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Chasing Morgan

Page 13

by Jennifer Ryan

  Emma nodded. “I’ve never met a witch.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m not a bad witch.”

  “That’s what I was just thinking,” she shrieked.

  Morgan laughed and walked around the large oblong table toward the little girl. All the while, Tyler watched her every move.

  “How come when I look at you I see a ladybug with a tiara of rubies on her head and sugar raining down on you? I have to say you make the most interesting and whimsical picture to me.”

  “Mommy calls me Sugar Bug and Daddy calls me Princess. I have a ruby necklace that I wear on my head sometimes. Mommy has an emerald one.”

  Marti and Cameron exchanged a shocked look.

  “Well that explains her tiara when I look at her.”

  “What do you see when you look at her?” Emma liked this fun game, especially since everyone at the table watched her and the witch. Even her cousins, Matt and Sam, stared at her.

  Morgan turned to Marti. At least eight months pregnant, if not more, she simply glowed. The image that came to mind was as unique as the woman. “I see a woman dressed like a pirate. She has a paintbrush instead of a sword, and an emerald tiara, like you said.”

  “Mommy’s Daddy’s pirate princess. She has a pirate ship.”

  “And the paintbrush?” Morgan asked.

  Marti answered for her daughter. “I’m a painter and the granddaughter of a famous painter. Sophia Fairchild is my grandmother.”

  Morgan smiled and nodded. She liked this. She didn’t often use her gift with people in person. It made her feel good to have the results confirmed. It offset the anger she felt rising in Tyler.

  Emma didn’t want the game to end. She took a handful of Morgan’s long hair. She continued holding fistfuls of it and running her fingers through it. Morgan felt the little ripples of pleasure from Emma as she stroked the length of her hair. It felt good to be touched with such reverence. The golden locks fascinated the little girl.

  “Do Daddy next.”

  Morgan laughed again, catching the little girl’s contagious enthusiasm. “He’s easy. He’s a knight who slays corporate dragons with a gold Mont Blanc pen.”

  Cameron took the pen out of his pocket and held it up to her. He simply nodded his agreement and flashed his mischievous grin.

  “Do Aunt Jenna and Uncle Jack.”

  “Uncle Jack is another easy one. He’s a cowboy with a heart the size of Texas. Jenna is a rabbit turned lioness. She loves her cubs and chews up whatever gazelle happens into her corporate den. Especially when that gazelle is an ex-husband. The hunted became the hunter.”

  Jenna held up her glass in salute to Morgan.

  “Uncle Sam and Aunt Elizabeth next,” Emma pleaded.

  Morgan’s gaze softened on Elizabeth. “I have never met anyone who is loved so deeply by their family and husband. When I look at you, I see a giant heart covered in chocolate.”

  Elizabeth mimicked Jenna’s action and saluted Morgan with her water glass.

  “Sam is as easy as Jack. They are the same in that they both have big hearts and care deeply for their family. While Jack is a cowboy in the truest sense, Sam is a cowboy with a badge. He looks like a marshal from the West to me. Little Matt and Sam are like their father and uncle.”

  “Now do Uncle Tyler.”

  Morgan ran her hand down the little girl’s golden hair and looked into her hopeful eyes. She looked across the table at Tyler.

  “Do you know the movie Beauty and the Beast, Sugar Bug?”

  Emma liked it when she called her by her nickname. “I know it. I like that one. The Beast isn’t very happy, and he’s kind of mean to Belle.”

  “That’s what Uncle Tyler looks like to me. He’s not happy I’m here.”

  Tyler didn’t know what to say. She thought he was unhappy and mean. Great. He wondered what else she thought of him these days, but kept his mouth shut. He didn’t have to ask though. Maria helped him out.

  “That’s very impressive. You got them all right as far as I can tell. I’m Maria, Tyler’s girlfriend. I’m afraid I don’t know much about you, except that you work with him at the FBI. Would you be willing to do me next? I have to admit, I’m fascinated.”

  Maria didn’t point out being Tyler’s girlfriend to stake a claim, or throw it in Morgan’s face. She’d simply stated her own truth.

  Morgan looked at Tyler to see what he thought. Still, that impassive expression and ever-present anger. Interestingly enough, she felt his fear. Then came the flash of a ring in his pocket. He truly intended to ask this woman to marry him. It would be the biggest mistake of his life. She couldn’t change his mind, but she could enlighten him to his options.

  “All right, Maria. It’s nice to meet you, by the way.”

  “And you,” Maria said and gave her a warm smile, making it that much more difficult for Morgan not to like her because she had a place in Tyler’s life Morgan wished belonged to her.

  “If you don’t mind, I’ll finish with Tyler first.”

  She looked at Sam and said, “This is going to go very badly.”

  “It has to be done,” Sam responded, earning a glare from Tyler. Sam sat in a prime spot for Tyler to elbow him right in the face and break his nose. It’d be worth it if Tyler changed his mind about marrying Maria.

  “Fine. It’s part of the event, so let’s go with it. Jack, so help me, be quiet.”

  Jack closed his mouth. He gestured with his glass of beer for her to continue.

  “Emma, I told you when I look at Tyler I see the Beast. That’s true because when I look at him I see an unhappy man who’s trapped in a spell of his own making. He wants to have a wife and children like the rest of the couples at the table. He thinks he can’t have that with a woman who is the love of his life because he thinks she doesn’t exist. So, he’s going down a path that will lead him to more unhappiness.”

  “Morgan . . .” Tyler tried to stop her.

  “Let me finish,” she coaxed. “The path you’ve chosen is the wrong path. Just like your sister took the wrong path once. You haven’t even considered what that path will do to Maria.

  “Maria, you asked me what I see when I look at you. I’ll tell you. I see a woman who has spent her entire life trying to live up to the expectations of her father. I’m here to tell you that you will never make him happy. You already know that though. Going to the right school, getting the best grades, and having the right kind of job, suitable for a woman, hasn’t made him happy. Marrying the right kind of man won’t make him happy. Giving him grandchildren won’t make him happy. He is destined to be who he is, and you have fallen into his trap. You have taken the wrong path in an attempt to gain approval from a man who will never give it.

  “Would you like me to tell you what could be waiting for you down another path?”

  At Maria’s nod, she continued. “When I look at you, I see what could be. I see a lovely woman in a white lab coat with kittens on her shoulders and puppies at her feet. You have always wanted to be a veterinarian, and yet you never gave voice to that dream, or pursued it. You hide it away in the deepest part of your heart. You’ve been hiding that dream behind all the disappointment in your life. It is the treasure you take out and look at when you are the most down. It’s still possible to make it a reality.

  “Maria, that other path holds a love that will give you the acceptance you desire, but not from the man you’ve always sought it from.

  “Tyler, don’t you see. You are both headed down a road that neither of you particularly want. You want a wife and kids and you don’t care if there isn’t a deep love and passion with it, so long as you have the wife and kids. She wants acceptance from her family by marrying a suitable man and having children. Both of you look at the other and only see someone who fits the bill well enough to get them what they want and let the rest be damned. The only thing that will come of this is unhappiness.”

  Tyler couldn’t believe she’d do this to him in front of everyone. His anger outweighed h
is patience. He couldn’t let her be right, because then he’d have nothing left, not even Maria.

  Sam and Elizabeth had both told him time and again they thought he belonged with Morgan. Looking at everyone at the table, he could see they all agreed with her. Not one of them believed he should marry Maria.

  He pulled the ring box out of his pocket and held it up.

  Maria’s gaze locked on the ring, and she actually leaned away from it. She didn’t want the ring. The last straw, he slammed the ring down in the center of the wide table and left it sitting between the two women in his life.

  “Everyone here thinks this belongs to you.”

  Stunned by his rage, she took a step back.

  “Morgan? Are you all right?” Sam asked.

  She nodded yes, then leaned over the table and held the ring box under her hand and looked Tyler right in the eye.

  “Take it. You’ve managed to ruin every relationship I’ve had in the last five years,” he accused with barely controlled anger.

  “You know, Tyler, this is only stones and metal. Without love, this symbol is meaningless. Look at the couples around you. You, of all people, should know that.” She released the ring box on the table in front of him and stood tall next to Emma.

  “Now, if you don’t mind. I came here for a reason, and contrary to what you might think, you aren’t it. Maria, my apologies if I’ve upset you. The veterinarian idea is blooming to life. Good for you.”

  She turned to Emma again and blocked out Tyler with supreme effort. Having him close was hard to block out.

  “Now, Sugar Bug, the reason I came tonight is to see you about a certain baby. Your uncles, aunts, and your mommy and daddy are very concerned about you. You have a very big worry inside you.”

  “Are you really a witch?”

  Big tears filled her eyes and Morgan felt the fear and sadness building inside of her. Morgan wiped the tears away and crouched in front of the little girl’s chair.

  “Some people call me a witch because I can do some special things that scare people.”

  “Like knowing all those things about everyone.”

  “Yes, honey, like that and other things. There’s something very special I can do for you that will make all your worries go away. I can show you a picture of the future, and you won’t have to worry anymore. Would you like that?”

  “Yes. I guess so. Will it hurt?”

  “It won’t hurt you. I promise.”

  “Um, Morgan. Are you sure about this? How bad will this be for you?” Sam asked.

  “Sam, can’t you be quiet.”

  “How bad?”

  “It’ll be fine. Don’t scare Emma.” She turned to Marti. “I promise you, I will not hurt you, your baby, or Emma. I’d like to touch your stomach, and I’m going to touch Emma’s hand. It won’t hurt anyone. Do I have your permission?”

  Marti looked to Cameron. He seemed torn between wanting to help his daughter and risking all of them. Cameron nodded his head in agreement and Marti nodded to Morgan.

  “Okay, Sugar Bug. Now, I’m going to put my hand over your mommy’s belly where the baby is sleeping. I’m going to hold your hand, and I want you to close your eyes. You’ll see a picture in your mind, like a dream. It might seem scary at first, but I want you to concentrate on the picture of your mommy. Can you do that?”

  Emma nodded and held out her hand. Cameron moved in close behind his daughter and watched Morgan with eagle eyes. If anything happened to his wife, daughter, or baby, Morgan would pay. She had no doubt.

  “Here we go. Close your eyes.”

  Morgan put her hand on Marti’s protruding belly and wrapped her fingers around Emma’s hand.

  “Keep your eyes closed, Emma. Here comes the picture.”

  Morgan made the connection and took Emma to the future image of Marti giving birth to the baby. She came in at the point the baby was placed on Marti’s stomach. Cameron was beside her and they wore huge, happy smiles.

  “I see them. Mommy had the baby. Ew, it’s all gross and slimy.”

  “Keep watching, Sugar Bug.”

  The nurse took the baby across the room. Cleaned and wrapped, the nurse brought the baby back to Marti and Cameron.

  “I see them. Daddy is by Mommy and the baby is so cute now. It’s not crying anymore, it’s sleeping.”

  Morgan took her hand from Emma and placed it on Cameron’s cheek and gave him the last picture of him standing beside a tired but radiant Marti holding their child safe and sound.

  “Oh my God.”

  Morgan broke the contact from Marti and Cameron and fell to her knees beside Emma’s chair.

  “Morgan, are you all right?” Sam asked after she dropped.

  “It’s fine, Sam.”

  “Sugar Bug, your Mommy is going to give birth to a beautiful baby, and she will be fine. You saw her. You have no need to worry. Okay?”

  “Okay,” Emma said and bounced up and down on her chair. She looked at all the amazed faces at the table. “I saw the baby born. It was yucky, but then the baby was so cute when it was sleeping with Mommy. It’s okay. I saw it. Mommy didn’t die.”

  Cameron looked at Marti and felt all of his worries vanish. “I saw the baby and you. You were both fine.”

  Marti put a hand on Morgan’s shoulder. “Thank you. I can’t tell you what a relief it is to have their worries taken away.”

  Morgan put her hand over Marti’s. “She knows something about the baby that you don’t. She can tell you if you want to know.”

  Marti’s eyes lit up. “Emma, is it a boy or a girl?”

  Emma looked at her mother. “Oh my gosh. It’s a girl! They wrapped her in a pink blanket. I’m going to have a sister.”

  Marti and Cameron kissed as he put his hand over his wife’s stomach. “A beautiful girl, like her mother.”

  Jenna couldn’t believe it. “Darn, I thought you were having a boy. Sorry about your shower gift. It’s all boy clothes. I’ll take them back and exchange them.”

  Everyone at the table focused on Emma’s transformation from tired and sickly looking to bouncing with energy, as if a weight had been lifted from her.

  It took Morgan a minute to get up from her knees. She held the back of Emma’s chair and met Tyler’s gaze. For the first time since she arrived, she felt the door he’d slammed shut on her open a crack. She didn’t feel his anger. His dark eyes went soft when he nodded to Emma and mouthed, “Thank you.”

  She gave him a soft smile and a nod, feeling good for helping a frightened little girl, and possibly Tyler if he changed the course of his life.

  Morgan felt the shift in the atmosphere. Everyone’s enthusiasm for Emma’s return to her exuberant self helped replenish the energy she’d exerted to make it happen.

  The real reason she came tonight walked in the front door.

  “Everyone,” she called to get them to stop talking over each other, “I need you to listen to me, right now. Since you have seen what I can do, I hope you’ll believe me now. Something is about to happen, and I need all of you to stay in your chairs. No one can stand up. It’s important.”

  “Tell us what you want, Morgan. Who’s going to be hurt?” Jack asked, concern etched in every line of his face and laced in every word.

  “I need all of you to stay seated. I mean it, Jack. Remember what I told you about change one thing and I can’t predict the outcome. The future can be changed.”

  “I hear you. We’ll all stay seated. How long do we have?”

  “Not long. Sam, Tyler, are you armed?”

  “No. It’s a family dinner, not a standoff,” Tyler answered.

  “You’re wrong about that,” she said. “Whatever you do, do not stand up. And for god’s sake, do not identify yourselves as FBI agents. Let me do the talking, and I will make this right. If you don’t do exactly what I say, someone will die.”

  That had everyone’s attention, including Tyler and Sam’s. They wouldn’t risk their family.

  “We’ll do what
you say,” Sam agreed and clamped a hand on Tyler’s arm before he argued further. “How bad will this be for you?”

  “Fastballs, lots and lots of fastballs. When this is over, Sam, I need you to take me somewhere there are as few people as possible. Can you do that?”

  “Yeah, no problem.”

  A commotion started at the front of the restaurant as the man made his way toward the back. She didn’t have much time.

  “Elizabeth, he’s going to ask where the owner is. You are going to say that you’re the owner, but you are not going to stand up. He knows who you are, so you’ll have to talk to him. I’ll take it from there. Understand.”

  “Yes,” she whispered, fear in her voice and written on her face. Thinking of her unborn baby, she looked at Sam across the table. Much too far away to hold his hand for reassurance.

  “Elizabeth, do what I say and you’ll be fine,” Morgan assured her.

  Elizabeth nodded as the man came toward their table wielding a gun. A waiter got in his way and tried to stop his progress. The man yelled for the owner and waved the gun.

  Morgan grabbed little Sam and moved him into his father’s lap. Jack automatically wrapped his arms around his little boy and held him tight.

  Everyone sat stunned when the sound of gunfire erupted. Sam clamped his hand down on Tyler’s shoulder to keep him from getting up. The gun had gone off twice. Both shots screamed past everyone seated at the table and went into the back of Matt’s chair. Luckily, Morgan had been fast enough to grab him from his seat.

  The anger and rage coming from the man nearing the table almost sent her to her knees, but she held Jack’s son Matt protected in her arms.

  “Where is the owner?” he shouted. The gun wobbled in his hand. It only made it and the man more dangerous. Sweat beaded on his forehead, and his eyes were wide and wild. Everyone at the table recognized a man strung out on drugs and half out of his mind.

  Elizabeth took a breath and looked toward the man and recognized him immediately. He’d recently applied for a job and she’d turned him down.

  “I’m the owner.” She remained seated like Morgan instructed. She kept her arms folded over her growing belly and felt overwhelming love when Jenna inched ever so slowly in front of her, blocking her view of the man standing only a few feet away from their table and obstructing his aim at her.


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