Rescue Me (Sparks Of Desire Book 2)

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Rescue Me (Sparks Of Desire Book 2) Page 9

by Valerie Twombly

  “Hey sis, what’s up?”

  “How fast can you get here?”

  A knock sounded at her back and she jumped, letting out a screech. She flung open the door to find Gaelen laughing at her.

  “Quick enough for you?”

  “What the hell?” She was still clutching her chest but stepped aside to let him in. “How did you—”

  “I was actually on my way to see you.”

  She slammed the door while he made his way to her fridge.

  “Beer?” he yelled back.

  “Sure.” She kicked off her shoes and curled up on the couch. Gaelen handed her the cold bottle, and she took a long swig.

  “What’s bothering you? Mason told me you two had agreed to move on.”

  She felt her eyes widen. “Does Kadin know yet?”

  “Nah. That’s for you to tell him.” He shuddered. “I’d hate to step on your toes.”

  “Chicken shit.”

  “Fucking-A. Not my monkeys, not my circus.”

  She set her bottle on a coaster. “Love you too, bro.”

  “Love’s got nothing to do with it. So, what’s with you?”

  She took in a deep breath. “Derrick and I have slept together.”

  A low whistle escaped his lips then he chugged back half his beer. A loud belch filled the air.

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re such a pig. No wonder you can’t find a woman to settle down with.”

  “Hey now. Them’s hurtful words.” He grinned, causing her to laugh. “So, you two serious?”

  She sighed and started from the beginning, where she had picked Derrick up at the hotel to the night at the bar when they had agreed on two weeks together. “I took him with me flying today.”

  “What is the problem? I’m not seeing it.”

  “I like him, but his heart is encased in ice. Or so he likes to pretend, but I’m afraid of scaring him off if I push.”

  He let out a sigh. “Human or not, we are all idiots when it comes to women. Be patient with him because he will likely run, and in his mind, he has good cause. Whatever it is. If he really cares about you, he’ll come around. We usually do.”

  “Today when I shifted, I was able to connect to him telepathically. I could have read his every thought had I wanted to.”

  “Whoa.” He set his bottle down and stared at her.

  “Well? Does it mean something?” Gaelen was much older than her and would have more knowledge on these matters.

  “Uh, yeah. A connection like that without a bond is rare. Rarer than you are.”

  She shook her head and slapped her palm against her forehead. “Must you?”


  “Well? What does it mean?” If he didn’t answer her and soon, she was going to throttle him.

  “It simply means you’re more compatible with that person than anyone else. Doesn’t necessarily mean they have to be your mate.” He finished his beer. “I like Derrick.”

  She worked her bottom lip. “Gaelen? Do you think it means our kids could be shifters?”

  His brow shot up. “A little soon to be planning a family, don’t ya think?”

  She played with the label on her bottle. “Why else would a human male be compatible with me? You and I both know that I have to mate with one of our own to guarantee full-blooded female children.”

  “I honestly don’t know. It’s possible. Have you thought about asking our father?”

  “I did contemplate it.” She leaned in and kissed her brother’s cheek. “I love you. Thanks, and let’s keep this between us for now. Kadin will be beastly enough when I tell him about Mason. I don’t want him to start picking on Derrick.”

  “Our secret, baby sister.”

  Yes, Halee would call her father. It had been too long anyway since she had talked to her parents. She looked at the clock; it was too late, so she would have to wait.

  The week had gone by in a blur. The station had remained busy, and Derrick was on his last shift before the weekend. He and Chance sat at the table, Chance shuffling cards and Derrick sure he was about to lose his ass. Reese pulled out a chair and turned it around before he sat.

  “Want to play?” Chance asked.

  Reese cocked a brow. “Why don’t you just ask for my fucking money?”

  Chance grinned. “I thought you might want to hold and caress it for a bit before you kiss it goodbye.”

  Reese shook his head. “Unlike you, I like to wake up with my money in the morning.”

  “What fun is that?”

  “Flashing your baby blues at me won’t work, Chance.”

  “You’re not my type anyway. Too damn hairy,” Chance laughed.

  “Who wants a sandwich?” Damon called from the kitchen.

  Everyone piped up with a resounding yes.

  “Make it two for me,” Chance added, and Damon was heard mumbling under his breath.

  Gaelen entered and took up a spot in one of the recliners, flipping on the TV. “The new Star Wars is on in ten minutes.”

  “I wanted to see that.” Chance jumped from his chair, leaving the cards in a scattered pile.

  Reese snorted. “You mean you didn’t take a date, so you could make out?”

  Chance shot a self-satisfied glance. “Why the hell do you think I want to see it now? I missed the entire movie.”

  “You’re such a man-whore,” Gaelen stated.

  “Only your big brother has me beat,” Chance responded and evoked a laugh from the group.

  “He’s a Class A man-whore. I don’t think anyone has him bested on that front,” Gaelen chuckled.

  A few minutes later, Damon came in with the sandwiches, handing them out.

  “Oh, before you eat, the toilets need cleaning,” Damon said.

  Derrick pushed from his chair. “Fuckers. What am I going to find?” He headed down the hall. “You know I’m not new at this shit,” he yelled back. When he stepped into the bathroom he nearly gagged and had to run back out. Storming back to their living area, he walked into a room full of laughing men.

  “What the hell died in there?”

  “Gaelen’s ass,” Chance said, shoving the last of Derrick’s sandwich in his mouth. Fine, he no longer had an appetite.

  Derrick stared at Gaelen. “Did you kill some farmer’s livestock and eat the entire farm?”

  Gaelen simply grinned then lifted his shoulder. “I don’t know what you’re moaning about. I shit roses.”

  He could only shake his head and go back to clean the bathroom. He had to pay his due, but when this was over he would unleash his own bag of pranks.


  Tonight marked the end of their two weeks, and as Halee sifted through the clothes in her closet, she was torn. Should she be honest with Derrick and tell him how she felt? It seemed the only thing to do, but he was going to bolt. She just knew it. Finally deciding on a navy summer dress with a bold peach print that fell above the knee, she stepped in front of the mirror.

  “Shoes. Flats or heels?” Derrick was several inches taller than her, so heels it was. She dug out her favorite pair. Red leather braiding crossed over her painted toes, up the front of her foot then wrapped around her ankle a couple of times to tie in front. Sexy tassels moved when she walked. After a quick glance back in the mirror and some lip gloss, she grabbed her purse and headed for her truck. An overnight bag already rested on the seat. Hey, a girl could hope he would invite her to stay. In the two weeks they had been seeing each other, they had never slept together. Halee sensed it made him uncomfortable.

  Thirty minutes later, she maneuvered down his lane and waved at Ella who was walking a dog. She had grown to really like the girl and knew the crush Ella had on Derrick had to be painful. Young girl crushes always were, but one day soon hopefully, Ella would meet a nice boy her age and Derrick would be a distant memory.

  Parking, she got out and decided to leave her bag on the seat. Best not to push the overnight thing just yet. As she walked to the door, it opened, and Derrick s
tepped out to greet her. The man was all southern gentleman with a side of bad boy. His smile spoke of the devilish things he had planned for her.

  “You look beautiful.”

  When she reached him, he drew her inside, shut the door then kissed every bit of sense out of her. When they finally came up for air, she sighed.

  “That was a kiss you give a woman you either missed or are going to.”

  “Are you going somewhere?”

  “Ugh.” She stepped away and tossed her purse on the table. “Did you forget this is the end of our agreed time together?” Was it possible he had?

  He stepped to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of... Was that Korbel?

  “I thought you might like some champagne.” He popped the top and poured two flutes.

  “Are we celebrating something?” She tried to hide the hurt in her voice. Was he happy they would soon be over?

  “No. I just thought you might enjoy a special evening.” He handed her the glass and she accepted.

  “Do we toast to something?”

  A twinkle sparked in his eyes. “How about to our special time together?”

  She forced the lump in her throat down. Might as well get this over with now. If he rejected her, she would rather still be wearing her clothes and not the memory of his touch. “Derrick, I have something to say.”

  “Okay. How about we go sit in the living room?” He offered his arm and she wrapped her fingers around his bicep.


  A few minutes later, they were settled on the soft cushions of his leather couch.

  “What do you want to talk about, Halee?”

  “I like you, Derrick.” Get right to the point.

  “I like you too.”

  God, why did she feel like a teenager? She was a grown woman; this should be a cakewalk for her. “I don’t want our time together to end after tonight.”

  He set his glass on a coaster then settled back. Lines of tension hardened his face. “Just what are you askin’ for?”

  “A chance to make you happy. Time for us to get to know each other better.”

  He shifted, leaned forward, elbows on his knees as he shot his fingers into his hair, ruffling it. “I thought I was clear on what I could give you.”

  She set her glass next to his. “You don’t do happily ever after, but that is not what I’m asking for.”

  He looked at her. “Then what do you want from me?”

  “A chance.”

  His eyes darkened. “That sounds a lot like forever to me.”

  Derrick shoved down his emotions. Why was he upset that Halee wanted more? He had actually planned on asking her if she wanted to extend their agreement. He wasn’t ready to give her up. Not yet at least. However, he had the feeling she wanted something that involved commitment. What if he fell in love with her then lost her? How would she deal if he were killed in the line of duty?

  “I’m not asking you to marry me.”

  How did this work? She would outlive him. “I guess you should make it clear exactly what you want.” He felt like such an ass, but better now than later.

  She picked up her glass, took a sip. “I want more time with you. I want this relationship to be out in the open as well. There is no reason to hide this.”

  “That it?”

  She ran her tongue along her upper lip. “I hope I can earn your trust.”

  He pinched the bridge of his nose. “I do trust you.”

  “I mean enough to open up. Tell me what happened that has caused you to hide behind a brick wall.”

  “You really want to know?” This time he allowed his bitterness to surface. “Everyone I care about leaves. Whether they walk away or die, they leave.”

  Her gaze flicked to his tattoo before it came back to settle on him. “I’m sorry.”

  “I don’t want your pity, Halee.”

  She lifted her chin. Damn it, he’d hurt her. He never wanted to hurt her.

  “I don’t pity you. I’m simply sorry for your loss.”

  He scrubbed his face. He was a hot damn mess. Lifting his head, he stared into those pools of deep brown. Flecks of copper and hazel swirled and he wanted to share with her. Maybe if he finally opened up he would get some relief. She had shared a part of herself that was special. Even broke the rules of her people when she had shifted in front of him. She had trusted him when she was most vulnerable, yet he’d given nothing back. He truly was an ass.

  “First I lost my mom to cancer when I was a fifteen. My grandmother helped take care of me until she passed. I was twenty-one at the time.”

  Halee sat quietly, not speaking, not judging, so he continued.

  “My father was a firefighter, but you knew that. He died in the line of duty right before he was set to retire.” Derrick and his father had been close, and he missed his father even now. Especially now, because he knew his ole’ man would set him straight. Would probably say: Boy, pick yourself up and get going. Life is short, and you better live it to the fullest.

  “Is that who the tattoo is for?” she asked, finally touching him, tracing soft fingers along the ink.

  “Him and Jeremy.” He sucked in a deep breath. “About two years ago, I was on a call. Jeremy and I had to go in on rescue. We managed to pull out two survivors and then went in search of others. Things went to hell fast, and before I knew it Jeremy’s PASS went off and I was struck by debris. Last thing I remember was calling a mayday. I ran out of air and woke up in a hospital.”

  She reached for his hand, lacing her fingers through his. Giving of her own strength.

  “Jeremy didn’t make it.” The sting of tears burned his eyes. “He had a wife and two kids. I had no one.”

  She cupped his face. “Look at me.”

  He hesitated before he did.

  “You could not control what happened. There is no explanation for what happens. Why some of us survive while others don’t.”

  “You didn’t have to look in his wife’s eyes. See her pain and loss.”

  She shook her head. “No, I did not. I hope I never have to, but it is what we choose to do. We know the risks of our job, yet we do it anyway.” She dropped her hands to his biceps. “Even after what happened, here you are, still stepping into danger. You can’t do anything else. Can you?”

  “No. I tried, but this is who I am.”

  “Do you think Jeremy would want you to live like this? With the guilt of his death? I doubt it.”

  “He would not.” Jeremy was fuller of life than anyone Derrick had ever met.

  “Your father?”

  “He would kick my ass.”

  “Then honor their memory and go back to living.”

  “I know you’re right. I’m not sure how to start.”

  “One step at a time and I’ll be here to catch you when you stumble.” She smiled.

  “Halee, would you do me the honor of going out with me? A real date.” The words seemed so foreign to him.

  “I would love to.”

  “Great. How about staying the night?” Derrick had never been a man to dip his toe in the water. It was all in or nothing.

  Her smile widened. “My bag’s in the truck.”

  Halee led Derrick up the stairs and to the open loft. The sky appeared on fire as she glanced out the bank of windows. Deep hues of red, purple, and yellow morphed from the orange sphere that slowly set over the forest. She pulled him to the glass.

  “Look at the beauty of nature. There is nothing like a setting sun in the Superior Forest.”

  “I must admit, it’s pretty spectacular.”

  She turned to him. Pulled his tee from his jeans and ran her hands under the fabric. “Tonight, Derrick Taylor, I plan to make you forget your pain. My touch will begin your healing.”

  “Mmm, I like the sound of that.”

  She pushed his shirt farther up until it was over his head and on the floor. In front of her was a powerhouse of muscle. She kissed his chest. “You know you are every woman’s dream?�

  He chuckled. “If you say so.”

  “So modest. One of the things I l... like about you.” Had she almost said the L word? Not possible. It was too soon, but could she love this man? She pushed the thought to the back of her mind and enjoyed kissing a path downward. Following the light dusting of hair that led to the prize below. When she reached the waistband of his jeans, she looked up and gripped the button. Licking her lips, she grinned at the moan that escaped him. Feeling devilish, she kissed his hard length through the denim.

  He fisted her hair. “Now who’s the tease?”

  Her turn to chuckle. “Payback is a bitch. I promise to torture you thoroughly.”

  “And I vow to enjoy every second of your devious plan.”

  After a gentle squeeze, she unbuttoned his jeans, pulled on the zipper until his full length came into view. “No underwear, you dirty boy.”

  “I thought you might enjoy that. Tell me darlin’, will I find panties under that dress?”

  She ran her tongue along his ridge. He tipped his head back and released a feral groan. “No panties. I’ve discovered they incinerate around you.”

  He looked down at her, his pupils wide with desire. “Now who’s the naughty one?”

  With a quick motion, she had his pants around his ankles, so he could step free. Totally naked and at her mercy, she led him to the bed, a wicked plan forming in her head. “Lay down, hands over your head. Every time you try to touch me, I will stop pleasuring you.”

  His gaze narrowed. “You are an evil woman.” He complied, his arms swinging upward until his hands were over his head. God, she was turned on.

  To further his torture, she pulled a strap on her dress down her shoulder and let the fabric drop until one breast was bare. Let him see what he wasn’t allowed to touch. She then positioned herself on her hands and knees and hiked her dress to her hips.

  “No fair. How am I not supposed to touch you when you flaunt yourself?” His voice was strained.

  “You will thank me later for this.” She ran her tongue along the hard ridge of his shaft then sucked on the tip.


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