Rescue Me (Sparks Of Desire Book 2)

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Rescue Me (Sparks Of Desire Book 2) Page 4

by Valerie Twombly

  “Look. Had I known who you were, I would have never approached you.”

  “That would have been mutual. I’ve been burned by your kind once. That was enough.”

  So was that where the sadness came from? One of her own had hurt him? “I’m sorry. Did you and Jenna have a thing? I know you two worked together.” She studied him, looking for clues. Being a full shifter, she had many advantages over her half-blooded sisters.

  “Yeah, she also omitted important information about herself. Mainly that she was already spoken for. Do you have someone I need to watch for over my shoulder, Halee?” The anger in his voice cut her like a dull blade. Some of it was aimed at her, but it was evident he still had wounds that had yet to heal.

  “I’m not going to lie. I’m not betrothed, but only because my mother forbad it when I was young. My father loves her so much he will do anything for her.” She let out a quick laugh. “Kadin on the other hand, he would have mated me off years ago if he could.”

  The lines around his eyes softened. “He’s putting pressure on you. That’s what you were running from the other night.”

  She slid into the chair behind the desk. Hands dropping into her lap, she pressed her thumb into her palm and rubbed. A habit her sister Bella told her she did when nervous. Derrick was different than any man she had ever met. He saw through her. She had noticed that about him right away. Even though they had spent one night together, he had taken time to know her. Had been a quick study of what she liked and how to play her body like a fine instrument.

  Her cheeks heated at the remembrance.

  “Yes. Kadin is a bit old-fashioned.” She sucked in a deep breath, looking away, pretending to stare at something on the wall. “Then there is Mason.” She caught herself chewing her lip. Another nervous habit.


  His soothing voice pulled her back to his tall muscular frame that took up space in front of her door.

  “Look. We have to work together and well... It’s not like we don’t know each other on a rather intimate basis.” He pushed off the door and strode closer. Pulling out a chair, he lowered himself into it. “While we can’t be lovers, we can be friends. I’d like to be yours, Halee. Tell me about Mason.” He relaxed into his seat.

  Why did she suddenly want to be his lover? Was it the forbidden fruit? His rejection? She always wanted what she could never have. Another annoying thing her sister had told her. “Mason is one of the wildland firefighters. He has patiently been waiting for me to make a decision.”

  “He wants to mate with you, I take it?”

  “Yes. He’s a good man.”

  “And how would Mason feel knowing I was fuckin’ you only a few nights ago?”

  Her cheeks heated again. “We.... Mason and I are not sleeping together. He wouldn’t care since I’ve not committed to him, yet.”

  Derrick’s brow shot to his hairline. “I see. I don’t know this Mason, and I’m sure he’s a fine fellow, but if I was claiming you as mine, I’d take issue with anyone who touched you.”

  She was certain this man would indeed. “He doesn’t love me, and I know it shouldn’t matter. Mason would be a good provider and wonderful father, but I keep thinking of my parents and how much they love each other.” She felt a sting of sadness. She hadn’t seen her parents in over a year. They both lived in Ireland and hadn’t been home for a visit. Halee should call her mother.

  He leaned closer. “You deserve to be loved, Halee. Don’t ever settle for anything less.”

  She stared into the depths of shimmering blue. What was the pain that resided there? Her gut said it wasn’t a lost chance with Jenna but something much more. Their special moment was broken by the blare of the alarm, and they both jumped from their chairs.

  Derrick rushed away. His mind still reeling from the discovery that his one-night stand was the chief’s baby sister. To top it off, tonight she was his acting commander.

  Son of a bitch.

  He grabbed his gear and claimed his seat in the engine. The call coming in was for a fire at the new Home Depot on the outskirts of town. As he settled in place, he searched for Halee and caught sight of her heading toward them. When she climbed into the passenger seat, she glanced back at him and Chance before moving her attention.

  “Let’s go,” she said.

  “Any injuries?” Chance asked.

  “Everyone evacuated,” Halee replied.

  The engine rolled out of the building with lights and sirens as Reese maneuvered the vehicle down Lake Street. It took them five minutes to respond, and when they pulled up, Derrick spotted the fire outside the building. Flames were busy claiming the back end of a semi-trailer docked to the building as well as beating a path along the outside corner of the store. The roof was in danger of igniting.

  Engine 32 pulled up behind them.

  “Halee, we’ll take this side if you want to go in,” Damon called over the radio.

  “Ten-four.” She looked over at Reese. “Roll around and find us an entry point.”

  “You got it.” Reese maneuvered the engine through the back lot and around the side of the building until he found the first entry. It just so happened to be the front of the store. Parking, everyone exited. Derrick and Chance pulled their air tanks from the engine and slipped them on. Derrick started laying line and advanced into the store. Several feet in, Halee stopped him.

  “Go straight back then hang a right at the lighting aisle.”

  “Okay.” He continued down the aisle until he spotted the lighting section; the sound of the fire alarm blared in the distance. Halfway down the aisle, he ran out of hose, reaching the end of his hundred feet. Chance came up behind him with another section and set it on the floor. Derrick handed over the nozzle and Chance did a quick disconnect while Derrick unstrapped the rest of the extra line. As Chance connected the two ends, Derrick finished running hose until he reached the dock. Setting the nozzle on the floor, he clicked his mic.

  “Reese, charge it.”


  “You’ve got a bunch of air in your line, bro.” Chance stepped beside him.

  “Thanks.” Derrick waited a few seconds before he slowly pulled the lever and aimed the nozzle into a corner. Once there was good pressure, he directed water at the flames, focusing on several boxes stacked on the upper rack. This was the first call he’d been on in over three months, and it felt good to be back in the swing of things. A different station and a new crew to get used to, but he was certain he would fit in.

  A couple of other guys carried in a ladder and headed for the rack. Derrick stopped the spray while they maneuvered the ladder into place.

  “Hey Chance, help me push this pallet.”

  Chance jumped in to help a volunteer with CLARKE on the back of his coat. Together, the two shoved a pallet of product over to brace the bottom of the ladder, holding it in place. Another volunteer ascended the ladder until he reached the rack, where he climbed on and began shoving boxes to the floor before he picked his way closer to the back wall.

  Another firefighter Derrick hadn’t met yet stepped in with a pole and started pulling boxes and other debris from under the rack. Derrick sent a stream of water in to douse the flames while the guys continued to shove garbage out of the way. For several minutes they worked until the flames were no longer visible.

  Derrick shut down his line.

  “Engine thirty-two is beating down the flames outside,” Halee said. When had she snuck up behind him?

  “Hey, come meet the new guy,” she called out to the others. “Derrick, these are a few of our volunteers. This is Devon Clarke, but we call him Dev.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Derrick replied.

  “You’re not from here,” another responded.

  “Observant as always, Ash,” Halee laughed. “This is Asher Doyle. He answers to Ash or Ass. Whichever is appropriate at the time.”

  Derrick gave a nod but before he could reply, Chance piped up.

  “He’s fro
m Dallas. I hope he brought his snow shoes.” Chance laughed and tossed a wet box in their direction.

  Flames kicked up and Derrick doused them.

  “Texas? You people don’t put beans in your chili. Something seriously wrong with that shit,” Asher said.

  Halee leaned closer and Derrick tried not to recall her naked curves or the way she had dug her nails into his flesh.

  “I told you he was an ass,” she whispered.

  I will not look at those lips! He offered her a forced grin then pushed his focus back to the task at hand. Reminding himself they were two strangers who had agreed to one night of passion. A way to forget the things they were both running from. He had a sudden urge to douse himself with the hose. Thankfully, a distraction came when the guys finally moved enough debris to get to the flames consuming the back of the truck. He moved forward and went back to work.


  Halee tried to concentrate on the paperwork that sat on the desk in front of her but found her mind drifting. This was the first quiet moment since she had discovered Derrick––the guy she had slept with––was now working at the station. She dropped her head into her hands and tried to shut out the world. After a moment of peace, the sound of rustling fabric brought her attention back to the office.

  “Sister, you feeling okay?” Bella’s soft voice carried into the room as Halee’s younger sibling glided in and dropped into the chair across from her.

  “I’m fine.”

  “You’re lying. That is most certainly not the look of a woman who was recently sexed up.” A dark brow arched high over Isabella’s piercing blue eyes. Both Bella and Kadin had their father’s eyes, while Halee and Gaelen had their mother’s dark brown ones. Even though Bella was human, she had managed to gain a few shifter gifts, like telling when her siblings were hiding something.

  Halee tossed down the pen she had been playing with. Another indicator her mind was elsewhere. “Sexed up?”

  Bella waggled her brows. “Was it not good?”

  Halee let a laugh escape. “Oh, it was amazing. I lost count of the number of orgasms.”

  Bella shifted in her chair, a look of jealousy in her eyes. “Hmm, well if the sex rocked your world then it must be Kadin?”

  “Isn’t it always?”

  “Of course. Our elder brother is a beast. A loving one, but a beast no less.”

  “Has he started on you too?” Bella had just celebrated her twenty-fifth birthday and even though she was human, she had shifter blood. It would prolong her life, but not as long as a shifter. They would one day lose their baby sister unless she mated with a shifter.

  “He has hinted.” Bella grinned.

  Halee laughed. “Kadin’s hints are like being run over by a truck.” Both girls laughed. A tap on the doorframe broke their laughter.

  Derrick stuck his head in. “Sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to let you know Chance and I are making a food run. I’ll whip up lunch when we get back.”

  “Sounds awesome. See you guys in a bit.”

  Derrick walked away, and Bella turned to face Halee.

  “Whooo was that piece of tasty southern delight?”

  “Derrick. He’s new here.” Halee picked up the pen again.

  Bella’s gaze narrowed and focused on Halee’s hand. “Let’s see. Clicking pen and biting your lip.” Her eyes widened as a gasp escaped her mouth. “You fucked him. He was your one-night stand.”

  “I hate you.”

  Bella smirked then pulled the chair close enough to rest her elbows on the desk. “Deets. I want the deets on how in the hell this happened.”

  Halee went into the story about the other night at the hotel and how they had met. The agreement between herself and Derrick to have one night of wild abandon. She stopped there though. There was no reason to go into the dirty details.

  Bella’s eyes twinkled. “Well hell. You had no idea he was the new guy coming on?”

  “Of course not. I was in another state, and sure as shit not thinking about this place. I would never have slept with him!”

  Bella leaned back into her seat. “Well it’s obvious why you picked him. That man must torch panties wherever he goes. Several orgasms, you say?”

  Memories flooded Halee and her skin became two sizes too small for her frame. “That night will be burned into my memory forever.”

  Bella fanned herself. “How can you possibly be near him and keep a working relationship?”

  “I have no choice. It was one night, nothing more. It can never be anything more.”

  “Mason?” her sister asked.

  “No. Even if I decide to tell Mason I’m not mating with him, Derrick and I cannot be a thing.”

  “Why not? Is it because of Kadin? You know in the end he only wants you to be happy, and he would come around. Eventually.”

  “Derrick and I agreed to one night only. He has already so much as said we can’t be lovers. Only friends.”

  Bella pushed out her bottom lip. “Well that’s a crying shame. Maybe he said that because of your previous agreement. It might be worth exploring... If you’re interested in him that is, but I saw how you lit up when he came to the door.”

  “Shut the hell up. I didn’t light up.”

  Her sister lifted a shoulder. “Fine. Maybe I’ll take a shot if you don’t want him.”

  “He doesn’t trust our kind. Got burned by Jenna, but I sense something else about him. A deep-seated sadness I can’t place.”

  Bella leaned closer to the desk. “Sister, you like this guy. One night or not. Friends or not, I think you should pursue it and see where it leads. Just go slow so you don’t spook him.”

  While Halee wanted to learn more about Derrick, his words still rang in the air. She would not force herself on anyone, even if she did have the hots for them. It was simply her body remembering how he had played it. Nothing more. A relationship could not be based on carnal urges alone. Still, she placated her sister by giving a nod.

  Derrick and Chance brought in the bags of groceries, setting the stuff on the counter. While Chance put most of the food away, Derrick went to work making lunch.

  “Whatcha building there?” Reese asked.

  “I call it my firehouse special. Layers of black forest ham, pepper jack cheese and spicy mustard grilled to a crisp, gooey mess.”

  Chance wiped his hand across his mouth. “Damn. Hurry the hell up. I’m starving.”

  Derrick laughed then turned on the burner, heating the cast iron griddle. Once it was sizzling, he tossed several pats of butter on the griddle then carefully placed his assembled creations down to brown. As the kitchen filled with the scent of warm ham, Halee walked in. Next to her was the same girl who had been sitting across from her desk.

  “God, that smells good.” Halee moved closer. “Derrick, this is baby sister Isabella, but we all call her Bella.”

  The girl stuck out a hand. “Pleasure to meet you and welcome to Station Three.”

  He shook her hand then quickly moved to flip the sandwiches. “You work here too?” he asked.

  “’Fraid it runs in the family. I’m a paramedic on the other shift, but I was missing my big sister here so had to stop by.”

  He nodded. “Care to have lunch with us? There’s plenty.”

  She gave him a big smile that reminded him too much of Halee. “I would love to. Thanks!”

  Everyone pitched in to get the table set with paper plates, bags of chips, the biggest jar of pickles Derrick had ever seen, and anything else they could find that wasn’t nailed down. Stacking the sandwiches on a platter, Derrick carried them to the table where they were immediately scooped up. He took a seat and was thankful Halee had chosen to sit as far away from him as possible. He didn’t think he could take her heat next to him or the scent of her skin. Instead, her sister Bella sat next to him.

  “So where you from, Derrick?”

  “Dallas,” he answered between bites.

  “That’s a long way from here,” Reese shot in. “Why a
ll the way up here? You do realize it gets cold and snows?”

  Derrick took a gulp of Coke before he replied, “I needed a change of scenery.” Everyone seemed satisfied with his reply and went back to eating.

  “Are you from a family of firefighters?” Bella was back to prying into his past.

  “All the way back to my great grandpappy.”

  “Our ancestors have been fighting fires as far back as we can trace.” Halee wiped a napkin across lips that shined from the buttery sandwich. He suddenly had a dire urge to kiss them clean.

  Fucking shit! Pull yourself together.

  Halee looked at him as if she had heard his thoughts but then reached for the bag of chips. “At this station, Derrick, we are pretty open about who we are. It’s vital as a team that we all know each other’s strengths and weaknesses. I don’t know how much you know about shifters, since I understand there were not many stationed in the Dallas area.”

  “I only know a little of what Jenna filled me in on, so not much.” He was not about to discuss shifter-mating rituals. His mind drifted back to the other night with Halee and wondered if her hot blood was because she was a full-blooded dragon. She certainly had been like no other woman he’d ever been with.

  “Of course, you know Kadin and my brother Gaelen are shifters, as am I. Chance here is too, as well as Jamie. Our volunteers, Torin and Asher are also shifters.”

  Derrick glanced at Bella; she smiled.

  “I was blessed with the human side of the family.”

  He could only give a jerky nod.

  Halee continued. “You should know that in our human form we are just as susceptible to fire and smoke as you.”

  This took Derrick by surprise. “I thought you guys could withstand those things.”


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