Michele, were also there. Still in shock, no one knew what to do or say, so everyone walked on eggshells with polite smiles plastered on their faces.

  Sean and Jade had cried separately, then together when they learned of Germain’s death.

  “Life is too short to waste your life being mad at anyone, but especially someone you love,” Keisha had said.

  It was a wake-up call for Jade. She and Sean put their differences aside and agreed to disagree. They kissed, made up, and now they were whispering to each other, not wanting to disturb the uncomfortable silence in the house.

  Topaz, still in another world, looked beautiful as usual. She stood alone staring out a kitchen window with a dazed expression. She had just chewed out her mother, who only suggested she eat something, and now Lisa was on the verge of tears. No one else wanted to upset her, so they left Topaz alone.

  Keisha and Eric prepared Christmas dinner themselves. It was a wonderful spread: turkey, ham, greens and yams, string bean casserole, macaroni and cheese, and gumbo. There was a beautiful Christmas tree and presents, but it was hard to have a good time because Germain’s upcoming funeral cast a dark cloud over their heads. Keisha and Germain’s mother, Kathleen, made all the arrangements,

  Keisha told the kids to entertain themselves. Chris definitely needed cheering up. He understood all too well that his dad had been killed. He still couldn’t believe he wouldn’t see his father again.

  “I don’t know how you guys can sing and dance.” Chris, unable to contain his grief, snapped at the girls who were watching music videos in Kendra’s bedroom. He made a trip up to her bedroom to tell them to shut up, and the girls immediately quieted down.

  “Especially you, Baby Doll. Don’t you care about Dad?”

  “Yes.” Baby Doll giggled and whispered in Kendra’s ear.

  Chris shook his head, unable to understand why his little sister wasn’t displaying mournful behavior.

  Baby Doll simply laughed and called him a sour face.

  It was a breath of fresh air when Nina, Kyle, and Niki walked into the house. Their plane had a stop in Denver and they wound up stuck in the airport for hours, but they finally made it into LA during the wee hours of Christmas morning.

  “Niki,” they all said, and the plastic smiles melted into the real deal, if only for a minute.

  The first person Niki went to was Topaz, who scooped her up and hugged her. Somehow the little girl sensed that her mother needed her.

  “Merry Christmas, Aunty.”

  “Merry Christmas to you too, baby.” Topaz squeezed the little girl as tightly as she could, and Nina looked away.

  Nina hugged Topaz next. Everyone’s eyes were glued on the ladies as they waited to see what would happen, but Topaz carried Niki around the room in her arms.

  “This is my mother, Grandma Lisa. There’s Nana and Pop.” That was Nina’s mom and dad. “This is Great-Grandma Inez and Grandma Kathleen and Grandpa George.” Topaz continued making introductions, and Niki checked them all out.

  Now that everyone knew Germain was her biological father, they were busy checking Niki out. It was amazing how much she looked like Germain. She had all of his expressions; she also inherited his kind ways and good heart. Niki was darker than Chris and Baby Doll; that skin color and those golden eyes made her exotic.

  Tears rolled out of Kathleen’s eyes as she watched her newly found granddaughter. Topaz and Nina took her around until she had spoken to everyone. Afterward, all of their spirits lifted and their faces brightened.

  Nina took Topaz, who refused to let Niki out of her sight, into another room.

  “It’s about time you got here with my baby,” Topaz declared with a little too much attitude.

  “Niki, you go play with the other kids now.” Nina looked like she meant business, and Topaz lowered the child to the floor and released her.

  “Thanks, Mommy.” Niki ran off, too happy because she was able to play with her siblings and cousins.

  “I’m really sorry about Germain, T.” Nina was finally able to say his name without tearing up.

  “How dare you give Sabre your journal to read! That was my business, no one else’s.” Topaz lit into Nina with a vengeance.

  “My journal? How do you know whatever S
abre read came from my journal?” Nina demanded.

  “It had your name on it.”

  “My name? Are you sure?”

  Topaz led Nina upstairs and into the bedroom that was temporarily hers and took the journal out of her bag. “Germain gave me this the night of the accident. He said Sabre gave it to him.”

  Nina took the journal and carefully scrutinized the book. It looked like one of hers. She opened it and she saw her name and handwriting. “This is mine, but I never gave it to Sabre or anyone else. I would never do something like that.”

  “Somebody gave it to Sabre, and she gave it to Germain. You should have never written all that stuff about my life.”

  Nina was offended. “Your life? Those things were about my life that was too much a part of your life.”

  Topaz let out a long sigh. “How in the hell did she get this journal?”

  “I have no idea. I wish I knew. She obviously took it while she was in my house, only I can’t remember her being there except one time when the group auditioned and a second night when she came over to tell us she had seen India’s ring in Char’s jewelry box, and she never went upstairs.”

  “That bitch had sex with Germain. Just wait until I see her skanky ass.”

  Nina covered her mouth in shock. “No, she didn’t. How did you find out?”

  “Some woman called the house one night and said some crazy things. I put it all together after Germain showed me this journal.”

  “Germain said he slept with Sabre?” Nina repeated herself just to be sure she heard Topaz correctly.

  “He said it was only one time. He wanted to hurt me as badly as I had hurt him when he found out I had sex with Sean.”

  “When did all of this take place?”

  “After the school play.” Topaz began to cry again.

  Nina sat there trying to figure out how and when Sabre had been in her house. “It had to be Sky. She stayed at the house while I was in Hawaii. Maybe Sabre came over then.”

  “Whatever. You were the one who brought those hood rats out here. This is your fault, and I will never forgive you. Germain died because of you.”

  “Whatever, Topaz. You need to take responsibility for your own actions. You will never know how sorry I am about Germain. He was like a brother to me. But you’re right, it is your business, and you should have told Germain a long time ago.”


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