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Rescue Me (Sparks Of Desire Book 2)

Page 5

by Valerie Twombly

  “No. Of course we can shift, and in our dragon form, we are impervious. However, we have to be able to shift or we can die same as you.”

  “Being pinned under burning debris or broken bones would be a good example of no shifting,” Chance added.

  Derrick polished off the last of the chips on his plate. “That’s good info to have. Not that I’d leave anyone behind.” He tried to shove his own memory of being pinned, and Davis’s PASS going off, back into that dark hole where he kept it. Last thing he wanted was that shit resurfacing while he was awake. It was bad enough it invaded his sleep.

  Reese, who had been quiet next to him, rose from his chair and slapped Derrick on the back. “Good to know, Taylor, and awesome sandwich.”

  “Thanks.” Derrick went about cleaning up while the others attended their own chores. His first day was flying by, and he was enjoying getting to know the crew he would be spending a lot of time with. It was interesting that shifters were not exactly bullet proof. Back home, if there were any of their species working among them, they kept to themselves.


  Halee made her way through the crowded bar, her gaze searching for the rest of the crew. Finally, she spotted Gaelen’s dark head of hair and walked to the back of the room.

  “Hey, sis I was beginning to wonder if you were coming.” Gaelen shoved a glass of beer at her. The rest of the gang shouted out her name and she raised her glass, clanking it against the others.

  Her eyes met Derrick’s and her breath caught. He wore a blue button-down shirt that made his eyes pools of sapphire. She pulled her gaze away, and unfortunately, the only empty seat was next to him. She could continue to stand but that might look odd. She didn’t want to give the impression of not welcoming the new guy. So, she made her way around the table and took the empty seat.

  “Evenin’.” He gave a nod.

  “Hi.” Her body temperature hitched by several degrees. This man was like a fire out of control and dangerous for her to be near, but what choice did she have? Her sister Bella sat across the table and flashed her a knowing grin. Halee simply glared back, causing her sister to laugh.

  I can do this. Derrick was a one-night fling. Nothing more.

  She took a long swig of beer to try and cool herself off. “So guys, we have a bit of a problem.”

  The table hushed.

  “What’s up?” Reese asked.

  “Mr. McKinley has taken ill, and we won’t be able to host our fundraiser at his place. We need to find another location and fast!”

  “Wow, I hope he’s going to be okay,” Bella said.

  “It doesn’t look good for him.” The older man had been letting the fire station use his property for years to host the fundraiser they used to help their various charities. He was now in his nineties and diagnosed with cancer.

  “What kind of event?” Derrick asked.

  “It’s a pig roast, and the three stations here in town get together and compete. The town lives for this annual event, and we’re already sold out. It’s only three weeks away!”

  “Why not use my place? I’m sure I have plenty of room.”

  “Where’s your place at anyway?” Gaelen piped up.

  Derrick swung his head to look at Halee’s brother. “I own Timberland Lodge.”

  “Oh my God!” Halee touched his shoulder, bringing his attention back to her. The flex of his bicep under her fingers had memories racing through her mind. “That place is more than big enough, but are you sure? I mean, we already have everything set up.”

  “I’m happy to help out a cause. What are we raising money for?”

  “We bank it, and at the end of the year, we split it between the food pantry, buying coats and such for those in need, then the rest we donate to an organization that helps the families of those who have fallen in the line of duty.”

  “Those are all worthy charities. Count me in.”

  The urge to kiss Halee, claim her mouth, and make her beg him for more put Derrick on edge. He had to focus on something else before he lost his ever-loving mind. Did volunteering his place mean the two of them would have to work together on the event? Christ, he hoped they wouldn’t be alone, because he was pretty certain there was no way in hell he could ever be alone with her and remain a gentleman.

  She was too damn tempting.

  “Derrick, that place is huge and more than enough room. Thank you for offering.” Halee focused on her sister. “Bella, we need to notify the printer, the newspaper, and the radio station of the new location.”

  Bella nodded. “I’ll get on it first thing in the morning. We should make a sign to put up at the old location just in case.”

  “Good idea.”

  Bella stood. “Derrick, you’re the new guy so you get to take me on the dance floor and twirl me around.”

  The group erupted in laughter and Jamie nudged Derrick. “Thank God for newbies. No one says no to baby sister.”

  Derrick rose and offered Bella his hand. Escorting her to the floor, he placed his hand on her waist and kept enough distance to be proper as his mother had taught him.

  “So. How are you liking Kirkwood?”

  Whew. Safe conversation. “I’m adjusting. The crew seems like great people to work with.”

  She gave a nod. “You’ll find we are pretty laid back and accepting of strangers.”

  “You lived here all your life?” Best to stay in the safe zone.

  “Born and raised. My family has been in Minnesota for several generations.”

  “Where are they from originally?” The dance floor was crowded and getting extremely warm.

  “Ireland. It’s a beautiful country.”

  “I bet. I’ve only seen pictures.”

  She flashed him a smile that indicated she was about to do or say something he wasn’t going to like. “Maybe you and Halee can go one day. She’s yet to visit the motherland.”

  “I don’t know why you would say that.” He grew nervous.

  “You two look good together. Matter of fact, she is giving me stink eye right now.” Bella laughed.

  Derrick glanced Halee’s way, but she quickly turned her back to them. “Your sister and I are co-workers. Nothing more.”

  Her smile widened, reminding him of a predator about to pounce, and he knew she was going to drop a bomb. “Is that only because you found out you fucked your boss’s little sister?”

  Derrick stumbled but regained his composure.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to take you by surprise.”

  Good thing it was dark because he was certain there was a scowl on his face. “I had no idea your sister liked to talk about her sex life. Besides, it has nothing to do with that. We both were in agreement on where we stood.” Damn it! He was going to have to speak with Halee about keeping this shit to herself. And here he thought men were the ones who liked to brag. Thankfully, the song ended, and he hoped so would this conversation.

  “Look, I know my sister. She won’t admit it but she likes you.”

  “I like her too, but as a friend and nothing more.” He started to walk Bella off the dance floor. “Last thing I want is to get involved with anyone.” He could still see the pain in Sarah Davis’s eyes when he attended Jeremy’s funeral. He never wanted that pain in another woman’s eyes. Not for him. Never for him.

  As badly as he had wanted a family, the only way to do that was walk away from the one thing he loved most. He’d tried but fighting fires was in his blood. Buried deep into the very essence of his soul. He could give it up no more than he could stop breathing. He was his father’s son.

  “Nothing says you two have to be serious. Ever heard of friends with benefits?” Bella pulled Derrick from his dark thoughts. He stopped in his tracks.

  “Your sister has her own problems right now. She doesn’t need me to add to them.”

  Bella’s grin reached her eyes. “Oh, but Derrick I think you are exactly what she needs right now.” Then she sauntered away, leaving him to wonder what the ever-lov
ing hell?

  When he got back to the table, he noticed Halee was gone. He refused to admit his disappointment. Instead he chugged his beer and slammed the glass down. “Pour me another and point the way to the pisser, would ya?”

  Reese jerked his head toward the back as he picked up the pitcher and filled Derrick’s glass.

  “Much obliged.” He headed to the back of the bar, weaving between drunks and a couple of ladies who reached for him, begging him to stop and chat. Maybe on his way back.

  After he finished his business, he exited the washroom and ran smack into Halee. Seemed the ladies’ room was also tucked back into the same dark corner.

  “Hi,” she whispered, licking her lips.

  Fuck! Maybe it was how she looked in the dim light. Perhaps it was the buzz, but he suddenly had her backed against the wall and his mouth on hers. Their tongues sliding across each other. Caressing, just like he wanted to do to her. His erection pressed into her hip.

  Halee was drowning. Derrick’s scent surrounded her, and her body reacted. Her nipples puckered against the fabric of her dress, and she now wished she’d worn a bra. Her body betrayed her by remembering how well they had fit together not so long ago.

  As quick as she heated up, she was left cold. Derrick had broken away and taken a step back. He worked his jaw.

  “You are a temptation I should be resisting.” His voice was a mixture of a whisper and a growl.

  “Then why did you kiss me?” Nothing like dipping her toe in fire. She licked her lips, the taste of him still lingered, and damn it all to hell, she wanted more.

  “A moment of weakness or stupidity because I find I want you again.”

  She totally got the weak part but the stupid? This man was far from it. How should she respond? “It seems we both feel the same way.” Might as well fess up.

  A lopsided grin curved his lips, and those sexy damn dimples peeked through the dark shadow covering his jaw. “What should we do about this, Halee?”

  Her heart was beating so fast she thought she might pass out. Swallowing, she took a breath to calm herself. “Maybe we should come to an agreement?” This time his brow shot up as he crossed his arms. His biceps flexed, and she wanted to feel the steel muscles under her fingertips.

  “Color me intrigued.”

  “What if we agreed to be friends with benefits for a certain amount of time?” She scarcely believed those words passed her lips.

  “Interesting. How long?”

  She shrugged. “A week? Month?”

  He rubbed the scruff on his chin. “What about Mason? I’m not one to fuck a girl behind another guy’s back. I do have principles.”

  “You have to realize, we don’t have a commitment to each other. Matter of fact, I know he’s sleeping with another woman, so he could care less. But, what if I tell him I’m seeing someone? Would that ease your mind?”

  “It would. If I may, I’d like to suggest we keep this between us. The others don’t need to know our business.” He frowned. “It doesn’t bother you that he’s sleeping with another?”

  She knew it should but it was Mason, and for some reason it didn’t. A clear indicator they were not meant to be together. “No, and definitely an excellent idea.”

  He narrowed his gaze at her. “That includes your sister. Kissing and tellin’ isn’t proper.”

  She burst out laughing. “Sorry, but when I told Bella I had no idea you would be showing up. She guessed the rest.”

  “Uh huh.” He uncrossed his arms. “We’d best head back before they start making up stories about us.”

  “You go first, I’ll be behind shortly.” He gave a curt nod and she watched him walk away. His backside a thing of utter perfection. What had she just agreed to? She rubbed her face, wondering if she really had lost her freaking mind.


  Halee maneuvered her truck down the gravel lane until she spotted the A-frame home. Parking in front of the garage, she sucked in a deep breath of air-conditioned air. Gathering her wits, she pushed open the driver door and was greeted by the blast of summer heat, but that wasn’t what set her skin on fire. No. It was that damn man coming down the steps wearing a fitted tee and an even more fitted pair of running shorts. She knew the body that hid beneath those clothes all too well.

  Get your mind on the reason you’re here. Charity!

  “Hey, thanks again for offering to host the event here.”

  He stepped beside her, smelling better than any man should. “Not a problem. I’m actually looking forward to it.” He jerked his head. “Shall we take a walk and check out the property? I’ll introduce you to Mrs. Johnson. She and her husband have been running the place for several years and I asked them to stay on when I bought the place.”

  “That’s nice of you.”

  He lifted a well-muscled shoulder. “I figure what do I know about running a lodge. Plus, I need someone here while I’m at the station.” Derrick led her to the water’s edge, and they followed the shore until the thick forest of timber cleared to an open beach.

  “I thought this might be a good place to put some tables. We also have some row boats, if you want to have a rowing competition.” He pointed and her gaze followed. “There’s that island over there.”

  Halee felt her own mouth curve. “I love it. We’ll kick the ass of those cocky bastards at Station One.”

  He laughed and Halee liked the sound of his laughter. She had a feeling he didn’t do much of it. The sadness was still buried deep in his eyes.

  “Up this way, behind the lodge is a big grassy area with a parking lot. We can rope off the lot and use it for the food since the lane is plenty wide for people to park.”

  “Yes, and I can assign someone to direct traffic.” She met his gaze. “This will be an amazing event.”

  He stared at her and Halee’s heart began to race when his gaze dropped to her mouth. She couldn’t stop herself from swiping her tongue across her lips and swore he tried to stifle a moan.

  “We should go say hi to Mrs. Johnson.” Breaking the moment, he turned his back to her and walked away. Again, with that ass.

  Moments later, Halee was being fussed over by Maddie Johnson. “What can I do to help? Now that my granddaughters are here, I have some extra hands. Derrick, I want you to meet my girls. Hang on a minute.” Maddie vanished into the small stockroom behind the front desk and soon reappeared with two young women.

  “This is my eldest, Mary and her younger sister, Ella. Ella graduated high school this year, and the girls are spending some time with us.” She turned her attention to the two blondes. “Girls, this is Derrick. He owns the place and he’s also one of the local firefighters. This is Halee and she works at the station too.”

  Halee stepped forward first and shook both girls’ hands. “Nice to meet you.”

  Derrick was next and Halee couldn’t help noticing how Ella’s pupils dilated when Derrick took her hand. She definitely found the man attractive and Halee couldn’t blame her.

  “Nice to meet you girls. I hope you enjoy your time here,” Derrick said.

  “We’ve offered to help Gran make her famous potato salad for your event.” Mary smiled. “If you’ve never had it, it’s to die for.” Her lids slid over her blue eyes as if she were remembering a treasured moment.

  “Maddie, that sounds good. I can’t wait to try it,” Derrick responded.

  “I’m happy to help. After all, it’s for a good cause.” Maddie focused on Halee. “You just let me know how we can help, and the girls and I will do whatever we can.”

  “Thanks. I’ll be in touch for sure.”

  Derrick walked Halee back to her truck. The entire way he tried not to notice how her tank top clung to her breasts, emphasizing her curves. Or how her denim shorts showcased toned thighs. He still wrestled with images of those legs wrapped around him as he thrust into her and the moans that escaped her lips.

  “Your heart rate increased. You okay?” She focused warm chocolate eyes on him as she came to a
stop next to her truck.

  He grew bolder. “When I saw you that first night, I thought you had the sexiest mouth I’d ever seen.”

  “Really?” Her words barely a whisper.

  Leaning closer, he backed her against the door of her truck. “I want to kiss you, but only if you want it too.”

  She swallowed.

  He was now so close, their hot breath mingled. “Do you? Want me to kiss you, Halee?”

  “Tell me, why ask me today when the other night in the bar you didn’t ask.”

  “My gentleman is showing today.” He offered his best good boy grin. It must have worked because she laughed.

  “So many sides to you, Derrick Taylor. Good boy. Bad boy.” She shook her head.

  “Which do you prefer?”

  “I like them all. You’re a southern gentleman with the soul of a bad boy.”

  No more encouragement was needed. He took her mouth. His tongue swept, pressing for entry and her lips parted. She tasted of the sweetest nectar, and he placed his palms on the heated metal of the truck caging her in, but he never touched her. He couldn’t because if he did then he would lose total control. As it was, he hung on by a thread. He wanted to back away, but she was addicting. Sweet like candy. Intoxicating like a fine whiskey and so damn soft. God, he loved soft.

  Finally, he forced himself to back away. “Two weeks.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Two weeks, then we end it.”

  “Okay. I can deal with that.”

  “You sure you and Mason aren’t sleeping together?”

  A delicate brow arched high. “I thought there were no strings here.”

  “There isn’t, but during these two weeks you belong to me. I don’t share.”

  This time she crossed her arms, her gaze narrowed. “Fine. As long as it’s understood the same rule applies to you.”

  “I’m all yours, darlin’.”

  She relaxed. “Any other rules?”

  “You have to understand, I’m not looking for anything more. I don’t do happily ever after.” A part of him wished he could, but his heart was encased in ice.


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