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A Broken Beautiful Beginning

Page 3

by Sophie Summers

  I pull him up closer to me, knowing that Grimm is probably watching right now, testing me to see if I’ll follow orders; watching me to see if he can still trust me.

  I don’t bother turning around to check.

  “Look what you’re making me do!” I say softly.

  He’s weak so I keep holding him up. He lifts his head up then whispers in a strangled tone, “I know what I deserve…just finish it…please.” He wheezes. I can hear the defeat in his voice. He knows what he did wrong and I don’t think it’s even necessary for me to have a go at him right now but it has to be done.

  I push him away and before he gets a chance to fall I punch him right in the jaw, not my hardest either, just enough to knock him out so he isn’t awake for the rest of his beating. I kick him a few more times rather exaggeratedly until Grimm pulls me back to stop.

  He looks down at Raven’s passed out bloody body then looks up at me and nods. He walks straight out and seconds later I hear the sound of their bikes as they ride away.

  I look down at Raven then run the palms of my hands up my face. I bend down and pick him up throwing his battered body over my shoulder.

  He’s out cold.

  I pay off a local doctor to check him out, I don’t want it getting back to Grimm and luckily enough people around this area are more afraid of getting on my bad side then Grimm’s. They know Grimm doesn’t get his hands dirty…but me on the other hand?

  I live for it.

  The doctor cleans Raven up and confirms my suspicions about his broken nose and a couple bruised ribs. I won’t be able to get Raven into a hospital without Grimm knowing, so Raven will have to do that on his own once he’s awake if needs be. The doc gives him a heavy dose of pain meds and then swiftly leaves. I don’t miss the petrified look he gives me either, as if I’d chop him up in little pieces and bury him in Raven’s back yard. Nah… I wouldn’t do that, the man is not evil enough.

  I target monsters and sinners, I know who they are, what they look like and smell like; I am one of them after all. Grimm has to order it though but besides that, I won’t hurt anyone who is innocent.

  I decide to stay until Raven wakes up. I leave him sleeping on the bed with a couple ice packs on his ribs and go down to the porch, sitting on the steps and drinking one of his beers. I scratch my fingers through the stubble that has grown on my jawline.

  I pray that he gets his shit together because I don’t know how long I can keep cleaning up his fuck ups.


  I’m so pissed, so fucking pissed! When I get my hands on that piece of shit I am going to rip him apart. How dare he take her from me? I told him back then that she was mine and I meant it. I don’t care what happened in the years we lost being apart. I’m back now for good and he better understand that.

  Hunter told me that Grimm and the boys are setting him straight and Grimm expects Hunter to play his part in it too. Whatever the hell that means.

  He says that Jace is going to have to earn his trust and loyalty back from Grimm and that Grimm doesn’t intend to go easy on him either.

  I hold my girls in my arms and breathe in Harley’s scent. I love her so fucking much. I can’t go through that again. I knew after an hour that something was wrong. Willow started looking around asking for her Momma. My mother and the twins kept her busy while I left to find Harley. I heard Roxanne’s cries as I parked my car.

  The door sat wide open; I ran in and found her tied to a chair, blood running down the side of her face.

  “They just left! You need to get her!” she cried hysterically.

  “Where is she? Who took her?”

  I managed to untie her, I knew who took her but I needed to hear her say it. She pushed past me once she was free and grabbed her cell phone dialing a number.

  I knew she wasn’t there but I looked around the house anyway.

  “One of your fucking boys just took Harley! No, don’t you dare tell me to calm down Grant. This is exactly why I didn’t want her living with you.” There’s a pause as Roxanne paced the living room “She called him Jace. I swear to God if anything happens to her, I will take down your entire fucking club.” With that, she threw the phone on the couch.

  I’d never seen her so angry before. Of course being best friends with Harley growing up I was always around the house and I realized long ago that Roxanne was an unfit parent. She was hardly around and was always laid back, not really giving a fuck about her daughter.

  When Harley walked through that door an hour and a half later, I could breathe again. The girl was my world I don’t know how I survived all those years without her. I give her one last kiss behind her ear before I close my eyes.

  Chapter 2


  It’s been two weeks since Jace took me. I haven’t heard from him and don’t know what happened to him. I’m not sure I even want to know what my father did to him, I saw his split knuckles and I heard Hunter telling Caleb that he got in a few punches so I know they each had a turn. I don’t want to think about it though.

  Truth be told I do care about Jace and I worry about him, but he crossed the line once again and I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to forgive him this time. I haven’t been back to my apartment either. I’d rather not be anywhere near the bar or the Club House. Caleb made sure to bring me straight to his house on the beach, he’s doesn’t want me anywhere that Jace might be and I don’t blame him for that.

  Today my father is meeting Caleb for the first time, it’s also the day Willow and I officially move in with him.

  To say I’m nervous is an understatement; Daddy definitely holds a grudge against Caleb but if Caleb really wants this to work out between us he needs to have this conversation with my father. I don’t know what I will do if Daddy doesn’t accept him.

  “Harley you all done up there?” I hear Caleb’s voice downstairs. I stand in the doorway looking at my new walk in closet. All my clothes from my apartment don’t even begin to fill half of it.

  “Yeah, coming!” I yell back taking one last look at my new beautifully furnished bedroom. All my photos of Willow that I had in my apartment cover the walls of our bedroom. I’ve added recent photos I’ve taken of the two of them together to add to the collection, I’ve caught Caleb staring at the photos with a huge smile on his face a couple times.

  I stop by Willow’s room a few doors down. Caleb had it painted pink and purple and although the walls and bedding have a princess theme, the toys that lie around the room look like a little boy sleeps here. Apart from the teddies and a Barbie I bought her, toy trucks, cars and motorbikes are all over her floor and bed. I smile to myself thinking about my little tom-boy.

  Anna took Willow this morning while I unpacked the rest of our things, which basically consisted of clothes and memorabilia. Since I am going to rent out the apartment, I have left all my furniture behind.

  I run downstairs just as Caleb and Brent place a few boxes of pizza on the kitchen counter. I can hear Jesse chatting away with my mother on the patio facing the ocean. Momma decided to take some time off from the Strip club since the whole Jace ordeal. Turns out her current boyfriend is sort of a hippie and wants to take her travelling down the coast. Tomorrow she leaves on her journey and I couldn’t be happier with her decision.

  “Come here.” Caleb pulls me into him and holds me tightly against his hard chest. I breathe him in then lift my head to look at his beautiful face. He smiles then brings his lips to mine and I let him kiss me.

  “I love you so much baby, I’m so glad I get to wake up next to you every morning.” He whispers against my lips as he rubs his nose against mine softly.

  “I haven’t left your side Caleb, been waking up next to you for a while now. Aren’t you sick of me yet?” I reply leaning into his touch.

  “I’ll never get tired of being around you Harlz.” Is all he says as he presses his lips to the middle of my forehead.

  I smile at him as I wipe my hand through his shaggy black hair. He remin
ds me so much of the sixteen year old boy he was when he looks down at me like this. He has cut his hair a little but it’s still messy as ever. He was going to shave it but Willow wouldn’t allow it, she likes his long hair because she can play with it but Caleb said it was getting to hot to handle so he got a trim.

  “You two love birds done yet?” I hear my father’s rough voice. I quickly break away from Caleb and look over his shoulder to give Daddy a big smile even though I’m blushing real bad. He smiles back at me as I run to give him a hug.

  “Don’t hurt him please.” I whisper in my father’s ear, he doesn’t respond, only chuckles.

  My father looks up to Caleb and gives him a firm nod, Caleb doesn’t look scared in the slightest only a little nervous. “You and I need to have a chat.” Caleb leads him to the home office.

  I let out a deep breath praying my father won’t murder my man.

  “Mommy, can I have some?” Willow runs in carrying a whole box of pizza. I laugh, “Of course sweetie. Here.” I take the box from her and hand her a piece then walk with her to the patio, where everyone is laughing and chatting. Holly is sitting on one of the patio chairs chatting to my mother about her upcoming trip.

  Anna bends down to sit next to me on the edge of the pool with my feet in the water watching Brent and Jesse play with Willow in the water.

  “How you doing babes?” Anna says sounding concerned.

  “Times like this?” I look around at the people that make up our family, “I’m doing good… but when I think about that night and the way Jace hurt me out of rage, I’m not okay. I don’t know what happened to him, how can he change from angry to sweet and gentle so easily? I just don’t get it.” I say soft enough for only her to hear.

  “Jace is bipolar Harley, I know you didn’t know about that and it’s no excuse… but that could explain some of the things he did. He has anger problems too but you knew that. None of us knew about his disorder, we only knew about the anger issues. He told your father that he was ashamed of it and didn’t want Grimm to think he couldn’t control himself. Jace needs the club and couldn’t bear to lose the family he’s built with the MC.” She takes a breather and smiles and waves at Willow.

  “Hunter says Jace hasn’t been taking his medicine like he should have and that’s why he keeps having those strange episodes.” Anna explains sounding sad.

  My eyes widen. “Why didn’t he tell me? I knew there was something wrong, I’ve seen him take the pills but I was too afraid to ask…” I run my hands through my hair, I’m not surprised by this information considering what he’s put me through and how he’s acted lately but I am surprised he didn’t tell anyone.

  “He still hit me though. He can’t use his bipolar as an excuse for that.” I say softly placing my hand against my cheek remember the way it stung. “I don’t know if I can ever forgive him.”

  “Your daddy hit me once before too.” I whip my head up to look at her.

  “What?” I frown.

  “Your granddaddy and a couple guys from the club beat the ever loving shit outta him, never hit me again. I know it was a mistake from the moment he did it though. You should have seen his face.” She giggles. “Swear I would’ve pissed myself laughing if my cheek didn’t hurt so bad. Anyway…” she swats her hand through the air shrugging, “...he apologised for days and explained to me that he lost his head. Now the only spanking that gets done is in the bedroom.” She winks at me then smiles.

  I don’t know how she finds this funny. I scrunch my eyebrows up disgusted. “This conversation is over.” I shake the images out my head still in disbelief that my father could ever slap a woman.

  “Well how come I wasn’t invited to the party?” Holly gasps and I turn to find the face to match the deep voice.

  “Connor?” I scrunch my eyebrows up confused.

  I remember Caleb’s big brother from when I was still in high school, he was like an older brother to me too. But this man doesn’t look anything like the fresh cut clean frat boy I knew back then. Colour fills his arms, neck and chest, all of which are on display through his black wife beater. He has a light blue thick streak standing out from his long thick black mass of hair. He’s still tall as ever but he hasn’t got the bulky muscle that Caleb and the twins have, Connor has a lean swimmers body. He doesn’t have his brother’s eye colour either; he’s got his father’s grey eyes. Even under all that ink and the lip and brow piercings, he still is one hell of a beautiful man.

  “Damn, don’t look so horrified.” He chuckles then turns to look at his mother who is sitting on the edge of her seat speechless. When I asked Caleb about Connor he told me all about the fallout his family had. When Holly divorced her husband, Connor went to live with his father since he had moved closer to where Connor was attending University; Holly took this as a form of betrayal and stopped all communication with Connor. As months passed, Holly realized the error of her ways and knew none of what was happening was Connors fault so she tried to get in contact with him. He never returned any of her calls or his brother’s attempts at piecing their family together.

  “Con…” Holly says quietly.

  “Who are you?” Willow breaks up the moment, walking up to him dripping water all over the patio. She’s oblivious to the tension in the atmosphere. Brent and Hunter watch silently from the steps of the pool. Hunter’s body is tense, eyes fixated on Connor standing near Willow. My mother is watching him from afar with concerned eyes and Anna is checking out his body; I’m pretty sure she’s admiring his ink.

  Connor eyes look down to Willow with a frown but it quickly vanishes as he bends down to her level.

  “I could ask you the same question kiddo.” He says with a smile tapping her nose.

  Willow puts her hands on her hips. “I’m Willow. Did you come to join the party?”

  Connor smiles, “Well Willow, I’m Connor…” he sticks his hand out and Willow shakes it. “And yes…I’m crashing this party.” He winks at her then stands and looks up to me.

  I smile as I make my way over to him; he opens his arms and hugs me tight.

  “I didn’t even know you were back Harley. We looked for you, you know. Caleb was so messed up after you left but I still wanted to hurt him so bad for what he did to you-”

  Willow tugs on the chain that disappears into the back of his denim pocket interrupting him mid-sentence.

  “Willow baby you’re being rude.” I scold her but Connor seems amused by my little girl’s attitude.

  She points her finger at him with a frown on her face, “You won’t hurt my daddy, okay? You can come to the party but you have to be good.”

  “What?” Connor looks at me confused.

  “I’m sure he will be a good boy Willow.” I hear the amusement in Caleb’s voice before I turn to see the smile on his face.

  “Daddy!” she runs and jumps into his arms giggling when he lifts her into the air.

  “Daddy?” I hear Connors soft voice beside me.

  I look up to him and grin. “That’s your niece right there.”

  He covers his face as he starts laughing. “I thought she looked familiar! My God, she even does that hand-on-your-hips when you’re trying to give me attitude thing, exactly how you do it. How the hell didn’t I see it, she even has our jet black hair and her father’s big green eyes.” Those who watch the exchange soon join in on the laughs, even Daddy does. Connor’s laughter soon dies down and he pulls me in for another hug, he whispers against my shoulder, “She’s perfect Harlz.”

  “Not saying I don’t dig all the ink and everything you got going on now but what the hell happened to you bro?” Caleb says giving his older brother a tight hug. Willow’s back to playing in the pool with Brent and Hunter and the ladies and my father are chatting away. Holly seems to have disappeared.

  “I stopped trying to live up to father’s expectations and started doing what I love.” He smiles brightly then playfully punches Caleb in the shoulder.

  “Can’t believe you have a kid m
an; I’m an uncle and I didn’t even know about it!” he sighs looking back at Willow with a smile on his face.

  “Well you have been MIA. We’ve all been trying to contact you and get a hold of you and you just disappeared.” Caleb says.

  Connor scratches the back of his head looking rather nervous. “Yeah I know… that was my bad. I shouldn’t have blown you guys off for shit that didn’t have anything to do with me to begin with. Bygones be bygones right? I’m here now and I’m not going anywhere so I might as well sort my shit out with mom so I don’t miss out on anymore.”

  “She’s in the house.” Caleb says gesturing toward the glass sliding doors. Connor nods and heads for the house.

  I watch from the other side of the table as my father places an arm over Caleb’s shoulders, he murmurs something and they’re start chuckling. Relief floods me and I smile at the picture. I look across the table to see Anna and my mother smiling too.

  “This boy knows a thing or two about bikes.” My father smiles proudly as he pats Caleb’s back…of course they have a lot in common.

  Everything between Holly and Connor also looks to be getting sorted and she seems happy that Connor is back in her life.

  I’m busy washing the remaining dishes when Connor walks into the kitchen.

  “Need any help?” He offers.

  “Nope, I’m nearly done.” I pull out the plug and rinse my hands then dry them. I turn to him, “So how long you staying? Do you need a place to crash? You can stay here if you want?” I ramble on concerned.

  He pats the top of my head and sits on the kitchen granite counter top. He grins, “Calm down Harlz, I’m all good.” He chuckles, “I’ve already booked a room for the rest of the month and I’m going to look for places in the meantime. Anna says she’s going to hook me up at her studio too. She needs someone to run it, I’ve got all my tattoo equipment ready to go… can’t wait to get started.” He says happily.

  “You look happier Connor.” I grin. It’s true, he seems so much more relaxed and at ease than I’ve ever seen him before.


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