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President Carter

Page 111

by Stuart E. Eizenstat

  12.  Jimmy Carter, White House Diary (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2010), 116; Abourezk quote: 1977 CQ Almanac, “Carter Energy Bill, XXXIII, October 3, 1977, 736–7, cited in Presidency in the Constitutional Order, by Joseph M. Bessette and Jeffrey Tulis,; for an excellent overview of the path of the Carter energy bill through Congress, see 1977 CQ Almanac 708–45.

  13.  Al Alm, interview with the author, August 21, 1989.

  14.  See Richard Corrigan, “The Energy Tax Bill’s Long Road from the Senate to Conference,” National Journal, November 5, 1977, 1716–9.

  15.  Pad 25, October 6, 1977.

  16.  Pad 26, October 13, 1977.

  17.  Pad 26, October 17, 1977; Jimmy Carter, White House Diary, October 17, 1977, 120.

  18.  Pad 26, October 17, 1977.

  19.  Ibid., October 18, 1977.

  20.  Pad 16, October 20, 1977.

  21.  Pad 26, October 25–26, 1977.

  22.  Pad 25, October 31, 1977.

  23.  Pad 26, November 1, 1977.

  24.  Senator J. Bennett Johnston interview, September 12, 2013.

  25.  Ibid.

  26.  Charles Curtis, interview with the author, August 24, 2015; James Schlesinger, University of Virginia’s Miller Center of Public Affairs interviews, July 19–20, 1984.

  27.  James Schlesinger interview, March 27, 1989.

  28.  Pad 30, January 25, 1978.

  29.  Pad 30, February 7, 1978.

  30.  Pad 32, March 13, 1978.

  31.  Pad 32, March 14, 1978.

  32.  Pad 32, March 14, 1978 .

  33.  Pad 32A, April 16, 1978, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:10 p.m. with President Carter, First Lady Rosalynn Carter, Vice President Mondale, Charles Kirbo, Jack Watson, Frank Moore, Jody Powell, Tim Kraft, and author; April 17, 1978, President and White House Staff with the entire Cabinet; and Jimmy Carter, White House Diary, 185–8.

  34.  Pad 32A, April 17, 1978.

  35.  1978 CQ Almanac 648, and for an excellent summary of the entire congressional energy debate and action, 637–67, Library of Congress No. 47-41081, Copyright 1979 by Congressional Quarterly, Inc., Washington, D.C.

  36.  Pad 32A, April 11, 1978.

  37.  Pad 32A, April 24, 1978.

  38.  Pad 32A, April 30, 1978.

  39.  1978 CQ Almanac, 95th Congress, 2nd Session … Vol. XXXIV, 655.

  9. Energy and the Dollar at the Bonn Summit

    1.  Pad 31, February 27, 1978.

    2.  Walter Mondale, interviews with the author, April 3, 1991, and April 4, 2002.

    3.  Henry Owen, interview with the author, July 28, 1989.

    4.  Ibid.

    5.  Lord Callaghan, interview with the author, September 5, 1991.

    6.  Richard Cooper, interview with the author, March 9, 1992.

    7.  Henry Owen interview, July 28, 1989.

    8.  Ibid.

    9.  Ibid.

  10.  Robert D. Putnam and Henning C. Randall, The Bonn Summit of 1978: How Does International Economic Policy Coordination Actually Work? Brookings Papers in International Economics, No. 131 (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1980), 67.

  11.  Katherine Schirmer Cochrane, interview with the author, November 20, 1992; Henry Owen interview, July 28, 1989.

  12.  Henry Owen interview, July 29, 1989.

  13.  Ibid.

  14.  Ibid.

  15.  Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, email responses to author’s questions, October 21, 2013.

  16.  Putnam and Randall, The Bonn Summit, 9.

  17.  Jimmy Carter, interview with the author, June 8, 1992.

  10. Into the Pork Barrel, Reluctantly

    1.  Pad 36, July 19, 1978.

    2.  Ibid.

    3.  CQ Almanac 1980, Vol. XXXVI, “Congress Overrides Veto on Oil Import Fee,” 227.

    4.  Katherine Schirmer Cochrane, interview with the author, November 20, 1992.

    5.  Pad 38, August 17, 1978.

    6.  Katherine Schirmer Cochrane interview, November 20, 1992.

    7.  Pad 38, August 17, 1978.

    8.  Pad 38, August 17, 1978.

    9.  Frank Moore, interviews with the author, June 29, 2013, and October 2, 2014.

  10.  Ari Weiss, interview with the author, June 25, 2015.

  11.  Ibid.

  12.  Pad 38, August 25, 1978.

  13.  William Cable, interview with the author, August 21, 2013.

  14.  Pad 39, September 20, 1978.

  15.  Dan Tate, interview with the author, April 17, 2013; Pad 40, September 22, 1978.

  16.  James Schlesinger, University of Virginia’s Miller Center of Public Affairs interview, July 19–20, 1984.

  17.  Pad 38, August 31, 1978.

  18.  Ibid.

  19.  1978 CQ Almanac, 658, describing a regular 8:30 a.m. White House meeting beginning in mid-August, with Hamilton Jordan, Anne Wexler, top officials from the Department of Energy, Gail Harrison and William Smith of the Vice President’s staff, Dan Tate, chief White House Senate lobbyist and William Cable, to White House lobbyist for the House of Representatives.

  20.  Pad 39, September 8, 1978.

  21.  James Schlesinger, University of Virginia’s Miller Center of Public Affairs interview, July 19–20, 1994.

  22.  1978 CQ Almanac, 655.

  23.  Pad 39, September 9, 1978.

  24.  Pad 39, September 11, 1978.

  25.  Pad 39, September 12, 1978.

  26.  Ibid.

  27.  Ibid.

  28.  Pad 39, September 13, 1978.

  29.  Pad 39, September 18, 1978.

  30.  Pad 40, September 22, 1978.

  31.  Pad 39, September 21, 1978.

  32.  Pad 39, September 20, 1978.

  33.  Pad 39, September 21, 1978.

  34.  Ibid.

  35.  Pad 40, September 28, 1978.

  36.  Pad 40, October 3, 1978.

  37.  Ibid.

  38.  1978 CQ Almanac, 661.

  39.  James Schlesinger, University of Virginia’s Miller Center of Public Affairs interview, July 19–20, 1984.

  40.  Donald Lubick, interview with the author, March 29, 2015.

  41.  Pad 40, October 6, 1978.

  42.  Pad 40, September 21, 1978; Robert Shapiro, interview with the author, June 16, 2015.

  43.  1978 CQ Almanac, 662.

  44.  Jimmy Carter, White House Diary, 252.

  45.  Jimmy Carter, White House Diary, 252.

  46.  President Carter’s Signing Statement, Public Papers of the Presidents II, November 9, 1978. 1978–1985.

  47.  Stuart Eizenstat Memorandum to President Carter, Carter Presidential Library, January 3, 1979.

  48.  James Schlesinger, interview with the author, April 4, 1989.

  49.  Katherine Schirmer Cochrane interview, November 20, 1992.

  50.  Pad 45, January 8, 1979.

  51.  American Experience. “Jimmy Carter (Part 2).” Episode 174. Directed by Adriana Bosch. Aired on PBS, November 12, 2002.

  52.  James Schlesinger interview, April 4, 1989.

  53.  Katherine Schirmer Cochrane interview, November 20, 1992.

  54.  Ibid.

  55.  1979 CQ Almanac, 610.

  56.  1980 CQ Almanac, “Carter and Congress: Strangers to the End,” 3–9, Id=Cqa 180-1174637.

  57.  1979 CQ Almanac, 610.

  58.  Robert Stobaugh and Daniel Yergin, Energy Future (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School, 1979); see also, Alan Webber, “Jimmy Carter: The
Statesman as CEO,” Harvard Business Review, 1988.

  59.  Jimmy Carter, interview with the author, June 4, 1991.


  11. An Early Interest

    1.  Jimmy Carter interview, September 27, 2013;

    2.  Jimmy Carter, Our Endangered Values (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2005), 177.

    3.  Jimmy Carter, “The Environment Message to the Congress,” May 23, 1977. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project, Public Papers of the Presidents, Jimmy Carter, 1977, Book I, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 967–86.

    4.  William Drayton, interview with the author, April 9, 1993; William Drayton, “Thinking Ahead,” Harvard Business Review, 1981.

    5.  Jimmy Carter, Keeping Faith, 581–2.

    6.  “Global 2000 Study Statement on the Report to the President,” July 24, 1980, Public Papers of the Presidents, III, Jimmy Carter, 1980–1981, 1415–6. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1982.

    7.  Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, Introduction by Vice President Al Gore (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1994).

    8.  Kathy Fletcher, interviews with the author, September 12, 1991, November 20, 1991, and August 13, 2013; Gus Speth, interview with the author, November 21, 1991.

    9., 401.

  10.; Brent Blackwelder, interviews with the author, January 24, 1992, and September 2, 2015; Douglas Costle, interview with the author, October 14, 1992; Eliot Cutler, April 24, 2015,

  11.  Jimmy Carter, interview with the author, September 27, 2013.

  12.  Jimmy Carter, Foreword, Fred Brown and Sherri M. L. Smith, The Flint River: A Recreational Guidebook to the Flint River (Georgia) and Environs (Pleasanton, CA: CI Publishing, 2001).

  13.  Ibid.

  12. The Water Wars

    1.  Jimmy Carter, Foreword, Fred Brown and Sherri M. L. Smith, The Flint River: A Recreational Guidebook to the Flint River (Georgia) and Environs (Pleasanton, CA: CI Publishing, 2001).

    2.  The Wilderness Statement, Post-Convention No. 178; Message to the Democratic Platform Committee, June 16, 1976, President Carter’s Campaign Promises, Commerce Clearing House, Inc., 13–14.

    3.  Brent Blackwelder, interview with the author, September 2, 2015.

    4.  Cecil Andrus, interview with the author, March 17, 1992.

    5.  Margot Hornblower, “A New Breed Shakes Old Order at Interior,” The Washington Post, April 3, 1977.

    6.  Don Crabill, interview with the author, October 1, 1991.


    8.  Jimmy Carter, Foreword to The Flint River.

    9.  Don Crabill interview, October 1, 1991.

  10.  Guy Martin, interview with the author, April 15, 1992.

  11.  Pad 1, December 9, 1976.

  12.  Bowman Cutter, interview with the author, September 15, 1989.

  13.  S. A. Frisch and S. Q. Kelly, Jimmy Carter and the Water Wars: Presidential Influence and the Politics of Pork (Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 2008), 51–2.

  14.  James Free, interviews with the author, May 9, 2013, and December 13, 2013; Frisch and Kelly, Jimmy Carter and the Water Wars, citing at page 52, footnote 29; Mark Reisner, Cadillac Desert: The American West and Its Disappearing Water (New York: Penguin Press, 1993), 319–20.

  15.  Stuart Eizenstat memorandum to President Carter, March 21, 1977, in author’s possession and Carter Presidential Library.

  16.  Pad 9, February 14, 1977; Cecil Andrus memorandum to President Carter, February 14, 1977.

  17.  Robert C. Byrd, The Senate, 1789–1989, Addresses on the History of the United States Senate (United States Government Printing Office, 1989), 716–7.

  18.  Frisch and Kelly, Jimmy Carter and the Water Wars, 69.

  19.  Pad 8, February 15, 1977.

  20.  Memorandum to the President from Stuart Eizenstat, Jim McIntyre, Eliot Cutler, Bo Cutter, February 16, 1977, in author’s possession and Carter Presidential Library.

  21.  Martin Tolchin, “Byrd Tells Carter Senate Is Angered By Unilateral Acts,” The New York Times, March 12, 1977.

  22.  Frank Moore quoted in Frisch and Kelly, Jimmy Carter and the Water Wars, 48; also Frank Moore, interviews with the author, February 1, 1993, July 27, 1993, and May 8, 2013; Dan Tate, interviews with the author, November 12, 1991, and April 17, 2013.

  23.  Pad 8, February 17, 1977.

  24.  Kathy Fletcher, interviews with the author, November 20, 1991, September 12, 1991, and August 12, 2013.

  25.  Cecil Andrus interview, March 17, 1992.

  26.  Pad 8, February 17, 1977.

  27.  Cecil Andrus interview, March 17, 1992.

  28.  The New York Times News Service, February 21, 1978,,2801580&hl=en.

  29.  Public Papers of the Presidents, Jimmy Carter 1977, Vol. I, “Water Resource Projects Message to Congress,” February 21, 1977, 207–8.

  30.  Don Crabill interview, October 1, 1991.

  31.  Bob Edgar, interview with the author, June 20, 2013.

  32.  Gaylord Shaw and Paul E. Steiger, “Carter Will Ask Hill to Halt Aid to 18 Major Water Projects,” The Washington Post, February 18, 1977.

  33.  Pad 16, May 23, 1977. President Carter meeting with Congressmen Jim Wright (House Majority Leader), Bizz Johnson, and Tom Bevill.

  34.  Jim Free, interview with the author, May 9, 2013.


  36.  Carter Message to Congress,;; Water Resource Projects, Statement Announcing Administration Decisions, April 18, 1977, Public Papers of the Presidents, Jimmy Carter 1977, Book I, 651–4.

  37.  Guy Martin interview, April 16, 1992.

  38.  Don Crabill interview, October 10, 1991.

  39.  Pad 10, March 11, 1977.

  40.  Pad 10, March 15, 1977.

  41.  Pad 11, March 21, 1977.

  42.  Jim Free interviews, December 12, 1991, September 23, 1992, May 9, 2013, and October 18, 2013.

  43.  Pad 12, March 24, 1977.

  44.  Frisch and Kelly, Jimmy Carter and the Water Wars, 70.

  45.  Ibid.

  46.  Martin Tolchin, “Byrd Tells Carter Senate is Angered by Unilateral Acts,” The New York Times, March 12, 1977.

  47.  Associated Press, “2 Nominated for Interior,” The Washington Post, March 11, 1977,,4125798&hl=en.

  48.  Pad 14, April 13, 1977.

  49.  David Rubenstein, interview with the author, February 8, 2014.

  50.  Pad 15, May 2, 1977.

  51.  Jim Free interviews, May 9, 2013, and October 13, 2013; Frank Moore interview, May 8, 2013.

  52.  Butler Derrick, interview with the author, April 22, 2013.


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