Rescue Me (Sparks Of Desire Book 2)

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Rescue Me (Sparks Of Desire Book 2) Page 3

by Valerie Twombly

  “I hope you’re up for another round, or all night?” Her smile was intoxicating.

  “Darlin’, I can make you scream until you can no longer speak.” This was going to be a night that would be burned into his memory forever.


  True to her word, Halee had left his room fully sated in the wee hours of the morning. After three hours of shut-eye, he showered and checked out. As he walked across the parking lot, Derrick wondered if the intoxicating brunette was still tucked into bed or already on the road. Had things been different, he would have at least bought her breakfast.

  Several hours after hitting the highway to Minnesota, he finally saw a sign that read 50 miles to Kirkwood. It had been a grueling drive, but finally he was deep into the Superior National Forest. He’d only seen a small portion of it when he’d flown to northern Minnesota on his last trip to meet with his realtor. This time he hauled a trailer behind his pickup. His entire life packed into a U-Haul.

  It had been how he’d wanted it. A little more than two years since Davis had died, Derrick’s wounds were healed. At least the ones visible on the outside. He’d had several sessions with the counselor as recommended but wasn’t sure it helped. The guilt of living would never leave him, so he left it. Said goodbye to his friends at the station, packed up what little shit he had, and headed north. His plan had been to buy a small resort on a lake. Check and done. What he hadn’t planned on was stopping by one of the fire stations in Kirkwood and asking if they needed help. No, that had never been in his plans, but firefighting was in his blood. Lucky for him, the station was in desperate need of a full-time person. Chief Murphy had been delighted with Derrick’s nine years of service. What would it be like to step into a new station with new people? If he could do his job and not get attached, he would be just fine.

  Finally, on the outskirts of Kirkwood, he spotted the sign to his new home.

  Welcome To Timberland Lodge.

  A carved sign with a bear on one side and a wolf on the other. He rather liked it.

  Derrick maneuvered down the lane, ready to start his life over. Would he miss his old one? He already missed his friends and the routine his life had taken on, but change was needed.

  The lane forked once he reached the lake. To the right was his new home and to the left were the six cabins, the lodge, and a smaller house where the Johnsons lived. Stan and Maddie Johnson had been running the lodge for the past ten years. Derrick had taken an instant liking to them and asked them to stay on to help run the place. Lord knew he was going to need it.

  Veering right, he followed the road up an incline until his house came into view. A log A-frame, the front filled with two stories of glass that overlooked the water. With three bedrooms and two baths, it was more than adequate for his needs. There was no family to come visit, and even though he had extended an invitation to his friends, he likely wouldn’t see any of them until next year.

  He exited the truck, lifted his face to the July sun, and inhaled the scent of wood and pine. This place was so much different from Dallas. The hustle and bustle of city life couldn’t compare to the sounds of nature. Loons called in the distance, bringing his attention back to reality. This was all his now. He rubbed his hand over the tattoo on his right bicep, a tribute to his father and now to Davis. Maybe this place would finally bring him peace. He could only hope.

  “I’m still pissed at you for leaving,” he whispered into the breeze. Davis had come to the Dallas station five years after Derrick. They had become best friends when Derrick had taken Davis under his wing. It was tough being the new guy in the firehouse, and Derrick did all he could to make the transition easier. As the years wore on, they had become close, like brothers.

  Grabbing his phone from the front seat, he headed inside. It had been a long drive, and he was in need of a shower. Later, he would head over to the lodge and check in with Stan and Maddie.

  Halee’s thoughts wandered back to a few nights ago as the hot water relieved tired muscles. She picked her phone up off the tub ledge and texted her sister. You’ll never guess what I did.

  A second later her phone dinged. Killed Kadin and hid the body?

  Halee snorted. While a novel idea, she did love her beast of a brother. I had a one-night stand. With a stranger!

  She and Derrick had sex three times before she had left his room for her own. She couldn’t stop the smile that curved her lips when she recalled the desk. She hoped the cleaning crew disinfected it before the next guests arrived. Part of her was disappointed she would never see him again. The man had delivered in spades on the promised multiple orgasms. He also had looks and an accent that said southern gentleman; yet there was a hidden bad boy who had come out to play. She could get used to a man like that. She had also wanted to explore his body in the light of day, as she knew it would be perfect. Her fingertips still remembered the hard peaks and valleys of his chest. Then there had been the tattoo on his right bicep. A thick, powerful bicep. In the dim light of his room, she had been able to make out the skull wearing a firefighter’s helmet. She had wanted to ask him who he had lost. Was Derrick one of their own or the family member of one? It wasn’t her place to dredge up his past.

  Her phone dinged. Shut the front door! OMG! I need deets.

  Stop by and see me. She replied then slipped farther into her bath, glancing at the time. Her shift would start soon, might as well shove all thoughts of delicious Derrick from her mind. She would never see her sexy stranger again. With a sigh she stood, grabbed a towel, and stepped from the tub. It didn’t take long to dry off and throw on her uniform. There was a new guy starting this morning, and Kadin wanted her to show him the ropes. Apparently, the newbie was a veteran of nine years who had transferred from another station, so at least he was experienced. They were desperate for experienced firefighters, considering Station 3 was the only one that had both full-time and volunteer staff. Stations 1 and 2 ran only on volunteers.

  Thirty minutes later, she was in her truck and driving across town to the station. Kirkwood was a tourist community. With at least three big lakes close by and dozens more within an hour’s drive, the area was a prime fishing spot all year long. In the winter, recreation didn’t stop. Snowmobiling, dog sledding, and cross-country skiing were all popular.

  However, where there was forest there was also the chance for wild fires. Her station was home to both the urban guys and––when not busy––the wildland crew, who had a building on site where they hung out. Halee mostly worked the residential, but if things got bad in the forest, she had been known to show up at base camp and treat any minor injuries.

  Pulling into the lot, she parked out back between the firehouse and the building used by the wildland crew and hopped from her truck.

  “Hey, doll.”

  “Hey there, Mason. How’d your shift go?” She stopped to look at the male. Mason––like all shifter males––was a looker. The man had a love interest or, as Halee put it, an interest to mate her. Mason didn’t love her, and she supposed she should be happy with the fact that if they got together he would be an excellent provider. He was a good man, and she hated stringing him along, but she was waiting for something. Something her elder brother liked to remind her was not required to be happily mated. Like he knew. He was going on five centuries and still had not mated. He was happily spreading himself around.

  “All was quiet but I’m fearful with all this dry weather we’ve had.”

  She nodded with understanding. “No rain in the near forecast either.” It had been one of the driest years on record for the northern state, and it was only a matter of time before they had trouble. “Well, let’s hope for some rain soon.” She turned to head to the fire house, but his big hand on her arm stopped her.

  “Halee. You know I don’t want to push you, but when are you going to decide what you want in life?”

  “Mason, this isn’t the time to talk about it.”

  He stepped back, and a pang of guilt assaulted her.
r />   “I’ve been a patient man, and you know you have always been my first choice, but I won’t wait much longer. Family’s important to me.”

  She swallowed, her throat suddenly drier than the breeze that tossed brown pine needles across the parking lot. “I’m sorry. You know I’m not trying to hurt you.”

  His brown eyes softened. “I know that, but we can’t keep this up. Either you want to belong to me or you don’t.”

  “You are a dear friend, you know that, right?”

  “I do and that is why I have given you so much time to make your decision. I want you to be happy above all else, Halee. Whether it’s with me or not.”

  “Thank you for that.” She looked into the thick tree line behind them before she brought her attention back to him. “Give me until the end of fire season?”

  He gave a curt nod. “Fair enough. Have an uneventful shift.” Then he turned and walked to his truck; another pang of guilt racked her. She should just tell him yes and be done with it. Something held her back.

  Halee made her way in the back door where her brother Gaelen greeted her.

  “Hey, sis. I saw Mason and you talking out back. How’s that going for you?”

  She loved the youngest of the Murphy boys. Not that she didn’t love her other siblings, but Gaelen was unlike their patriarch brother Kadin. He backed her belief in love. Was also holding out to find the woman who was his soul mate, no matter who or what she was. Though being a male, it was a bit easier for him. He could choose a human to become his mate, who would then become what they referred to as a Raziel. A female who gained all of Gaelen’s strength and abilities except for shifting. His mate’s life force would connect to his, and she would live as long as he did.

  Since their father had produced a full-shifter daughter, the chance that her brothers would do so as well were higher than most. For Halee however, full-blooded shifter offspring were only a guarantee with another of her kind. With a human male, the chances dropped significantly. She wanted to love Mason as more than a friend, but it wasn’t happening. Did she choose friendship and stability over love? Was there another of her kind out there she could fall in love with? She had often thought of leaving and working with some of the other clans but couldn’t bring herself to leave her family and home.

  “He gave me until the end of fire season.”

  “That’s tough.” Her brother pulled her into a hug. “Follow your heart. Don’t let Kadin guilt you into what you don’t really want.”

  She kissed his cheek. “Thanks. I love you and your support means the world to me.” It still didn’t ease her guilt or the responsibility she felt to her people.

  He pecked her cheek. “Anytime. Now, that beast of a brother awaits you.”

  She groaned and headed to Kadin’s office. Pushing open the door, she walked in. “Hey, Chief.” Now on duty, she showed her elder brother the respect of his station here in the firehouse.

  He looked up from his paperwork, brow furrowed. “I tried to call you the other night, but you didn’t pick up.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I have a life, you know.”

  He leaned back, his leather chair groaning under his weight. “Doing what? Are you seeing someone?”

  “None of your business.” She made sure to lace her retort with as much venom as she could muster.

  “Is that any way to talk to your commander?”

  “I’m not talking to my commander but my asshole brother!”

  “When you mating with Mason?”

  Halee stuffed herself in the chair across from his massive desk and folded her arms over her chest. “Again, none of your business. Besides, he’s seeing someone.”

  “She’s a temporary scratch to his itch. If you’d agree to mate with him––”

  She held up her hand. “Just... Stuff it.”

  Kadin sighed and thankfully moved on.

  “Wasn’t important.” He pushed back his chair and rose. Her eldest brother was a force of nature when he towered over people, including her. He ran a palm over his newly buzzed hair. “Come on, I’ll introduce you to the new guy.”

  She got up. “Okay.”

  “When I checked his credentials, he came recommended by Jenna O’Rourke. Seems she worked with Derrick when she was down in Dallas.”

  She swallowed. No. It had to be a coincidence. Her Derrick only had a southern accent. Could have come from anywhere and lots of guys were named Derrick.

  “What’s this guy’s last name?”


  Derrick busied himself with mopping the kitchen floor. Being the new guy, he would willingly take the most distasteful duties. His life was starting all over again, but he didn’t care. It helped keep his mind on other things. Plus, he would be doing the cooking tonight, so the crew could assess his kitchen skills. He had always loved to cook at the Dallas firehouse, and if accepted here, he would feed his new crew just as well.

  “Morning, name’s Chance.” The guy who’d stuck out his hand matched Derrick’s own height of six-three. Derrick accepted and gave a hearty shake.

  “Nice to meet you. Derrick.”

  Chance tilted his head, blue eyes flashing. “Do I detect a Texas drawl?”

  Derrick laughed. “Born and raised. Kinda hard to hide.”

  “I visited there once many years ago. Very different from up here,” Chance replied. “Hotter than Hades’ balls.”

  Derrick broke into a hearty laugh. “Well you pegged that right.”

  “Derrick,” the chief called out. “I have someone I want you to meet.”

  “We’ll chat later.” Chance said, slipping away.

  Derrick pushed aside his mop. “Yeah, Chief.” He looked up and was suddenly thankful he was leaning against the counter, or he would have fallen over. Staring back at him was a pair of brown eyes he would recognize anywhere. Eyes that had held such passion only a few nights before. A brief glimpse of horror passed through her dark orbs before it vanished. Her features now schooled.

  “Derrick, this is my little sister, Halee.”

  Son of a... Fuck!

  Fortunately, she didn’t miss a beat but stepped forward, hand extended. “I’m pleased to meet you.”

  He was quick to regain his wits as well and shook her hand, trying to shove away the memories of them together only two nights ago. Those same hands had been all over him and unfortunately, his cock remembered too.

  Down, boy.

  “Nice to meet you, ma’am.”

  “Such good southern manners, but please call me Halee,” she responded, and they broke contact. “I don’t feel much like a ma’am.”

  He gave a nod. “Okay, then.”

  “Halee is lieutenant and in command of this shift while Gaelen attends a seminar this week,” Kadin added.

  Fuck-a-duck. Not only had he slept with his boss’s sister, but she was now his shift boss. “I met the captain before he left. Nice guy.” He offered a smile.

  I can do this. Not a problem.

  “Do you have any problems with a female in charge?” she asked.

  Was that a jab regarding the other night? He had taken charge, but she seemed to like it. Been more than willing. “Nope.” What he did take issue with was her curves. They were going to be a distraction. As were her lips. Junior couldn’t forget them wrapped around him. She’d nearly sucked the life out of him.

  “Good. I’m sure we’ll become great friends.”

  He nodded and wondered what the hell that meant. Was it a hidden message? Christ, as much as he had enjoyed her company, he couldn’t sleep with her again. Least not until he knew where Kadin stood.

  No, not at all, you dumb shit! Then again, if she was still looking to escape, he might be convinced to whisk her away.

  “Well, I’m heading home. Careful of my sister, she can be a real ballbuster.” Kadin grinned then left them alone.

  Derrick returned the smile while memories he now wished he didn’t possess surfaced. Yeah, Halee had been a real ballbuster in
deed, and he wondered if Kadin was going to kill him. He didn’t have much experience with shifters except for Jenna’s mate when he’d come to Dallas. Connor had seemed a decent enough man. Had even shocked the hell out of Derrick that Connor hadn’t kicked his ass when he found out Derrick was hitting on Jenna. Hell, she never told him she had a mate tucked away somewhere. Had even led him to believe she’d been interested in him. That was the past. Right now, he had a bigger fish to fillet, and she was busy drilling daggers into him.

  “If you don’t mind, I’d like to chat in my office.” Halee turned on her heel and headed for the offices in the back. The sway of her hips made him wish he could stop recalling how she had felt beneath him. Instead, he followed her nice ass as she stormed down the hall.

  Once in the small office, he shut the door behind him. She faced him, anger brewing in her dark eyes.

  “What the ever-loving hell?” she hissed. “You lied to me.” She crossed her arms over her breasts.

  “Aw darlin’, don’t cover those up.” He leaned against the door, his posture relaxed. “And I never lied. I omitted facts that I thought a one-night stand didn’t care to know.” He crossed his arms. “You kinda left out what you were.” Leaning forward. “What are you exactly?” He knew a little about the shifters. Jenna had taught him that females were either born human, halflings, or in rare cases full-blooded shifters. Halee transferred her weight under his stare. Was she uncomfortable with this topic? Now, he was even more curious.

  “I... I’m a shifter.”

  He tilted his head. “So, you truly are unique.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I’m a damn unicorn that shits glitter rainbows.”


  Halee could hardly breathe under the weight of those blue eyes. The fact they held hurt and anger bothered her even more. She’d not meant to deceive him. It had been a mutual night of passion with both parties knowing they would part at the end of their fun. When she had walked away from him and gone back to her room, she wanted to forget him. Trouble was, he was very much unforgettable. Even though he had hidden it well, she had sensed his sadness but figured he was getting over a bad breakup. Who was the female that had broken his heart?


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