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Winning the Doctor

Page 4

by Harmony Evans

  When she looked down, she almost swooned, not realizing how steep a cliff they were on. All that was between them and certain death was a rickety old wooden fence. The kind with two long pieces of wood and a space in the middle, wide enough for a small car to plow through, like in those old cop shows from the ’70s.

  Anthony peered down. “Stairs to the beach will be a requirement of the new design.” He pointed to the right. “There’s a narrow opening over there that may work.”

  They both leaned against the wood, her barely grazing it, him with a bit more pressure, and she felt the railing wobble.

  “Careful,” she warned, clasping his arm. Her voice was sharp, but only because of the flash of fear that had slid through her body, at the mere thought of something happening to him.

  Even though she’d only known him for a very short time, she would be upset that he got hurt in any way, but she wasn’t about to reveal her feelings about him. Not only was it unprofessional, but also too embarrassing if he didn’t feel the same way.

  His eyes met hers, but she didn’t let go. “What are you, my guardian angel?”

  She pursed her lips and retorted. “If you fall off this cliff, I can’t build you a clinic, now can I?”

  He moved away from her, forcing her to release her grip, and seemed surprised at her answer.

  She took a few snapshots of the motel. When would this man realize that she was just as career driven as he was?

  “I wish this broken-down place was demolished. My wheels are already starting to turn.”

  He smiled, and took another step away from the railing. “Agreed. There are a few loose ends to take care of, and I want to have the architect in place before the demolition. In fact, I want that person to select the construction team for the build.”

  “That’s not a problem. I’ve already started to make connections and get references from local companies. I think it’s best to hire a builder from the area rather than out of town, because they are more familiar with the regulations.”

  She fingered the lens of her camera. “Once the building is razed, we’ll need to have the land graded and surveyed. There are a thousand things to do before we even think about laying the foundation.”

  Anthony nodded. “I’ve read up on the LEED rating system. I want my clinic to be LEED-certified, from the ground up.”

  Liza tilted her head, hugely impressed and excited. Barring his statement about saving the trees to preserve a natural habitat, she never would have pegged Anthony for an environmentalist.

  “That’s great to hear. LEED certification is the gold standard in healthy, resource-efficient building practices. But going green is going to add to your cost and could extend the project timeline,” she warned.

  “I don’t care about the cost, but I do want to ensure we are using as many environmentally friendly materials as possible.”

  She smiled. “Building green certainly fits with your vision. It will show your patients and employees that you care about their overall health and well-being as well as every aspect of their experience at the clinic.”

  “Exactly. My position at Bay Point Community Hospital is secure, and even when the clinic is open, I’ll still be a part of the staff but on a part-time, on-call basis. I don’t want to rush this. I want to do it right.”

  Anthony walked over to a small pool. Liza followed and saw that it was empty of water, but littered with trash.

  “I can appreciate that sentiment,” she said, stepping away from the edge. “I always suggest that my clients use environmentally friendly materials when available. I’m glad you care about the Earth as much as I do.”

  “Another thing we have in common.”

  Liza couldn’t help noticing how his eyes quickly traveled over her body.

  “And another reason why you should work with me, instead of a huge firm,” she added, with a grin of pleasure.

  They toured the grounds for another half hour. His arm brushed against hers every so often, those brief touches warming her in places the sun never could.

  As they walked, she listened closely as Anthony gave her a quick lesson on the flowers and shrubs that were native to the region.

  “You’re quite the horticulturalist,” she said in a teasing voice.

  He shrugged. “I don’t get to garden much with my schedule. So I’m really looking forward to working with the landscaper. I want to keep as much of the existing plants and vegetation as possible.”

  Liza took pictures throughout the tour. An hour later, they were back in the parking lot.

  “Can I see some of the photos you took?”

  Liza nearly gasped aloud. When he wasn’t looking, she’d taken some pictures of him. Just for fun, she said to herself, not for fantasies.

  “Um. I’ll email them to you later today, okay?” she blurted, and stuck out her hand. “Thanks again for the tour. Now that I’ve seen the land and that incredible coastal view, it will be easier to design something you like and meets your needs.”

  His fingers stroked lightly against her palm as he let go of her right hand, making her want to have him shake the other one.

  “You’re welcome. It was fun.”

  They both yawned at the same time, then laughed.

  A smile stretched across his face. “I gather you’re not a morning person?”

  “No,” she admitted. “But I’m adjusting. I keep my windows open at night, and the smell of the salt water in the air helps me wake up better than any alarm clock.”

  “As a physician, I’m pretty much on call 24/7, so I have no problem waking up at the crack of dawn, or anytime for that matter.”

  Liza couldn’t help giggling a little bit. “I actually had to tip-toe out of the B and B. Otherwise Maisie would have stopped me to chat. I don’t think the woman ever sleeps.”

  “Or ever stops talking,” he laughed. “Maisie Barnell, Bay Point’s town matriarch, and the woman who can carry on a conversation longer than—”

  “A wave can stay upon the seashore,” she finished, with a fake swoon.

  His smile deepened, rounding his cheeks. “Very poetic.”

  Liza palmed her camera and grinned. “Maisie has tons of poetry books in her parlor, so I guess I picked up a few lines.”

  “She’s a great lady, but she’s forever trying to hook me up with every single woman in town.”

  He paused, crinkling his brow. “She means well, but I don’t have the heart to tell her that my taste in women is far more sophisticated than what’s currently available here.”

  Liza wasn’t surprised Anthony was sought-after. He was rich and handsome, with the kind of boyish good looks that would appeal to most women. However, she disliked when men thought they were “all that,” even when they were. The only thing that saved him was the hint of playfulness in his tone.

  “Oh, is that why you’re still single?” she asked.

  “Up until recently, there hasn’t been anyone to consider.”

  Her heart clenched at the thought of Anthony’s interest in someone else. She didn’t know his “type,” other than the fact that it definitely wasn’t a small-town girl, and she fought the urge to push him for further details. His personal life was none of her business.

  “Don’t tell Maisie that she’s fired. If you do, she’ll redirect her matchmaking skills back to me instead of you,” Liza teased.

  “Maisie is easy enough to avoid, if you move out of town that is,” Anthony said drily.

  She laughed. “Not a chance. In fact, I’m staying with her while my house is being built.”

  Anthony raised a brow, and his grin appeared sympathetic. “You must have the patience of an angel, though I’m glad to hear you’re not simply passing through town.”

  “I’m here for the long haul. I found a great piece of land a
t a great price. I’m going to build one of my own residential designs. The timing is perfect and I can’t wait to break ground.”

  The smile disappeared from his face. “If I select you for this project, are you sure you’re going to have enough time to devote to me?”

  Liza widened her eyes. “Devote to you?”

  He quickly cleared his throat, and looked uncomfortable. “Sorry. I meant to say my project.”

  Liza hid a smile and nodded. “I can assure you that I will be completely devoted to the design of the clinic. As far as building my own home, I’m taking my time and Maisie said I’m welcome to stay at the B and B as long as I want.”

  Anthony heaved a sigh of relief. “I’m glad to hear that. It’s really important that whomever I choose can be my complete partner.” He gestured back toward the soon-to-be-demolished motel. “In what I’m trying to do here, of course.”

  He extended his hand again, and she wondered if he’d forgotten that they’d already said goodbye.

  “I’m sorry that I got you out of bed so early once again but I appreciate you accommodating my schedule. The next step will be the actual presentation. I’ll call you soon with the date.”

  She kept her eyes on his and boldly trailed her fingers lightly across his smooth palm, before letting go.

  As he turned to walk back to his truck, Liza told herself quickly that what she was about to ask was all in the name of continuing to solidify their business relationship and nothing more.

  But the truth was, she didn’t want to wait days to see him, or hours to feel her heart race again. Whenever she looked into his eyes and felt his skin brush against hers, he inspired long-dormant fantasies that she wanted to flame. If only in her own mind.

  “Wait. I’d like to talk more. Can we have dinner sometime?”

  She kept her voice soft, yet businesslike, holding back an edge of flirtation.

  “My treat. You look like you might need a break.”

  He turned around, and though he stayed where he was, she could feel the electric pull of his body.

  “That bad, huh?”

  Her face warmed at his lazy grin. “No, not bad at all. That’s not what I meant.”

  He rubbed his chin with the back of his hand. “I know what you meant. I have been working like crazy lately, and I could use a night off. I do have some free time on Saturday night. Does that work for you?”

  “Perfect,” she responded, hiding her excitement behind a professional tone. “We can sync up on the details later this week.”

  If she didn’t care about looking like a fool, she would have thrown her keys up in the air with joy. Liza looked back at the aging motel. “There’s a lot of potential here. Once this place is torn down, the possibilities are endless.”

  He dug his keys out of his pocket. “Agreed. The moment I saw the view in the back, I knew this was the perfect place for my clinic.”

  “If you don’t mind, I’d like to come here in the early evening and take some more photos. It will help me as I create the design.”

  She pointed at the NO TRESPASSING sign. “I don’t want to be thrown in jail.”

  Liza was surprised when he suddenly put his keys on the hood of his truck and walked around to where she stood by hers.

  “Sure. You’re welcome anytime. However, even though this is a safe area, I would never want you coming out here alone at night.”

  “Why not?” she asked.

  He took a few steps toward her, and his eyes shadowed as they roamed over her face. Then he stepped back and leaned a hip against the side of his truck.

  “As I said earlier, there’s been some issues with vandals, and I wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”

  Warmth filtered quickly through her body. Though his concern may have been warranted, she could take care of herself.

  “I’ll be fine, I assure you.”

  He nodded and waved goodbye, got into his truck and started it.

  Liza got into her own vehicle and closed the door, a smile of satisfaction on her face. Their second meeting had gone considerably better than the first. By inviting him to dinner, she would further cement her chances at designing his clinic. In her heart, the job was already hers.

  She was so excited she could barely put the key into the ignition. She heard the quick blast of a horn, glanced over and saw Anthony motioning to her.

  Curiosity mixed with fear as she started the car and lowered the power windows.

  “Is anything wrong?” she asked, hoping he hadn’t suddenly changed his mind.

  Anthony’s left arm was draped casually over the steering wheel, and she could hear the low hum of old R & B music playing.

  “No. I just wanted to let you know that if you ever did land in jail for trespassing, I would bail you out.”

  She tilted her head, feeling a little self-conscious. “Oh really, why?”

  Even at a distance, his gaze was so strong that the intensity in his eyes felt palpable.

  “Just look in the mirror. I would never deny the rest of the world the opportunity to enjoy that killer smile of yours.”

  Liza kept her eyes on his, grateful for the distance. It made it easier to hide her attraction to him. He couldn’t possibly have guessed that she liked him. Could he?

  Without waiting for her response, Anthony waved again, backed out and left.

  She sat in her truck and replayed the undeniable hint of flirtation in his voice. A pleasurable tremor spun through her body as she thought about what the slightest change in his tone could possibly mean.

  He was a beautiful man, perfect in every way, on the outside at least.

  Her mother, who had always been obsessed with beauty, had taught her, practically drilled into her head, that men wanted perfection and wouldn’t settle for anything else.

  What could a cosmetic surgeon, a man who made a living making women look as perfect as they could afford, possibly see in someone like her? Though he’d already seen her scar and while he didn’t seem to care, maybe deep down he did, she reasoned to herself.

  In her head, she played back her mother’s voice, and it was always the same words that threatened to decimate her self-esteem.

  He doesn’t like you. Not really. He’s just being nice.

  Liza leaned back against the seat. For the first time in her life, she knew she had a chance to prove that the words of her mother, though she probably meant well, were completely false.

  And if they weren’t?

  She would brush them aside, like she had before.

  Maybe Anthony was just being nice, and maybe she’d never have his love. But she could design him a beautiful clinic that would make him remember her forever, and build her own career at the same time.

  Her eyes glanced toward her camera. Fantasies of him would just have to be enough.

  And maybe, just maybe, they didn’t have to be.

  With a confident nod, she threw her truck into Reverse, and with a spray of gravel dust, drove away.

  Chapter 4

  Liza crossed her legs and drummed her fingers on her kneecap, fighting the urge to peek outside the parlor windows or to check her phone again or to scream aloud.

  Where was he?

  She knew Anthony lived in the new condos at the other end of Magnolia Avenue, the main thoroughfare in town on which the bed-and-breakfast was also located. So he didn’t have to travel far, unless of course, he was coming from the hospital.

  Maybe there had been some kind of emergency?

  Life in a small town like Bay Point meant quiet evenings, though occasionally there were the sounds of people walking by and children running on the sidewalk.

  Maisie slapped her magazine against her lap like she was swatting a fly, and Liza jumped at the noise.

ey, would you stop being so nervous? You look like you’re about to thread your first needle!”

  Liza held back a giggle. That Maisie even put the tabloid down was a minor miracle in itself. When she started reading about what she called “her” stars, she did not like to be disturbed. It was the only time the woman shut up.

  Maisie pointed a finger. “You’re the one who keeps telling me it’s not a date.”

  “And it’s not,” Liza reaffirmed, hiding a smile. “I’m sorry for being so antsy.”

  She’d arrived at Maisie’s bed-and-breakfast nearly a month ago, and had become quite fond of the charming widow. Since that time, she’d gone from being shy and quiet to almost as talkative as the proprietress herself, but this was one time that she had to hold back.

  In her mind, she knew that her meeting with Anthony was not a date, but in her heart, she knew better. She wouldn’t admit her growing feelings for him to anyone, not even herself.

  Maisie grunted and picked up her magazine once more. “Oh Lord. Now look what you made me do.”

  She scowled, turning the magazine outward and held it up so Liza could see. “Brad Pitt’s got a paper wrinkle right across his crotch.”

  Liza burst out laughing. She enjoyed spending time with Maisie as much as she could. But tonight, all she wanted to do was escape. The best place would be in Anthony’s arms, but she’d settle for a seat next to him at the dinner table.

  “I think Brad will survive. After all, he’s married to the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  “You are just as beautiful as her, child. And don’t you forget it.”

  Maisie never minced words, and Liza smiled, basking in the compliment, which she knew was genuine.

  “Thank you, but as I said, this is a business meeting. That’s all.” Liza shrugged. “Besides, I invited him. Not the other way around.”

  Maisie raised a brow. “Okay. If you say so.”

  She snapped her magazine open again. “Don’t fret about his being late. He’s a doctor. They keep their patients and their women waiting. I think it’s in their genetic makeup.”


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