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Climax: The Publicist, Book Three

Page 33

by Christina George

  “Steph, I have to go. I’m sorry. I should have told you. A friend is in trouble.” He shot her a nervous look.

  She crossed her arms over her perfectly rounded breasts, jutted out her chin, and said, “A friend? Who?”

  “I need you to sit down.”

  Stephanie did not sit down. “And you just suddenly thought of this?” The irritation in her voice was evident.

  “No, I knew when I got home but I wasn’t planning on, well, doing anything.” Nick ran a hand through his hair. This wasn’t coming out well at all.

  “I don’t understand. A minute ago you wanted to ravish me, and now you need to go?” Her voice was sharp.

  Stephanie narrowed her eyes and glared at him. “Who is this about?”

  “It’s about Kate. She’s gone missing.”


  Stephanie wasn’t at all understanding. If their roles had been reversed, he probably would have felt the same way. But he needed to do something, or something more. He promised her he’d be quick. He hoped that was true.

  Nick pulled into the San Marino Police Station. He’d lived in San Marino for a long time and knew most of the cops there. Certainly, most people knew Nick because of his stores and his uncle. They had all known Kate, too, who had worked a few police charities and bake sales and helped get them some added publicity for these events. Always the publicist.

  He got out of his car, still cursing himself for not being able to just let the whole damned thing go. He negotiated with himself that this was for Vivienne’s sake and for Grace, who had always been extremely kind to him. Of course, none of it had anything to do with whatever he might feel towards Kate.

  Distance had been a godsend.

  “Fucking Mac,” he said as he pushed the station doors open.

  “Nick, hey there!” It was Sam, one of the town’s more senior police officers and a genuine nice guy.

  “Hey Sam,” Nick smiled, and he held out his hand across the counter that divided the room. The two men shook.

  “What can I do for on this fine evening, Nick?” Sam threw him a broad smile. There wasn’t a lot of crime in San Marino, and Sam’s job wasn’t a particularly hard one. Some days it was a lot of false alarms—elderly women who locked themselves out of their elaborate homes or helping retrieve someone’s cat that had gotten stuck in a tree.

  “A friend has gone missing,” Nick began.

  Sam’s eyes perked up. “I’m sorry. How long has this person been missing?”

  Nick shook his head. He still couldn’t believe he was doing this.

  “Two days, maybe three by now. She went to Mexico for a writing event and hasn’t been heard from since the conference started.”

  Sam rubbed his chin. “Mexico, wow, is there someone down there who can look for her?”

  “No, that’s the problem. She is or was in San Miguel, which is pretty far removed from any other town. The conference is done, so the folks there are headed home. I’m just not getting much help.”

  Sam shook his head, “Nick, I’m sorry, Man, but I don’t know that I can be much help, either. I mean, you could file a missing person, but you have to wait officially for three days, and even then, you know, people go off sometimes.”

  “She would never do this,” Nick thought about it for a moment and added, “under normal circumstances. But she’s recently gotten some very bad news, so maybe…”

  Yeah, and maybe he was an ass who left a naked woman in his bedroom to go run a fool’s errand.

  Sam cocked his head, “Do I know this person, Nick?”

  Nick swallowed. Here it was, the moment he’d been dreading. Sooner or later he’d have to give her name.

  “It’s Kate.”

  Of course Sam knew her. Everyone knew her. His eyes flew open. “You mean Katie Mitchell?”

  Nick nodded. Yes, that Kate Mitchell—the one who had dumped him for a man who dumped her for his ex-wife. Now he was the lame ass here at the police department trying to help her. God, he really needed to look into that head-examining thing.

  “Nick, I-I don’t know what to say. I’m sorry. Are you two, eh…” Sam motioned with his hands, an awkward motion that meant he’d rather not come right out and ask if they had reunited in case he was wrong, which he was.

  Nick shook his head. “No, we’re not. A friend called me since I have staff that has family in Mexico. This person thought that maybe somehow I’d know a quicker route to finding her.”

  Sam rubbed his chin again, “Well you know, short of actually going down there, I don’t know what else we can do. I could call a buddy who knows some cops down there.”

  “You mean the Federales, don’t you?”

  Sam shook his head. “No, a cop—the kind that isn’t always looking for a handout. I can call him and see what he can do. At the very least, we can check nearby hospitals.”

  Of course, hospitals. Why hadn’t he thought of that?

  “That would be great, Sam. I appreciate it. She has a lot of people in New York worried about her.” But not me, he wanted to add. I’m just here for Vivienne’s sake.“

  Sure, no problem. And while I’m at it, I’ll see if we can find out of her credit cards have been used anywhere.” He hesitated before he added, “Hey, you know I’m sorry that it didn’t work out with you two. She sure was a nice gal, that Katie.”

  Nice. Sure, when she wasn’t driving a knife into my chest, he wanted to say. Instead, he just smiled, thanked Sam, and went home to see if Steph was still there or if she’d bailed on him, too. Frankly, he wouldn’t blame her.


  “Tracey, I just don’t know what to do. It’s Kate, Kate, Kate, all the time.” Stephanie sighed and dropped herself onto the bed where she’d been since Nick left. She’d gotten dressed, of course. Clearly, sex wasn’t in the cards.

  Damn it.

  “Listen to me, Girl. You’ve got to take some serious measures here, or Nick is going to slip away. Men love playing the knight in shining armor, and if that bitch Kate doesn’t turn up quickly, he’ll be racing to rescue her. You mark my word.”

  “He won’t do that. He’s just gone to the police station to let them handle it.”

  On the other end of the phone, Tracey clucked her tongue. “Not a chance this stops at the police station.”

  Stephanie fell back onto the bed. “I need advice, Tracey, not this lecture.”

  “You know what my advice is.”

  “I could never do that, so stop suggesting it.”

  “It’s the only thing you can do to make sure that Nick doesn’t stray off with that tramp publishing bitch. I hope she freaking rots in a Mexican prison. It would serve her right.”

  Stephanie hated her, too, but that was pretty harsh. She really just wanted her to go home and be happy with her life and stay the hell out of hers. And also, she’d like to never hear the name Kate Mitchell again. She wanted Nick, she loved Nick, and she wasn’t at all sure he felt the same way.

  “You need to bring up the moving in thing again.”

  Stephanie twirled her hair. “I did, but he sort of likes it this way and I’m here a lot.”

  “Not enough. Listen, Steph. Nick is a catch. Either you step up your game or someone else will walk off with him. Probably that bitch, Kate.”

  Stephanie heard Nick’s car pull up. “I have to go,” she clicked off without waiting for her friend to say goodbye. Enough. Nick would come around. She was certain of it. She took a long look at herself in the mirror. Her body was perfect. Her smile was perfect. He would eventually come around. Most men did.

  In the meantime, the best thing she could do was pretend this whole “Kate’s lost in Mexico” thing didn’t faze her, although it most definitely did.

  . . . .

  Nick had done all he could. Sam would call his friend. He’d texted Grace with the information, who had quickly and gratefully sent him back a “thank you.” His job on this was done. If Kate didn’t turn up at any police stations or in any
local hospitals, then she was probably off just trying to find some peace after Mac tore up her life. For all they knew, maybe she was even in Cabo soaking up some sun.


  Kate hadn’t planned to leave the conference; she just walked out of the panel to get some fresh air and kept walking. At first, she just wandered through town enjoying the sights. When she spotted a small clothes store, she stopped and bought a whole bunch of colorful tops, skirts, flowing dresses, and a pair of sandals—all cheap and all paid in cash because she’d left her credit cards back at the house. Then, she slipped into the dressing room and changed into the new outfit and handed her dark, expensive, New York suit to the young girl behind the counter and told her to keep it. After that, Kate just kept walking all through town, occasionally stopping to watch the tourists and the locals selling their wares.

  The sun was bright and warm and here. In San Miguel, she wasn’t the former publicist turned publisher who was just dumped by her fiancé who cheated on her with his ex-wife. Here, she was just another tourist taking in the sights. No one noticed her or wanted anything from her. No one pestered her for more book sales, more publicity, or a higher book advance.

  She had turned off her phone—something she never did. It felt impossibly freeing. No buzzing in her purse yanking her back to reality. It was just the now in a place far removed from New York and everything that had been a part of her life.

  . . . .

  When Nick got home, Steph had done an about-face and had been pretty understanding. He was relieved he didn’t have to come home to a fight, because he really wasn’t in the mood for it. Moreover, he wouldn’t have blamed her at all if she’d been a hot, livid mess.

  Nick had just arrived at his Laguna Beach store when he got the call from Sam.

  “I wish I had better news for you, Nick,” he offered. “It’s good that she’s not in jail or hurt, but the credit card thing is worrisome, I have to be candid with you.”

  “I know,” Nick said and felt his heart squeeze in his chest. Something was not right about this. Maybe she was hurt but just hadn’t shown up in a hospital yet.

  “Sam, thank you for this. I know you really went above and beyond here.”

  “You going down there to find her?”

  Was he? He wasn’t entirely sure. He hung up with Sam, and then without checking the time, he picked up the phone and called Grace.

  “Hello?” She was clearly asleep, but he was pretty sure she wouldn’t care that he woke her.

  “Grace, it’s Nick. Listen, I had a friend of mine at the police station do some work on this. No sign of her in any jails or hospitals, and her credit cards haven’t been used.”

  “God, Nick. I’m so worried about her.”

  “I know,” he said. “I would have to agree there is something wrong.”

  “I called a friend of mine who has a passport. He said he’d go down there and see if he can find her.”

  Nick nodded and thought for a moment. “Has this friend ever been to Mexico?”

  “No,” Grace said somewhat meekly.

  “Does he speak Spanish?”

  “Um, sort of. A little, I think. Well, maybe not much.”

  “Then you can tell him to save himself a trip down there. He won’t be helpful to us at all.” Nick paused for a moment and then said, “I’ll go.” It was out of his mouth before he even realized what he’d said.

  He was going down there, really?

  Color me a jackass, he thought.

  “You-you will?” Grace’s voice was full of disbelief, which pretty much mirrored how he felt.

  Nick shrugged, turned his cell on speaker, and flipped open his laptop.

  “Nick?” Grace said when he didn’t respond.

  “I will go, Grace, but you know—”

  “I know, Nick, I really do.” Grace cut him off, of course she knew.

  “Nick, maybe I’ve gotten everyone worried for nothing. I mean, she’s a big girl and pretty capable. I’m sure she just needed some time alone.”

  Nick opened his browser and typed in his airline. He knew that Delta had direct flights to Leon airport. If he was lucky, he could probably get on a flight today.

  “Are you changing your mind about this, Grace?”

  “No, no…” she hurried to answer, “I just, well, I wanted to give you an out in case you decided that it was just too much, which I’m sure it is.”

  Nick picked up the phone and turned the speaker off. “Grace, I found a flight. I’m taking it, and here’s the deal: I’m doing this for Vivienne, just to be clear. If Kate has a breakdown, there goes my sister’s future. And with that jackass gone, there’s no one to manage this project, I’m sure. Not that he was worth the fucking accolades he always got, but whatever. And speaking of him, I want you to make absolutely sure that he’s not down there with her, because I am not going to pack my shit up, piss off my girlfriend, and go down there just to break up a lover’s weekend.” As Nick said the words, his stomach clenched and unclenched.

  God, he hated Mac.

  He hadn’t considered it before, that he actually hated Mac. But now he was pretty sure that he did.

  Grace was silent for a moment. “I-I’m not sure how I would do that.”

  “Call Lu at the publishing house and have her dream up some reason to contact him and make freaking sure that he’s in New York. And do it now. If he’s there, you text me and just tell me the trip is off. Don’t tell me the details, because frankly I don’t care. Now, I’m going to clean up here and head home to pack.”

  “I will, Nick. I’m sorry. I’ll handle it with Lu. I, I just want to say. You’re a pretty amazing guy.”

  Nick hit Confirm on his reservation and slammed shut the lid on his laptop.

  “No, Grace. I’m not at all amazing. Actually, I’m probably the biggest fool that’s ever walked. But this is the last time—the very last time—that I get involved in her life. Is that clear?” Nick didn’t wait for Grace to respond before adding, “I’ll text you from Mexico.”


  You can’t be serious, Nick?” Stephanie’s arms were on her slender hips. Her hair was up in a ponytail. When he came home she’d been outside sunbathing.

  Her day off from work.

  This wasn’t going well at all. Nick headed upstairs to grab a suitcase.

  “Steph, come upstairs with me so we can talk about this.”

  “Talk while you pack? No way.” She flung her ponytail over her shoulder and stomped into the living room.

  “Damn it,” Nick said under his breath, but frankly he didn’t blame her.

  “Honey, listen. It’s a day, tops. I have to do this.”

  Stephanie’s hand flew into the air. “Yes, yes, I know—for little miss Vivienne.” She spat out Vivienne’s name and Nick felt rankled.

  “Hey, listen. That’s my sister. She is my number one priority.”

  Her hands crossed over her chest. “Number one, Nick?”

  “Yes, number one. You need to know that right now. I care about you a great deal, but my sister is the only family I have, and she is very important to me. I’m a packaged deal, Steph. You get me, you get Vivienne.”

  Stephanie turned around so he wouldn’t see her rolling her eyes. She’d hoped that the closer they got, the more little red-haired, annoying-as-hell-Vivienne would fall to the background.

  Nick walked up behind her and put his hands on her arms. She shrugged him off.

  “Steph, I’m going and I’m sorry that I’m asking you to understand that I have to do this, but I promise you that it’ll be the last time.”

  Stephanie spun around. “I want to move in,” she said firmly.

  Nick felt like he’d been slapped. “What? Are you trading this trip for a cohabitation deal?”

  Stephanie realized what she said and caught herself. Her eyes softened.

  “No, no, that’s not what I mean. I—I just feel like an outcast sometimes. It’s you and Vivienne, and you’re like thi
s clique. I’m just, well, the kid that doesn’t fit in.” The pout. She added the pout.

  Nick put his hands on her arms. She didn’t shrug him off this time.

  “Steph, listen. I know we lived together in New York, but here is different, and I don’t think we should mix conversations.” Nick paused a moment before he added, “Stephanie, I think we should put the pause button on this relationship right now.” It was out of his mouth before he realized what he’d said.

  “W-what?! Are you breaking up with me?”

  Nick realized that, despite the fact that he hadn’t planned on it, it was the right thing to do. He was chasing his ex-fiancé to Mexico to find her, or whatever, and he’d spent most of his time dodging memories of Kate when he was in New York. It just wasn’t fair to Stephanie, although he was certain she’d never see it that way.

  Stephanie started to cry, and Nick walked her over to the couch. “I’m sorry, Steph. I really am, but I just, I need this time. We need this time. I need to figure some things out, and it’s not fair to keep you in limbo.”

  “You have kept me in limbo for months, Nick! I’ve been there for you the entire time: When you were pining for her, when you were so lonely you could barely function, and I know,” tears were streaming down her face, “I know that there were times we were together that you wished it was Kate.”

  The words his him hard. She was right. She was one hundred percent right. Even more reason to hit the pause button on this. He was taking this girl with him into the tailspin of his life.

  “You’re right,” he said gently and pulled her to him. He hugged her tight as she continued to cry. “When I come back, let’s talk. But right now I have to do this.”

  “I don’t understand,” she cried, “I just don’t understand.”

  Nick sighed. “Sometimes I don’t either,” He admitted. Then he said, “Now, I need to pack. I’m sorry, but I need to do this. I’m the only one who can, and she has a lot of people worried about her.”


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