Rescue Me (Sparks Of Desire Book 2)

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Rescue Me (Sparks Of Desire Book 2) Page 8

by Valerie Twombly

  Now parked in Halee’s driveway, he stared at her front door. She’d invited him for a late breakfast before they headed to the place she wanted to show him.

  Why was he nervous?

  He exited the truck, made his way up the front steps, and across a wide porch then knocked. A moment later, the door opened and Halee stood there wearing denim shorts and a pink tank. Her hair fell in a silky mass of shiny dark waves.

  She wet her lips.

  Desire ripped through him.

  “Come in.” She stepped aside, and he walked through. “You check out, I hear.”

  “Yep.” Immediately he took in the room before him. Walls of cream, wooden floors, and navy blue furniture. He liked it. Not over the top frilly and he wondered what her bedroom looked like.

  “I hope you’re hungry.”

  He suddenly realized something smelled fan-fucking-tastic. “I’m starved. What is that heavenly aroma?” He inhaled deeper.

  The corners of her mouth turned up. “My famous breakfast casserole.” She looped her arm through his. “Come on.” Then led him to the kitchen. On the table sat a steaming casserole dish.

  “Sit here.” She pointed to the chair at the head of the table then proceeded to scoop a heaping helping of mouthwatering food onto his plate. “This has eggs, sausage, bacon and a bread base. I hope you like it.”

  “If it tastes as good as it smells, then I think I might fall in love.”

  She laughed and poured coffee from a carafe before sitting. He waited for her to scoop food onto her plate before he took a bite. When he finally did, he moaned at the taste that hit his tongue.

  “You like?”

  “Yep, I am in love.” He shoveled more food in. “You can cook for me anytime. I also accept left overs, scraps, doggie bags.”

  She laughed again. “I’ve tasted your cooking, Derrick. You’re a good cook.”

  “That may be, but there’s nothing like a home-cooked meal. One I didn’t have to make.” He didn’t want to recall the last meal he had that someone else made for him. It brought painful memories.

  They finished in silence. Derrick had two helpings, and as he shoved the last bite into his mouth, he was positive he would burst. “Thanks, darlin’, that was the best damn breakfast I think I’ve ever had.”

  “Thank you.” She rose to gather the dishes, and he shot out of his seat.

  “Let me help.” He followed her to the dishwasher. “So, where are we going today?”

  “It’s a surprise. A special place I like to go.”

  “No hints?”

  She glanced at him. “Nope.”

  After they finished cleaning up, she excused herself to grab her things. A few minutes later she reappeared.


  “Yep.” He held open the front door then made sure it was locked before he rushed to grab the passenger door for her. After she climbed in, he walked around and started the truck.

  “Head to route sixty-five north,” she said.

  He followed her directions and got on the four-lane. As he hit the cruise, she shifted in her seat to face him.

  “I told Mason he wasn’t the one.”

  He glanced at her. Was that what they were talking about the other morning? “How’d he take it?”

  “Actually, pretty well. He was relieved.”

  “Really?” He wondered what kind of guy would be happy to lose a woman like Halee.

  “Mason and Kadin are best friends. He was always around when I was growing up, and I love him like a brother. Turns out, he feels the same way about me but was being pressured by my brother.”

  She was free. Why did that scare the ever-loving hell out of him? “Sounds like this is best for both of you.”

  She nodded, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “It is. Now he can find his true mate.”

  He swallowed. “What about you, Halee?”

  “There is a man out there who will be devoted to me and love me with all his heart.”

  Derrick’s grip tightened on the steering wheel. The thought of her with another man caused a rage to boil inside him. He had no right. No claim to her except for the two weeks she had asked for. One week down and one more to go before he gave her up forever.

  “Care to tell me yet where we’re going?” he asked as he navigated along a winding narrow gravel road.


  “What?” He fought to keep his eye on the road and not her. What the hell was she up to now? Halee, with all her mysteries.

  “I’ve been feeling under the weather, and it’s because I’ve ignored my dragon.” She looked out the passenger window. “Take the next right. We’re almost there.”

  He wasn’t sure how he felt about this. Halee intended on shifting and taking flight? He had only ever seen a shifter in their natural form back in Dallas when Connor had done so to rescue Jenna. The man had been quite a sight. “You’re not feeling well?” He didn’t like that either.

  “Park here, we can walk the rest of the way.” She ignored his question and when the truck stopped, opened her door and jumped out. “This way.” She took off into the forest, and he stepped in right beside her.

  “I wanted to tell you I’m sorry for the other morning. I had no right to talk to you like that. I was a total ass.”

  “It’s fine.”

  “Why are you not feeling well?”

  “I’m anxious is all. It’s hard to explain but imagine having an itch under your skin that no matter what you do it will not subside.” They stepped into a clearing, and his gaze took in the vast open sky.

  “Is that how you feel right now? If not shifting makes you sick, then why do you wait?”

  She finally turned to face him, her eyes filled with sadness. “I hate what’s expected of me.” She fisted her hands. “I want to live my life my own way. Not how my brother thinks I should.”

  “Have you tried talking to him?”

  She rolled her eyes. “My feelings fill the majority of our conversations.” She looked into the sky, shielding her eyes against the blazing sun. “I’m sure once he finds out about Mason, he will be on the search for another male.”

  A sinking feeling came over him. “I’m sure. What made you finally decide about Mason?”

  She lowered her chin until she met his gaze. “You did.”

  Every muscle in his body tensed. “Halee.” There was caution in his voice. “We cannot be any more than what we already are. As a matter of fact—”

  She held up her hand. “I get it. You don’t do happily ever after.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “Then why did you ask me to come with you?” He waved toward the sky. “You don’t need me here for this.”

  Her smile was forced, never reaching her eyes. “More than anything I need a friend right now and...” she sighed. “I don’t want to lose our friendship. I feel like you understand me, Derrick Taylor. I know you are hiding your own ghosts, and maybe one day you will share them with me.” She stepped closer, her palm touching his cheek. “I can’t be with Mason. I know that for certain now. He’s not what I need.”

  He grew more confused. “What are you saying, exactly?”

  “That we are friends and I hope one day you find a woman who makes you happy.” Her hand slid to cover his heart. “One who touches you here. It’s important.” She stepped back. “Now, unlike my brothers who are much older and male, I’m vulnerable when I begin to shift. I needed a friend to have my back, so that’s why I asked you to come with me.”

  “I’ll always have your back, Halee. That, you can count on.” There was no mistaking they had a special bond, but it could never turn into anything more. It was better this way, or he’d break her heart later.

  “Thanks. Now, prepare to be dazzled. My primary dragon is pretty damn awesome.” She grinned.

  He laughed. “I’m sure you’ll explain the meaning of that later.”

  Halee knew Derrick thought he’d break her heart, but she had a feeling it was more th
e other way around. He had a wall around him so tall he couldn’t see over it. Fear and pain resided in his eyes, and she wanted so bad to make it go away. She also realized she liked Derrick. A lot. Everything inside her screamed they deserved a chance together. At least to try and there was no way he was going to agree unless she took drastic measures. Today, she would begin to earn his trust.

  Spreading a blanket on the ground, she pointed. “Have a seat. Each shifter has what is known as their primary dragon. The magic and power we gain when in that form is the strongest. But, we can also shift into any size to fit into smaller spaces. Comes in handy.”

  “I bet it does.”

  Halee started to walk away then stopped and looked over her shoulder. “And Derrick?”


  “Except for my brothers, I’ve never shared this with another man. Matter of fact, I’m breaking one of our sacred laws. We’re never to shift in front of a human.”

  “I don’t understand why?”

  “The elders fear humans, though I don’t understand why. My people are descendants of a dragon and a human.”

  He was intrigued. “I’d like to hear more.”

  “When I get back, I’ll gladly share the lore of the shifters.”

  “I’m honored you share this with me, Halee.”

  The need to shift and push away her human feelings pounded at her like a battering ram. Shedding her clothes, she watched desire bloom in his eyes and wondered if he ever looked at another woman the way he did her. Did he even realize the emotions that played behind the windows to his soul? She was tempted to go to him but remained strong. First things first. He had to see her for what she really was. She had to know if he would run. If he was worth fighting for.

  “You don’t play very fair, Halee.”

  She laughed. “Sorry?” she teased then stretched her neck, the shift refusing to wait any longer. With her arms extended, she closed her eyes and allowed it to overcome her. Starting at her toes, a new covering of skin raced across her body; the scales followed. The wind picked up and swayed the grass at her feet as the magic of her ancestors swirled around her. When she opened her eyes a few minutes later, she looked at the world through her dragon. Taking in a deep breath, she inhaled hundreds of scents from miles away. When she swung her head to look at Derrick, he stared at her with wide blue eyes.

  He swallowed. “You’re not going to eat me, I hope,” he laughed.

  Halee lowered her head until her chin nearly touched the ground. She opened her mind, searching for any others in the area. When in dragon form, they were able to communicate telepathically. She sensed none of her kind close by, but there was an open link she didn’t recognize. She latched onto it and followed the thread until she found where it led.


  “Holy fuck! Halee? Is that you in my head?” He cupped his head while taking a step back, clearly shaken.

  Yes, it’s me, but this shouldn’t be possible. We normally can’t speak with humans.

  This time he stepped closer. “That is just weird.” His features changed. The lines near his eyes faded. “You are absolutely amazing. Beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like you before.”

  She sensed his desire to touch her. Come closer. I won’t bite. I know you want to touch me.

  This time he took sure steps until he was in front of her. His hand reached out and he laid gentle fingers on her snout. Had she been a cat, she would have purred, his touch comforting. Strange emotions bombarded her, and it took her a minute to realize they belonged to him. She quickly closed the link. Did not want to invade his privacy, because there was no doubt in her mind that had she probed slightly, she would have been able to discover his dark secrets. Damn. She was going to have to remember to talk to Gaelen about this. It would mean revealing what was going on between her and Derrick, but she trusted her brother.


  The skin under his palm was warm and surprisingly silky. For some reason, he expected a dragon to be cold and hard. Halee was anything but. The sun reflected off her pearlescent scales shimmering muted colors of the rainbow. Her eyes were the same soft brown. Eyes he would know anywhere, and they reflected an eagerness. He took several steps back.

  “Are you going to fly?” He wanted to see her soar across the sky. Certain the sight would be the most amazing thing he would ever witness.

  With a soft snort, she moved to the edge where the ground gave way and then stepped off. Seconds later, he watched in utter amazement as her massive wings filled the sky. Her flight as graceful as any bird of prey he had ever watched. She climbed then dove. Darting through the air with ease and grace. Shouldn’t he be frightened? Halee was a creature who held power and magic he could never imagine, yet he trusted her. The same trust given to the brothers and sisters who had each other’s backs when things were at their worst. When fire destroyed everything around them, they went in to rescue life and property and kept each other safe.

  His mind wandered back in time to the night that changed his life forever.

  Fire raged all around him and Davis, and then suddenly the ceiling began to collapse. A shrill alarm cut through the thick air, indicating his best friend was down.

  Sarah Davis wiped her tear-stained cheek when he approached her. She tried to hide her sorrow, but it was in her eyes. She wanted to know why her husband, the father of her children, had died while Derrick lived.

  He jerked free of his thoughts, wondering if this nightmare would ever stop plaguing him. Halee circled then came in for a graceful landing. As soon as the pads of her toes touched, she shifted. Standing before him, her naked skin appeared to shimmer with silver dust, and her eyes were clearer than he’d ever seen them. She was a beautiful woman. Had a kind heart and would make a man happy, he had no doubt. If he had not thought before she was out of reach, he did now. She was nothing like him. Hell, they weren’t even the same species. He stood quietly, his focus on the clouds rolling in while she dressed. Finally, he felt the warmth of her hand on his arm.

  “Thanks for hanging out with me.”

  He faced her. “Thanks for sharing. I feel pretty special to have been allowed this privilege. Do you feel better?”

  This time the smile reached her eyes. “I do. Let’s sit and hang out for a bit.”

  “Whatever makes you happy.”

  “Hanging with you does.” She plopped on the blanket and patted the ground next to her. Once he settled at her side, she reached for his hand and entwined her fingers in his. Her warmth seeped through him.

  “So, one week left?”

  He was quickly reminded these moments alone with her would soon be gone. She would move on and find someone to spend the rest of her life with. The thought of another man touching her struck a nerve and caused him to jerk.

  “You okay?” She stared at him, her eyes searching his for answers.

  He leaned closer until his mouth took hers. Her lips parted, and he wasted no time laying claim. Their tongues did a slow erotic dance together, and electricity seared his skin. His jeans became too tight, but he was suddenly riddled with guilt. Halee deserved a man who wouldn’t walk away. One who would give her the world. He wasn’t it so he pulled back.

  “I can’t help but think we shouldn’t be doing this.” Had those words really slipped from his mouth? Someone take his damn man card.

  “Why are you being a gentleman?”

  He gave a half-hearted chuckle. “I guess because I am. My momma raised me better than this.”

  “I promised to share the lore of the dragon with you.”

  He propped up on one elbow. “I’m waiting.”

  “Thousands of years ago, in the Wicklow Mountains of Ireland, lived the last dragon. Ophi knew she was the last of her kind. Her strong magic had kept her alive for thousands of years while those around her perished. It’s said that to save her species, she used powerful magic to turn herself human. Ophi then took many husbands over the course of her human life and bore several children. All of wh
ich had the ability to shift from human to dragon. It was those children that carried on the DNA.”

  “That’s some pretty cool lore. I guess I can understand why it’s so important to carry on the gene that produces a shifter.”

  She focused on the horizon. “Share something about yourself with me. Did you grow up wanting to be a firefighter?” She looked back at him.

  Safe question. He could answer this one. “Yeah. My grandpappy and my dad were firefighters.” He laughed. “I remember wearing my dad’s turnout gear when I was little. What about you?”

  “There was no question. My family roots are embedded in this profession. I can do nothing else.”

  “I get that.” He found himself rubbing his thumb along hers.

  “Why’d you pick Kirkwood, Minnesota? Sure is a long way from Texas.”

  “It was time for a change.” He couldn’t bring himself to speak of it. Not yet. Maybe never.

  “It’s okay, Derrick.” She leaned in and kissed his cheek. “If ever you want to talk about what hurts you, I’m here. I’ll always be here.”

  All he could do was push to his feet. “We should go.”

  By the time they headed back to town, it was past dinner. Halee wasn’t sure if she’d made any headway with Derrick. On the drive he had been quiet, and when they finally reached her driveway, she worried if she had somehow pushed him too fast.

  “Want to come in?”

  “Thanks, but I think I’m going to head home. I’m feeling tired.”

  “Okay. Drive safely.” She started to open her door, but he stopped her, his fingers wrapped tightly around her wrist like he didn’t want to let her go. She faced him.

  He leaned in and kissed her. His other hand cupping her cheek as his tongue ravaged her mouth. Heat shot straight to her sex and something summersaulted in her stomach. Was that what people referred to as butterflies? He finally broke free. “Night, darlin’.”

  “Night.” She slipped out and he waited in the driveway until she was safely in the house. When the front door was closed, she leaned against it and touched her lips. “I’m in a shitload of trouble.” She reached for her phone and quickly called Gaelen. He picked up on the second ring.


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