Cuts of My Life (The Chronicles of Enhanced Males Book 2)

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Cuts of My Life (The Chronicles of Enhanced Males Book 2) Page 3

by Doc King

  So how do they work? It’s simple; it’s all about contracting and relaxing the pubococcygeus muscle, which stretches from the pubic bone to the tail bone. The trick is in squeezing that muscle between the testicles and the anus, which constricts the anus and lifts the testicles. Like my therapist once said jokingly, it’s like when you really have to do a number two, but you try to hold it in until you get to the toilet. That pretty much sums it up.

  The best thing about Kegel exercises is that you can do them whenever and wherever you wish, without anyone noticing what you’re doing. You can do them at your desk, in a restaurant, at the movies, in your living room while you’re watching TV, under the shower…

  You squeeze the muscle, keep it like that for a few seconds, relax, and do it again. It can seem complicated and hard at first, so it’s best to keep it contracted for one or two seconds at first, and over time increase the duration of the squeeze to 5, 10, 20, and 30 seconds. As you gain more experience, you also increase the number of reps, that is, the overall duration of the exercise. I do Kegel as a warm up for real exercises, but also independently.

  His was my schedule at first. Three sets of 10 reps as a warm up for the exercises.

  During the first 9 reps, I’d squeeze the PC muscle, keep it like that for 1 second, and then relax. Then I’d do another repetition, squeeze the PC muscle, hold it for 2 seconds and then relax. Then I’d take a 1 minute break, and do another 10 reps. Another one-minute break, and then the last set of 10 reps.

  Apart from that, during the first few weeks, I’d do 5 sets of 20 reps a day with one-minute break between sets. Later, I increased the number of sets, so now I do up to 300 sets a day.

  If you start working on penis enlargement, Kegel exercises might seem like a drag, but they really aren’t. They are an extremely important factor, along with the length and girth exercises. Firstly, Kegel exercises improve the blood flow to the genitals, thus increasing the magnitude of an erection and the size of the penis. Secondly, if your PC muscle is in a good shape, you will have greater control over when you want to cum, thus extending the pleasure for both you and your partner. It also makes the ejaculations more powerful and profuse.Try doing just the basic repetitions before the warm up and the results will show. Besides, while you were reading this, you could have done 50 reps.

  Once I’ve finished my Kegels, I go to the window. I open it so I could listen to the sound of the city. The day is wonderful. While looking at the blue sky above me and the rushing pedestrians and the traffic below, I slowly eat my salmon sandwich. Life is beautiful.

  Indeed, life gets back to normal during the next few days. Everything is halcyon. I’m completely focused on the exercises and diet, and my organism is responding positively. I’m cheerful, self-confident, and I’ve got a bunch of new ideas.

  At work, Bryan’s causing me no trouble, we don’t even communicate. Greg’s project is doing great. Laura’s back to work. We’re mildly flirting. I feel as if I’ve cooled off when it comes to her, but that’s good for me now. Everything seems right.

  Until, one day, Angela calls me in for a meeting.

  This time, my sixth sense doesn’t tell me anything. I’m relaxed. Floating on air as I walk to her office. Her back’s turned to the door. I can see her semi-profile. She’s smiling. Across the desk from her are Greenwald and Schmidt from the board. They’re smiling, but not at Angela. A light bulb goes off in my head.

  To my horror, I become aware of the identity of the person they’re looking at. Bryan is standing in front of them. He looks like the Komodo dragon, with that broad smile and squinty eyes. Behind him, on the wall, is the presentation he’s pointing at. My legs turn to jelly. My hands shaking, I give a light knock on the door and walk in.

  - Mark, you’re here. Have a seat, please. – Angela sounds cordially, but I’m getting more and more tense.

  She isolates me at the head of the table, so everyone can see me well. The duo from the board stops smiling. They greet me formally, with a nod. Unlike them, Brian is giving me an even wider grin.

  - Would you like something to drink, Mark? – Angela asks me with the mechanical cheerfulness of a distracted hostess.

  - No, thank you... – I muster in a hoarse voice, turning down the only chance to save my throat, which was getting drier and drier.

  - The board insisted on having this meeting – she goes straight to the point – since new circumstances surrounding the Kolba project have arisen.

  - What kind of new circumstances…? - I almost stutter.

  - Improved suggestions for resource allocation. – instead of Angela, continues Schmidt, a Harvard graduate with a bright future.

  I look at him in silence. How can someone be this yellow; that’s all I can think about at the moment. The hair, the eyebrows, the skin, even his eyes, it’s all so disgustingly yellow. He frowns, as if he can read my mind, and goes on.

  - You’re probably not familiar with the reasons why we have hired Mr. Aldridge. He’s one of the best and most renowned resource analysts. He has saved many companies with his propositions for rationalization and cost reduction for the purpose of increased efficiency. The focus method, that’s what he called it, is it not?

  - That’s right. – Bryan responds quietly, still smiling.

  - Many of our projects have numerous loose ends, lack clear vision and strategy, which, to be honest, is costing us too much money. But clients are too important for us to give up on them. That’s why we have turned to Bryan for help, so he can determine which projects are most problematic and require his urgent intervention.

  I swallow a lump in my throat. I look around the room, but I see no smiles anymore. Schmidt waits for me to look at him again, sighs quietly, and goes on.

  - Since he came to our company, Bryan has been working hard and has managed to isolate several such projects. One of them, however, seems to be our priority. Bryan has just finished presenting the arguments for his reasons. And we completely agree with him.

  - My project… Streak… - I hiss.

  - Exactly. We appreciate what you’ve done, but simply… there’s a lot of room for improvement. Brian has pointed out its flaws in great detail, and offered his suggestions for improvement. If you’d like, Bryan can give you a detailed overview of the problems.

  Son of a bitch. The whole time, I thought he was keeping it cool, that he’s left me alone, but he was just plotting a way to fuck me up. The project with Kolba has no flaws, it’s perfect. Other projects are stumbling and costing money, but the bastard has gone after Streak once he realized that I work here and that it was my project. I swallow my pride. I don’t want to look upset in front of the board. I’ll play it by Bryan’s rules for the audience.

  - Gladly. Bryan and I can sit down after this meeting, so he can inform me about the improvements I’ll implement into the project.

  The two guys from the board exchange puzzled looks, and then instantly give Bryan a conspiratorial look.

  - I’m afraid you don’t understand, Mark. – Greenwald speaks for the first time. - It’s Bryan’s project now.

  - How? He cannot…

  - He has already named a team of associates who will be working with him. If we have understood correctly, your confrontational nature could affect the positive outcome of the project.

  - What?!

  - Bryan knows you well. He has told us that you have always been stubborn and not open for cooperation. We’re afraid that might be the case here as well. This is supposed to be a team work, and we cannot allow personal animosity to interfere with the outcome. That’s why it will be for the best to let Bryan and his team work on this project, and we will assign you a new client.

  My head is pulsating so badly, everything I see is covered in red dots.

  - Does Gr… Um, does Mr. Kolba know about this?

  - We haven’t told him yet. But he shouldn’t worry about that anyway. ThinkBean is behind both him and his product.

  The dots are getting wider. Angela’s
office is turning red with them. They’re oozing down the walls like blood from the severed necks of these corporate bastards whose heads I’ve just ripped off.

  - Mark? – Angela’s voice brings me back. – We know this is hard for you to handle, but…

  - We have to put company’s interests above all else. – proceeds Bryan instead of her, his voice cold like steel.

  - That’s right. – the faggots from the board nod their heads.

  - Of course. – the expression of absolute understanding on my face is masking the volcano hidden underneath, which is just about to erupt. Like a pro.

  As I walk out, Schmidt thanks me once again for understanding. Streak is an extremely important project for our company, and it must not fail. He continues preaching, and I just wait for him to fucking shut that yellow mouth so I can go back to my office.

  I storm past Laura, without saying a word. I sit in my armchair and press my chest with my hand. I’m trying to make my heart slow down, since it’s pounding like crazy. I’m going to have a freakin’ heart attack. Why aren’t offices soundproof? I’d feel much better if I could scream. Let a primal roar out of the deepest atavistic dark. Curse all their loved ones. Living and dead.

  I take my cell and call Greg. It’s ringing. Pick up. It rings several times. Nothing.

  - Hey, Mark? – finally. – What’s up?

  - Greg... Everything’s fucked. Completely.

  - Wait, what’s going on? Take it easy…

  I explain everything that’s happened in a single breath. He’s quiet for about half a minute after my tirade.

  - Greg?

  - I’ve already told those fucking dipshits that I don’t want anyone else. – he hisses. – You are the only reason I’m working with ThinkBean.

  - Thanks, but… there’s a catch in the contract…

  - I don’t care. Listen, I’m coming over. You sit in your office and just play it cool.

  After half an hour, I see Greg through the glass. He’s walking in long steps. Goes straight to Angela. Bryan and the two guys from the board are probably already there.

  I bite my lips in expectation. Every now and then, I stand up and peek through the glass. The hallway is empty. I go back, but I can’t sit for too long.

  Laura comes in, asking me if I need anything, because she’s leaving early. I just wave my hand. She probably doesn’t understand a thing. And I’m not so sure she wants to either.

  Half an hour later, my cell is ringing. It’s Greg.

  - Mark.

  - Hey, Greg, shoot. What’s going on?

  - Don’t worry about a thing. It’s all taken care of. I threatened I’d break off if they take you off the project. They tried to invoke those catches you’ve mentioned, but my legal team was one step ahead.

  - I don’t know how to thank you, Greg.

  - A round of drinks tonight will do. Eight o’clock at the Bull, ok?

  The phone on the desk is ringing.

  - Sure. I’ll see you tonight. Excuse me, Greg, I need to answer the phone.

  - Sure, Mark, see you tonight.

  It’s Angela on the phone.

  - My office. Now. – she says and hangs up.

  She’s alone in her office. Sitting and looking through the window, resting her head on her hand. She doesn’t smile when she sees me.

  - How could you do this to me?

  - I don’t understand?

  - Call Kolba, go telling on us, like some brat.

  - Angela, I really didn’t call anyone. Greg was here? I didn’t know.

  - Greg? Well, of course, now I get it. You’ve already become buddies. – she smiles cynically. I’ve never seen her like this.

  - Mark, what’s your priority? ThinkBean or Kolba… Greg?

  - Really, Angela, I have no idea what’s going on.

  - You don’t? Well, you have saved your project, because Kolba doesn’t want to work with anyone else. You’ve saved the project, but I’m not sure about your job. Not even mine.

  - Listen, Angela, whatever it is that happened, I don’t know how he found out. But it wasn’t me who told him.

  - Mark, stop it. I know when you’re full of shit. For all these years, you’ve been my favorite. I forgive you everything, tolerate everything, because, in the end, you turn everything into profit. Make sure that this time you shine like never before. Pull out the big guns. Or else, we’re both unemployed as soon as the project is done. I hope Kolba is worth all that.

  I walk out of my office with my head down. I should be celebrating my victory. But I feel nothing but the bitter taste in my mouth.

  I have that ugly feeling all day.


  - What’s the matter? Why are you worried? – asks Greg. – We won, didn’t we?

  - It’s not that simple. We won a battle, but I’m not sure about the war. You don’t know Bryan…

  - And you do? Who is he, anyway? Where did he come from?

  - From the dark past. But I don’t want to bother you. I’ll deal with it somehow.

  - We’ve still got time until we finish that bottle. – he points towards the bar. – We can do it in silence, or you can share your troubles with me. I suggest you choose the second option.

  I hesitate a bit, but then I decide to tell Greg all about the sadistic nature of Bryan, my torturer from college.

  - Fuck. – Greg sighs and finishes his drink once I’m done with my story. – That’s rough.

  - I told you.

  - Did you try contacting the police or the College Board?

  - No. I wasn’t really worldly-wise back then. That is, I didn’t know how to fight for myself.

  - You? Can’t be. You are the most self-confident man I know. I haven’t known you for very long, though, but you’ve got charisma and that I-can-fucking-do-everything attitude. You can see it from the space.

  - That was built over time.

  - Hah, yeah, right.

  - No, I’m serious. I wasn’t born with it. – I finish my drink so I can get the lump out of my throat. – The boy who was then a student in Minnesota is not the same man who is sitting here with you.

  - So what changed?

  Fuck. I’ve opened the door. Can’t go back.

  - Bigger cock.

  Greg then laughs so hard that everyone in the bar turns around and looks at us.

  - Sorry. – he says after he’s caught his breath. – You’ve simply caught me unprepared.

  - Sounds incredible, I know. – I blush like a tomato.

  - I mean, I understand the concept, bigger dick means more self-confidence, but you’re born with it, it doesn’t grow. – He tries to keep a straight face.

  - Well… That’s what I thought, too. But it does grow.

  - That’s it, no more alcohol for you. – he takes the glass from my hand and starts laughing again.

  He gets serious after he sees my face.

  - Wait, Mark, you’re not serious? Tell me you’re just messing with me.

  I shake my head.

  - Oh, fuck, I’ve hired a cuckoo. – he says in a serious tone, but then starts laughing again, making everyone look at us.

  I start laughing, too.

  - I thought you’d be quiet all night, but this is great. Talk. Don’t leave me hanging.

  I take a sip and start talking. Greg is quiet the whole time. He doesn’t laugh. Sometimes he opens his eyes wide and takes a sip. Fifteen minutes later, after I finish, he starts talking again, quietly.

  - I don’t know what to say, Mark. I mean, it really works?

  - Yeah. I reacted the same way the first time I’ve heard of it, but I’m a living proof it works.

  - Ok, just don’t make me go to the men’s room with you to check. I’ll take your word for it. – he laughs loudly and breaks the tension.

  - How much? – he asks.

  - Two inches…a bit more.

  - Pf... Half of that would be more than great. And all that just by using your hands?

  - The Arabs used some aids, bu
t hands are crucial, and enough.

  - How did you find out about that ancient technique?

  - I heard about it from a therapist. I accidentally met him. I was going through some tough times and I stumbled upon his ad. He was advertising some new, revolutionary technique in psychoanalysis. He promised boosting self-confidence, and that was just what I needed. Had I been in a different mood that day, I wouldn’t have gone. And, at the time, I was living in his neighborhood. Everything just came together.

  - Fuckin’ A. So how does he do that?

  - It’s best that you schedule a session and see for yourself. – I take out a business card from my wallet and hand it to Greg.

  - I mean, I don’t need it, I’m just asking.

  - Greg, it’s not just the size, but performance as well. You mentioned you’ve been having some problems recently… down there. These exercises solve that, too. You’ll have harder erections and you’ll be able to control when you want to cum.

  He gives me a dazed look and says nothing.

  - That day, when you told me about that, I wanted to tell you about all this, but I wasn’t sure you’d believe me. Try, you’ve got nothing to lose.


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